单词 | 性情 |
释义 | 〔smile〕A pleasant or favorable disposition or aspect.笑容:高兴的或赞许的性情或外观〔moony〕Dreamy in mood or nature; absent-minded.梦似的心境或性情;心不在焉的〔feeling〕An emotional state or disposition; an emotion:情绪:情感状态或性情;感情:〔inclined〕Having a preference, disposition, or tendency.有…爱好、性情或倾向的〔genial〕Having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner; cordial and kindly.See Synonyms at gracious 友好的,和蔼可亲的:有开朗的或友好的性情或举止的;热诚的并且亲切的 参见 gracious〔expression〕The outward manifestation of a mood or a disposition:感情的显现:情绪或性情的外在表露:〔predilection〕A partiality or disposition in favor of something; a preference.偏爱,偏袒:偏爱或喜欢事物的性情;偏爱〔unstable〕Fickle.多变的:性情多变的;朝三暮四的〔incurable〕Incapable of being altered, as in disposition or habits:无法改变的;不能矫正的:性情或习惯无法更改的:〔strain〕A streak; a trace.See Synonyms at streak 气质;性情 参见 streak〔nature〕The fundamental character or disposition of a person; temperament:脾气性格:人的本质性情和性格;性情:〔angular〕Rigid, stiff, and unyielding in character or disposition:生硬的,固执的,不让步的:性格或性情生硬的、固执的、不让步的:〔make〕The physical or moral nature of a person; character or disposition:性格:一个人的身体或精神上的本质;性格或者性情:〔congenial〕Latin genius [the personification of one's natural inclinations] * see genius 拉丁语 genius [某人的性情的体现] * 参见 genius〔tempered〕Having a specified temper or disposition. Often used in combination:气质的:有某种特定的性情或脾气的。通常用以构成复合词:〔amiable〕Agreeable suggests being in accord with one's own feelings, nature, or tastes: Agreeable 表示与某人的感情、性情或爱好和谐一致: 〔will〕Bearing or attitude toward others; disposition:情感,心意:对别人所抱有的心境或态度、性情:〔benign〕Of a kind and gentle disposition.善良的:性情善良与温和的〔alien〕emotions alien to her temperament.See Synonyms at extrinsic 和她的性情格格不入的情感 参见 extrinsic〔individuality〕The aggregate of qualities and characteristics that distinguish one person or thing from others; character:个性,性情:强调作为个体的人或事物与其他人或事物不同的性质和特点;独特性:〔playful〕"A mischievous excitability is the most obvious expression of [his face]. If he were a horse, nobody would buy him;with that eye no one could answer for his temper" (Walter Bagehot).“顽皮的兴奋是最明显的表情。 如果他是一匹马,没有人会买他;带有那种眼神的人,没有人能知道他的性情” (沃尔特·巴杰特)。〔animal〕A human being considered with respect to his or her physical, as opposed to spiritual, nature.兽性,动物性:一个人身体方面的特性,与精神和性情相对的方面〔sympathetic〕Agreeably suited to one's disposition or mood; congenial:和谐的,合意的:与某人的性情或情绪相符合的;意气相投的:〔sanguine〕Having the temperament and ruddy complexion formerly thought to be characteristic of a person dominated by this humor; passionate.热情的:具有以前被认为是多此种液体的人的典型特征的性情和红润脸色的;充满激情的〔temper〕A state of mind or emotions; disposition:性情:情绪或情感的一种状态;性情:〔mood〕 Humor often implies a state of mind resulting from one's characteristic disposition or temperament;it sometimes suggests fitfulness or variability: Humor 常指由一个人的性格倾向或性情引起的精神状态;有时指不规则的或变化的状态: 〔sanguine〕Perhaps one has wondered what the connection betweensanguinary, "bloodthirsty,” and sanguine, "cheerfully optimistic,” could be. The connection can be found in medieval physiology with its notion of