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单词 抗争
释义 〔meet〕To cope or contend effectively with:处理:有效地处理或抗争〔patience〕Too timorous to protest the disrespect with which she was being treated, the young woman could only accept it with resignation.这个年轻的女人太懦弱了以致无力抗争她所遭受的不敬,她只能接受这一事实。〔defiance〕Intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude; readiness to contend or resist.蔑视,藐视:故意表示轻视的行为或态度;做好抗争或反抗的准备〔oppose〕"We are not afraid . . . to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it" (Thomas Jefferson).Toresist is to strive to fend off or offset the actions, effects, or force of: “我们不惧怕…去忍受错误,只要理性存在,最终会战胜它” (汤姆斯·杰斐逊)。Resist 指奋力抗争或抵抗一些行动、效果和力量: 〔arena〕A place or scene where forces contend or events unfold:竞争场所,活动场所:力量抗争或事件表露的场所或场景:〔uphill〕Against adversity; with difficulty:与逆境抗争地;困难地:〔Tolstoy〕Russian writer and philosopher whose great novelsWar and Peace (1864-1869) and Anna Karenina (1873-1876) offer extraordinary detail and profound psychological insights. His later theories of ethics and morality recommended nonparticipation in and passive resistance to evil. 托尔斯泰,利奥:(1828-1910) 俄国作家和哲学家,其著名小说《战争与和平》 (1864-1869年)和 《安娜·卡列尼娜》 (1873-1876年)情节细致,具有深奥的哲学见解。他后期道德伦理学上的理论主张不要参与邪恶,对邪恶必须进行消极的抗争 〔Haiti〕A country of the West Indies comprising the western part of the island of Hispaniola and two offshore islands. A French colony after 1697, the country became independent in 1804 following a slave revolt led by Toussaint L'Ouverture. In the 20th century the country's history has been marked by the regimes of François ("Papa Doc") Duvalier, who ruled from 1957 to 1971, and his son Jean-Claude ("Baby Doc"), who was ousted in 1986. Port-au-Prince is the capital and largest city. Population, 5,053,791.海地:位于西印度群岛的一个国家,由伊斯帕尼尔奥拉群岛的西部和两个近海岛屿组成。自1697年后为法国殖民地,1804年在由杜桑·卢瓦杜尔领导的奴隶抗争之后独立。20世纪历史中的重要事件是弗朗索瓦·杜瓦里埃(老道克)从1957年到1971年的统治,还有他的儿子让·克劳德(小道克)的独裁统治,于1986年被赶下台。太子港是该国首都和最大城市。人口5,053,791〔entitlement〕"fights . . . to preserve victories won a generation ago, like the Medicaid entitlement for the poor"(Jason DeParle)“抗争...以保卫上代前所争取到的福利,如穷人医疗补助”(杰森·德沛雷)〔Olynthus〕An ancient city of northeast Greece on the coast of Macedonia. As head of the Chalcidian League after the late fifth centuryb.c. , it opposed the threats of Athens and Sparta but was captured briefly by Athens and subjugated by Sparta in 379. Philip of Macedon destroyed the city in 348. 奥林索斯:希腊东北部,马其顿区一海滨古城。作为公元前 5世纪晚期哈尔基斯城邦联盟的首领,它曾极力与雅典和斯巴达相抗争,但在被雅典占领了一小段时间而后又于379年被斯巴达征服。马其顿国王腓力于348年摧毁了该城 〔bear〕The patient bore up well during the long illness.这个患者与长期的病痛顽强抗争〔Siqueiros〕Mexican mural painter whose works depict political protest and revolution. His best-known painting is the muralThe March of Humanity (1968) in Mexico City. 斯奎罗斯,戴维·阿尔法罗:(1896?-1974) 墨西哥壁画画家,他的作品主旨在于政治上的抗争与革命。其最著名的作品是收藏于墨西哥城的壁画《人性的征途》 (1968年) 〔Green〕American labor leader who as president of the American Federation of Labor (1924-1952) led the struggle with the Congress of Industrial Organizations after the two unions split (1936).格林,威廉:(1873-1952) 美国劳工领导人。作为美国劳工联合会的主席(1924-1952年), 在产业工会联合会分裂出劳联之后(1936年)他领导了与其的抗争〔match〕A game or contest in which two or more persons, animals, or teams oppose and compete with each other:比赛,竞赛:两个或更多的人、动物或队彼此互相抗争或竞争的比赛或竞赛:〔grapple〕grappled with their consciences; grapple with the political realities of our time.与他们的良知抗争;与我们这个时代的政治现实抗争〔jealous〕Intolerant of disloyalty or infidelity; autocratic:容不得抗争的,专横的:因不忠实或背信弃义而不能忍受的;独裁的:




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