单词 | 推论 |
释义 | 〔infer〕Inference, on the other hand, is the activity performed by a reader or interpreter in deriving conclusions that are not explicit in what is said: 而推论则是读者或阐释者的一种活动,他们推断出的结论是言语中没有明确表达出来的: 〔deductive〕Of or based on deduction.演绎的:推论的,或以推论为基础的〔metaphysical〕Based on speculative or abstract reasoning.哲学上的,理论上的:建立在思辩或抽象的推论之上的〔inference〕Something inferred.推论:由推理而得出的东西〔corollary〕A deduction or an inference.推论:推论或结论〔reason〕To use the faculty of reason; think logically.推论:运用推理判断的能力;作逻辑思考〔conclusion〕The proposition concluded from one or more premises; a deduction.推论:从一个或多个前提得出的结论性命题;推断〔argument〕A course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating truth or falsehood:论证:旨在说明真伪的推论过程:〔deduce〕To reach (a conclusion) by reasoning.推论:通过推理得出(结论)〔conjecture〕The commentators made various conjectures about the outcome of the next election.时事评论家对下一次选举结果做了许多推论〔think〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to use the powers of the mind, as in conceiving ideas or drawing inferences": 这些动词共有的中心意思是“在想办法或进行推论时用理智的力量”: 〔exact〕Characterized by accurate measurements or inferences with small margins of error; not approximate:精确的,精密的:以精确测量或精密推论为特征的,只有极小的误差;不是大约的:〔paralogism〕A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion.不合逻辑的推论,谬论:错误的或不合逻辑的观点或结论〔discursive〕Proceeding to a conclusion through reason rather than intuition.推论的,论证的:通过推理而非直觉来得出结论的〔illative〕Of, relating to, or of the nature of an illation.推论的,与推理有关的,或具有推理的性质的〔observation〕An inference or a judgment that is acquired from or based on observing.观测结论:从观测得出的推论或判断〔point〕comments that simply point up flawed reasoning.一番评论恰恰强调了推论的错误〔consequence〕A logical conclusion or inference.推论:逻辑上的结论或推论〔deduction〕The process of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the stated premises; inference by reasoning from the general to the specific.演绎:推理的过程,在此过程中必然可从所述前提得出一个结论;从一般推向特殊的推论〔illative〕Expressing or preceding an inference. Used of a word.引出推论的:表达推论的或置于推论前面的,用来修饰词语〔reasoning〕Use of reason, especially to form conclusions, inferences, or judgments.推论:对推理的运用,尤指在做结论、推断或判定时运用推理〔sophistry〕Plausible but fallacious argumentation.诡辩,似是而非的推论:貌似合理但实际错误的辩论〔deduction〕The drawing of a conclusion by reasoning; the act of deducing.推论:通过推理得出结论;推断〔reason〕To determine or conclude by logical thinking:推断:用逻辑思维来决定或推论:〔speculation〕A conclusion, an opinion, or a theory reached by conjecture.推论,推断:通过推测得到的结论、观点或理论〔gather〕To conclude; infer:结论:做出结论;推论:〔conjecture〕Inference or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork.推测:基于非结论性的或不完全的证据作出的推论或判断;猜测〔deduct〕To derive by deduction; deduce.推论:通过演绎得出;推论,推断〔presumption〕A condition or basis for accepting or presuming.作为接受和推论的条件或根据〔generalize〕To infer from many particulars.概括出,归纳:从许多特殊事物中推论〔Langer〕American educator and philosopher. Her major work,Philosophy in a New Key: A Study of the Symbolism of Reason, Rite, and Art (1942), developed the distinction between the discursive symbols used in conventional language and the nondiscursive symbols used in various art forms. 兰格,苏珊娜·瑙斯:(1895-1985) 美国教育学和哲学家。通过她的重要作品《哲学新解:理性、仪式和艺术的象征手法的研究》 (1942年)更加明确了用于传统语言中的推论象征与用于各种艺术形式中的非推论象征间的区别 〔syllogism〕from sullogizesthai [to infer] 源自 sullogizesthai [推论,推断] 〔periodic〕Periodic has long been used loosely to mean "occasional, intermittent,” but this usage may be confusing for readers who are accustomed to using the word only in its narrower sense of "at regular or predictable intervals.”Thus the writer who saidParker's losses at the track were not covered by his periodic winners invited the (most likely unintended) inference that Parker had a system that enabled him to pick winners at regular intervals. Substitution ofoccasional in this context would have resolved the ambiguity. Periodic 长时间以来不严谨地用于指“时常的,偶而的”, 但这个用法常常使那些习惯于将这个词用于“在有规律或可预测的间歇内”这个狭窄词义的读者迷惑。因此写帕克在赛跑中的失败不如他的胜利多 这句话的作者(主要是无意中)造成帕克有在定期赢得比赛的方法的推论。 在上下文中用occasional 代替应该能解决这种模棱两可的问题 |
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