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单词 成员
释义 〔ghetto〕"trapped in ethnic or pink-collar managerial job ghettoes"(Diane Weathers)“陷入种族集团的成员或粉领管理的工作区”(迪亚娜·韦瑟斯)〔appoint〕was tapped for fraternity membership. See also Synonyms at furnish 选为联谊会成员 参见同义词 furnish〔Dukhobor〕A member of an 18th-century Russian Christian group, many of whom migrated to Canada in the 1890's to escape persecution for their views, which included rejection of ecclesiastical and state authority.杜科波尔派:18世纪俄国一基督教团体的成员,他们中许多人在19世纪90年代移民加拿大,以逃避因他们的观点所受的迫害,他们主张抛弃教会与政府的权威〔unprofessional〕Not a qualified member of a professional group.不称职的:不是一个职业群体的合格成员〔ninja〕A member of a class of 14th-century Japanese mercenary agents who were trained in the martial arts and hired for covert operations such as assassination and sabotage.忍者:14世纪日本幕府中的一个阶层内的成员,受训练习武术并被雇进行象刺杀和阴谋破坏一类的秘密活动〔order〕A class defined by the common attributes of its members; a kind.种类:由其成员特征而定义的等级种类;类别〔Montrose〕Scottish Covenanter who changed allegiance (1643) and led a force of Highlanders in a series of military victories on behalf of Charles I during the English Civil War.蒙特罗斯:苏格兰国民誓约派成员,英国内战中转而效忠查理一世(1643年),率领高地军取得一系列军事胜利〔ethnic〕A member of a particular ethnic group, especially one who maintains the language or customs of the group.具有该种族语言、风俗的成员:某一特定种族集团中的一员,尤指保持着这一集团的语言或风俗习惯的成员〔Hapsburg〕A royal German family that supplied rulers to a number of European states from the late Middle Ages until the 20th century. The Hapsburgs reached the height of their power under Charles V of Spain. When Charles abdicated (1558), the empire was divided between the Spanish and Austrian lines. The Spanish branch ceased to rule after 1700 and the Austrian branch after 1918.哈普斯堡皇室:一个德意志皇室家族,其成员曾于中世纪后期到20世纪这一段时期内分别在欧洲各国任统治者,在西班牙国王查理五世统治期间达到其鼎盛时期。查理于1558年退位之后,帝国被西班牙和奥地利瓜分,西班牙的统治结束于1700年,而奥地利于1918年以后停止了统治〔Baluchi〕A member of a traditionally nomadic Moslem people of Baluchistan.俾路支人:穆斯林族传统的游牧俾路支斯坦成员〔anticipate〕Some people hold thatanticipate is improperly used as a simple synonym for expect; they would restrict its use to situations in which advance action is taken either to forestall (anticipate her opponent's next move ) or to fulfill ( anticipate my desires ). In earlier surveys, however, a majority of the Usage Panel accepted the use ofanticipate to mean "to feel or to realize beforehand" and "to look forward to.” The wordunanticipated, however, is not established as a synonym for unexpected. Thus 77 percent of the Usage Panel rejected the sentenceThey always set aside a little extra food for unanticipated guests, inasmuch as guests for whom advance provision has been made cannot be said to be unanticipated,though they may very well be unexpected.有些人认为把anticipate 作为 expect 的简单同义词并不恰当; 他们把这个词的用法限制在某种情境中,即抢在…之前行动(抢在对手的下步之前行动 )或满足( 满足我的欲望 )。 然而,在以前的调查中,用法专题小组大多数成员所接受的anticipate 的意思是“预感、预知”和“期望”。 可是,unanticipated 这个词并不能作为 unexpected 的同义词。 这样一来,用法专题小组中77%的人都不同意下面这句话他们总是额外留出一些食物给未预料到的客人 , 既然已提前为这些客人们准备了食物,就不能说他们是未预料的,尽管他们是不速之客〔military〕Members, especially officers, of an armed force.军人:武装力量的成员,尤指军官〔dreadlocks〕Long, thin braids or natural locks of hair densely radiating from the scalp, in a style popularized by Rastafarians.“骇人”长绺:长而细的发辫或天然发绺,从头顶密密披下来,是牙买加黑人拉斯特法里派成员流行的发式〔Halle〕A city of central Germany on the Saale River west-northwest of Leipzig. First mentioned in the ninth century, it was an important member of the Hanseatic League in the Middle Ages. Population, 236,139.哈雷:德国中部一城市,位于萨尔河畔,莱比锡西北偏西的一座城市。9世纪时第一次被提及,中世纪时是汉萨同盟的一个重要成员。人口236,139〔druid〕A member of an order of priests in ancient Gaul and Britain who appear in Welsh and Irish legend as prophets and sorcerers.督伊德教的祭司:古代盖尔或不列颠人中一个牧师品级的成员,他们在威尔士及爱尔兰传说中是预言家和占卜家〔Pickett〕American rodeo star and actor who gained fame as a member of an internationally popular traveling rodeo show. In 1971 he became the first African-American cowboy inducted into the Cowboy Hall of Fame.皮克特,比尔:美国牛仔竞技表演明星,作为国际上备受欢迎的巡回牛仔竞技表演团的成员而出名。1971年,他成为第一个进入“牛仔名人堂”的非裔美籍牛仔〔limb〕One that is considered to be an extension, a member, or a representative of a larger body or group.分支,枝干,典型物:作为大公司或组织的一个分支、成员或代表的人〔apache〕A member of the Parisian underworld.强盗,流氓:巴黎黑社会中的成员〔extravagant〕extravagant members of the imperial court.浪费的皇家成员〔Innu〕A member of an Algonquian people comprising the Montagnais and Naskapi.印努人:阿尔冈纪族人的成员,包括蒙塔格尼族人及那斯卡皮族人〔baron〕A Japanese nobleman of the lowest rank.