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释义 〔morning〕The first or early part of the day, lasting from midnight to noon or from sunrise to noon.早晨:一天之中第一个或早些时段,从子夜持续至中午或从太阳升起时持续到中午〔Judah〕An ancient kingdom of southern Palestine between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. It lasted from the division of Palestine in 931b.c. until the destruction of Jerusalem in 586. 犹大王国:巴勒斯坦南部的古代王国,位于地中海和死海之间。它的存在从公元前931 年巴勒斯坦分裂时起一直持续到586年耶路撒冷被毁坏 〔Hebrides〕An island group of western and northwest Scotland in the Atlantic Ocean, divided into theInner Hebrides, closer to the Scottish mainland, and the Outer Hebrides, to the northwest. The original Celtic inhabitants were conquered by Scandinavians, particularly Norwegians, who ruled the islands until 1266. Native Scottish chieftains controlled the Hebrides until the 16th century, when the islands passed to the kingdom of Scotland. 赫布里底群岛:苏格兰西部和西部太西洋中的一个岛群,分为靠近苏格兰大陆的内赫布里底群岛 和西北部的 外赫布里底群岛 。土著居民凯尔特人被斯堪的纳维亚人征服,尤其是挪威人,他们对该岛的统治一直延续到1266年。当地苏格兰族长对该岛的控制一直持续到16世纪,然后该岛并入了苏格兰的领土版图 〔Hanover〕A former kingdom and province of northwest Germany. It was an electorate of the Holy Roman Empire from 1692 to 1805. The kingdom lasted from 1815 to 1866, when Hanover became a province of Prussia (later Germany).汉诺威:德国过去的一个王国和西北部的一个省。从1692年至1805 年它一直是神圣罗马帝国的一个选帝侯的领地,这个王国从1815年持续到1866年,直到汉诺威成为普鲁士(后来的德国)的一个省〔everlasting〕Lasting forever; eternal.永久的,永恒的:持续到永久的;永恒的〔Quebec〕Abbr. PQ,P.Q.,Que.A province of eastern Canada. It joined the confederacy in 1867. The region was first explored and claimed for France by Jacques Cartier (1534) and Samuel de Champlain (1608) and was made a royal colony, known as New France, by Louis XIV in 1663. Conflict between the French and British for control of the territory ended in 1763 when Great Britain was given sovereignty, but the French influence has remained dominant. Quebec is the capital and Montreal the largest city. Population, 6,438,403.缩写 PQ,P.Q.,Que.魁北克省:加拿大东部一省份,1867年加入联邦。这一地区最初被雅克·卡蒂埃(1534年)和萨米埃尔·得·尚普兰(1608年)发现并宣布为法国领土。1663年,在路易十四统治时期,成为一皇家殖民地,被称为新法兰西。为了争夺对这块领土的控制,法国和英国之间的斗争一直持续到1763年,大不列颠获得了主权,但是法国的影响一直占主导地位。魁北克市是其首府,蒙特利尔是第一大城市。人口6,438,403〔Visigoth〕A member of the western Goths that invaded the Roman Empire in the fourth centurya.d. and settled in France and Spain, establishing a monarchy that lasted until the early eighth century. 维斯哥特人:西哥特人,在公元 4世纪入侵罗马帝国,并定居在法国和西班牙,所建立的封建君主制持续到8世纪初 〔Mitanni〕An ancient kingdom of northwest Mesopotamia extending from the bend in the Euphrates River nearly to the Tigris River. Founded probably by Aryans, the kingdom was established c. 1475b.c. and lasted until c. 1275, when it fell to the Hittites. 米坦尼:美索不达米亚西北的古老王国,从幼发拉底河湾延伸接近底格里斯河。该王国可能是由亚利安人于大约公元前 1475年所建,持续到公元1275年,直至其落入赫梯人之手 〔Risorgimento〕The period of or the movement for the liberation and political unification of Italy, beginning about 1750 and lasting until 1870.意大利复兴运动;意大利复兴运动时期:意大利解放和政治统一的时期或运动,大约从1750年开始一直持续到1870年〔perennate〕To survive from one growing season to the next, often with a period of reduced or arrested growth between seasons. Used of plants or plant parts.多年生的:由一个生长季持续到下一个生长季,常指过渡四季之间生长缩减式受抑制的时期。用于植物式植物体的部分〔carry〕The confidence gained in remedial classes carried over into the children's regular school work.孩子们在辅导班上获得的自信持续到他们正常的学校学习中去




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