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单词 快速
释义 〔precipitate〕Moving rapidly and heedlessly; speeding headlong.仓促行进的,匆促的:快速而疏忽地移动的;猛然加速的〔babble〕To utter rapidly and indistinctly.含糊不清地说:快速模糊地发音〔roulade〕An embellishment consisting of a rapid run of several notes sung to one syllable.滚奏,颤音:由夹在两个旋律之间的快速过渡和音组成的装饰音〔rush〕To make a sudden or swift attack or charge.猛攻:进行突然或快速的进攻或袭击〔think〕thought up a plan to get rich quick.想出一个快速致富的方法〔snub〕To check the movement of (a rope or cable running out) by turning it quickly about a post.挽桩:通过快速缠绕一根柱子的方法制止(正在滑出去的一条绳子或缆的)运动〔nonflammable〕Not flammable, especially not readily ignited and not rapidly burned.不易燃的:不易燃的,尤指不容易点燃或不能快速燃烧的〔singe〕To burn off the feathers or bristles of (a carcass of a bird or an animal) by subjecting briefly to flame.See Synonyms at burn 1用微火燎去(毛):快速掠过火焰以烧掉(鸟或动物的尸体上的)羽毛或刚毛 参见 burn1〔alert〕Mentally responsive and perceptive; quick.思维敏捷的:思维反应迅速且感觉灵敏的;快速敏捷的〔rap〕A quick, light blow or knock.轻敲,轻叩:快速、轻轻的打击或敲打〔rattle〕To utter or perform rapidly or effortlessly:急速地讲:快速或毫不费力地说话和表演:〔foodie〕"in the culinary fast lane, where surprises are expected and foodies beg to be thrilled"(Boston Globe)“厨房的快速制作间,是一个有希望推陈出新和令美食家兴奋的地方”(波士顿环球)〔cram〕To eat quickly and greedily.快速贪婪地吃食物〔Jehu〕Israeli king who, according to the Old Testament, slew Ahab, Jezebel, and the prophets of Baal. He is proverbially known for his swift chariot driving.耶户:《圣经·旧约》中的以色列国王,他谋杀了亚哈、耶希别和太阳神的先知们。以快速驾驶战车而闻名〔doughnut〕A fast, tight 360° turn made in a motor vehicle or motorized boat.转圈:驾摩托车或摩托艇形成的360°的快速转圈〔whack〕A sharp, swift blow.重击:用力、快速的重击〔skipper〕Any of numerous butterflies of the families Hesperiidae and Megathymidae, having a hairy mothlike body, hooked tips on the antennae, and a darting flight pattern.弄蝶科蝴蝶:一种弄蝶总科和大弄蝶科的昆虫,具有长毛蛾状身体,钩状触角的顶端和快速飞翔的翼〔post〕To bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horse's trotting gait.在马鞍上起伏振动:随着马匹快速的步伐节奏而在马鞍上上下颠簸〔haste〕a legal system not known for celerity;一个不被快速了解的法律系统;〔speed〕The state of being in rapid motion; rapidity.迅速:快速运动的状态;快速〔twirl〕To move or spin around rapidly, suddenly, or repeatedly:快速快速、突然或重复地转圈:〔flutter〕To vibrate or beat rapidly or erratically:急跳,颤动:快速或不稳定地震颤或拍打:〔website〕The transition fromWorld Wide Web site to Web site to website seems to have progressed as rapidly as the technology itself. The development of website as a single uncapitalized word mirrors the development of other technological expressions which have tended to evolve into unhyphenated forms as they become more familiar. Thus email has recently been gaining ground over the forms E-mail and e-mail, especially in texts that are more technologically oriented. Similarly, there has been an increasing preference for closed forms like homepage, online, and printout. 从使用World Wide Web(万维网) 一词到 Web site(网络网站) 一词,再到 website(网站) 一词,其渐进过程,似乎就像网络科技本身那样进步快速。当 website 发展成为一个小写单词时,也正反映出其它科技字眼的发展也趋向于成为一般无连字符号单词,而且越来越为人所熟知。所以, email 一字近来已逐渐普遍取代 E-mail 及 e-mail ,尤其是在比较科技类范围的文章中。同样的,也有越来越喜欢采用封闭形态字型的趋势,例如 homepage(首页)、online(在线) 和 printout(印出) 〔flame〕The zone of burning gases and fine suspended matter associated with rapid combustion; a hot, glowing mass of burning gas or vapor.