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单词 技术
释义 〔semiskilled〕Requiring limited skills:只需有限技术的:〔live〕a new technology that did not live up to our expectations.一种并不符合我们期望的新技术〔bioprocess〕A technique that produces a biological material, such as a genetically engineered microbial strain, for commercial use.生物工艺:生产商用生物学材料的技术,如基因工程微生物菌株〔survey〕To determine the boundaries, area, or elevations of (land or structures on the earth's surface) by means of measuring angles and distances, using the techniques of geometry and trigonometry.测量:用几何和三角学技术,通过测量角度和距离来决定(土地或地面结构的)边界、区域或高度〔astronautics〕The science and technology of space flight.航天学,宇宙航行学:研究宇宙飞行的科学及技术〔telecommunication〕Often telecommunications (used with a sing. verb)The science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses, as by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, or television: 常作 telecommunications (与单数动词连用)电信学:通过发射电报、电缆、电话、无线电、或电视等电脉冲进行远距离通讯的科学和技术〔gin〕short for engin [skill] * see engine engin的简写 [技能,技术] * 参见 engine〔drill〕To instruct thoroughly by repetition in a skill or procedure:训练:一项技术或过程经重复而完全学会:〔technique〕French [technical, technique] 法语 [技术的,技术] 〔Cormack〕South African-born American physicist. He shared a 1979 Nobel Prize for developing the CAT scan x-ray technique.柯麦科,阿伦·马克利奥德:(生于 1924) 南非裔美国物理学家,他因发明CAT扫描X-光技术而获1979年诺贝尔奖〔montage〕The use of such successive images as a cinematic technique.剪辑:这种连续影像作为一种电影技术的运用〔stenotypy〕The art or process of transcribing with a stenotype machine.按音速记术:用表音符号速记机记录的技术或过程〔survival〕survival techniques; survival equipment.救生技术;救生设备〔stagecraft〕Skill in the techniques and devices of the theater.舞台技术,演出技术:在剧院技术或装置方面的技巧〔craft〕Skill in doing or making something, as in the arts; proficiency.See Synonyms at art 1技术:做或制作某物的技能,如手艺;熟练 参见 art1〔impact〕Each generation of critics seems to select one particular usage to stand as the emblem of what they view as linguistic crassness.Thirty years ago it was the use ofcontact as a verb, but opposition to that form has more or less disappeared,and attention now focuses on the verbal use ofimpact meaning "have an effect, affect.” Eighty-four percent of the Usage Panel disapproves of the constructionto impact on, as in the phrasesocial pathologies, common to the inner city, that impact heavily on such a community; and fully 95 percent disapproves of the use ofimpact as a transitive verb in the sentence Companies have used disposable techniques that have a potential for impacting our health. But even these figures do not reflect the degree of distaste with which critics view the usage:in their comments some Panelists labeled the usage as "bureaucratic,” "pretentious,” "vile,” and "a vulgarism.” ·It may be that the particular pretentiousness associated with the verbal use ofimpact is caused by its derivation from an already questionable metaphoric use of the noun impact, as in phrases such asthe political impact of the decision or the impact of the program on the community, in which no more is usually meant than might have been expressed by effects or consequences. But thoughimpact may have begun life a generation ago as an inflated substitute for "affect significantly,” it has by now become so common in corporate and institutional contexts that younger speakers appear to regard it as wholly standard and straightforward usage.Within a few years, accordingly,the usage is likely to be no more objectionable thancontact is now, since it will no longer betray any particular pretentiousness on the part of those who use it.See Usage Note at contact 每一代的批评家好象都挑了一个特别的用法作为他们认为的语言上的愚蠢行为的象征。三十年以前是contact 作为动词的用法, 但是对这种形式的反对或多或少已经消失了,注意力现在集中到了impact 意思为“有不好的影响、影响”的动词用法上。 用法专题小组成员中百分之八十四不同意to impact on 的结构, 如在短语对内城区来说很普通的社会病理学,对这样一个社区产生了很大影响的 当中; 百分之九十五的成员完全不同意impact 在句子 公司已经使用了可能会对我们的健康产生不良影响的易处理技术 中当作及物动词来使用。 但是即使是这些数字也没有反映出批评家们对这种用法厌恶的程度:在他们的评论当中有些成员把这种用法说成是“官僚主义的”、“装腔作势的”,“可耻的”,还说这是“粗鄙的语言。”