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单词 意义
释义 〔author〕The verbauthor, which had been out of use for a long period, has been rejuvenated in recent years with the sense "to assume responsibility for the content of a published text.” As such it is not quite synonymous with the verbwrite ; one can write, but not author, a love letter or an unpublished manuscript,and the writer who ghostwrites a book for a celebrity cannot be said to have "authored" the creation. The sentenceHe has authored a dozen books on the subject was unacceptable to 74 percent of the Usage Panel, probably because it implies that the fact of having a book published is worthy of special lexical distinction, a notion that sits poorly with conventional literary sensibilities,and which seems to smack of press agentry.The sentenceThe Senator authored a bill limiting uses of desert lands in California was similarly rejected by 64 percent of the Panel, though here the usage is common journalistic practice,and is perhaps justified by the observation that we do not expect that legislators will actually write the bills to which they attach their names. ·The verbcoauthor is well established in reference to scientific and scholarly publications, where it serves a useful purpose,since the people listed as authors of such works routinely include research collaborators who have played no part in the actual writing of the text,but who are nonetheless entitled to credit for the published results.动词author, 很长一段时间不再使用, 近年来又以“对某一出版作品的内容负有责任”的含义重新起用。因此,它已不完全同动词write 同义; 一个人可以写一封求爱信或未出版的草稿,但不是作者,某一人即使雇人写出一篇杰作也不能说是“创作”了作品。对句子他已就这个论题创作了十二部作品 74%的用法专题小组不能接受, 可能因为它暗示着一个事实,即一本已出版的书一定有特别的词汇意义上区别的价值,这是与传统文学观念不太相容的概念,并带有出版机构的意味。此句参议员提出了一个限制使用加利福尼亚地区沙漠土地的议案 ,同样有64%的用法专题小组成员不能接受, 虽然这里这种用法是新闻界实践的惯用。这恐怕是因为我们并不希望立法人员真的是写作一项议案然后在其上署上他们的名字吧。·动词coauthor 是在科学及学术发表论文的意义上建立的, 这里这个词的使用有一个重要意义,因为创作者名单上列出作为这部作品创作者的人通常包括共同研究人员,既使他们实际上并未参加写作,但不可否认地对出版物的结果做出了贡献〔neighbor〕Loving one's neighbor as oneself would be much easier,or perhaps much more difficult,if the wordneighbor had kept to its etymological meaning. The source of our word,the assumed West Germanic form.nāhgabūr, was a compound of the words.nēhwiz, "near,” and .būram, "dweller, especially a farmer.” A neighbor, then, was a near dweller.Nēahgebūr, the Old English descendant of this West Germanic word, and its descendant in Middle English, neighebor, and our Modern English neighbor have all retained the literal notion,even though one can now have many neighbors whom one does not know,a situation that would have been highly unlikely in earlier times.The extension of this word to mean "fellow" is probably attributable to the Christian concern with the treatment of one's fellow human beings,as in the passage in Matthew 19:19 that urges love of one's neighbor.象爱自己一样爱邻居会更容易,也可能更难,如果neighbor 这个词保持其词源意义的话。 这个词的来源,假定在西日耳曼语中形式为nahgabur, 是nehwiz “附近的”和 buram “居住者,尤指农夫”的合成词。 那么邻居就是附近的居住者。Neahgebur 这个西日耳曼词发展的古英语形式, 中世纪英语形式nerghebor 及现代英语 neighbor 形式, 都保持了字面意义,即使现在一个可能有许多人都不认识的邻居,这是一种以前很不可能有的情况。