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单词 我们
释义 〔meantime〕In the meantime we waited. 我们在这时等待着。 〔see〕"We perceived a little girl coming towards us" (Frederick Marryat). “我们辨认出一个小女孩朝我们走来” (弗雷德里克·马里亚特)。 〔run〕The crew ran through the preflight procedures. We ran through the witness's testimony before presenting it in court.机组人员又复习了一遍飞行前的程序。在法庭上出示之前,我们先过目一下见证人的证词〔antipode〕"We just sit and listen to the fullness of the quiet, as an antipode to focused busyness"(Kathryn A. Knox)“我们坐下来享受一下完全安静的环境,这是和高度繁忙恰恰相反的”(凯瑟琳A.诺克斯)〔hassle〕It is difficult to believe that there were no hassles before 1945,but that is the year in which the nounhassle is first recorded in English. The origins of this word might be considered a hassle for the etymologist.An English dialect word,hassle, meaning "to hack at, cut with a blunt knife and with a sawing motion,” is recorded at the end of the 19th century.A Southern dialect word,hassle, "to pant, breathe heavily,” is also a possible source. A more popular notion has been thathassle is a blend, but here again we have a hassle.Three separate possibilities have been proposed,a combination ofh ar ass and hu stle, ha ggle and tu ssle, and ha ggle and wre stle. Given all these possibilities,it is clear why words such ashassle end up with the etymology "origin unknown.” 很难相信1945年以前没有麻烦这个词,但就在那一年hassle 这个名词第一次被记录在英语中。 词源学家认为这个词的来源是争吵。一个英语方言词hassle 的意思是“砍,用一个钝的刀锯”, 在19世纪被记录下来。一个南部的方言词hassle “喘气,重呼吸”也可能是它的来源。 但更普遍的是认为hassle 是一个合成词, 但我们对此又有了异议。词源学家提出的三种不同的可能性:h ar ass 与hu stle的结合、ha ggle与tu ssle 的结合和 ha ggle与wre stle 的结合。 尽管有这么多的可能性,但很显然,象hassle 这样的词仍“无源可溯” 〔culprit〕abbreviation for Anglo-Norman *culpable: prit d'averrer nostre bille [guilty: (I am) ready to aver our indictment] 英法语 *culpable的缩写: prit d'averrer nostre bille [证明有罪的:(我)将要证明我们的控告属实] 〔particular〕We will make an exception in this particular case.我们将把这个例子当作例外〔embroil〕"Avoid . . . any step that may embroil us with Great Britain"(Alexander Hamilton)“避免…任何可能使我们卷入与英国敌对状态的行动”(亚历山大·汉密尔顿)〔read〕We read about the storm in the paper today.从今天的报纸上我们得知今天有风暴〔frustrate〕"Time after time our hopes are balked" (Herbert Spencer).我们的希望一次又一次的受挫” (赫伯特·斯宾塞)〔at〕at the market; at our destination.在市场;在我们的目的地〔disgust〕a stench that disgusted us;令我们作呕的恶臭;〔arrowroot〕The arrowroot is just one of many plants that the European settlers and explorers discovered in the New World.The Arawak, a people who formerly lived on the Caribbean Islands and continue to inhabit certain regions of Guiana, named this plantaru-aru, meaning "meal of meals,” so called because they thought very highly of the starchy, nutritious meal made from the arrowroot.The plant also had medicinal value because its tubers could be used to draw poison from wounds inflicted by poison arrows.The medicinal application of the roots provided the impetus for English speakers to remakearu-aru into arrowroot, first recorded in English in 1696. Folk etymology—the process by which an unfamiliar element in a word is changed to resemble a more familiar word,often one that is semantically associated with the word being refashioned—has triumphed once again,thus denying us the direct borrowing ofaru-aru and giving us arrowroot instead. 竹芋仅是欧洲探险家和拓荒者在新大陆发现的多种植物中的一种。曾居住在加勒比海各岛,现仍在圭亚那部分地区居住的阿拉瓦克人把这种植物称为aru-aru 意思是“餐中餐”, 这样称呼是因为他们非常看重这种用竹芋粉做成的淀粉状的,非常有营养的食物。这种植物同时还有医疗价值,因为其块茎可用来从毒箭箭伤处把毒吸出来。这种植物的医疗作用促使讲英语的人重新将aru-aru 命名为 arrowroot ,1696年首次在英语中予以记载。 词的通俗变化就是比较陌生的词被比较熟悉的词所替代的过程,常常是被一个语义上与被翻新的词有联系的词。这里,通俗词汇学又一次取得胜利,不允许我们直接借用aru-aru ,而是另给了我们一个 arrowroot 。 〔fool〕The pejorative nature of the termfool is only strengthened by a knowledge of its etymology. Its source, the Latin wordfollis, meant "a bag or sack, a large inflated ball, a pair of bellows.” Users of the word in Late Latin, however, saw a resemblance between the bellows or the inflated ball and a person who was what we would call "a windbag" or "an airhead.”The word, which passed into English by way of French,is first recorded in English in a work written around the beginning of the 13th centurywith the sense "a foolish, stupid, or ignorant person.”