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释义 〔guardroom〕A room used by guards on duty.卫兵室:卫兵值勤时所用的房子〔assegai〕A light spear or lance, especially one with a short shaft and long blade for close combat, used by southern African tribesmen.长矛:南非部落所用的轻便长矛或标枪,尤指那种适于近距离搏斗用的短杆长刀片武器〔Sanskrit〕An ancient Indic language that is the language of Hinduism and the Vedas and is the classical literary language of India.梵文:一种古印度语,为印度及吠陀经所用文字,也是印度的古典文学语言〔order〕Any of several styles of classical architecture characterized by the type of column employed:柱型,柱式:几种古典建筑风格之一,以其所用柱子的类型为特征:〔gaff〕A climbing hook used by telephone and electric line workers.攀钩:架设电话线或电线的工人所用的爬钩〔mambo〕The syncopated music for this dance in 4/4 time.曼波曲:跳这种舞所用的切分音乐,节拍为4/4拍〔cookhouse〕A building used for cooking, as at a camp.野外炊事处:用来煮东西的建筑物,如在露营时所用〔hooker〕A single-masted fishing smack used off the coast of Ireland.小渔船:爱尔兰沿海捕鱼所用的单桅小帆船〔card〕To sign in, as at a place of business, by use of a magnetic card.签到:如在商业场所用磁卡所进行的登记〔link〕A torch formerly used for lighting one's way in the streets.火把:旧时街上所用的为行人照明的火炬〔erudite〕One might like to beerudite but hesitate to berude. This preference is supported by the etymological relationship betweenerudite and rude. Erudite comes from the Latin adjectiveērudītus, "well-instructed, learned,” from the past participle of the verbērudīre, "to educate, train.” The verb is in turn formed from the prefixex-, "out, out of,” and the adjective rudis, "untaught, untrained,” the source of our word rude. The English worderudite is first recorded in a work possibly written before 1425 with the senses "instructed, learned.”Erudite meaning "learned" is supposed to have become rare except in sarcastic use, at least during the latter part of the 19th century, but the word now seems to have been restored to favor.一个人想成为erudite (博学的), 但却犹豫会成为rude (粗鲁的)。 这个优先选择可以由erudite 和 rede这两个词在语源学上的关系得出。 Erudite 源于拉丁语的形容词eruditus ,指“受过良好教育的、博学的,” 来源于动词erudire 的过去分词,指“教育、训练”。 这个动词反过来由前缀ex- ,(表示“出、离开”)和形容词 rudis 意为“没受教育的,没受训练的”组成,它又是现代词 rude 的来源。 英语单词erudite 最早记录于大约写在1425年以前的一本著作中, 那时意思是“受教育的、博学的”。至少在19世纪后半期,Erudite 意思为“博学的”,除了讽刺的用法外已经很少被人所用, 但是现在这个单词好象又逐渐被人们使用起来〔oscillate〕The rather dry wordoscillate may become a bit less dry as we learn its story. It is possible that it goes back to the Latin wordōscillum, a diminutive ofōs, "mouth,” meaning "small mouth.” In a passage in theGeorgics, Virgil applies the word to a small mask of Bacchus hung from trees to move back and forth in the breeze.From this wordōscillum may have come another word ōscillum, meaning "something, such as a swing, that moves up and down or back and forth.”And thisōscillum was the source of the verb ōscillāre, "to ride in a swing,” and the noun (from the verb) ōscillātio, "the action of swinging or oscillating.” The words have given us, respectively, our verboscillate, first recorded in 1726, and our noun oscillation, first recorded in 1658. The next time one sees something oscillating,one might think of that small mask of Bacchus swinging from a pine tree in the Roman countryside.