这个词的引申意义“人”大概出自基督徒关心如何对待世人,比如在《马太19:19》中就有要求热爱自己邻居的篇章〔acknowledge〕Avow, a strong term, means to assert openly and boldly: Avow, 一带强烈意义的词,表示公开大胆地宣扬: 〔fellow〕A jolly good fellow might or might not be the ideal business associate,but the ancestor of our wordfellow definitely referred to a business partner. Fellow, borrowed into English from Old Norse,is related to the Old Icelandic wordfēlagi, meaning "a partner or shareholder of any kind.”Old Icelandicfēlagi is derived from fēlag, "partnership,” a compound made up offē, "livestock, property, money,” and lag, "a laying in order" and "fellowship.” The notion of putting one's property together lies behind the senses offēlagi meaning "partner" and "consort.”In Old Icelandicfēlagi also had the general sense "fellow, mate, comrade,” whichfellow has as well, indicating perhaps that most partnerships turned out all right for speakers of Old Icelandic.极好的伙伴可能是但也可能不是理想的商业伙伴,但fellow 这个词的前身确实是指商业伙伴。 Fellow 从古挪威语中借入英语,与古冰岛词felagi 有关, 意思是“任何一种形式的伙伴或股东”。古冰岛的felagi 源于 felag, “伙伴关系,” 一个由fe “家畜,财产,钱,”和 lag, “整齐的布置”和“伙伴关系” 组成的合成词。 将某人的财产放在一起的概念隐藏在felagi 的意义中, 意思是“伙伴”和“同事”。在古冰岛语中felagi 也有概括的含义“伙伴,同事,同志”, 这些意思fellow 也有, 暗示着也许大多数同伴关系对讲古冰岛语的人来说结果都不错〔synonym〕A word or an expression that serves as a figurative or symbolic substitute for another.换喻词:作为另一个词的比喻或象征性意义的代替词或短语〔Mandingo〕A group of closely related Mande languages including Bambara, Malinke, and Maninka, widely spoken in western Africa. Also called In this sense, also called Mandekan 曼丁哥语:一组相互关系紧密的曼丁哥语言,包括班巴拉语、马林克语和马怪卡语,在西非被广泛使用 也作 在此意义上也可称作 Mandekan〔shambles〕The original sense ofshambles to denote a meat market is by now so obscurein American usage that it must be counted the height of pedantry to insist,as a few critics continue to do,that the word should be used metaphorically only to refer to a scene of carnage.作为指肉市的单词shambles 的原始意义, 现在已很模糊,以致在美语用法中认为这个词只能隐喻地指屠杀情景,若还象一些批评家继续做的那样,准会被看作是极度迂腐的做法〔example〕Specimen is sometimes synonymous withsample, but it often denotes an individual, representative member of a group or class: Specimen 有时同sample 意义相近, 但它更多地指一组或一类事物中个别的有代表性的成员: 〔shall〕The sentenceYou shall have your money expresses a promise ("I will see that you get your money"), whereasYou will have your money makes a simple prediction. · Such, at least, are the traditional rules.But the distinction has never taken firm root outside of what H.W. Fowler described as "the English of the English" (as opposed to that of the Scots and Irish), and even there it has always been subject to variation.Despite the efforts of generations of American schoolteachers, the distinction is largely alien to the modern American idiom.In Americawill is used to express most of the senses reserved for shall in English usage, andshall itself is restricted to first person interrogative proposals, as inShall we go? and to certain fixed expressions, such asWe shall overcome. Shall is also used in formal style to express an explicit obligation,as inApplicants shall provide a proof of residence, though this sense is also expressed bymust or should. In speech the distinction that the English signal by the choice ofshall or will may be rendered by stressing the auxiliary, as in I will leave tomorrow ("I intend to leave"); by choosing another auxiliary, such as must or have to; or by using an adverb such as certainly. · Many earlier American writers observed the traditional distinction betweenshall and will, and some continue to do so.The practice cannot be called incorrect,though it may strike American ears as somewhat mannered.But the distinction is difficult for those who do not come by it natively,and Americans who essay ashall in an unfamiliar context run considerable risk of getting it wrong, and so of being caught out in that most embarrassing of linguistic gaffes, the bungled Anglicism.See Usage Note at should 句子你将得到你的钱 表达了一种承诺(“我将保证你得到你的钱”), 而你会得到你的钱 仅仅做出了简单预测。 