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单词 拳击运动
释义 〔Dempsey〕American prizefighter who won the world heavyweight title in 1919 but lost it to Gene Tunney in 1926. He brought new popularity to the sport of boxing in the United States.登姆普西,威廉·哈里森:(1895-1983) 美国职业拳击运动员,他于1919年赢得了世界重量级冠军的头衔,但在1926年将该头衔输给了吉纳·特纳。他使拳击运动在美国家喻户晓〔bantamweight〕A professional boxer weighing between 112 and 118 pounds (approximately 51-53.5 kilograms), heavier than a flyweight and lighter than a featherweight.最轻量级拳击运动员:一种职业拳击手,体重在112和118磅(约51至53.5公斤)之间,体重比特轻量级拳击运动员重,比次轻量级拳击运动员轻〔middleweight〕A professional boxer weighing between 147 and 160 pounds (approximately 66.5-72.5 kilograms), heavier than a welterweight and lighter than a light heavyweight.中量级拳击运动员:体重在147到160磅(约66.5-72.5公斤)之间的职业拳击运动员,体重重于次中量级拳击运动员且轻于次重量级拳击运动〔hook〕A short swinging blow in boxing delivered with a crooked arm.钩拳:拳击运动以弯曲的手臂打击的短而摆动的一拳〔Queensberry〕British aristocrat and boxing promoter who formulated the Marquis of Queensbury rules (1867) to govern boxing.昆斯伯里:英国贵族,拳击运动的促进者,他制定了昆斯伯里伯爵规则(1867年)来管理拳击〔Frazier〕American prizefighter who won the Olympic heavyweight title (1964) and held the world professional heavyweight title from 1970 to 1973.弗雷泽,乔:(生于 1944) 美国职业拳击家,赢得奥林匹克重量级拳击运动员的称号(1964年),并从1970年到1973年一直拥有着世界职业重量级拳击运动员的称号〔boxer〕One who fights with the fists as a sport.拳击运动员:作为一项体育运动用拳头进行对打的人〔boxing〕The act, activity, or sport of fighting with the fists.拳击,拳击运动,打拳〔featherweight〕A professional boxer weighing more than 118 and not more than 126 pounds (approximately 53.5-57 kilograms), heavier than a bantamweight and lighter than a lightweight.次轻量级拳击运动员:体重在118到126磅(大约53.5-67公斤)之间的专业拳击手,比最轻级拳击手重,但比轻量级选手轻




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