也许和impact 的动词用法有关联的虚饰成份是由于它是从名词 impact 的一个早有争议的比喻用法衍变而来造成的。 如在短语这个决定在政治上的影响 或者 这个计划对公众的影响 中它的意思并没有比用 effects 或者 consequences 表达出来的意思要多。 尽管impact 作为“明显地影响”的夸大了的替代可能在一代人之前开始产生, 但是现在的年轻一代使用者看上去把它当成了完全标准的、直接的用法,这在共同的和惯例的文章中已经很普遍了。相应地在几年内,这种用法很有可能不比今天的contact 更引起反对, 因为对于那些使用它的人来说这不会再显得有点矫揉造作了 参见 contact〔forward〕Being ahead of current economic, political, or technological trends; progressive:前进的,前卫的:领先于当前的经济、政治、技术潮流的;进步的:〔developed〕Advanced in industrial capability, technological sophistication, and economic productivity:发达的:在工业能力,技术高精密度和经济生产力上都很先进的:〔unskilled〕Requiring no training or skill:简单劳动的:不需要训练或技术的:〔joinery〕The art or craft of a joiner; cabinetmaking.细木工手艺:木匠的手艺或技术;细木工手艺〔mechanics〕(used with a pl. verb)The functional and technical aspects of an activity:(与复数动词连用)技艺:某种活动的机能与技术〔teach〕These verbs mean to impart knowledge or skill.这些动词意为传授知识或技术〔ornate〕Flamboyant relates to a French Gothic architectural style marked by wavy flamelike forms;in a less technical sensethe term suggests excessively vivid color, overwrought design, or striking audacity or verve: Flamboyant 与一种法国哥德式建筑风格有关,该风格以类似跳动火焰的设计为特色;在非专业技术含义中,该词意味着过分活泼的色彩、过度夸张的设计或令人震惊的大胆或气魄: 〔aeroponics〕A technique for growing plants without soil or hydroponic media. The plants are held above a system that constantly mists the roots with nutrient-laden water. Also called aeroculture 气栽法:一种不采用农耕法或水耕法而栽培植物的技术,其方法为通过持续浸泡植物根部于营养液中的方式来栽培植物 也作 aeroculture〔Forssmann〕German physician. He shared a 1956 Nobel Prize for developing new techniques for treating heart disease.福斯曼,维尔纳·狄奥多·奥托:(1904-1979) 德国医师,因在心脏病手术中采用新技术而获得1956年诺贝尔医学奖〔animatronics〕The technology employing electronics to animate motorized puppets.动画电子学:使用电子装置令电动木偶表演的技术〔immunofluorescence〕Any of various techniques that use antibodies chemically linked to a fluorescent dye to identify or quantify antigens in a tissue sample.抗体荧光染色:使用与荧光染色结合的化学抗体确认或定量在组织样品中的抗原的技术〔Martin〕British chemist. He shared a 1952 Nobel Prize for the development of partition chromatography.马丁,阿切尔·约翰·波特:(生于 1910) 英国化学家。因其对套色版分拆技术的发展成果而获1952年诺贝尔奖〔photomontage〕The composite picture produced by this technique.集锦照片:通过上述技术制作的合成照片〔generation〕A period of sequential technological development and innovation.阶段:持续的技术发展和革新的一段时期〔Corey〕American chemist. He won a 1990 Nobel Prize for developing techniques of creating synthetic compounds.科里,伊莱亚斯·詹姆斯:(生于 1928) 美国化学家,因发明制造合成纤维化合物技术获1990年诺贝尔奖〔gunnery〕The science dealing with the techniques and procedures of operating guns.火炮制造与射击学:研究枪枝技术和操作程序的科学〔recombinant〕recombinant fragments; recombinant technology.重组DNA碎片;重组DNA技术〔impostor〕"I remember . . . there was an impudent mountebank who sold pills which (as he told the country people) were very good against an earthquake" (Joseph Addison).Acharlatan makes false claims to skill or knowledge and hides his or her deficiency by an elaborate, fraudulent, often voluble display: “我记得…有一个厚颜无耻的商人来推销能(据他对村民们所说的)对付地震极为有效的药片” (约瑟夫·艾迪生)。charlatan 假称拥有某种技术或知识并且用故意的、欺骗性的,经常是口若悬河的显露来掩饰他或她的不足: 〔offset〕To produce by offset printing.用胶印技术生产〔technologize〕To modify or affect by technology; make technological.使技术化:通过技术更改或影响;使成为科技的〔detail〕a detail of a Rembrandt portrait illustrating the technique of chiaroscuro.一幅林布兰肖像画的局部显示了明暗对照的绘画技术〔telephotography〕The technique or process of transmitting charts, pictures, and photographs over a distance.传真术:远距离传送图表、图片和照片的技术或工序〔Bigelow〕American inventor of power looms used in the manufacture of fabrics and carpets. He was a founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1861).比奇洛,伊拉斯塔斯·布里格姆:(1814-1879) 发明用于纺织品和地毯制造中的动力纺机的美国发明家。是马萨诸塞技术研究院的创始人(1861年)〔futurology〕The study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology, and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure.未来学:一门以当前状况和趋势为出发点,对如科学、技术和社会潜在的发展作出预测或研究的学科




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