这些至少是传统规则。但是这种用法上的区别仅局限于H·W·福勒所描述的“英格兰人的英语”(与苏格兰人和爱尔兰人的英语相对),即使在英格兰英语中它一直在变化。尽管经过几代美国学校教师的努力,这种区别对现代美国习惯用语仍是相当生疏的。在美国,will 被用来表达在英国用法中大多为 shall 保留的含义, 而shall 则限于第一人称疑问句式的提议, 如在我们该走了吧? 及某些固定表达中, 例如我们会克服的。 Shall 也用在正式文体中表示明确职责,如申请者应提供居留证明 , 虽然这个意义也可用must 或 should 表达。 在口语中可以通过强调助动词shall 或 will ,如 我 将 于明天离开 (“我打算明天离开”);或通过选择另一个助动词 must 或 have to ;或通过使用如 certainly 这样的副词来表达英国人用这两个词时的区别。 许多早期的美国作家注意到了shall 和 will 之间的传统区别, 而且一些人仍在继续这样做。这种用法不能被称作不正确,虽然美国人听起来有点矫揉造作的意味。但是这种区别对于那些不能通过母语了解它的人是困难的,而且在一个不熟悉的上下文中,试图用shall 的美国人很有可能犯错误, 因而在许多令人难堪的语言即被搞得一团糟的英式英语中出丑 参见 should〔desideratum〕"The point is not that the artist has ‘penetrated the character’ of his sitter, that commonplace desideratum of portraiture"(Robert Hughes)“关键并不是画家洞察了他的模特儿的性格特征以表现肖像画通常表达的意义”(罗伯特·休斯)〔unique〕Over the course of the centuryunique has become the paradigmatic example of the class of terms that do not allow comparison or modification by an adverb of degree such as very, somewhat, or quite. Thus, most grammarians believe that it is incorrect to say that something isvery unique or more unique than something else, though phrases such asnearly unique and almost unique are acceptable. In the most recent survey the sentenceHer designs are quite unique in today's fashion scene was unacceptable to 80 percent of the Usage Panel. · Critical objections to the comparison and degree modification of absolute terms date to the 18th centuryand have been applied to a wide group of adjectives includingequal, fatal, omnipotent, parallel, perfect, and unanimous. According to the standard argument, such words denote properties that a thing either does or does not have but cannot have to a qualifiable degree.Thus ifunique is properly used to mean "without equal or equivalent,” something either is unique or it isn't, and phrases such asvery unique and more unique can only betray a weakening of the sense to mean something like "unusual" or "distinctive.” It is true that comparison and modification ofunique are often associated with the style favored by copywriters, as in the advertisement announcing thatOmaha's most unique restaurant is now even more unique or in the claim that a new automobile is So unique, it's patented. But modification ofunique is also found in the work of reputable writers, where it may lack any connotations of hyperbole.A painting is described asthe most unique of Beckman's self-portraits, and a travel writer states thatChicago is no less unique an American city than New York or San Francisco. The relative acceptability of these usages reflects the semantic subtlety ofunique itself. If we were to useunique only according to the strictest criteria of logic, after all, we might freely apply the term to anything in the worldsince nothing is wholly equivalent to anything else.Clearly, then, when we say that a restaurant or painting is unique,we mean