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单词 成绩
释义 〔grade〕A mark indicating a student's level of accomplishment.成绩等级,分数:指示一个学生成绩水平的标记〔transcript〕the transcript of court testimony; an academic transcript.法庭证词的记录;学生成绩报告单〔curve〕A graphic representation showing the relative performance of individuals as measured against each other, used especially as a method of grading students in which the assignment of grades is based on predetermined proportions of students.成绩分布曲线:一种用来显示个人与他人比较时相对表现的图示,尤指用作给学生分等级的方法,这种分级法是建立在预先确定的学生比例之上的〔condition〕To give the unsatisfactory grade of condition to.给予不及格的成绩〔congratulation〕The act of expressing joy or acknowledgment, as for the achievement or good fortune of another.祝贺:对于别人的成绩或好运表示出的高兴或肯定〔tracking〕The placing of students in any of several courses of study according to ability, achievement, or needs.按学生成绩分组:根据能力、成绩或需要将学生分成几个学习进程组〔curve〕To grade (students, for example) on a curve.打分数:在成绩分布曲线上给(学生等)分级〔achievement〕Something accomplished successfully, especially by means of exertion, skill, practice, or perseverance.See Synonyms at feat 1成就,成绩:成功实现了的事情,尤指通过努力、技能、实践或毅力 参见 feat1〔emulate〕an older pupil whose accomplishments and style I emulated.我所模仿并试图超越其成绩与风格的一位年纪稍大的学生〔pride〕Pleasure or satisfaction taken in an achievement, a possession, or an association:引以为豪:因成绩,占有或联系而引起的愉悦或满意:〔stonefly〕Any of numerous weak-flying insects of the order Plecoptera, whose flat, elongated nymphs live under stones along the banks of streams. Adult and larval stoneflies are used as fishing bait. Also called plecopteran 石蝇:一种属于构成绩翅目的不擅飞行的昆虫,其体长且平的蛹生活于河边的石头下成虫和幼虫都被用作鱼饵 也作 plecopteran〔mark〕A number, letter, or symbol used to indicate various grades of academic achievement:分数:用来表示不同等级的学科成绩的一个数字、字母或符号:〔Comstockery〕Bowdlerism, named after Dr. Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825),has been around longer than Comstockery, named for Anthony Comstock (1844-1915). All Bowdler did to enter the world of common nouns was to expurgate Shakespeare, the Bible, and Gibbon'sHistory of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. On the other hand, Comstock, the organizer and secretary of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice,helped destroy 160 tons of literature and pictures that he deemed immoral.Comstockery, the word honoring his achievements, is first recorded in 1905 in a letter by George Bernard Shaw to the New York Times: “Comstockery is the world's standing Joke at the expense of the United States. . . . It confirms the deep-seated conviction of the Old World that America is a provincial place, a second rate country-town civilization after all.” 以汤姆斯·鲍德勒博士(1754-1825年)的名字命名的鲍德勒主义,存在时间要比以安东尼·康斯托克(1844-1915年)命名的康斯托克主义长一些。鲍德勒所做的只是删节莎士比亚作品、《圣经 》和吉伯恩的罗马帝国的衰落与灭亡 就使其名字成为一个通用名词了。 而另一方面,作为纽约反暴力社会党的组织者和秘书长,康斯托克协助销毁了160吨他认为不道德的作品与图片。Comstockery ,这一为了表彰他的成绩的词最初是出现于1905年乔治·伯那德·修在写给 纽约时报 的信中: “Comstockery 一词是世界对美国的嘲笑…它证实了在东半球中根深蒂固的观念,那就是美国是个粗鄙的地方,充其量只能算是一个二流的乡村文明” 〔score〕To evaluate and assign a grade to.评分:给成绩和评估〔cream〕Many special schools cream off the highest achievers.许多专业学校录取了成绩最好的学生〔microteaching〕A method of practice teaching in which a videotape of a small segment of a student's classroom teaching is made and later evaluated.微型教学:一种实习教学方法,把一小班学生的课堂教学制成录像以便以后评定成绩〔mensurable〕mensurable results in employee performance; a mensurable increase in the cost of oil.雇员表现的可测成绩;石油价格的可测增长速度〔score〕To achieve a purpose or advantage, especially to make a surprising gain or coup:收获:实现目标或者取得优势,尤指取得令人惊奇的成果或成绩〔break〕To advance beyond previous achievements:更好成绩:在以前取得的成绩上更进一步:〔probation〕A trial period in which a student is given time to try to redeem failing grades or bad conduct.试读期:给予某一学生的检验期,让其在一定期间内提高不及格的成绩或改善不良行为〔condition〕An unsatisfactory grade given to a student, serving notice that deficiencies can be made up by the completion of additional work.