单词 | 成就 |
释义 | 〔vain〕Excessively proud of one's appearance or accomplishments; conceited.自负的:对自己的外表或成就表现不适当的或过分的骄傲;自高自大的〔metaphor〕"The high-rise garbage repository is a metaphor for both accomplishment and failure"(Richard Sever)“堆积如山的垃圾场既是人类成就的象征,也是人类失败的象征”(理查德·塞沃)〔extraordinary〕an extraordinary achievement.一个非凡的成就〔luster〕Glory, radiance, distinction, or splendor, as of achievement, reputation, or beauty.光荣,光彩:例如成就、声望或美貌的光荣、光彩、荣耀或显赫〔keep〕To match one's competitors, colleagues, or neighbors in success or lifestyle:不落后,赶得上:赶上对手、同事或邻居,指在成就或生活方式上:〔attainment〕Something, such as an accomplishment or achievement, that is attained.成就,造诣,才能:已经得到某物,如技艺或业绩〔connotation〕Hollywood holds connotations of romance and glittering success.好莱坞一词包含了浪漫与耀眼的成就的含意〔limited〕Not attaining the highest goals or achievement:未达到最高的目标或成就的:〔Hypatia〕Neo-Platonist philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer who lived and taught in Alexandria. Her prominence and adherence to pagan scholasticism led to her being murdered by a Christian mob.海帕希亚:在亚历山大居住及教学的新柏拉图派哲学家、数学家、及天文学家。她对异教经院哲学的卓越成就及信奉使她遭基督教暴民谋杀〔Pascal〕French philosopher and mathematician. Among his achievements are the invention of an adding machine and the development of the modern theory of probability.帕斯卡,布莱斯:(1623-1662) 法国哲学家和数学家。他的成就包括发明了一种加法机和发展了现代概率理论〔level〕A relative degree, as of achievement, intensity, or concentration:程度,水平:成就、强度或浓度的相对高低:〔performance〕Something performed; an accomplishment.完成的事;成就〔honor〕A title conferred for achievement.奖赏其成就的头衔〔deed〕A usually praiseworthy act; a feat or exploit.英勇事绩:通常值得表扬的行为;成就或功绩〔Bessie〕An award given annually since 1984 by the Dance Theater Workshop in New York City for achievement in dance and the performing arts.贝西奖:一种自1984年以来每年由“纽约市舞蹈剧院创作室”颁发的奖项,为在舞蹈和表演艺术方面取得的成就而设立〔Svedberg〕Swedish chemist. He won a 1926 Nobel Prize for his work on disperse systems.斯韦德贝里,: (1884-1971) 瑞典化学家,因其在胶体粒子分散系统方面的成就而获1926年诺贝尔奖〔graduate〕This pattern, which no longer bears any taint of incorrectness,is acceptable to 89 percent of the Panel.It has the advantage of ascribing the accomplishment to the student, rather than to the institution,as is usually appropriate in discussions of individual cases.When the institution's responsibility is emphasized,however, the older pattern may still be recommended.A sentence such asThe university graduated more computer science majors in 1987 than in the entire previous decade stresses the university's accomplishment, say, of its computer science program. On the other hand, the sentenceMore computer science majors graduated in 1987 than in the entire previous decade implies that the class of 1987 was in some way a remarkable group. · The transitive use ofgraduate, as inShe graduated Yale in 1980, was unacceptable to 77 percent of the Usage Panel. 这种方式不再有不正确的问题,并为小组百分之八十九的成员所接受,其优点是将成就归功于学生而不是学院,通常在讨论单个事例时是合适的。当学院的责任被强调时,旧方式则可能得到推崇。句子:The university graduated more computer science majors in 1987 than in the entire previous decade。 强调了该大学计算机科学项目上的成就。 另一方面,句子:More computer science majors graduated in 1987 than in the entire previous decade。 指1987级从某种意义上来说是个出色的群体。 至于graduate 的及物用法, 如在她于1980年毕业于耶鲁大学 用法使用专题小组百分之七十七的成员表示不接受 〔Ehrlich〕German bacteriologist. He shared a 1908 Nobel Prize for discoveries and advances in immunology.埃尔利希,保罗:(1854-1915) 德国细菌学家,因在免疫方面的发现和成就,获得1908年诺贝尔奖〔rival〕"They achieved more than they had ever dreamed, lending a magic to their family story that no tale or ordinary life could possibly rival"(Doris Kearns Goodwin)“他们取得的成就比他们所梦想的还要多,这给他们的家族史注入了一股魔力,使得任何神话及日常生活都没法匹敌”(多丽丝·克恩斯·古德温)〔recognition〕She received recognition for her many achievements.她的许多成就得到了认可〔wow〕An outstanding success.一鸣惊人:出色的成就〔testimonial〕Something given in appreciation of a person's service or achievement; a tribute.