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释义 | 〔Kaunas〕A city of western European U.S.S.R. on the Neman River south of Riga. Founded in the 11th century, it was a medieval trading post and a Lithuanian stronghold against the Teutonic Knights. Russia acquired the city in the third partition of Poland (1795). Population, 405,000.考纳斯:苏联欧洲部分的西部城市,位于里加南部涅曼河河畔。于11世纪建立,中世纪时是一个贸易站以及立陶宛人对抗古修顿骑士的据点。俄罗斯在第三次瓜分波兰(1795年)时占据此城。人口405,000〔Wiesbaden〕A city of west-central Germany on the Rhine River west of Frankfurt. Founded as a Celtic settlement in the third centuryb.c. , it has been a noted spa since Roman times. Wiesbaden became a free imperial city c. a.d. 1242 and passed to Prussia in 1866. Population, 267,467. 威斯巴登:德国中西部一城市,位于法兰克福以西的莱茵河岸。最初在公元前 3世纪作为凯尔特人据点建立,从罗马帝国时代起一直是著名的温泉浴场。从 公元 1242年开始威斯巴登成为一个自由的主权城市,1866年转给普鲁士。人口267,467 〔Bastogne〕A town of southeast Belgium near the Luxembourg border. It was a crucial point in the U.S. defensive line during the World War II Battle of the Bulge (December 1944-January 1945). Population, 11,386.巴斯通尼:比利时东南部的一座城市,位于卢森堡边界。是第二次世界大战期的巴尔基战役(1944年12月至1945年1月)美军防御线的重要据点。人口11,386〔Visby〕A city of southeast Sweden on western Gotland Island on the Baltic Sea. It was a member of the Hanseatic League and a commercial center from the 10th to the 14th century but declined after its capture by the Danes in 1362. Visby was a pirate stronghold for the next two centuries and passed to Sweden in 1645. Population, 20,100.维斯比:瑞典东南部一城市,位于波罗的海的哥特兰岛西岸。在10世纪到14世纪之间曾是汉萨同盟的一员和商业中心,但自从被丹麦人于1362年占领后开始走向衰败。维斯比成为以后二个世纪海盗据点,1645年划归瑞典。人口20,100〔foothold〕A firm or secure position that provides a base for further advancement.据点:提供下一步前进基地的坚固或安全的位置〔Ifni〕A former Spanish possession on the Atlantic coast of southwest Morocco. It was ceded to Spain in 1860, but overseas control was nominal until 1934. Ifni was returned to Morocco in 1969.伊夫尼:摩洛哥西南部大西洋沿岸西班牙原来的一个据点,1860年被割让给西班牙,但直到1934年前西班牙对其的海外统治都只是名义上的。伊夫尼于1969年归还摩洛哥〔top〕The highest degree, pitch, or point; the peak, acme, or zenith:顶端:最高的程度,声音或据点;山顶,最高峰或顶峰:〔Poltava〕A city of southern European U.S.S.R. in the Ukraine west-southwest of Kharkov. Probably settled by Slavic peoples in the 8th or 9th century, it was a Cossack stronghold in the 17th century. Population, 302,000.波尔塔瓦:苏联欧洲部分南部一城市,位于乌克兰境内、哈尔科夫西南偏西。它可能由斯拉夫人于8世纪或9世纪建立,17世纪是一个哥萨克人的据点。人口302,000〔Sopron〕A city of northwest Hungary near the Austrian border. Originally a Celtic settlement, it was a military outpost during Roman times and is one of the oldest cultural centers in Hungary. Population, 56,421.索普隆:匈牙利西北部的一个城市,位于与奥地利接壤的附近。起初是凯尔特人的居住地,古罗马时期是军事据点,是匈牙利最古老的文化中心之一。人口56,421〔Wilmington〕A city of northeast Delaware on the Delaware River southwest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was founded as Fort Christina by Swedish settlers in 1638 and held by the Dutch from 1655 until 1664, when it was taken by the English. The name Wilmington dates from 1739. E.I. Du Pont established a powder mill nearby in 1802. The city is now a port of entry and manufacturing center with an extensive chemical industry. It is also the largest city in the state. Population, 71,529.威尔明顿:美国特拉华东北部城市,位于宾夕法尼亚州费城西南、特拉华河上。1638年瑞典开拓者建立它作为基督教据点,从1655年到1664年一直由荷兰人占据,1664年由英国占领。威尔明顿这个名字可追溯到1739年。E.I杜邦1802年在附近建了一个炸药厂。这个城市现在是进口港和一个拥有雄厚的化学工业的制造中心,也是特拉华州的最大城市。