that it is worthy of inclusion in a class by itself according to certain implicit but generally accepted criteria.Thus a legitimately unique painting might be one that realizes an unparalleled aesthetic vision,but not one that is rendered only in pigments whose names begin with the lettero; and a legitimately unique restaurant might be one that serves 18th-century French cuisine according to the original recipes,not one that has been installed in a converted sardine cannery.Given this understanding, it is not inherently impossible to think of uniqueness as a matter of degree,in the sense that one painting or restaurant may be more or less worthy of inclusion in a class by itself than some other. ·What is troubling about the copywriters' use ofunique is not that the word has become a synonym for unusual. Rather, it is the copywriters who are using the word in conformity with strict logic.Uniqueness is claimed for a restaurant in virtue of some trivial properties of its decor or menu,or for a resort hotel that simply happens to have a singularly picturesque view of the bay.Though it may be true that such properties render these thingslogically unique, they do not constitute legitimate grounds for putting the things into a class by themselves according to the criteria ordinarily invoked when things are sorted into classes.In fact, the abuse ofunique can be cloying even when no modification or comparison is involved; when we read an advertisement for a line of sportswear that featuresa unique selection of colors, we may suspect that the distinctive properties of the color selection are not so remarkable as the advertiser would have us believe. But it is not surprising that these uses ofunique should lend themselves to promiscuous modification and comparison; for once it is granted that uniqueness can be claimed for any product or service that is somehow distinctive from all its competitors,it is inevitable that an increase in uniqueness will be seen in every minor innovation.See Usage Note at equal ,infinite ,parallel ,perfect 在本世纪整个过程中unique 已成为不能由程度副词,例 very、somewhat 或 quite, 比较或修饰的一类术语的例证。 因此,多数语法学家认为说某事是very unique 或 more unique than 是不正确的, 虽然短语例如nearly unique 和 almost unique 是可接受的。 在最近的调查中,句子Her designs are quite unique in today's fashion scene (她的设计在现今流行样式的场面中是很独特的) 对用法专题使用小组的百分之八十成员是不可接受的。 对纯粹术语的比较和程度修饰的主要异议可追述到18世纪,并已广泛用到许多形容词中,包括equal, fatal, omnipotent, parallel, perfect 和 unanimous。 根据标准论据,这些单词表示一事有或没有但不能有可修饰的程度的性质。于是如果unique 适当地用于表示“没有相等或相当的”,则某事是唯一的或不是唯一的, 而短语像very unique 和 more unique 仅能表露出说明某事像“不寻常的”或“独特的”的意义的减弱。 的确,unique 的比较和修饰常与撰稿人喜欢的文体相联系, 如在广告中称Omaha's most unique restaurant is now even more unique(奥马哈城的最独特的餐馆现在甚至是更加独特) 或声称新汽车是 So unique, it's patented(如此独特,它取得了专利权)。 但是unique 的修饰也在著名作家的作品中发现, 那里可能缺乏夸张法的任何涵义。描述一张油画为the most unique of Beckman's self-portraits(最独特的贝克曼的自画像), 一位旅游作家叙述Chicago is no less unique an American city than New York or San Francisco(芝加哥比纽约或旧金山是不逊独特的美国城市)。 这些用法的相对可接受性反映unique 自身语义的巧妙。 如果我们仅按照逻辑的严格标准使用unique , 则我们终于会自由地把此术语使用于世界上的任何事,因为没有完全等同于另一事的事。于是,显然当我们说餐馆或油画是独特的时,我们意味着根据某种隐含的但可普遍接受的判据它是值得包含在一个等级内的。于是合理独特的油画可能是实现空前未有的审美型的,而不是仅给予名字以字母O开始的颜料; 合理独特的餐馆可能根据原来的食谱提供18世纪法国菜肴的餐馆,而不是配备转换的沙丁鱼罐头食品的餐馆。按这样了解,将独特性视为程度问题不是本来就不可能的,在这个意义上一张油画或一个餐馆或多或少可能是极好的有价值的内涵物而不是其他。