单词 | 愚蠢 |
释义 | 〔like〕Dote implies foolish, extravagant attachment: Dote 指愚蠢的、过份的依恋: 〔foppery〕Foolish quality or action.愚蠢:愚蠢的行为或性质〔deft〕variant of dafte [foolish] * see daft dafte的变体 [愚蠢的] * 参见 daft〔lunatic〕Wildly or giddily foolish:极端愚蠢的:狂乱地愚蠢的或惊人地愚蠢的:〔flibbertigibbet〕A silly, scatterbrained, or garrulous person.搬弄是非者,轻浮女子:愚蠢、轻率或饶舌的人〔fond〕Middle English fonned [foolish] [probably from past participle of] fonnen [to be foolish] 中古英语 fonned [傻的] 可能是源自fonnen的过去分词 [是愚蠢的] 〔foolish〕Fatuous applies especially to what is foolish in a vacuous, smug, and unconscious way: Fatuous 尤其指内容贫乏的、自满的和无意识意义上的愚蠢的东西: 〔goofy〕Silly; ridiculous:愚蠢的;可笑的:〔prate〕Empty, foolish, or trivial talk; idle chatter.闲聊:空洞、愚蠢或琐碎的谈话;闲聊〔bedfellow〕"Stupidity here makes an easy bedfellow, as always, with racialism"(Christopher Hitchens)“愚蠢常常很容易成为种族偏见的伙伴”(克里斯托夫·希钦斯)〔tomfoolery〕Something trivial or foolish; nonsense.愚举:无聊或愚蠢的事情,瞎搞〔foolish〕seems to take pride in making fatuous remarks.看起来非常得意地说这些愚蠢的话。〔gormless〕Lacking intelligence and vitality; dull.愚蠢的:缺乏智力和活力;迟钝的〔hobgoblin〕"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds"(Ralph Waldo Emerson)“令人讨厌的小人物身上愚蠢的一致性”(拉尔夫·沃尔多·埃默森)〔trick〕A stupid, disgraceful, or childish act or performance.傻事,儿戏,轻率之举:愚蠢的,丢脸的或孩子气的行为或表现〔harebrained〕The first part of the compoundharebrained is often misspelled hair in the belief that the meaning of the word is "with a hair-sized brain" rather than "with no more sense than a hare.”Thoughhairbrained has a long history, this spelling is not established usage.复合词harebrained 的前半部分常被错拼为 hair , 因为人们认为该词的含义更接近于“没什么头脑的”而不是“象野兔一样愚蠢的”。虽然后一种写法hairbrained 的产生已经有一段很长的历史, 但这种写法仍不是公认的用法〔stupid〕It was dumb of him to say yes.他说“是”是愚蠢的。〔carry〕To behave in an excited, improper, or silly manner.举止激动、不当或愚蠢〔cuckoo〕Lacking in sense; foolish or crazy.缺乏理智的;愚蠢的,疯狂的〔malarkey〕Exaggerated or foolish talk, usually intended to deceive:空话,胡说:夸大性的或愚蠢的言语,通常是为了欺骗人:〔gink〕A man, especially one regarded as foolish or contemptible.家伙,怪人:人,尤指愚蠢或卑劣的人〔clack〕Thoughtless, prolonged talk; chatter.喋喋不休:愚蠢的、冗长的谈话;唠叨〔obstinate〕Bullheaded suggests foolish or irrational obstinacy,andpigheaded, stupid obstinacy: Bullheaded 暗含愚蠢的或非理性的固执,和pigheaded 指愚蠢的固执: 〔oxymoron〕Greek oxumōron [from neuter of] oxumōros [pointedly foolish] 希腊语 oxumōron 源自oxumōros的中性词 [直截了当的愚蠢] 〔stunt〕From Middle English stunnt [foolish, short-witted, short] influenced by Old Norse stuttr [short, dwarfish] 源自 中古英语 stunnt [愚蠢的,智力迟钝的,短的] 受 古斯堪的纳维亚语 stuttr的影响 [短的,矮的] 〔loutish〕Having the characteristics of a lout; awkward, stupid, and boorish.蠢笨的,乡下气的,粗鲁的:具有粗鄙者特点的;笨拙的,愚蠢的,乡下人的〔simplicity〕Lack of good sense or intelligence; foolishness.头脑简单:没有理智或智力;愚蠢〔insanity〕Extreme foolishness; folly.愚蠢:极端的愚蠢;愚蠢〔naff〕In the dual tradition of looking to one's betters for models of how to use language and American obeisance to British usage,let us look at two British words spellednaff. One is an adjective,meaning "clichéd, unstylish" (first recorded in 1969),that may be derived from dialectal wordssuch asnaffhead, "simpleton,” or niffy-naffy, "stupid.” The othernaff is a verb, usually used in the imperative in combination withoff (first recorded in 1959). This is the delicate injunction that members of the royal family such as Princess Anne have used in requesting members of the press to beat it.The origin ofnaff is unknown, but it has been suggested thatnaff may be related to an older English slang term naf, meaning "the female sexual organ.” Naf has been derived from a backward spelling offan, from fanny. 在看待如何使用语言的模式和美语遵从于英语那个更好的两个传统上,让我们看两个拼写为naff 的美语单词。 一个是形容词,表示“过时的,老调的”(首次记录于1969年),可能源于方言单词,如naffhead “傻子”或 niffy-naffy “愚蠢的”。 另一个naff 是动词, 通常用于命令语气与off 连用(首次记录于1959年)。 这是王室家族成员如安娜公主在要求报刊成员禁用时所使用的微妙禁令。Naff 不知源自何处, 但它表明naff 有与旧英语俚语 naf 相关的迹象表示“女性生殖器官”。 Naf 源于从fanny 而来的逆序拼写形式 fan 〔Seward〕American politician who as U.S. secretary of state (1861-1869) arranged the purchase of Alaska from Russia (1867), a transaction long known as "Seward's Folly.”苏华德,威廉·亨利:(1801-1872) 美国政治家,作为美国国务卿(1861-1869年)安排了从俄国购买阿拉斯加省 (1867年),该项购买长期以来被称作“苏华德的愚蠢”〔caustic〕"Most of all, there is caustic shame for my own stupidity"(Scott Turow)“最严重的是由于我自身的愚蠢而产生的无地自容的羞辱”(斯科特·图罗)〔brute〕Coarse; brutish.粗野的;愚蠢的〔schnook〕A stupid or easily victimized person; a dupe.愚蠢的:愚蠢或容易成为受害者的人;傻瓜〔flapdoodle〕Foolish talk; nonsense:愚蠢的谈话;废话:〔infatuation〕A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction.See Synonyms at love 着迷:愚蠢的,非理性的或过分的激情或迷恋 参见 love〔fool〕Foolish; stupid:傻的;愚蠢的:〔folly〕An act or instance of foolishness:愚行,荒唐事:愚蠢的行为或事例:〔vacant〕Lacking intelligence or knowledge:愚蠢的,无知的:〔have〕Have done with your foolish quibbling结束你那愚蠢的诡辩〔senseless〕Deficient in sense; foolish or stupid.愚蠢的:缺乏知觉的;傻的或愚笨的 |
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