男爵:日本贵族最低级的成员〔councilwoman〕A woman who is a member of a council, especially of the local governing body of a city or town.女委员:委员会中的女成员,尤指城市或镇上的当地政府委员会女成员〔Ugrian〕A member of a group of Finno-Ugric peoples of western Siberia and Hungary, including the Magyars.乌戈尔人:西西伯利亚和匈牙利的芬兰-乌戈尔族,包括马扎尔人的成员之一〔committeeman〕A man who is a member of a committee.委员:委员会成员〔hind〕possibly from Old English hīne [genitive of] hīgan, hīwan [members of a household] * see kei- 1可能源自 古英语 hīne hīgan, hīwan的所有格 [家中成员] * 参见 kei- 1〔floor〕The body of assembly members:会议团体:全体集会成员〔nonuple〕Consisting of nine members, parts, or elements.九个一组的:包括九个成员、部分或元素的〔conventual〕A member of a convent.修女:修道会的成员〔Nuba〕A member of any of several peoples inhabiting the hills of south-central Sudan.努巴人:居住在苏丹中南部山区的几个民族的成员〔deer〕In various Middle English textsone finds a fish, an ant, or a fox called ader, the Middle English ancestor of our worddeer. In its Old English formdēor, our word referred to any animal, including members of the deer family,and continued to do so in Middle English,although it took on the specific sense "a deer.”By the end of the Middle English period, around 1500,the general sense had all but disappeared. Deer is a commonly cited example of a semantic process called specialization,by which the range of meaning of a word is narrowed or restricted.When Shakespeare uses the expression "mice and rats, and such small deer" for Edgar's diet inKing Lear, probably written in 1605, we are not sure whetherdeer has the general or the specific sense. 在各种各样的中世纪英语文章中,人们可以发现鱼、蚂蚁或狐狸被称为der , 这是单词deer 在中世纪英语中的雏形。 该词的古英语形式为deor, 指任何一种动物, 包括鹿科动物的成员,该用法一直延续到中世纪英语中。尽管当时该词接纳了“鹿”这一特定的意思,但到中世纪英语时期结束时,大约是1500年,该词的普通意思全部消失了。 Deer 常被引用作为语意变迁过程中的特殊化的例子,通过特殊化的过程,单词的语意范围缩小了,或受到了限制。当莎士比亚在大约1605年写李尔王 的时候,用"mice and rats,and such small deer"来表示爱德加的饮食时, 我们无法确定deer 是指普通意思还是指其特定的意思 〔independent〕Independent A member of a movement in England in the 17th century advocating the political and religious independence of individual congregations. Independent 独立派教徒:17世纪英国一宗教运动之成员,他们主张会众在政治和宗教上独立〔legislator〕One that creates or enacts laws, especially a member of a legislative body.立法者,立法机关成员:创建或制定法律的人,尤指立法机关的成员〔Tewa〕A member of any of these peoples.泰瓦人:这些人的成员〔Kwakiutl〕A member of this people.夸扣特尔人:该部族的成员〔claustrophobic〕This latter usage was unacceptable to 74 percent of the members of the Usage Panel,many of whom said thatclaustrophobic should be used only to describe a psychological state. In defense of this usage,however, it can be pointed out that it is well establishedand that it follows a general tendencyto combine adjectives with nouns according to a progressively looser construal of the semantic connection between the two.Thus the phrasetopless swimsuit came to be followed by topless dancers, which led in turn totopless bars, topless districts, and topless ordinances. By the same token,a room that induces a particular emotion may be described assad or cheerful without objection, and there seems to be no principled basis for drawing the line at calling itclaustrophobic. 后种用法为用法使用小组中74%的成员所不接受,其中许多人说claustrophobic 应只能用来描述一种心理状态。 为维护这种用法,毕竟要指出这种用法已经很好地确定了下来,并且它跟随一种普遍倾向,即通过对形容词与名词之间语义联系积极的、更密切的解释将两者合并。这样,词组topless swimsuit 导引出 topless dancers, 随之又引出topless bars,topless district 和 topless ordinance 。 用同样的表示法,导致一种特殊情绪的状况可描述为无任何异议的sad 或 cheerful , 称其为claustrophobic 似乎不存在什么描述性的原则 〔Bloor〕American labor organizer and political radical who was a founder (1919) and central committee member of the Communist Labor Party.布罗尔,埃拉·里夫:(1862-1951) 美国劳工组织者,政治激进分子,他是共产劳动党的创始人(1919年)和中央委员会成员〔Maidu〕A member of this people.迈杜人:这个民族的成员〔moot〕This usage may be originally the result of a misinterpretation of its legal sense in phrasessuch asa moot question. A number of critics have objected to this use,but it was accepted by 59 percent of the Usage Panelin the sentenceThe nominee himself chastised the White House for failing to do more to support him, but his concerns became moot when a number of Republicans announced that they, too, would oppose the nomination. 起初这种用法可能是它在法律意义误释的结果,如在短语一个不重要的问题 中, 许多评论家反对这一用法,可是它被用法小组59%的成员所接受,并出现于被提名者本人强烈谴责白宫没能更多地支持他, 但是当一些共和党人宣称他也将反对此次提名时,他就变得不那么重要了一句中 〔elect〕To select by vote for an office or for membership.选举,竞选:通过选举挑选某人担任某种职务或作某一组织的成员〔recruit〕A newly engaged member of a military force, especially one of the lowest rank or grade.新兵:刚被征召入某军事力量的成员,尤指最低层或最下级的成员




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