关于撰稿人使用unique 的困惑不是此单词已成为 unusual 的同义词。 相反地,正是撰稿人使用此单词与严密的逻辑相一致。对餐馆声称独特性是由于它的布置或菜单的某些不重要的性质,或者对于人们常去的旅馆仅因为有海湾的独一无二地别致的景象。虽然这样的性质使得这些事logically 独特的可能是真实的, 但是当事情进行了分类,根据平常实行的判据把这些事情自身放到一类,他们不组成正常的基础。事实上unique 的滥用会使人发腻,即使在没有涉及修饰或比较的时候; 当我们读运动服装的unique selection of colors(颜色的独特选择) 的一行广告时, 我们会怀疑颜色选择的独特性质并非广告商希望我们所认为的那么明显。但不必惊讶于unique 的这些用法应当适用于杂乱的修饰和比较; 就这一次可以承认,独特性能用来指任何产品或服务,它们与所有的竞争者相比较有某种程度的特色,在每一小的创新中可以看到独特性的增加是必然会发生的 参见 equal,infinite,parallel,perfect〔giant〕A person of extraordinary power, significance, or importance:伟人,卓越人物:具有非凡力量、意义或重要性的人:〔black〕"When the history books are written in future generations, the historians will . . . say, ‘There lived a great people—a black people—who injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization’”(Martin Luther King, Jr.)"Despite the exposure, being young, gifted and Black in the corridors of power has its trying moments"(Ebony)“后世在撰写历史书时,历史学家会…说,‘这里有过一个伟大的民族——黑人民族——他们为文明的血脉注入了崭新的意义与尊严’”(小马丁·路德·金)“尽管有成功的机会,在通向权力的道路上,做为年轻、有天份的黑人尚需经历艰难时刻”(艾伯尼)〔Swahili〕The Bantu language of the Swahili that is the official language of Tanzania and is widely used as a lingua franca in eastern and east-central Africa. Also called In this sense, also called Kiswahili 斯瓦希里语:作为坦桑尼亚官方语言的斯瓦希里班图语,在东非或中东非被广泛地用作通用交际语言 也作 在此意义上也可称作 Kiswahili〔bevel〕Two rules joined together as adjustable arms used to measure or draw angles of any size or to fix a surface at an angle. Also called In this sense, also called bevel square 斜角规:组合在一起作为可调节臂的两把刻度尺,用以测量或描划任意大小的角或以某一角度固定一平面 也作 在此意义上也可称作 bevel square〔celibate〕Historically,celibate means only "unmarried"; its use to mean "abstaining from sexual intercourse" is a 20th-century development.But the new sense of the word appears more or less to have displaced the old,and the use ofcelibate to mean "unmarried" is now almost sure to invite misinterpretation in other than narrowly ecclesiastical contexts.Sixty-eight percent of the Usage Panel rejected the older use in the sentenceHe remained celibate [unmarried] , although he engaged in sexual intercourse. 历史上,celibate 只作“未婚的”解; 用作“禁欲”的意思是在20世纪发展起来的。但是该词的新含义多少有取代原含义的趋势,并用celibate 作“未婚的”意义, 现在除了在狭小的神学领域外几乎都会引起误解。用法专题使用小组百分之六十八的成员在句子他仍是单身的 [未婚的] ,尽管他仍保有性生活 中,拒绝使用该词的旧含义 〔internecine〕In the first edition of theAmerican Heritage Dictionary 91 percent of the Usage Panel approved the use ofinternecine relating to internal struggle within a nation or organization that did not necessarily imply fatal or destructive conflict.The objection that had been overcome for most of the Panel was thatinternecine should imply such destruction because it came from the Latin wordinternecīnus, a variant ofinternecīvus, "fought to the death, murderous,” ultimately derived fromnecāre, "to kill.” Inter- in this compound is simply an intensive, supplying the notion of "all the way to" in the sense "fought to the death.”Internecine in English, first recorded in 1663, indeed meant "deadly, destructive,”but Samuel Johnson, inserting the word in his dictionary of 1755,thought thatinter- meant "mutual" and so defined it as "endeavoring mutual destruction.”This definition set the word incorrectly on its present course,and wheninternecine was further extended simply to mean "relating to internal struggle,” the original error was compounded.However, the point is that the meaning of words can be changed by mistakes and that mistaken meanings adhere to words.Only an occasional etymologist points out that the emperor's new clothes are patched.