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单词 报导
释义 〔tally〕The report tallies with your description of the accident.报导和你对该事故的描述相吻合〔newsbreak〕The act or an instance of interrupting previously scheduled radio or television programming in order to report a newsworthy event or story. Also called news flash 值得报导的消息:为报导有新闻价值的大事而中断先前计划好的节目的行为或事例 也作 news flash〔photojournalism〕Journalism in which a news story is presented primarily through photographs with supplementary written copy.摄影新闻(工作),摄影图片报道:主要通过照片和附加书面注释来报导新闻的报刊杂志〔news〕Information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or最近事件的信息,特别是通过报纸、期刊、广播和电视进行报导〔mediagenic〕Attractive as a subject for reporting by news media:适合上电视的:有吸引力而适合新闻媒介报导的:〔fair〕A journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of fact. See also Synonyms at average ,beautiful 记者应当是对事实作冷静报导的人 参见同义词 average,beautiful〔newsletter〕A printed report giving news or information of interest to a special group.业务通讯:给特殊团体提供新闻或有利信息的书面报导〔newsgathering〕Of, relating to, or involving the research and reportage of news:新闻征集的:新闻调查和报导的,与此活动有关的,包括这种活动的:〔tabloid〕A newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material.小报:一种小版面的报纸,以浓缩的形式来报导新闻,通常伴有插图、而且常常是耸人听闻的材料〔gerrymander〕"An official statement of the returns of voters for senators give[s] twenty nine friends of peace, and eleven gerrymanders.”So reported the May 12, 1813, edition of theMassachusetts Spy. A gerrymander sounds like a strange political beast,which in fact it is, considered from a historical perspective.This beast was named by combining the wordsalamander, "a small lizardlike amphibian,” with the last name of Elbridge Gerry, a former governor of Massachusetts— a state noted for its varied, often colorful political fauna.Gerry (whose name, incidentally, was pronounced with a hardg, though gerrymander is now commonly pronounced with a soft g ) was immortalized in this way because an election district created by members of his party in 1812 looked like a salamander.According to one version of howgerrymander was coined, the shape of the district attracted the eye of the painter Gilbert Stuart,who noticed it on a map hanging in a newspaper editor's office.Stuart decorated the map with a head, wings, and clawsand then said to the editor, "That will do for a salamander!”"Gerrymander!” came the reply.A new political beast was created then and there.The word is first recorded in April 1812 with respect to the creature or its caricature,but it soon came to mean not only "the action of shaping a district to gain political advantage"but also "any representative elected from such a district by that method.”Within the same yeargerrymander was also recorded as a verb. “一份答复参议员选举人的官方声明宣布了二十九个和平伙伴和十一个不公正划分的选区。”在1813年3月12日的一期马萨诸塞州观察报 上有如上报导。 一个不公正划分选区听起来象是一个奇怪的政治怪兽,事实上它是来自历史上的观点。这个怪兽是由两个词合并而命名的,即salamander “一种蜥蜴状的两栖动物,”及马萨诸塞州州长埃尔布里奇·格里的姓。 而马萨诸萨州以其多变的、通常多姿多彩的政治动物群而闻名。格里(他的名字碰巧发重音g, 尽管 gerrymander 现在普遍发轻音 g, )以此种方式而垂名史册, 因为1812年由他所在党成员组建的选举区就象一只蝾螈。根据一种gerrymander 如何被创造的观点, 该区的形状吸引了一位画家基尔伯特·斯图亚特,他在一家报纸的主编办公室里挂在墙上的地图中发现了它。斯图尔特又画上头、翅膀和爪子,然后对主编说,“那就象只蝾螈了!”"Gerrymander!”主编回答道。此时此地一个新的政治怪兽产生了。这个词于1812年4月首次被记录是在谈到这种牲畜或讽刺的画中,但很快,它就不仅意味“为赢得政治优势的改变区划的行动”,而且有“用此种方法选出的任何代表”的意思。同年gerrymander 也被作为一个动词而记载下来 〔ghastly〕a lurid, melodramatic, but accurate account of the accident. 关于这事件的一则轰动且耸人听闻但确切的报导 〔report〕To write or provide an account or a summation of for publication or broadcast:报导:写或提供某一叙述或关于…的扼要说明以供出版或广播:〔news〕A presentation of such information, as in a newspaper or on a newscast.新闻报导:如报纸和新闻广播中对这类信息的报导〔tendentious〕a tendentious account of the recent elections.对近期选举有偏见的报导〔pool〕A group of journalists who cover an event and then by agreement share their reports with participating news media:记者团:报导某一事件然后再根据协议与参予的新闻机构分享报导的一群记者:〔newsman〕A man who gathers, reports, or edits news.新间工作者:收集、报导或编辑新闻的人〔story〕The event, situation, or other material for such an article or broadcast.报道题材:这种新闻报导或广播报导的事件,环境或其他背景材料〔newspaperman〕A man who is a newspaper reporter, writer, or editor.新闻记者:报导、写作或编辑新闻的人〔story〕A news article or broadcast.一篇新闻报导或广播报导〔newsmagazine〕A magazine, usually published weekly, that contains reports and analyses of current events.新闻周刊:包含对时事的报导和分析的一种杂志,经常按周出版〔fluff〕The report was mostly fluff, with little new information.这份报导只有一点点新讯息,其他的都是废话〔write〕To write a report or description of, as for publication.报导:如为公布、出版而写报告或描写〔newspaperwoman〕A woman who is a newspaper reporter, writer, or editor.女新闻记者:报导、写作或编辑新闻的女人〔occurrence〕The events of the day are reported on the evening news.那天的事件已在晚间新闻上作了报导〔press〕Commentary or coverage especially in newspapers or periodicals:新闻舆论:报纸或期刊上评论或报导〔shameless〕an impudent misrepresentation.一篇无耻的不实报导〔cover〕To be responsible for reporting the details of (an event or situation):负责报导:对报导…的细节负责(如事件或情形):〔Riis〕Danish-born American journalist and reformer whose reports on living conditions in city slums led to improvements in housing and education.里斯,雅格布·奥古斯特:(1849-1914) 丹麦裔美籍记者和改革家,他关于城市平民窟生活条件的报导带来了住房和教育上的改善




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