the four humors (blood, bile, phlegm, and black bile).These four body fluids were thought to determine a person's temperament,or distinguishing mental and physical characteristics.Thus, if blood was the predominant humor, one had a ruddy face and a disposition marked by courage, hope, and a readiness to fall in love.Such a temperament was calledsanguine, the Middle English ancestor of our wordsanguine. The sources of the Middle English word were Old Frenchsanguin and Latin sanguineus, the source of the French word. Both the Old French and Latin words meant "bloody,” "blood-colored,”Old Frenchsanguin having the sense "sanguine in temperament" as well. Latinsanguineus in turn was derived from sanguīs, "blood,” just as English sanguinary is. The English adjectivesanguine, first recorded in Middle English before 1350, went on to refer simply to the cheerfulness and optimism that accompanied a sanguine temperament,no longer having any direct reference to medieval physiology.也许有人对sanguinary (“嗜血的”)和 sanguine (“愉快乐观的”)两词之间的联系感到不解。 这种联系可以追溯到中世纪生理学中四种体液的概念(多血质型、胆汁型、黏液型和抑郁型)。这四种体液被认为可决定人的性格,或者能区分出精神和肉体上的特征。因此,如果血液是最主要的体液,一个人就应有红润的脸庞和以勇敢、充满希望、易于陷入情网为特征的性情。这种性情被称为sanguine , 也就是我们sanguine 一词的中世纪英语的原形。 中世纪英语中该词源于古法语sanguin 一词和拉丁文 sanguineus (法语词的来源)。 在古法语和拉丁文中,该词意思都是“流血的”、“血色的”,古法语sanguin 还含有“生性乐天派的”之意。 拉丁文的sanguineus 也是由 sanguis (“血的”)而来,正如英语中的 sanguinary 一词。 英语形容词sanguine 最初记载于1350年以前的中古英语中, 演化为仅指伴随乐天派性情而具有的愉快和乐观之义,与中世纪生理学没有直接联系〔bonhomie〕A pleasant and affable disposition; geniality.和蔼,友好:亲切和蔼的性情;友善〔ethos〕The disposition, character, or fundamental values peculiar to a specific person, people, culture, or movement:社会精神特质:一种特定的人、民族、文化或社会活动所特有的性情、气质、个性或基本的价值:〔understanding〕A disposition to appreciate or share the feelings and thoughts of others; sympathy.同情,了解:懂得或分享别人的感觉和思想的性情;同情〔jocund〕Sprightly and lighthearted in disposition, character, or quality.See Synonyms at jolly 欢乐的,愉快的:在性情、性格或特征上欢乐的和愉快的 参见 jolly〔outrageous〕Violent or unrestrained in temperament or behavior.残暴的:性情或行为狂暴或放纵的〔disposition〕"Her highly strung temperament made her uncertain . . . capricious . . . enchanting" (George Bernard Shaw). “她极易激动的个性使得她性情多变. . .反复无常. . .魅力无穷” (乔治·贝尔纳·萧伯纳)。〔mild〕Gentle or kind in disposition, manners, or behavior.温和的:性情、举止或行为文雅或善良的〔obedient〕"the natives . . . being . . . of an intelligent tractable disposition" (Samuel Butler).“性情聪明温顺的当地人” (塞缪尔·巴特勒)〔feisty〕Full of spirit or pluck; frisky or spunky.See Regional Note at feist 精力充沛的或活跃的;性情活泼的或精神蓬勃的 参见 feist〔detraction〕A derogatory or damaging comment on a person's character or reputation; disparagement:诽谤,毁誉:关于人的性情或名誉的贬抑性评论;毁谤:〔flexible〕a resilient temperament). 开朗的性情)。 〔amiable〕Good-natured suggests a tolerant, easygoing disposition; sometimes it also implies a docile nature: Good-natured 指性情宽厚,容易相处;有时也指性情温顺: 〔natured〕Having a nature or temperament of a specified kind. Often used in combination:性情的:一特定种类的性格或性情。经常用于复合词中: |
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