在美国经典辞书 第一版中, 百分之九十一的用法专题使用小组成员赞同internecine 与一个国家或组织内部的斗争有关, 但并不一定是致命的或有破坏性的冲突。为大多数小组成员说服的反对意见为internecine 应该暗指这种破坏, 因为它来源于拉丁词internecinus , 是internecivus 的变体,意为“战至死亡的,谋杀的”, 它最终来源于意为“杀害”的necare 。 在这个复合词中inter- 只是简单的一个强调成分, 在“战至死亡的”这个意义上加上“一直”这个概念。在英语中internecine 最早记载于1663年, 确实意味着“致死的,破坏性的”,但是塞缪尔·约翰逊在其1755年的字典中插入此词,认为inter- 意为“共同的”, 并且将它定义为“竭力造成共同破坏的”。这个定义造成此词今日用法的不准确,而且当internecine 更进一步被简单地引申为“关于内部斗争的”时, 其起源的错误就加重了。但是,重要的是词的意思被错误改变并且为错误意思所追随。只有偶尔的一个词源学家指出“皇帝的新衣服打满补丁”〔desert〕When Shakespeare says in Sonnet 72,"Unless you would devise some virtuous lie,/To do more for me than mine own desert,”he is using the worddesert in the sense of "worthiness; deserving,” a word that is perhaps most familiar to us in the plural, meaning "something that is deserved,”as in the phrasejust deserts. This word goes back to the Latin worddēservīre, "to devote oneself to the service of,”which in Vulgar Latin came to mean "to merit by service.” Dēservīre is made up ofdē-, meaning "thoroughly,” and servīre, "to serve.” Knowing this,we can distinguish thisdesert from desert, "a wasteland,” and desert, "to abandon,” both of which go back to Latindēserere, "to forsake, leave uninhabited,” which is made up ofdē-, expressing the notion of undoing, and the verb serere, "to link together.” We can also distinguish all threedeserts from dessert, "a sweet course at the end of a meal,” which is from the French worddesservir, "to clear the table.” Desservir is made up ofdes-, expressing the notion of reversal, and servir (from Latin servīre ), "to serve,” hence, "to unserve" or "to clear the table.”当莎士比亚在第72首十四行诗中说:“除非你能编出善意的谎言/把我说得比我本人强得多”,这里desert 的意思就是“应得的东西”。 对这个词,我们最熟悉的大概是其复数形式(意思是“应得的东西”)。例如在词组just deserts 中。 该词的起源可以追溯到拉丁词deservire , 意为“为…而献身”,在俗拉丁语中,意思就变成了“依据服务应得…”。 Deservire 由de- 意思是“完全地,彻底地”和 servire “服务”组成。 知道了这些,我们就可以把desert 与 desert “荒原”和 desert “放弃”区别开来。 后面两个意义可追溯到拉丁语deserere “遗弃,无人居住”, 它由de- 表示“不做”的概念和动词 serere “连接到一起”组成。 我们也能把所有这三个deserts 与 dessert “正餐最后上的一道甜食”区分开来, 后者来自法语词desservir “收拾桌子”。 Desservir 由表达“反,逆”概念的des- 和 servir 组成(来自拉丁语 servire ), 意为“服务”、“因此“、“不上菜”或“清理桌子”〔carambola〕The fruit of this plant, eaten fresh or used to make jams and juices. Also called In this sense, also called star fruit 阳桃:该乔木结的果实,可生吃,或用于制果酱和果汁 也作 在此意义上也可称作 star fruit〔injustice〕 Wrong in a legal sense refers to what violates the rights of an individual or adversely affects the public welfare;in a more general sense, however,the word is similar in meaning to but more emphatic thaninjustice: Wrong 在法律上讲指侵犯了个人权利或危害公共利益;但从更广泛的意义上讲,这个词语气和injustice很相似但更重一些: 〔unmeaning〕gave a vapid and unmeaning response to a difficult query.对一个难于回答的提问作出了一个干瘪而无甚意义的反应〔rude〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "marked by a lack of skill and finish": 这些形容词共同的中心意义是“缺少技巧和精致的”: 〔effective〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "producing or capable of producing a desired effect": 这些形容词的中心意义是“产生或能产生期望的结果”: 〔Breton〕Abbr. Bret.The Celtic language of Brittany. Also called In this sense, also called Armoric 缩写 Bret.