当我们了解了与oscillate 有关的传说时,这个较为枯燥的词就会变得不那么干巴巴的了。 此词可被追溯到一个拉丁词oscillum, 可简写成os, “嘴”,意为“小嘴”。 在农事诗集 的一节中, 维吉尔用这个词指挂在树上在微风中来回摆动的酒神巴克斯的小假面具。从oscillum 一词可以得出另一词 oscillum, 指“前后或上下摆动的某物,如秋千。”而这里的oscillum 便是意为“在秋千上摆动”的动词 oscillare 和意为“摆动或摇动的动作”的名词(从动词来) oscillatio 的词源。 从这些单词中分别得出了我们今天所用的动词oscillation (首次记录于1726年)和名词 oscillation (首次记录于1658年)。 以后若看见物体在摆动,就很可能会想起古罗马乡间一棵松树上摇来晃去的巴克斯的小假面具了〔Pali〕A Prakit language that is a scriptural and liturgical language of Hinayana Buddhism.巴利语:记录小乘佛教典籍所用的一种印度语言〔aversive〕Causing avoidance of an unpleasant or punishing stimulus, as in techniques of behavior modification.表示厌恶的:如行为疗法中所用的技巧,使之避开不愉悦的或打击性的刺激〔pontifical〕A book of forms for ceremonies performed by a bishop.主教于祭典所用的书〔warhorse〕A horse used in combat; a charger.战马:作战所用的马;军马〔chaperon〕The chaperon at a high-school dance seems to have little relationship to what was first signified by the English wordchaperon, "a hood for a hawk,” and not even that much to what the word later meant, "a protectress of a young single woman.”The sense "hood for a hawk,” recorded in a Middle English text composed before 1400,reflects the original meaning of the Old French wordchaperon, "hood, headgear.” In order to understand why ourchaperon came to have the sense "protectress,” we need to know that in French the verbchaperonner, meaning "to cover with a hood,” was derived from chaperon and that this verb subsequently developed the figurative sense "to protect.”Under the influence of the verb sensethe French nounchaperon came to mean "escort,” a meaning that was borrowed into English,being found first in a work published in 1720.In its earlier useEnglishchaperon referred to a person, commonly an older woman, who accompanied a young unmarried woman in public to protect her. The English verbchaperon, "to be a chaperon,” is first recorded in Jane Austen'sSense and Sensibility, begun in 1796 as a sketch called "Elinor and Marianne"and published as a novel in 1811.中学舞会上的年长监护者似乎与英语词chaperon 的最初含义关系极微,(当时其意为“鹰的羽冠”), 与后来该词的意思“年轻单身女子的伴护人”,关系也不甚大。“鹰的羽冠”的意思,最初见于作于1400年以前的一个中古英语文本,反映了这个古法语词chaperon 的最初的“羽冠”的含义。 为了理解为什么我们所用的chaperon 一词具有了“女伴护人”的意思, 我们需要知道法语中表示“覆以羽冠”意思的动词chaperonner 是从 chaperon 派生出来的, 这个词后来逐渐发展具有了“保护”的意思。受动词意义的影响,法语名词chaperon 也有了“伴护”的含义, 英语借用了这个含义,首见于1720年发表的一部作品。在早期用法上,英语词chaperon 是指一个在社交场合陪伴并保护一名未成婚少女的人,尤指年长妇女。 英语动词chaperon “做伴护人”, 最初见于简·奥斯丁的理智与情感 , 此作品开始是1796年动笔的一部名为“艾利诺和马利恩”的文学速写,1811年作为一部小说出版〔gouache〕An opaque pigment used when painting in this way.树胶水彩画颜料:作这种画时所用的不透明颜料〔whipstitch〕To sew with overcast stitches, as in finishing a fabric edge or binding two pieces of fabric together.交叉缝:用锁缝针缝,如在完工一件织物边儿或将两件织物缝在一起时所用〔studding〕Something with which a surface is studded.给表面上钉所用的东西〔horoscope〕The aspect of the planets and stars at a given moment, such as the moment of a person's birth, used by astrologers.星象:占星术需所用的,某一特定时刻(如一个人出生的时刻)的行星与恒星的位置〔structural〕Used in or necessary to building:建筑用的:建筑所用的或建筑所必须的:〔identic〕Being or constituting a diplomatic action or diplomatic language in which two or more governments agree to use the same forms in their relations with other governments.