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单词 报纸
释义 〔Harris〕English publisher and journalist in Massachusetts. HisPublick Occurrences was the first newspaper printed in America (1690). 哈里斯,本杰明:(1673-1713年) 驻美国马萨诸塞州的英国出版商和记者,他的《大众时事》 是第一个在美国印刷的报纸(1690年) 〔Post〕American etiquette authority. She wroteEtiquette: The Blue Book of Social Usage (1922) and a popular syndicated newspaper column. 波斯特,埃米莉·普赖斯:(1872-1960) 美国礼仪专家,她著有《礼仪:社会用途蓝皮书》 (1922年)并且为受欢迎的辛迪加报纸撰写专栏 〔Bloomer〕American social reformer who founded and edited the feminist newspaperLily (1849-1855), wrote about unjust marriage laws and women's suffrage, and advocated a new style of dress for women. 布卢姆,阿梅莉亚·詹克斯:(1818-1894) 美国社会变革者,创立和主编女权主义报纸《百合花》 (1849-1855年),写了一些反映不公正的婚姻法和妇女选举权的文章,还鼓励妇女穿一种新式服装 〔daily〕A newspaper published every day or every weekday.日报,周报:每天或每周出版的报纸〔byline〕A line at the head of a newspaper or magazine article carrying the writer's name.副线:报纸或杂志的文章刊首写有作者姓名的一道线〔paparazzo〕A freelance photographer who doggedly pursues celebrities to take candid pictures for sale to magazines and newspapers.猎奇摄影者:为了偷拍镜头卖给杂志和报纸的顽强地追踪某些庆祝活动的自由摄影者〔dentist〕“Dentist figures [appears] now in our newspapers, and may do well enough for a French puffer [a writer of inflated advertisements];but we fancy Rutter is content with being called atooth-drawer. ” In this quotation from the September 15, 1759, issue of theEdinburgh Chronicle we seedentist in its infancy as an English word, trailing evidence of its French origin.If we had formed a word in English likedentist, which comes from the French word dent, "tooth,” we would havetoothist, a word that does not exist. Buttoothist and tooth-drawer lack the elegance of the French borrowing dentist, an elegance that is shared by other borrowings from French during the past four centuries,such asballet, champagne, coquette, coterie, and negligee. “Dentist 现在在我们的报纸里出现了, 可能常是法国吹嘘者宣传的对象;但是,我们猜测鲁特会对被称为tooth-drawer 的东西感到满意”。 在这段引自1759年9月15日的杂志爱丁堡年记 的话中, 我们看到dentist 最初是作为一个英语单词产生的, 它却起源于法语。如果我们当时在英语中构造了象dentist (它源于法语 dent )的这样一个英语词"tooth", 我们将会得到一个根本就不存在的形式:toothist 。 但是toothist 和 tooth-drawer 缺乏法语借用词 dentist 的高雅, 这种高雅为其他在这四百年里从法语中借用的词所共有,如ballet,champagne,coquette,coterie 和 negligee 〔news〕A presentation of such information, as in a newspaper or on a newscast.新闻报导:如报纸和新闻广播中对这类信息的报导〔open〕open a newspaper.摊开或铺开一张报纸〔news〕Information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or最近事件的信息,特别是通过报纸、期刊、广播和电视进行报导〔journalism〕Newspapers and magazines.报刊杂志:报纸和杂志〔review〕To write critical reviews, especially for a newspaper or magazine.写评论:写评论,尤指为报纸或杂志写评论〔personal〕personals A column in a newspaper or magazine featuring personal notices. personals 人事栏,分类人事广告:报纸或杂志上刊登个人简讯的栏目〔wired〕wired bundles of newspaper.用金属线捆扎的一卷一卷的报纸〔throw〕threw away yesterday's newspaper.扔掉昨天的报纸〔Dana〕American newspaperman who as owner-editor of theNew York Sun (after 1868) promoted a lively, readable style and stressed human-interest stories. 达纳,查尔斯·安德森:(1819-1897) 美国报人,是《纽约太阳报》 (1868年以后)的编辑主任,创新一种生动的、可读性强的报纸风格,并重视人类利益的故事 〔section〕A distinct portion of a newspaper:版面:报纸的特色部分:〔wrapper〕The material encircling a magazine or newspaper sent by mail.邮政包装杂志或报纸的材料〔debut〕The national edition of the newspaper debuted last summer), 这份报纸的国内版去年夏天首次发行), 〔spread〕Two facing pages of a magazine or newspaper, often with related matter extending across the fold.杂志或报纸对折的两页,常有相关的内容横贯两版〔scan〕scanned the morning papers while eating breakfast.吃早饭时浏览早上的报纸〔Thomas〕American publisher who founded theMassachusetts Spy, an anti-British newspaper (1770), and produced many books, including the first English Bible printed in the colonies. 托马斯,以赛亚:(1749-1831) 美国出版商,创建了反英报纸《马萨诸塞的间谍》 (1770年),并出版了在殖民地印刷的第一本英文圣经等很多书 〔feuilleton〕The part of a European newspaper devoted to light fiction, reviews, and articles of general entertainment.