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单词 意愿
释义 〔intendment〕The true meaning or intention of something, especially of a law.意愿:某事物,尤其是法律的真正含义和意思〔disoblige〕To refuse or neglect to act in accord with the wishes of.不满足…的愿望,不答应…的要求:拒绝或忽略按…的意愿行事〔offer〕To exhibit readiness or desire to do; volunteer:显示愿意:展示准备好的状态或去做的意愿;志愿:〔patience〕 Patience emphasizes calmness, self-control, and the willingness or ability to tolerate delay: Patience 强调宽容延迟的镇静、自制和意愿或能力: 〔please〕To have the will or desire; wish:想要,满意:具有意愿或愿望;希望:〔voluntary〕Arising from or acting on one's own free will.自愿的:由某人的自由意愿决定或依某人自由意愿行事的〔device〕To allow to do as one pleases:听任某人自行其事:允许某人按自己的意愿做事:〔willed〕Determined by or proceeding from the will; deliberate:由意愿决定的,由意愿而来的;故意的:〔enmity〕Animus is ill will of a distinctively personal nature,often based on one's prejudices or temperament: Animus 是带有明显个人本性的不良意愿,常基于一个人的偏见或性情基础上: 〔obedient〕children compliant with the parental will;孩子顺从父母的意愿〔pressure〕A compelling or constraining influence, such as a moral force, on the mind or will:压力:思想上或意愿上强制性或压制性的影响,如道德力量:〔volunteer〕To perform or offer to perform a service of one's own free will.志愿:由某人自己意愿进行或要求进行的服务〔will〕A desire, purpose, or determination, especially of one in authority:意愿,决定:(尤指权威人士的)欲望、目的或决心:〔James〕American psychologist and philosopher. A founder of pragmatism and the psychological movement of functionalism, he developed an approach to intellectual issues that greatly influenced American thought. His works includeThe Will to Believe (1897) and The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902). 詹姆斯,威廉:(1842-1910) 美国心理学家和哲学家。作为机能心理学的创始人和实用主义创始人,他提出的思想指导行为观点极大地影响了美国人的思想。著作有《信仰的意愿》 (1897年)和 《宗教信仰经验》 (1902年) 〔force〕To produce with effort and against one's will:被迫做:努力和违背本人意愿地做:〔propose〕To make known as one's intention; purpose or intend:企图,意图:作为某人的意愿让人知道;意欲或打算:〔free〕Not controlled by obligation or the will of another:不受约束的:不受义务或他人意愿控制的:〔play〕To use the resources or strategies at one's disposal:办事高明:以自己的意愿来使用计谋或策略:〔trust〕Reliance on the intention and ability of a purchaser to pay in the future; credit.信用,偿债能力:对购买者将来付帐意愿及能力的信赖;信用〔unruly〕Willful andheadstrong describe one obstinately bent on having his or her own way: Willful 和headstrong 指一个人顽固地决心要按他或她自己的意愿行事: 〔overpersuade〕To persuade (someone) to act contrary to inclination or choice.强行说服:说服(某人)采取与意愿或选择相反的行动〔conscious〕Capable of thought, will, or perception:能理解的:能够思想,意愿,或知觉的:〔indicate〕indicated his wishes in a letter; indicating her approval with a nod.信上简要地表达了他的意愿;她点头表明同意〔revivalism〕A desire or an inclination to revive what belongs to an earlier time.复古倾向:恢复属于早期时代的东西的意愿或倾向〔announce〕declared her intention to run for office;公布她要竞选官员的意愿〔way〕Freedom to do as one wishes:意愿:做某人想做之事的自由:〔restrain〕Inhibit usually connotes a check, either self-imposed or involuntary, on one's actions, desires, thoughts, or emotions: Inhibit 常指对某人的行为、意愿、思想或感情的自我施加或非自愿的约束: 〔dispose〕To put into a willing or receptive frame of mind; incline.See Synonyms at incline 使倾向;使想要:使产生一种意愿或可接受的想法;使倾向 参见 incline〔acquiesce〕acquiesced to her parents' wishes). 遵从她父母的意愿)。 〔law〕The body of principles or precepts held to express the divine will, especially as revealed in the Bible:训诫:用来表示神意愿的一系列法规或概念,尤指体现在《圣经》中的:〔will〕Free discretion; inclination or pleasure:自由的决定、倾向或意愿〔will〕Used to indicate willingness:愿,要:用于表示意愿〔reveal〕"A servant . . . betrayed their presence . . . to the Germans" (William Styron).The term can also mean to reveal against one's desire or will: “仆人…向德国人泄露了他们在场的秘密” (威廉·斯蒂伦)。这个词也指违背某人的愿望或意愿的泄露: 〔dictatorial〕Dogmatic suggests the imposing of one's will or opinion as though these were beyond challenge: Dogmatic 暗示强加某人的意愿或意见,好象这些意志和意见越出挑战范围: 〔way〕if I had my way.如果我能按自己的意愿做就好了〔automatic〕-matos [willing] * see men- 1-matos [意愿] * 参见 men- 1〔abulia〕boulē [will] * see g welə- boulē [意愿] * 参见 g welə- 〔velleity〕Volition at its lowest level.微小愿望:处于最低级的意愿〔obedient〕Submissive implies an inclination or a willingness to submit without resistance and sometimes with deference to the control of another: Submissive 暗示一种毫无反抗的屈服,而且有时对他人的控制怀有敬意的屈服倾向或意愿〔automatic〕The wordsautomatic pilot or automatic transmission bring to mind mechanical devices that operate with minimal human intervention. Yet the wordautomatic, which goes back to the Greek word automatos, "acting of one's own will, self-acting, of itself,” made up of two parts,auto-, "self,” and -matos, "willing,” is first recorded in English in 1748 with reference to motions of the body, such as the peristaltic action of the intestines: "The Motions are called automatic from their Resemblance to the Motions of Automata, or Machines, whose Principle of Motion is within themselves.”Although the writer had machines in mind,automatic could be used of living things, a use we still have, although not the primary one. The association ofautomatic chiefly with machinery may represent one instance of many in which we have come to see the world in mechanical terms. 这些单词automatic pilot 或 automatic transmission 带给我们只需最小人力介入即可操作的机械装置的意识。 但这个词automatic, 追溯至希腊单词 automatos, “以个人自身的意志行动,自我行动,” 由两部分组成,auto-, “自我的,”和 -matos, “意愿,” 以作为身体运动的含义于1748年首次记录于英语,如体内的肠蠕动: “这些运动被称为身体内自动的运动,是与机器运动的相似性得出的,其运动原理在于其自身内部。”虽然作者头脑中有机器印象,automatic 可以被用于生物,这种用法虽然不是基本的,但我们仍在使用。 主要将automatic 与机器相联系可能反映了我们眼中的世界越加机械化的情况




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