布列塔尼人的凯尔特语 也作 在此意义上也可称作 Armoric〔resent〕When we read the statement "Should we not be monstrously ingratefull if we did not deeply resent such kindness?” (from theSermons of Isaac Barrow, written before 1677), we may be pardoned for momentarily thinking we are in never-never land.For a time ranging roughly from the last part of the 17th century to the second half of the 18th,the wordresent did refer to gratefulness and appreciation as well as injury and insult. Resent has also been used in other senses that seem strange to us, such as "to feel pain" or "to perceive by smell.”The thread that ties the senses together is the notion of feeling or perceiving.The Old French source of our word,resentir, "to feel strongly,” is made up of the prefix re-, acting in this case as an intensive, and sentir, "to feel or perceive.” There is much that one can feel,but at least for now this word has narrowed its focus to a feeling of indignation.当我们读到“假如我们对这种仁慈不深表感激,我们就应该极度地忘恩负义吗”(选自伊萨克·巴罗的启示 ,写于1677年以前)这一叙述时, 我们瞬间地想到我们处于人烟稀少的边远地区就可以得到原谅了。在大致从17世纪后期到18世纪下半期这段时间内,resent 一词确实意指感激和赏识,同时又可以指伤害和侮辱。 Resent 还可以用于在我们看来很古怪的其它意义上, 如“感到痛楚”或“通过气味感知”等。把这些意义联结在一起的线是感觉或感知的概念。该词意为“强烈地感觉”的古法语语源resentir 是由用于加强语气的前缀 re- 以及意为“感觉或感知”的 sentir, 构成的。 可以感觉到的东西很多,但至少现在这个词的重点用法已被集中于愤怒的感觉〔mindless〕Having no intelligent purpose, meaning, or direction:盲目的:没有明智的目标、意义或方向的:〔acceptation〕The usual or accepted meaning, as of a word or expression.See Synonyms at meaning 字义,含义:通常的或可接受的意思,如单词或短语的意义 参见 meaning〔celebrant〕Strictly speaking,celebrant should be reserved for an official participant in a religious ceremony or rite. In an earlier survey, however,a majority of the Usage Panel accepted the use ofcelebrant to mean "a participant in a celebration" (as inNew Year's Eve celebrants ). In this more general sense,celebrator is an undisputed alternative. 严格地说,celebrant 应该仅用来指宗教庆典或仪式的正式参与者。 但在较早的调查中,用法专题使用小组的大多数成员接受了celebrant 的用法, 意指“庆祝活动的参与者”,(如参加新年晚会庆祝的人 )。 在这个较为广泛的意义上,celebrator 毫无争议地可与其替换使用 〔caraway〕The seedlike fruit of this plant, widely used as a flavoring and seasoning in various foods. Also called In this sense, also called caraway seed 葛缕子籽:葛缕子的籽状果实,广泛地用作各种食物的香料和调味品 也作 在此意义上也可称作 caraway seed〔implication〕An implied meaning; implicit significance.隐含的意义;暗喻〔abaca〕The fibers obtained from the stalks of this plant, used to make cordage, fabric, and paper. Also called In this sense, also called manila ,Manila hemp 马尼拉麻,蕉麻:从这种植物的茎中提取出来的纤维,可用于制造绳索、纤维和纸张 也作 在此意义上也可称作 manila,Manila hemp〔rental〕A list of tenants and schedule of rents. Also called In this sense, also called rent-roll 租册:租户名单和租赁计划 也作 在此意义上也可称作 rent-roll〔nymph〕The larval form of certain insects, such as silverfish and grasshoppers, usually resembling the adult form but smaller and lacking fully developed wings. Also called In this sense, also called nympha 蛹:某些昆虫,如蠹虫和蚱蜢的幼虫形态。