奖品:对某人的服务或成就表示赞赏而给予的事物;颂词〔crack〕Excelling in skill or achievement; first-rate:一流的,顶尖的:在技艺或成就上超群的;第一流的:〔masterstroke〕An achievement or action revealing consummate skill or mastery:高招,卓越的成就:绝妙、卓越的表现或活动:〔hero〕A person noted for special achievement in a particular field:杰出人物:因在某领域内的特殊成就而著名的人:〔nonage〕"The bravest achievements were always accomplished in the nonage of a nation"(Thomas Paine)“最壮观的成就往往在一个国家的未成熟期取得”(托马斯·佩恩)〔acquirement〕An attainment, such as a skill or social accomplishment.成就,造诣:成就、造诣,如技艺或社会成就〔sign〕 Badge usually refers to something that is worn as an insignia of membership,is an emblem of achievement,or is a characteristic sign: Badge 通常指作为表明会员身份的证章而戴的东西,或者是表示成就的徽章,或者表示一个有特色的标志: 〔plume〕A token of honor or achievement.荣耀或成就的标志〔strong〕Having or showing ability or achievement in a specified field:擅长的:在特定领域表现出能力或成就的:〔qualification〕A quality, an ability, or an accomplishment that makes a person suitable for a particular position or task.资格证明,执照:使某人适合某一特殊职位或任务的特性、能力或成就〔mediocrity〕Mediocre ability, achievement, or performance.平庸的能力,成就或表演〔Skinner〕American actor whose theater credits includeKismet (1911-1914), Blood and Sand (1921), and numerous Shakespearean productions. 斯金纳,奥蒂斯:(1858-1942) 美国男演员,他在戏剧上的成就包括《命运》 (1911-1914年), 《鲜血和沙子》 (1921年),以及许多莎士比亚作品 〔Bordet〕Belgian bacteriologist. He won a 1919 Nobel Prize for advances in immunology.博尔德,朱尔斯·简·巴蒂斯特·文森特:(1870-1961) 比利时细菌生物学家。因在免疫学方面取得的成就而获得1919年诺贝尔奖〔Goliath〕A person or thing of colossal power or achievement.巨人:有巨大力量或成就的人或事物〔Altman〕American film director and screenwriter whose film credits includeM*A*S*H (1970), for which he won an Academy Award, and The Player (1992). 阿特曼,罗伯特:美国电影导演和编剧,他的电影成就包括1970年获得奥斯卡奖的《外科医生》 以及1992年的 《超级大玩家》 〔pueblo〕The identity of the Pueblo peoples is undeniably connected to the stone and adobe dwellings they have occupied for more than 700 years—especially from an etymological point of view.Originally coming from the Latin wordpopulus, "people, nation,” the Spanish wordpueblo, meaning "town, village,” as well as "nation, people,”was naturally applied by 16th-century Spanish explorers to villages that they discovered or founded in the Southwest.The English wordpueblo is first recorded in an American text in this sense in 1808, marking it as an Americanism.The distinctive adobe or stone villages of the Pueblo peoples,with some buildings rising as high as five stories,must have impressed the Spaniards considerably,becausepueblo came to be transferred from a name for the village to a name for its inhabitants, perhaps in honor of their architectural achievements or simply as an obvious way to distinguish the Pueblo from other Native American peoples.The first recorded usage of this sense is found in 1834.无可质疑,普埃布洛族的象征是与他们已经居住了700年的土石结构房屋联系在一起的——尤其是从词源学的角度来看。最初源于意为“民族,国家”的拉丁语populus, 意为“城镇,村庄”的西班牙语pueblo , 同时也有“民族,国家”的意思,16世纪的西班牙探险家们很自然地用这个词来称呼他们在西南部发现或建立的村庄。英语中pueblo 的这个含义最早记载于1808年的一篇美国课文中, 这标志着它成了一个美语词。普埃布洛族有特色的石造和土造村庄,有些建筑高达五层,肯定给西班牙人留下了深刻的印象,因为pueblo 这个词是从这个村庄的名字转变成村庄中居民的名字的, 这可能是出于对他们建筑成就的敬仰或仅仅作为将普埃布洛族和其它美洲土著民族区分开的明显途径。这个词义是在1834年最早有使用记载的。〔vanity〕Excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments; conceit.See Synonyms at conceit 虚荣心,虚夸:对某人的外观或成就的过分骄傲;自大 参见 conceit〔Herschel〕Family of British astronomers, including SirWilliam Herschel (1738-1822), who discovered Uranus (1781), was astronomer to George III, and cataloged more than 800 double stars and 2,500 nebulae. His sister Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) assisted in his work and published a star catalog. His son Sir John Frederick William Herschel (1792-1871) augmented William's work with the discovery of 525 nebulae and conducted notable research on light, photography, and astrophysics. 赫歇耳:英国天文学家族,包括发现天王星(1781年)的威廉·赫歇耳 (1738-1822年)爵士,他担任乔治三世的天象观测员并总结归类了800多颗双星和2,500个星云。他的妹妹 凯塞琳·赫歇耳 (1750-1848年),协助他工作并发表了一本星的目录。他的儿子 约翰·弗雷德里克·赫歇耳 爵士(1792-1871年),又发现了525个星云并进行了有关光、摄影和天体物理学的卓有成效的研究,从而扩展了威廉的成就 〔Gabor〕Hungarian-born British physicist. He won a 1971 Nobel Prize for his work on holography.伽柏,丹尼斯:(1900-1979) 英裔匈牙利物理学家,因在全息摄影术方面的成就而获1971年诺贝尔物理奖 |
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