需补考的成绩:学生不及格的成绩,用来提醒学生通过补考还能补上功课的通知单〔track〕Any of several courses of study to which students are assigned according to ability, achievement, or needs:分轨制课程:根据学生的能力、成绩或需要而布置给他们的几门学习课程:〔tabulator〕a tabulator of racing scores.将赛跑的成绩列成表格的人〔minimal〕Etymologically,minimal is properly used to refer to the smallest possible amount, as inThe amplifier reduces distortion to the minimal level that can be obtained with present technologies. In recent years, however,the word has come to be used to refer simply to a small amount,as inIf you would just put in a minimal amount of time on your homework, I am sure your grades would improve. Critics have often objected to this extension,but it appears to be well established.To determine the acceptability of the newer use,we presented the Usage Panel with the sentence 从词源学上来说,minimal 应被正确地用来指最小的可能数量, 如在这台扩大器能将失真减至为当前技术水平所有达到的最低限度内 。 但是近几年来,此词已被用来表示一个较少的数量,如在假如你在家庭作业上花上一点时间的话,我敢肯定你的成绩会变好的 一句中。 批评家们经常反对这种延伸,但这似乎已被广泛接受。为确定这种较新用法的被接受程度,我们以下句进行了用法调查 〔posttest〕A test given after a unit of instruction to ascertain what the students have learned. Results of a posttest are typically compared with those of a pretest.课程结束考核,培训结束后成绩考核:课程或培训结束后进行的考核,以测定学生所学知识。其考试结果常与课程或培训开始前之考核结果作比较〔personality〕Personality is often used to mean "celebrity,” particularly in popular journalism,as inThe show features interviews with entertainment personalities. A case can be made for the usage,since many of the persons so described are best known simply for who they are rather than what they have done.Thuspersonality may be an appropriate description of someone who is best known by virtue of his or her frequent appearances as a television host or an advertising spokesperson, but it is slighting when used of people whose renown is based on substantive achievements.Perhaps for this reason,the word was unacceptable to 57 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey.Personality 常用来表示“著名人物”, 特别用在一些大众杂志中,如在电影演员与娱乐圈知名人士对话 中。 一种情形能够用于这种用法,因为许多这样描述的人仅因他们是谁而并不解他们所做的事而著名。所以personality 可能是对因作为电视节目主持人或广告角色频繁出现而著名的一类人的合适称呼, 但如果用于那些凭借实在成绩而著名的人物就显得粗鲁了。可能因为这个原因,在早期调查中有57%用法小组的专家不接受这个词〔subindex〕pl. or An index of measurement based on relatively few variables, especially a trade index based on the performance of a particular group or type of stocks.【复数】 或 次指标:以相对较少的变量为根据的测量指标,尤指以某一群特定的人的销售成绩或股票的销售情况为根据的贸易指数〔Terry〕American baseball player. During his career with the New York Giants (1924-1941), he batted .310 or better in 11 seasons, batting .401 in 1930.泰瑞,威廉:美国棒球选手。在效力于纽约巨人队期间(1924年-1941年),他的平均打击率为.310并有11个赛季成绩更好,1930年平均打击率为.401〔congratulate〕To express joy or acknowledgment, as for the achievement or good fortune of (another).祝贺:对于(别人的)成绩或好运表示高兴或肯定〔accomplishment〕Something completed successfully; an achievement.成绩,成就:胜利完成的事情;成绩,成功〔legend〕The wordslegend and legendary have come to be used in recent years to refer to any person or achievement whose fame promises to be particularly enduring, even if its renown is created more by the media than by oral tradition.Strictly speaking,there is nothinglegendary about the accomplishments of a major-league baseball star or the voice of a famous opera singer, since their accomplishments are documented in an extensive public record.But this new usage is common journalistic hyperboleand in such contexts is acceptable to 55 percent of the Usage Panel.近些年来,legend 和 legendary 这两个词已逐渐被用来指有希望成为享有持久名声的人物或成就, 即使它的名声是通过大众传媒炒作而不是人们口碑而取得的。从严格意义上说,对于棒球联合总会的棒球明星所取得的成绩或者一位著名的歌剧歌唱家的声音来说,根本就没有什么事情可以说是“传奇的” , 因为他们的成就广为人知。但是,这种新用法是一种很常见的新闻夸张手法。用法委员会中55%的人认为可以在这种上下文中使用〔honor〕Special recognition for unusual academic achievement:优等成绩奖:对超常学术成绩的特别承认:〔average〕finished the season with a .500 average; a batting average of .274.以一个500分的平均成绩结束了本赛季;平均274分的击球成绩〔disastrous〕a disastrous report card.极糟的成绩报告单




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