小品栏:欧洲报纸专用于刊登取悦一般读者的娱乐小说、评论以及文章的部分〔Douglass〕American abolitionist and journalist who escaped from slavery (1838) and became an influential lecturer in the North and abroad. He wroteNarrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845) and cofounded and edited the North Star (1847-1860), an abolitionist newspaper. 道格拉斯,弗雷德里克:(1817-1895) 美国废奴运动者和记者,他逃离了奴隶束缚(1838年),在北方和国外成为有影响力的演讲者。他著有《弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的生平》 (1845年),与人合作创办并编辑了一种支持废奴的报纸 《北方星辰》 (184-1860年) 〔syndicate〕To sell (a comic strip or column, for example) through a syndicate for simultaneous publication in newspapers or periodicals.为了在多家报纸或期刊上同时发表,通过稿件辛迪加而出售(连环漫画或幽默小栏目等)〔Block〕American editorial cartoonist whose witty works have appeared in theWashington Post and more than 200 other papers nationwide. He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1942 and in 1954. 布洛克,赫伯特·劳伦斯:(生于 1909) 美国卡通片制作者,优秀作品曾见诸《华盛顿邮报》 及遍布全国的200多家报纸。他获得了1942年和1954年的普利策奖 〔advertising〕This paper takes no advertising.这份报纸不登广告〔multimedia〕The use of several mass media, such as television, radio, and print, especially for the purpose of advertising or publicity. Also called mixed media 多种媒体组合:多种大众传媒的使用,象电视、无线电和报纸的组合,特别是出于广告或宣传的目的 也作 mixed media〔Munsey〕American publisher and major figure in the trend toward consolidating competing newspapers under one owner.芒西,弗兰克·安德鲁:(1854-1925) 美国出版商同时也是几家有竞争力的报纸向合并方向发展的主要推动者〔kiosk〕The lowly kiosk where one buys a newspaper or on which one posts advertisements is like a child in a fairy tale who though raised by humble parents is really the descendant of kings.The wordkiosk was originally taken into English ultimately from Turkish, in which its sourceköshk meant "pavilion.” The open structures referred to by the Turkish word were used as pavilions and summerhouses in Turkey and Persia.The first recorded use ofkiosk in English (1625) has reference to these Middle Eastern structures, which Europeans imitated in their own gardens and parks. In France and Belgium,where the Turkish word had also been borrowed,their wordkiosque was applied to something lower on the scale, structures resembling these pavilions but used as places to sell newspapers or as bandstands. England borrowed this lowly structure from Franceand reborrowed the word,which is first recorded in 1865with reference to a place where newspapers are sold.用来购买报纸或张贴广告的普通的凉亭好像是神话故事中尽管由地位低下的父母抚养但确实是国王后代的儿童一样,单词kiosk 收入英文的起源最早是土耳其语, 土耳其语中它的出处koshk 意为“大帐篷”。 在土耳其语中开敞的建筑物用来作为土耳其和波斯的帐篷和凉亭。英语中最早记录的kiosk 的使用(1625年)参照于欧洲人在他们自己的花园和公园中仿制的中东式建筑。 在法国和比利时,这个土耳其语单词也被借用,它们的单词kiosque 适用于结构上类似于这些凉亭,但规模上比较矮,用作卖报纸的场所或室外音乐台的建筑。 英国从法国引进了这种普通建筑,并且重新引入了这个单词,它的最早记载是在1865年,与卖报纸的场所有关〔circulation〕Dissemination of printed material, especially copies of newspapers or magazines, among readers.散发:印刷品的散发,尤指在读者间报纸或杂志印刷品的散发〔Bradford〕English-born American colonial printer whose press produced the first American Book of Common Prayer (1710), New York City's first newspaper (1725), and numerous other items.布拉德福,威廉:(1663-1752) 英裔美籍殖民印刷商,他的出版社发行了第一批美国版本的英国国教祈祷书(1710年),纽约城的第一张报纸(1725年)及大量的其他印刷制品〔gather〕Old newspapers and magazines are accumulating in the basement.旧报纸和旧杂志堆放在地下室中。〔press〕Commentary or coverage especially in newspapers or periodicals:新闻舆论:报纸或期刊上评论或报导:〔glance〕gave the paper a glance before breakfast.在早餐之前浏览一下报纸〔newspaper〕A publication, usually issued daily or weekly, containing current news, editorials, feature articles, and usually advertising.报纸:通常是每日或每周发行的出版物,内容包括时事、社评、人物传记和广告〔out〕The paper came out early today.今天一早报纸就发行了〔forum〕A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program.提供公开讨论的媒体:提供公开讨论机会的宣传媒介,如报纸或广播电视的专题讨论节目〔kosher〕"consolidating noneditorial functions of the papers, which is kosher"(Christian Science Monitor)“加强报纸除评论以外的其它职能,这是合法的”(基督教科学箴言报)〔tabloid〕A newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material.小报:一种小版面的报纸,以浓缩的形式来报导新闻,通常伴有插图、而且常常是耸人听闻的材料




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