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单词 投降
释义 〔Reynaud〕French politician who served briefly as premier (1940) but was replaced by Philippe Pétain, who surrendered to the Germans. Imprisoned by the Vichy government, Reynaud later served as finance minister (1948) and vice premier (1953).雷诺,保罗:(1878-1966) 法国政治家,短期地担任过总理(1940年),但被投降德国人的菲利普·伯坦取代。被维希政府投入狱中,后担任财政部长(1948年)及副总理(1953年)〔Appomattox〕A town of south-central Virginia east of Lynchburg. Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union general Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865, ending the Civil War. The site is now a national historical park. Population, 1,345.阿波马托克斯:美国弗吉尼亚州中南部一城镇,位于林奇伯格东部。1865年4月9日南部联邦将军罗伯特·E·李在阿波马托克斯县城向联邦军尤利西斯·S·格兰特将军投降,美国南北战争就此结束。该址现为国家历史公园。人口1,345〔give〕To cease opposition; yield.停止反对;投降〔Keitel〕German general and chief of the supreme command of Nazi armed forces during World War II. He signed the unconditional surrender of Germany to Russia and the Allies (May 1945) and was executed as a war criminal.凯特尔,威廉:(1882-1946) 德国将军,二战中是纳粹武装力量的高级统帅司令。他签署了德国对俄罗斯和盟军的无条件投降条约(1945年),并作为战犯被处决〔Lee〕American Confederate general in the Civil War. He won victories at Bull Run (1862), Fredericksburg (1862), and Chancellorsville (1863) before surrendering to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox (1865).李,罗伯特·爱德华:(1807-1870) 美国内战时期南军将领,曾在公牛溪战役(1862年)、腓特烈斯堡战役(1862年)及钱瑟勒斯维尔战役(1863年)中大获全胜,后在阿波马托克斯向尤利西斯·S·格兰特将军投降(1865年)〔buxom〕from būgan [to bend, submit] * see bheug- 源自 būgan [屈服,投降] * 参见 bheug- 〔Laval〕French politician who twice served as prime minister (1931-1932 and 1935-1936) and became head of the Vichy government (1942) after the surrender of France. He was executed for treason for his collaboration with the Nazis.拉瓦尔,皮尔:(1883-1945) 法国政治家,两次出任法国总理(1931-1932年和1935-1936年),并在法国投降后成为维希政府的首脑(1942年)。他因与纳粹合作被以叛国罪处死〔unconditional〕demanded unconditional surrender.要求无条件投降〔Virginia〕A state of the eastern United States on Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. It was admitted as one of the original Thirteen Colonies in 1788. Early colonizing attempts (1584-1587) by Sir Walter Raleigh failed, but in 1607 colonists dispatched by the London Company established the first permanent settlement at Jamestown (May 13). Virginia was a prime force in the move for independence and was the site of Lord Cornwallis's surrender in 1781. Virginia seceded in April 1861 and was the scene of many major battles during the Civil War, including the final campaigns that led to the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Richmond is the capital and Norfolk the largest city. Population, 6,216,568.弗吉尼亚:美国东部的一个州,临近切萨皮克湾和大西洋。1788年成为首批13个殖民地之一。早期(1584年-1587年)沃特尔·雷利的殖民企图以失败告终,但在1607年,由伦敦公司派遣的殖民者第一次在詹姆斯敦设立了永久据点(5月13日)。弗吉尼亚是独立运动中的主要力量,并是1781年康华里勋爵的投降地点。弗吉利亚在1861年从联邦中脱离,成为内战中许多主要战争的战场,其中包括导致罗伯特·E·李将军投降的最后战役。首府为里士满,诺福克为最大城市。人口6,216,568〔render〕To surrender or relinquish; yield.放弃,投降投降或交出;放弃〔MacArthur〕American general who served as U.S. chief of staff (1930-1935) and commanded Allied forces in the South Pacific during World War II. After losing the Philippines to the Japanese (1942), he regained the islands (1944) and accepted the surrender of Japan (1945). His father,Arthur MacArthur (1845-1912), commanded American troops in the Spanish-American War and thwarted Emilio Aguinaldo's insurgence in the Philippines (1899). 麦克阿瑟,道格拉斯:(1880-1964) 美国将军,曾在美参谋总部任职(1930-1935年),在二战期间统率盟军在南太平洋作战。1942年他在日本的进攻下丢掉了菲律宾群岛,1944年重新夺回该群岛,1945年接受了日本的投降。他的父亲亚瑟·麦克阿瑟 (1845-1912年)在美西战争中指挥美军,挫败了埃米利奥·阿奎那多在菲律宾的起义(1899年) 〔Hirohito〕Emperor of Japan (1926-1989) who advocated the Japanese government's unconditional surrender that ended World War II (1945). In 1946 he renounced his divine status.裕仁:日本天皇(1926年-1989年),在第二次世界大战中主张日本政府无条件投降,从而结束了这场战争。1946年他放弃了自己的神圣地位〔dictate〕victors dictating the terms of surrender;胜利者口述投降的条目;〔disarm〕To deprive of the means of attack or defense; render harmless.