词语fool 的轻蔑性质只有用它的语源知识才能体会深刻。 它的词源,拉丁词fillis 意思是“一个袋子,一个大的充气球,一对风箱”。 然而在后期拉丁语中此词使用者发现一个风箱或充气球与一个我们称为“空谈者”或“自大者”之间有相似之处。这个词通过法语传入英语,在英语中最早记录在一本写于大约为13世纪初的书中,意思是“笨的,傻的或愚昧的人”〔prevent〕There will be a picnic if nothing prevents.如果没有特别的情况,我们将举行野餐〔alky〕"Nobody ever admitted we were alkies"(Dwight Espe)“没人承认我们是酒鬼”(德怀特·埃斯佩)〔go〕I went through the sonata in 30 minutes.我们用三十分钟演完了这个奏鸣曲〔bewilder〕The twists and turns in the cave soon bewildered us.蜿蜒弯曲的洞穴使我们很快便失去了方向〔force〕Our forces have at last engaged the enemy.我们的军队最终战胜了敌人〔share〕"You English gentlefolk do not let us share your griefs; you keep them to yourselves" (John Galsworthy).It can also refer to possession, use, or enjoyment in common by a group: “你们英国上流人士不让我们分担你们的不幸;你们自己承受它们” (约翰·高尔斯沃西)。它也可能指一个组织共享的财产、使用权或娱乐: 〔like〕If you like, we can meet you there.如果你愿意的话,我们在那儿接你〔beneficial〕signed a contract that is advantageous to our company;签订一项对我们公司有利的合同;〔unbeknown〕a crisis unbeknown to us.我们所不知道的危机〔prize〕our prize azaleas.我们一流的杜鹃花〔comet〕Comets have been feared throughout much of human history,and even in our own time their goings and comings receive great attention.Perhaps a comet might seem less awesome if we realized that our name for it is based on a figurative resemblance between it and human beings.This figurative name is recorded first in the works of Aristotle,in which he useskomē, the Greek word for "hair of the head,” to mean "luminous tail of a comet.” Aristotle then uses the derived wordkomētēs, "wearing long hair,” as a noun meaning "comet.” The Greek word was adopted into Latin ascomētēs, which was refashioned in Late Latin and given the formcomēta, furnishing Old English with comēta, the earliest English ancestor of our wordcomet. 在大多数人类历史期间,人们害怕彗星,甚至在我们自己的时代彗星的到来与离去仍受到很大注意。如果我们认识到我们对它的名字是基于它和人在外形上的相似性,也许彗星看起来就不太可怕了。比喻的名字首先记录在亚里士多德的著作中,他使用的kome 是希腊语中意为“头发”的词,表示“彗星明亮的尾巴。 然后亚里士多德使用导出的单词kometes “戴长发”,作为名词意义的"comet"。 希腊单词被采用到拉丁语为cometes, 它再形成晚期拉丁语,给定形式为cometa, 以 cometa 的形式出现于老式英语, 这就是我们单词comet 的最早英语原形 〔push〕The path was barely visible, but we pushed on.几乎看不见路了,但是我们继续前进〔shakedown〕In 1969 a majority of the members of theAmerican Heritage Dictionary Usage Panel felt that the noun shakedown in the sense "extortion" and the related phrasal verb shake down were acceptable in writing, though both are now labeledslang. It would seem that certain usages take a while to attain respectability because of the company they keep.Shake and the verb phrase shake out of already meant "to steal" in Middle English. This usage ofshake is still found in the 19th and 20th centuries. Bothshake and shake out of in the sense "to steal" are clearly related to shake down, which is first recorded in 1872, shake down being glossed "to extort money from individuals.” This is a slang usage,probably occurring, as had the verbshake, largely in contexts having to do with criminal or corrupt behavior. As our Panel realized,the verb and the later nounshakedown (first recorded in 1902 in the United States) have now moved from the lingo of criminals, loan sharks, and politicians into wider currency. 1969年,大多数美国经典辞书 用法研究小组的成员认为名词 shakedown (意为“敲诈”)及相关的短语动词 shake down 在写作中是可接受的, 虽然现在两者均被标以俚语。 与之有关的意义似乎有些用法需要一些时间来获得社会的承认。在中世纪英语中,Shake 和 shake out of 已经意味着“偷盗” 。 shake 的这种用法仍见于19世纪和20世纪。 Shake 及 shake out of (意为“偷盗”)明显与 shake down (首次记载于1872年)有所联系。 shake down 被解释为“从个人处敲诈金钱”。 这是俚语用法,很可能如动词shake 一样,大量用于与犯罪或腐败行为有关的语境中。 正如我们的用法研究小组所意识到的,该动词及后来的名词shakedown (在美国最早记载于1902年)已从罪犯、高利贷者及政客的语汇发展到更广泛的使用领域 〔stand〕It stands to reason that if we leave late, we will arrive late.