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单词 德米
释义 〔palpable〕"There was a palpable sense of expectation in the court"(Nelson DeMille)See Synonyms at perceptible “在法庭上有一种明显的期待感”(纳尔逊·德米耶) 参见 perceptible〔conjure〕"a sight to store away, then conjure up someday when they were no longer together"(Nelson DeMille)“这景象尘封已久,但在他们分手之后的某一天又会浮现”(纳尔逊·德米耶)〔edge〕"the excitement of combat, of living on the edge"(Nelson DeMille)“由一触即发的战斗引起的激动”(纳尔逊·德米耶)〔green〕"a young . . . sergeant in dress greens"(Nelson DeMille)“穿绿色制服的年轻中士”(纳尔逊·德米耶)〔kill〕"Infantrymen . . . had seen too many kills suddenly get up and run away or shoot at them as they approached"(Nelson DeMille)“士兵…接近时看到许多死者突然站起来逃跑或向他们射击”(纳尔逊·德米耶)〔triggerman〕"Where is the moral justification . . . in offering the platoon survivors—the actual triggermen—immunity?”(Nelson DeMille)“给予这个排的幸存者——真正的枪手们豁免,那么公理何在?”(纳尔逊·德米耶)〔country〕"He'd been in country a month longer than the other four"(Nelson DeMille)“他比其他四个人已在越南多呆了一个月”(纳尔逊·德米耶)




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