火焰:气体燃烧的部分和与快速燃烧有关的微小悬浮物质;燃着的气体或蒸气的发热、发光的部分〔rattle〕To make or emit a quick succession of short percussive sounds.发嘎嘎声:产生或发出快速、持续不断的简短敲击声〔gallop〕gallop the mail to the next station.将信件快速送往下一站〔flutter〕Rapid fluctuation in the pitch of a sound reproduction resulting from variations in the speed of the recording or reproducing equipment.干扰声:在声音被重播时由于声速的变化而使磁带中重播器产生快速震颤而失真〔trill〕A rapid vibration of one speech organ against another, as of the tongue against the alveolar ridge in Spanishrr. 颤动:一个讲话器官与另一个相摩擦的快速颤动,如在西班牙语中发rr 时,舌尖与齿嵴的快速颤动 〔rash〕Characterized by or resulting from ill-considered haste or boldness.See Synonyms at reckless 鲁莽的:以轻率的快速和莽撞为特点的或由此而发生的 参见 reckless〔race〕Steady or rapid onward movement:快速的前行:稳定或快速向前的运动:〔speed〕Hasten suggests urgency and often eager or rash swiftness: Hasten 有紧急之意,经常表示因焦急或草率而快速〔fast〕These adjectives refer to something, such as activity or movement, marked by great speed.Fast and rapid are often used interchangeably, thoughfast is more often applied to the person or thing in motion, andrapid, to the activity or movement involved: 这些形容词指活动或运动极为快速的事物。Fast 和 rapid 通常可以互换, 然而fast 更多指运动中的人或物, 而rapid 指相关的活动或运动: 〔snapshoot〕To take a snapshot of.快照:快速拍镜头〔shake〕Quiver suggests a slight, rapid, tremulous movement: Quiver 暗指轻微的、快速的、震颤的运动: 〔zipper〕The wordzipper is an example of what the owners of trademarks try to prevent. Registered in 1925,zipper was originally a B.F. Goodrich trademark for overshoes with fasteners. A Goodrich executive is said to have slid the fastener up and down on the boot and exclaimed, "Zip 'er up,”from the zipping sound made by the device.The nounzip and the verb zip, referring to a light sharp sound or to motion accompanied by that kind of sound, were already in existence (zip as a noun was first recorded in 1875; as a verb, in 1852). The two words owed their origin to the imitation by speakers of the sound made by a rapidly moving object.As the fastener that "zipped" came to be used in other articles,its name became generalized.B.F. Goodrich sued to protect its trademark but was allowed to retain proprietary rights over it only for itsZipper Boots. Zipper had moved out into the world of common nouns. 单词zipper 是商标所有者试图阻止的实例。 1925年注册的zipper 原来是一种带有扣袢的便鞋的B.F.古德里奇商标。 据说古德里奇的管理人员把靴子上的扣袢上下拉并叫道"Zip'er up",来自于这种扣件发出的嘘嘘声。指轻微而尖锐的声音或伴随着那种声音的行动的名词zip 和动词 zip , 其早已存在(zip 作为名词最早记录于1875年;作为动词记录于1852年)。 这两个词的出现是来自于说话人模仿快速移动物体所发出的声音。象扣袢"zipped"已被用于其它文章中,这个名字变得广为使用。B.F.古德里奇要求保护其商标但仅被允许保留其在对Zipper Boots的使用。 Zipper已经成为一个十分普通的名词 〔volley〕To move rapidly, forcefully, or loudly like missiles:连声发出:象枪弹那样快速、有力或大声地运动:〔tachyphylaxis〕A rapidly decreasing response to a drug following administration of the initial doses.快速抗药反应:在服用了最初的剂量后对一种药物的反应迅速降低的现象〔infectious〕Easily or readily communicated:有感染力的:容易或能快速传播的:〔burble〕To speak quickly and excitedly; gush.说话快速而激动;滔滔不绝地说〔quicksand〕Often quicksands A place or situation into which entry can be swift and sudden but from which extrication can be difficult or impossible: 常作 quicksands 陷阱:一种可快速轻易进入的地方或形势,但从中脱身可能很困难或不可能的:




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