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单词 忠心
释义 〔infidelity〕Lack of fidelity or loyalty:不忠实:缺乏忠心或诚意:〔assent〕 Subscribe indicates hearty consent or approval: Subscribe 指忠心地同意和赞成: 〔faithful〕Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, a cause, or an idea; loyal.忠心的:对人、观点或事物绝对坚定和效忠的;忠诚的〔devote〕 Devote implies faithfulness and loyalty: Devote 意指忠诚和忠心〔faithless〕"To thine own self be true,/And it must follow, as the night the day,/Thou canst not then be false to any man" (Shakespeare).One who isdisloyal is false to persons or things that are due allegiance: “对你自己忠实,/并长久坚持,/你将不会对别人虚情假意” (莎士比亚)。Disloyal 的人对人或事业缺乏忠心和忠诚: 〔fidelity〕Allegiance is faithfulness, as to a government or state to which one is subject, considered as a duty: Allegiance 是指对自己的国家或政府忠心,被看作是一种义务: 〔knight〕The devoted champion of a lady.贵妇人忠心的护卫者〔shadow〕A constant companion.挚友:忠心不变的伙伴〔pledge〕pledge loyalty to a nation; pledged their cooperation.See Synonyms at devote 向国家许诺忠心;许诺他们的合作 参见 devote〔good〕Loyal; staunch:忠诚的;忠心的:〔loyal〕Steadfast in allegiance to one's homeland, government, or sovereign.忠心的:对自己的祖国,政府或主权无限忠诚的〔henchman〕A loyal and trusted follower or subordinate.亲信:忠心而受信任的随从或部属




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