措词相同的:两个或两个以上政府同意在与其它政府交往过程中,所用的外交方式或使用的外交语言应采取相同的方式〔overdevelop〕To process (a photographic plate or film) too long or in too concentrated a solution.使显影过度:处理(摄影用感光板或胶卷)所用时间太长或所用显影液浓度太高〔Cipango〕A poetic name for Japan, used by Marco Polo.日本国:马可波罗所用诗中的日本国名〔inkle〕The yarn or thread used in making this tape.制亚麻有色织带所用的纱或纱线〔Dover〕A municipal borough of southeast England on the Strait of Dover opposite Calais, France. Site of a Roman lighthouse, it has been a strategic port since medieval times. The chalk cliffs rising above the city have caves and tunnels originally used by smugglers. Population, 33,700.多佛尔:与法国加莱市隔岸相对的英格兰东南部自治市,临多佛尔海峡。罗马灯塔遗址,自中世纪以来就是战略要地,该市白垩崖多岩洞和涵洞原为走私者所用。人口33,700〔table〕Either of the leaves of a backgammon board.棋页:一张十五子游戏中所用板面的两页中的任一页〔orange〕Oranges imported to China from the United States reflect a journey come full circle,for the orange had worked its way westward for centuries, originating in China,then being introduced to India,and traveling on to the Middle East, into Europe,and finally to the New World.The history of the wordorange keeps step with this journey only part of the way. The word is possibly ultimately of Dravidian origin, that is, it comes from a language or languages in a large non-Indo-European family of languages,including Tamil and Telugu, that are spoken in southern India and northern Sri Lanka.The Dravidian word or words were adopted into the Indo-European language Sanskritwith the formnāraṅgaḥ. As the fruit passed westward,so did the word,as evidenced by Persiannārang and Arabic nāranj. Arabs brought the first oranges to Spain,and the fruit rapidly spread throughout Europe.The important word for the development of our term is Old Italianmelarancio, derived from mela, "fruit,” and arancio, "orange tree,” from Arabicnāranj. Old Italianmelarancio was translated into Old French as pume orenge, theo replacing the a because of the influence of the name of the town of Orange, from which oranges reached the northern part of France.The final stage of the odyssey of the word was its borrowing into English from the Old French formorenge. Our word is first recorded in Middle English in a text probably composed around 1380,a time preceding the arrival of the orange in the New World.从美国进口到中国的桔子恰恰反映出兜圈子似的行进里程,因为原产于中国的桔子几个世纪以来不断向西行进,先是被引入印度,之后传播到中东国家、欧洲,最后引进了新大陆,orange 这个词的发展历史只与桔子的发展历程在一部分时段上是有其同步性的, 它最可能是来源于达罗毗荼,也就是说,它来源于非印一欧语系中的一种或多种语言,包括用于印度南部和斯里兰卡北部的泰米尔语和泰卢固语。达罗毗荼语是以梵文形式引入印欧语系的,形式如narangch。 当这种水果向西传播时,这个单词也同样西传,从以下可得到明证,如波斯语中的narang 和阿拉伯语中的 naranj。 阿拉伯人把第一批桔子带到西班牙后,这种水果又迅速传遍整个欧洲。我们现时所用的这个词的发展期中重要的一词便是古意大利语melarancio ,源于 mela, “水果”及 arancio, “桔树”, 来源于阿拉伯语naranj。 古意大利语melarancio 翻译成古法语为 pume orenge, o 变换为 a 是因为受奥伦奇城名的影响, 桔子即由此地进入法国北部。这一单词长途跋涉的最后一站是它由古法语orenge 进入英语词汇。 我们所用的这一词汇最初载入中世纪英语是在大约1380年左右的一份文本当中,早于桔子进入新大陆的时间〔Realtor〕A service mark used for a real-estate agent affiliated with the National Association of Realtors. This service mark often occurs in print in lowercase and in the plural as well:房地产经纪人:指作为全国房地产同业公会成员的房地产经纪所用的服务标志。这个服务标志常在印刷品中以小写体和复数形式出现:〔ablution〕The liquid so used.