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单词 德文
释义 〔Devonian〕After Devon , a county of southwest England 源自 德文 ,英格兰西南一村庄 〔Canetti〕Bulgarian-born writer whose works, all written in German, include a novel,The Tower of Babel (1935), and Crowds and Power (1960), a study of mass psychology. He won the 1981 Nobel Prize for literature. 卡内提,伊莱亚斯:(生于 1905) 保加利亚裔作家,其作品全部用德文写成,包括小说《巴别塔》 (1935年)和一本关于大众心理学研究的专著 《群众和权力》 (1960年)。他于1981年获诺贝尔文学奖 〔stingy〕"He lived in the most penurious manner, and denied himself every indulgence" (William Godwin).“他以最简朴的方式生活着,抵制一切奢侈” (威廉·葛德文)。〔kludge〕The wordkludge is not "etymologist-friendly,” having many possible origins,none of which can be definitively established.This term, found frequently in the jargon of the engineering and computer professions,denotes a usually workable but makeshift system, modification, solution, or repair.Kludge has had a relatively short life (first recorded in 1962 although it is said to have been used as early as 1944 or 1945) for a word with so many possible origins. The proposed sources of the word, Germanklug, kluge, "intelligent, clever,” or a blend ofklutz and nudge or klutz and refudge, do not contain all the necessary sounds to give us the word,correctly pronounced at least.The notions thatkludge may have been coined by a computer technician or that it might be the last name of a designer of graphics hardware seem belied by the possibility that it is older than such origins would allow.It seems most likely that the wordkludge originally was formed during the course of a specific situation in which such a device was called for.The makers of the word,if still alive,are no doubt unaware that etymologists need informationso they can stop trying to "kludge" an etymology together.单词kludge 不是“词源学家的朋友”, 有很多可能的来源,每一个都不能准确成立。这个词,经常在工程和电脑业的行话中找到,表示一个通常能工作但是临时凑合的系统、修改、解答或修理。作为一个有这么多可能的来源的词,kludge 却有一个相对小的年纪(1962年第一次有记载,尽管据说早到1944年或1945年就已经使用)。 该词被推荐的来源是德文klug, kluge “聪明的,灵巧的”, 或者klutz 和 nudge 的混合或 klutz 和 refudge 的混合, 没有包含能向我们给出这个词的所有必需的声音,至少是正确的发音。kludge 可能是由电脑技术人员杜撰的或者它可能是图形显示硬件的一名设计者的姓, 这些看法由于它比这些来源能允许的时间要早的可能性而被误解。看起来最可能的是单词kludge , 最早是在需要这样的设备的特定环境中形成的。这一单词的制造者,如果还健在的话,毫无疑问意识不到词源学家需要此类信息,这样他们才能终止“临时搭配”成一个词源的努力




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