使无防备,使无害:解除进攻或防御的工具;未造成伤害而投降〔surrender〕Lack of food and ammunition forced the commander of the rebels to consider a capitulation. See also Synonyms at relinquish 食物和弹药的缺乏迫使叛乱领袖考虑投降 参见同义词 relinquish〔surrender〕The act or an instance of surrendering.投降:放弃或投降的行为或事例〔Caserta〕A city of southern Italy north-northeast of Naples. German World War II forces in Italy surrendered to the Allies here on April 29, 1945. Population, 66,754.卡瑟特:意大利南部一城市,位于那不勒斯东北偏北部。1945年4月29日第二次世界大战中在意大利的德国军队在此地向盟军投降。人口66,754〔surrender〕 Submission stresses the subordination of the side that has yielded: Submission 强调已经投降的那一方的低级属性: 〔Crook〕American general who defeated the Sioux (1876) and subdued Geronimo (1883).克鲁克,乔治:(1829-1890) 美国将领,打败了苏族印第安人(1876年)并使杰罗尼莫投降(1883年)〔Saratoga〕A former village of eastern New York on the west bank of the Hudson River east of Saratoga Springs. The defeat and surrender of Gen. John Burgoyne's British army on October 17, 1777, marked the end of the hard-fought Saratoga Campaign (June-October) and was a major turning point in the American Revolution.萨拉托加:美国纽约东部从前的一个村庄,位于哈得孙河两岸,萨拉托加斯普林斯以东。1777年10月17日约翰·伯戈因将军率领的英军在此被打败并投降,标志着激烈的萨拉托加战役的结束(6月-10月),此役是美国独立战争的一个重要转折点〔surrender〕To relinquish possession or control of to another because of demand or compulsion.屈服,投降:因为要求或强迫而把对…的所有权和控制权让予他人〔Maumee〕A city of northwest Ohio, a residential suburb of Toledo. It was settled on the site of Fort Miami, a British port surrendered to the Americans in the War of 1812. Population, 15,561.毛密:美国俄亥俄州西北部的一个城市,特莱多市的一个居住郊区。在1812年的战争中,这个位于迈阿密要塞上的英属港口城市向美军投降。人口15,561〔uncle〕Members of the gang held him down until at last he cried uncle.一帮盗贼强按住他直到最后他喊投降〔strike〕To lower (a flag or sail) in salute or surrender.降下:降低(旗帜或帆)以示敬礼或投降〔Preston〕A borough of northwest England north-northeast of Liverpool. The Jacobites surrendered here after an uprising in 1715. Population, 125,800.普雷斯顿:英格兰西北部的地区,在利物浦的东北偏北方向,詹姆士二世党人在1715年时在此地起义失败后投降。人口125,800〔surrender〕 Capitulation implies surrender under specific prearranged conditions: Capitulation 暗指在特定的预先安排好的情况下的投降〔Yorktown〕A village of southeast Virginia on the York River north of Newport News. It was the site of Cornwallis's surrender of the British forces (1781) in the American Revolution. During the Civil War Union troops occupied the town after a siege lasting from April to May 1862.约克镇:美国弗吉尼亚州东南一村庄,位于约克河河畔、纽波特斯北部。是独立战争期间英军康华利斯投降(1781年)所在地,美国内战期间,历经1862年四至五月的围城之后,联邦军队占领了约克镇〔give〕The suspects gave themselves up.这些嫌疑犯投降〔yield〕To give up, as in defeat; surrender or submit.让与,屈服:因失败而放弃;投降或屈服〔uncle〕To indicate a willingness to give up a fight or surrender:投降:愿意放弃战斗或投降〔yield〕"What must the King do now?Must he submit?” (Shakespeare). “现在国王必须做什么?他必须投降吗?” (莎士比亚)。〔Suribachi〕A volcanic hill on Iwo Jima in the western Pacific Ocean. It is famous for the dramatic photograph of U.S. Marines raising the American flag on its summit on February 23, 1945, after the island was captured from the Japanese.苏罗巴其山:西太平洋硫磺岛上的一座火山,1945年2月23日,日军投降后美国海军陆战队在山顶竖起美国旗的戏剧性照片使该山闻名〔yield〕To give over possession of, as in deference or defeat; surrender.放弃,投降:因敬畏或失败而放弃…的所有权;投降〔Sedan〕A town of northeast France on the Meuse River near the Belgian border. It was the site of the decisive defeat and surrender of Napoleon III (September 2, 1870) in the Franco-Prussian War. Population, 23,477.色当:法国东北部一城市,位于比利时边境的默兹河沿岸。它是普法战争中拿破仑三世最终被击败和投降(1870年9月2日)的地点。人口23,477〔surrender〕"Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission" (George Washington).“我们残酷而无情的敌人留给我们的选择只有勇敢的抵抗或者最奴颜卑膝的投降” (乔治·华盛顿)。〔capitulate〕To surrender under specified conditions; come to terms.投降:在一定条件下投降;达成协议〔promise〕vowed they would never surrender. 发誓他们将永不投降 〔Islam〕from 'aslama [to surrender, resign oneself] 源自 'aslama [投降,屈从] 〔capitulation〕A document containing the terms of surrender.投降协议书:包含投降条件的一份文件〔satiate〕Even the surrender of half of Europe failed to glut Hitler's ambition.即使是半个欧洲的投降也不能满足希特勒的野心。




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