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单词 忙于
释义 〔investigative〕Characterized by or engaged in investigation; specializing in uncovering and reporting hidden information:好调查的:以调查为特征的或忙于做调查的;专于揭示或报告隐藏信息的:〔diatribe〕Listening to a lengthy diatribe may seem like a waste of time,an attitude for which there is some etymological justification.The Greek worddiatribē, the ultimate source of our word, is derived from the verb diatribein, made up of the prefixdia-, "completely,” and tribein, "to rub,” "to wear away, spend, or waste time,” "to be busy.” The verbdiatribein meant "to rub hard,” "to spend or waste time,” and the noundiatribē meant "wearing away of time, amusement, serious occupation, study,” as well as "discourse, short ethical treatise or lecture, debate, argument.”It is the serious occupation of time in discourse, lecture, and debate that gave us the first use ofdiatribe recorded in English (1581), in the now archaic sense "discourse, critical dissertation.”The critical element of this kind of diatribe must often have been uppermost,explaining the origin of the current sense ofdiatribe, "a bitter criticism.” 听唠唠叨叨的絮语也许好象是浪费时间,这是一种态度,一些词源对此有所表明。该词的终源希腊单词diatribe 起源于由动词 diatribein ; 而后者是由前缀dia- “完全地”和 tribein (“消磨、消逝、花费或浪费时间”,“忙于”)所构成的。 动词diartibein 意思是“难熬”、“花费或浪费时间”, 而名词diatribe 意思是“时间消逝、消遣、热衷消遣,研究”, 还有“论文、伦理学论文,伦理学论文或讲演,争辩,论据”。在(1581年)英语中记载的第一次使用diatribe 是热衷于把时间消磨在论文、讲演和争辩中, 现在古体文含义是“论文,批评式的学术演讲”。这种论文所含批评因素必须常常占最主要的,它解释了diatribe 现代含义“尖刻批评”的词源 〔up〕Occupied with, especially devising or scheming:忙于(尤其是策划和密谋):〔ambiguous〕from ambigere [to go about] 源自 ambigere [忙于] 〔address〕To direct the efforts or attention of (oneself):忙于,专注于,投入:集中(某人的)精力或注意力:〔cotquean〕A man who busies himself with domestic matters traditionally regarded as suitable only for women.妇男:整日忙于做一些传统上被认为是妇女做的家务事的男人〔amiable〕She is affable enough when she is not preoccupied with business problems.当她不忙于公事的时候是很容易接近的。〔occupy〕To engage, employ, or busy (oneself):忙于:从事、雇佣或(自己)忙于〔abstract〕"The Bauhaus Functionalists were . . . busy unornamenting and abstracting modern architecture, painting and design"(John Barth)“包豪斯建筑学院的功能主义者…忙于把现代建筑、绘画和设计进行非装饰化和抽象化处理”(约翰·巴思)〔occupy〕occupied himself with sculpting.他自己忙于雕刻〔whir〕the whir of busy shoppers.忙于购物的人的闹哄哄的忙乱〔butterfly〕Is a butterfly named for the color of its excrement or because it was really a thieving witch?The first suggestion rests on the fact that an early Dutch name for the butterfly wasboterschijte. This name is as astonishing a phenomenon as the fact that anyone ever noticed the color of butterfly excrement.Apparently, however, when the butterfly was not busy leaving colorful traces of itself, it was stealing milk and butter.This was not because of its thievish nature but because it was really a mischievous witch in the form of a winged insect.So the second suggestion is that this predilection for butter larceny gave rise to the colorful insect's name.蝴蝶是以其排泄物的颜色命名的,还是因为它的确是个正在偷东西的精灵呢?第一个假设基于蝴蝶在古代荷兰语中的名称为boterschijte 这个事实。 这个名称同任何人都曾注意到蝴蝶的排泄物的颜色这个事实一样是个令人吃惊的现象。然而,很显然蝴蝶不是在忙于留下它们彩色的行迹就是忙于偷牛奶或奶油。这不是因为它有偷窃的天性而是因为它确实是一只作为有翅昆虫形体的淘气的精灵。所以第二个假设就是这种奶油盗窃的嗜好引出了彩色昆虫的命名〔work〕Engaged in labor; working:忙于劳动;在工作:〔excavate〕To engage in digging, hollowing out, or removing.挖掘:忙于挖掘、开凿或运走〔serious〕"The soldier . . . of today is . . . a quiet, grave man, busied in charts, exact in sums, master of the art of tactics" (Walter Bagehot).“今天的…这个士兵是…一个温和严肃、忙于图表、运算精确、掌握战术艺术的人” (沃尔特·巴杰特)。〔catchword〕"the top management of major corporations . . . busy coining catchwords for their new management concepts"(Japan Economic Journal)“大公司的高级管理阶层忙于炮制他们新的经营观念的口号”(日本经济日报)〔busy〕busied myself preparing my tax return.忙于准备申报所得税




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