通常和成年形状相像但形状小并且缺少完全发育的翅膀 也作 在此意义上也可称作 nympha〔waste〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to spend or expend without restraint and often to no avail": 这些动词共有的中心意义是“无节制地且常常是无效地花费或花销”: 〔luminosity〕The ratio of luminous flux at a specific wavelength to the radiant flux at the same wavelength. Also called In this sense, also called luminosity factor 发光效率:一定波长的光量对同样波长的辐射光量的比例 也作 在此意义上也可称作 luminosity factor〔great〕Of outstanding significance or importance:重要的,伟大的:有超乎寻常的意义或重要性的:〔repulse〕A number of critics have maintained thatrepulse should only be used to mean "to drive away, spurn,” as inHe rudely repulsed their overtures, and not to mean "to cause repulsion in,”as inTheir hypocrisy repulsed me. In recent years, however, there has been an increasing tendency to userepulse in the sense "cause repulsion in.” Reputable literary precedent exists for this usage,and the confusion is understandable,given that the stigmatized use ofrepulse is parallel to the unexceptionable uses of repulsion and repulsive. Still, writers who want to stay on the safe side may prefer to use onlyrepel when the intended sense is "cause repulsion in.” 一些评论家坚持认为repulse 一词应该只用来指“赶走;摒弃,” 如在他粗鲁地拒绝了他们的提议 中, 而不应用来表示“使产生反感,”如在他们的虚伪使我产生了反感 中。 然而近来却越来越倾向于在“使产生反感”的意义上使用repulse 一词。 这一用法有着为优秀作家所认可的文学先例,而且这一困惑是可以理解的,如果repulse 这一被指责的用法是与 repulsion 以及 repulsive 的无懈可击的用法相对应的。 然而,想站在安全一边的作家在其意思是“使产生反感”时,可能只愿意使用repel 一词 〔scan〕In the 1969 edition ofThe American Heritage Dictionary a dead issue was buried by our Usage Panel, 85 percent of whom thought it was acceptable to usescan in the sense "to look over quickly,” though the note stated that this was less formal usage.The usage issue was raised becausescan in an earlier sense meant "to examine closely.” From a historical perspective it is easy to see how these two opposite senses ofscan developed. The source of our word, Latinscandere, which meant "to climb,” came to mean "to scan a verse of poetry,” because one could beat the rhythm by lifting and putting down one's foot.The Middle English verbscannen, derived from scandere, came into Middle English in this sense (first recorded in a text composed before 1398). In the 16th century this highly specialized sense having to do with the close analysis of verse developed other senses,such as "to criticize, examine minutely, interpret, perceive.” From these senses having to do with examination and perception,it was an easy step to the sense "to look at searchingly" (first recorded in 1798),perhaps harking back still to the careful, detailed work involved in analyzing prosody.But a thorough search can change into a quick one, as it seems to have done in the case of the verbscan. 在1969年版的美国传统词典 中,我们的用法委员会放弃了一个已废弃的争议, 其中85%的人认为scan 意为“快速浏览”是可接受的, 虽然注释上说这是非正式的用法。之所以这么用是因为scan 在较早的意义上表示“仔细检查”。 从历史的角度了解scan 的两个相反意思如何发展是容易的。 这个单词的词源是拉丁语scandere ,意为“攀登”,后又演化为“标出诗之格律”, 因为人们可以通过抬起或放下脚来打拍子。中世纪英语动词scannen 即是在这个意义上从 scandere 转化而来的(首次被记载在一本1398年之前编辑的教科书上)。 在16世纪这个已经高度专门化并且用来表示仔细分析诗歌的词语又发展出了其它的意项,如“批评、细致入微地检查、翻译或理解”。从这些表示检查和察觉的意思,很容易就过渡到“细察”(1798年首次被记载)的意义,也可能返回到仔细分析诗体的细微工作。但就象这个动词scan 一样,彻底地搜查可能变成快速地浏览 〔poststructuralism〕Any of various theories or methods of analysis, including deconstruction and some psychoanalytic theories, that deny the validity of structuralism's method of binary opposition and maintain that meanings and intellectual categories are shifting and unstable.后结构主义:包含解构和一些精神分析学理论在内的各种分析方法或理论,其反对构造主义中二元对立的有效性,主张意义和知识种类是一直变换不定的〔masthead〕The title of a newspaper or periodical as it appears across the first page, front cover, or title page of each issue. Also called In this sense, also called nameplate 报刊名称:出现在报刊首页、封面或每期标题页的报刊名称 也作 在此意义上也可称作 nameplate




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