如果我们离开晚了,当然就会晚到〔confirm〕"We must never make experiments to confirm our ideas, but simply to control them" (Claude Bernard). “我们不要用实验来验证我们的想法,只需操纵它们就行了” (克劳德·伯纳德)。〔Taylor〕British playwright whose works includeOur American Cousin (1858). 泰勒,汤姆:(1817-1880) 英国剧作家,他的作品包括《我们的美国堂兄弟》 (1858年) 〔dirty〕gave us a dirty look.恶狠狠地看了我们一眼〔over〕Think the problem over. Let's read the memo over.全面地思考这个问题。让我们把备忘录再详尽地读一遍〔vain〕Our labor was in vain.我们的劳动是白费力气〔curmudgeon〕The etymology of the wordcurmudgeon has eluded us for at least two centuries, although some lexicographers have thought the solution was at hand, one to his embarrassment.When Samuel Johnson stated in his famous dictionary of 1755 thatcurmugeon "is a vicious manner of pronouncing c÷ur méchant, Fr. an unknown correspondent,” he was giving credit to an anonymous writer for the statement thatcurmudgeon came from French c÷ur, "heart,” and méchant, "evil.” Another lexicographer, John Ash, following in Johnson's tracks though none too carefully,gave the etymology a bit differently in his dictionary of 1775:"from the Frenchc÷ur unknown, and mechant a correspondent"; thus misinterpreting Johnson's attribution as a gloss for the French.Although its origin is unknown,curmudgeon has been around for some time, being first recorded in a work published in 1577. 单词curmudgeon 的词源已经使我们困惑了至少有两个世纪, 虽然有些词典的编辑者已经认为快找到解决方式了,但仍使某些人局促不安。当塞缪尔·约翰逊在他的举世闻名的1755年词典中指出Curmugeon “是对 cour mechant 这一法语词语的错误发音方式(它意指不知名的通讯记者)”时, 他认同一位不署名作家认为curmudgeon 一词来自法语 cour “心”和 mechant “罪恶”的陈述是正确的。 另一个名叫约翰·艾什的词典编辑者承袭了约翰逊的思路,但他也并非很严格地遵循,在他的1775年词典中对该词源作了稍有差别的解释: “从法语cour (不知名的)和 mechant (一名通讯记者)而来”; 由此他误解了约翰逊对于法语的译注。虽然该词词源未知,curmudgeon 已有了一定的历史,它首次被记录于1577年出版的一部作品中 〔set〕Our set purpose is to win the conflict.我们有意赢得此次争论〔inclinable〕inclinable to our urgings.顺从我们的强烈要求〔break〕We accidentally broke the radio.我们不小心弄坏了收音机〔trust〕"Often enough our faith beforehand in an uncertified result is the only thing that makes the result come true" (William James). “我们对未经证实的结果事先所抱的信念经常是使该结果成为现实的唯一因素” (威廉姆·詹姆斯)。〔nauseous〕Traditional critics have insisted thatnauseous is appropriately used only to mean "causing nausea" and that it is incorrect to use it to mean "affected with nausea,”as inRoller coasters make me nauseous. In this example,nauseated is preferred by 72 percent of the Usage Panel. What is curious, however,is that 88 percent of the Panelists indicated that they would prefernauseating in the sentenceThe children looked a little green from too many candy apples and nauseous rides. Thus it appears that like a handful of other words such astranspire, nauseous is actively used mainly in the sense in which it is considered incorrect. · While the use ofnauseous to mean "affected with nausea" may incur critical displeasure, it should be pointed out in its defense not only that it is quite common among educated speakersbut that it is subtly distinct fromnauseated in this sense. Nauseated is a passive participle, and hence suggests a condition induced by a specific external cause.By contrast,nauseous is an adjective that refers to an occurrent state whose cause may be nonspecific or unknown.The person who reports thatI woke up this morning feeling nauseous might not be willing to accept that he or she had beennauseated by any external agent. 传统的评论家坚持认为nauseous 只适合用于“引起人厌恶的”意思, 而用于指“患恶心症的”是不正确的,就像在巨浪滑行者使我感到恶心 中一样。 在这个例子中,nauseated 被72%的用法专题使用小组成员认为是合适的。 然而,有趣的是,88%的成员认为他们会选用nauseating 这个词, 用在句子太多的苹果糖和令人恶心的骑乘使得孩子们的脸色有点绿 中。 因此似乎像许多别的词如transpire那样,nauseous 积极地主要用于被人认为是不正确的意思中。 然而用nauseous 来指“患恶心症”可能引起评论的不愉快, 作为防卫我们应该指出不仅在受过教育的演说者中此种用法普遍,而且在这个意思上它和nauseated 有细微的区别。 Nauseated 是过去分词, 因此意味着由特殊的外部原因引导的条件。相反nauseous 是形容词指偶发的状态, 可能是非特殊的或不知道的。声称我早上起来时感到恶心 的人, 可能不情愿接受他或她被任何外界力量所恶心到 〔later〕She arrived on the ferry, and he came later. He later felt that he was wrong. Later on, we watched a movie.她到渡口后他才到。他后来才发觉自己错了。后来我们去看电影




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