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单词 挖苦
释义 〔cutting〕Injuring or capable of injuring the feelings of others:挖苦的:伤害或能伤害他人感情的:〔caricature〕 lampoon is a malicious but broadly humorous satire. Lampoon 是挖苦的但有粗俗幽默的讽刺文〔satirize〕To ridicule or attack by means of satire.讽刺:以讽刺来挖苦或攻击〔bitter〕Marked by resentment or cynicism:怨恨的,挖苦的:〔satire〕Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.讽刺:攻击或揭露愚蠢、恶习或糊涂的讽刺、挖苦或刻薄的机智的措辞〔sarcasm〕A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.讽刺,挖苦:意在伤害他人的尖刻的,常带讽刺意味的话语〔mock〕To treat with ridicule or contempt; deride.挖苦:用嘲笑或鄙视的态度对待;嘲笑〔incisive〕Biting andcutting apply to penetration and discernment that often have a sarcastic or sardonic quality capable of wounding or stinging: Biting 和cutting 用以指具有嘲讽、挖苦性质,可使人受伤害或刺激的: 〔joke〕He made a crack about my driving ability.他对我的驾驶技术说了一句挖苦的话。〔pasquinade〕A satire or lampoon, especially one that ridicules a specific person, traditionally written and posted in a public place.讽刺文章,(政治性)讽刺作品:讽刺文章或略带挖苦性的作品,尤指嘲讽某一特定的人的作品,常常写在或张帖在公共场合〔incisive〕"Biting remarks revealed her attitude of contempt" (D.H. Lawrence). “讽剌挖苦的话体现了她的轻蔑态度” (D·H·劳伦斯)。 〔pasquinade〕To ridicule with a pasquinade; satirize or lampoon.用讽刺文章进行嘲讽;讽刺或挖苦〔embarrass〕is disconcerted by sarcastic remarks;被这挖苦的评论搞得很困窘;〔irreverent〕Critical of what is generally accepted or respected; satirical:挖苦的:对广泛被接受或尊敬的事物挑剔的;嘲讽的:〔cynicism〕A scornful, bitterly mocking attitude or quality:愤世嫉俗,讥嘲的习癖:蔑视的、尖刻挖苦的态度或特性:〔joke〕Don't give me any more wisecracks.别再挖苦我了。〔tart〕Sharp or bitter in tone or meaning; cutting.刻薄的:在语气或意思上尖锐或挖苦的;尖刻的〔mordacious〕Caustic; sarcastic.刻薄的;挖苦〔saturnine〕Having or marked by a tendency to be bitter or sardonic:讥讽的:有挖苦或讥讽倾向的、或以此为特征的:




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