人口71,529〔Virginia〕A state of the eastern United States on Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. It was admitted as one of the original Thirteen Colonies in 1788. Early colonizing attempts (1584-1587) by Sir Walter Raleigh failed, but in 1607 colonists dispatched by the London Company established the first permanent settlement at Jamestown (May 13). Virginia was a prime force in the move for independence and was the site of Lord Cornwallis's surrender in 1781. Virginia seceded in April 1861 and was the scene of many major battles during the Civil War, including the final campaigns that led to the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Richmond is the capital and Norfolk the largest city. Population, 6,216,568.弗吉尼亚:美国东部的一个州,临近切萨皮克湾和大西洋。1788年成为首批13个殖民地之一。早期(1584年-1587年)沃特尔·雷利的殖民企图以失败告终,但在1607年,由伦敦公司派遣的殖民者第一次在詹姆斯敦设立了永久据点(5月13日)。弗吉尼亚是独立运动中的主要力量,并是1781年康华里勋爵的投降地点。弗吉利亚在1861年从联邦中脱离,成为内战中许多主要战争的战场,其中包括导致罗伯特·E·李将军投降的最后战役。首府为里士满,诺福克为最大城市。人口6,216,568〔stronghold〕An area dominated or occupied by a special group or distinguished by a special quality:据点,大本营:被特殊群体统治或占领的地区,或是表现出特殊品质的地区:〔Dundee〕A burgh of east-central Scotland on the northern bank of the Firth of Tay. It was a stronghold of the Covenanters in the religious wars of the Scottish Reformation. Population, 185,616.邓迪:苏格兰中东部县区,位于泰河弯北岸,在苏格兰改革时期的宗教战争中是神圣盟约派的据点。人口185,616〔bridgehead〕A forward position seized by advancing troops in enemy territory as a foothold for further advance.据点:先行部队在敌占区内夺取的作为进一步前进的立足点的前方位置〔swarm〕A group of bees with a queen bee in migration to establish a new colony.See Synonyms at flock 1蜂群:由蜂王带领迁移到别处建立一新据点的一群蜜蜂 参见 flock1〔Arezzo〕A city of central Italy on the Arno River southeast of Florence. It was originally an Etruscan settlement and later a Roman military station and colony. Population, 91,535.阿雷佐:意大利中部一个城市,位于在佛罗伦萨东南阿尔诺河岸。它最初是埃特鲁斯坎人的定居地,后成为罗马军事据点和殖民地。人口91535〔Tortuga〕An island in the West Indies off northern Haiti. It was a pirate refuge in the 17th century.托尔图加:西印度群岛中一岛屿,离海地北部不远。17世纪为海盗据点〔Calcutta〕A city of eastern India on the Hooghly River in the Ganges delta. Founded c. 1690 as a British East India Company trading post, it is India's largest city and a major port and industrial center. In the notorious Black Hole of Calcutta more than 120 British soldiers died of suffocation (1756) after being imprisoned overnight in the small, stifling dungeon by the nawab of Bengal. Population, 3,305,006.加尔各答:印度东部的一座城市,位于恒河三角洲上的胡格利河畔。于公元1690年作为英国东印度公司的商贸据点而建成,是印度最大的城市,主要的港口和工业中心。在臭名昭著的“加尔各答黑洞”中,120名英国士兵被整夜囚禁在狭小憋闷的地牢里然后窒息而死(1756)。人口3,305,006〔Gorky〕A city of western Russia on the Volga River west of Kazan. Founded as a frontier post in 1221, it was formerly famous for its trade fairs. Maksim Gorky was born here, and the city was renamed in his honor in 1932. Population, 1,399,000.高尔基,尼兹尼·诺夫戈罗德:俄罗斯西部一城市,在伏尔加河边,喀山的西边。作为一个边疆据点形成于1221年,以前曾以商业贸易而著名。马克西姆·高尔基就诞生在这儿,1932年为纪念他这座城市改名。人口1,399,000〔Dublin〕The capital and largest city of Ireland, in the east-central part of the country on the Irish Sea. A Danish stronghold until 1014, Dublin was the scene of the Black Monday massacre of English residents in 1209 and the bloody Easter Rebellion of April 24, 1916. The Sinn Fein movement began here in the early 20th century. Population, 525,882.都柏林:爱尔兰首府和最大城市,位于该国中东部,濒临爱尔兰海,都柏林在1014年以前为丹麦人据点,1209年在此发生对英格兰居民的黑色星期一大屠杀,1916年24日发生复活节流血叛乱,20世纪初新芬党运动由此开始。人口525,882〔stronghold〕a feminist stronghold; a stronghold of democracy.女性主义者的据点;民主的大本营〔Barbary〕A region of northern Africa on the Mediterranean coast between Egypt and the Atlantic Ocean. Settled by Berbers in the 2nd millenniumb.c. , it fell to the Arabs in the 7th century a.d. From the 16th to the 19th century it was used as a base by pirates who raided ships in the Mediterranean Sea and extracted tribute from the European powers trading in the area. 巴巴里:北非一地区,濒地中海海岸,在埃及与大西洋之间。公元前 2000年时柏柏尔人定居于此。 公元 7世纪时被阿拉伯人占领。从16至19世纪成为海盗的据点。海盗们在地中海上洗劫船只,并从在此地区从事贸易的欧洲列强那里勒索钱财 |
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