洗礼水:在这种仪式上所用的液体〔guillotine〕"At half past 12 the guillotine severed her head from her body.”So reads the statementcontaining the first recorded use ofguillotine in English, found in theAnnual Register of 1793. The word occurs in a context clearly illustrating the function of theguillotine, "a machine with a heavy blade that falls freely between upright guides to behead a condemned person.” Ironically, the guillotine, which became the most notable symbol of the excesses of the French Revolution,was named for a humanitarian physician, Joseph Ignace Guillotin.Guillotin, a member of the French Constituent Assembly,recommended in a speech to that body on October 10, 1789,that executions be performed by a beheading device rather than by hanging, the method used for commoners, or by the sword, reserved for the nobility.He argued that beheading by machine was quicker and less painful than the work of the rope and the sword.In 1791 the Assembly did indeed adopt beheading by machine as the state's preferred method of execution.A beheading device designed by Dr. Antoine Louis, secretary of the College of Surgeons, was first used on April 25, 1792, to execute a highwayman named Pelletier or Peletier.The device was called alouisette or louison after its inventor's name,but because of Guillotin's famous speech,his name became irrevocably associated with the machine. After Guillotin's death in 1814,his children tried unsuccessfully to get the device's name changed.When their efforts failed,they were allowed to change their name instead.“十二点半,断头台斩落了他的头颅。”这句话如此写道。这是英语文章中第一次使用guillotine 这个词, 它出现在1793年的年度文摘 中。 该文中,该词清楚地体现了guillotine 的功用——“利用垂直向下砍落的重斧斩落犯人头颅的机器。” 令人啼笑皆非的是,这一成为法国大革命中恐怖暴行最显著标志的断头台,竟是因一个人文主义医生,约瑟夫·英格纳斯·吉约坦命名的。吉约坦是法国国民代表大会的成员,在1789年10月的一次发言中向大会提出,在处决犯人时以一种砍头的机器来代替处决普通犯人时所用的绞刑或是处决贵族时使用的宝剑。他认为用机器砍头比用绳子或宝剑快而且痛苦小。1791年,国民大会确实将用机器砍头定为国家处决犯人的方法。由外科医生院秘书长安东尼·路易医生设计的砍头装置在1792年4月25日处决拦路强盗佩尔蒂或佩尔捷时第一次使用。这个装置被称为路易塞特 或 路易森 , 因由其发明者而得名。但是由于吉约坦那次著名的发言,他的名字不可避免地与这种机器联系在一起。1814年吉约坦死后,他的子孙试图为这种机器换个名字,但没有成功。当他们的努力失败后,他们得到允许,改换了自己的名字〔sitting〕A period during which one is seated and occupied with a single activity, such as posing for a portrait or reading a book.一次连续坐的时间:某人坐着或从事同一件行为所用的时间,例如为画像而摆姿势或读一本书所用的时间〔medium〕A specific kind of artistic technique or means of expression as determined by the materials used or the creative methods involved:技巧,工具:由所用材料或创造性方法所决定的艺术表现的技巧或手段:〔decussate〕from decussis [the number ten, intersection of two lines (from the Romans' use of X for the numeral 10), a ten-as coin] 源自 decussis [十这个数,(罗马人所用数字10)是两线交叉而成的,10的创造] 〔Chickasaw〕The Muskogean language of the Chickasaw.奇克索语:奇克索人所用的语言,属穆斯科格语族〔rigmarole〕from Middle English ragmane rolle [scroll used in Ragman, a game of chance] 源自 中古英语 ragmane rolle [废品行贩所用的纸卷,一种赌搏游戏] 〔cumbia〕Music for this dance.康比亚舞曲:这个舞蹈所用的音乐〔honorable〕Used in the House of Commons as a title of respect when speaking of another member.阁下:在下议院中谈到另一个成员时所用的尊称〔makimono〕A horizontal Japanese decorative scroll featuring pictures or calligraphy.书画卷轴:为日本人所用的以画或书法为特色的一种横向装饰轴




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