单词 | 描述 |
释义 | 〔subject〕 Theme refers especially to a subject, an idea, a point of view, or a perception that is developed and expanded on in a work of art: Theme 则特指在一艺术作品中发展及描述的题目、概念、观点或看法: 〔definite〕Definite and definitive both apply to what is precisely defined or explicitly set forth. Butdefinitive generally refers specifically to a judgment or description that serves as a standard or reference point for others, as inthe definitive decision of the court (which sets forth a final resolution of a judicial matter) orthe definitive biography of Nelson (i.e., the biography that sets the standard against which all other accounts of Nelson's life must be measured). Definite 和 definitive 都适用于指被精确限定或清楚地公布出来的东西。 但definitive 通常特指作为对其它事物的标准或参照点的判断或描述, 如在法庭的最终判决 中(为案件提出了决定性决议的最终判决), 或纳尔逊的可靠的传记 (指一种传记,为有关纳尔逊的生活所作的其它叙述提出参照标准) 〔sorbefacient〕Promoting absorption. Used of a medicine or an agent.促进吸收的。用于描述某种药或药剂〔parse〕To describe (a word) by stating its part of speech, form, and syntactical relationships in a sentence.语法描述,语法说明:通过说明在句中的词性、形式和句法关系上描述(一个词)〔morphemics〕The study, description, and classification of morphemes.词素学:词素的研究、描述或分类〔distance〕A depiction of a point or an area that is far away.描述(远方之物):对远方的某一点或某一地区的描绘〔phonotypy〕The practice of transcribing speech sounds by means of phonetic symbols.表音速记法:通过音标来描述语音的方法〔partial〕The plan calls for partial deployment of missiles. The police have only a partial description of the suspect.这个计划要求部分地疏散导弹,警察只对嫌疑犯进行了不完全的描述〔melodramatic〕"a melodramatic account of two perilous days spent among the planters"(Frank O. Gatell)“对在殖民者中间度过的两天的充满危险的戏剧性的描述”(弗兰克O.盖特尔)〔answer〕The suspect answers the description given by the police.嫌疑犯与警察的描述相符〔plutography〕Depiction of the lives of the very rich, as in writing, in dramatic productions, or on television:描写富豪生活:在写作、戏剧创作或电视节目中对非常富有的人们生活的描述:〔represent〕a book portraying life in the Middle Ages. 描述中世纪生活的一本书 〔enormous〕These adjectives describe what is extraordinarily large.这些形容词都描述超乎寻常大的事物,〔character〕A description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities.人格,性向:某人品质、性格、能力的描述〔Magritte〕Belgian painter whose surreal works, such asSteps of Summer (1938), depict ordinary objects in unexpected or implausible situations. 马格里特,莱恩:(1898-1967) 比利时画家,其超现实主义作品,如《夏天的脚步》 (1938年),往往从意想不到的或令人难以置信的角度来描述普通事物 〔fat〕Portly andstout are sometimes used as polite terms to describe fatness. In stricter applicationportly refers to a person whose bulk is combined with a stately or imposing bearing, andstout, to a person with a thickset, bulky figure: Portly 和stout 有时用作描述肥胖的礼貌用词。 在更严格的用法中,portly 指身体与一种庄严的或强加的忍耐力联系在一起的人, 而stout 指身材矮胖、粗壮的人: 〔story〕An account or a recital of an event or a series of events, either true or fictitious.故事:对于一场事件或一系列事件的描述或复述,可能为真实的,也可能为虚构的〔diabolize〕To represent as diabolical.描述成恶魔,象恶魔一样〔storyboard〕A hanging panel of rough sketches depicting the plot, action, and characters in the sequential scenes of a film, an animated cartoon, a television show, or a filmed advertisement that is being proposed or made.情节串连图板:带有大概情节的挂板,描述正在被推出或制作的电影、卡通片,电视片或电影广告中的连续画面中的情节、行为或人物〔people〕Used as a pluralpeople is a form with no exactly corresponding singular. (English is not odd in this respect:the equivalent word is anomalous in Spanish, Italian, Russian, and many other languages.)In the past, grammarians have sometimes insisted thatpeople is a collective noun that should not be used as a substitute forpersons when referring to a specific number of individuals, as inSix people were arrested. Butpeople has always been used in such contexts, and the distinction is now so widely ignored in general writingthat it seems pedantic to insist on it.Persons is still preferred in quasilegal contexts, however, as inVehicles containing fewer than three persons may not use the left lane during rush hours. Only the singularperson is used in compounds involving a specific numeral: People 用做复数时无确切的单数形式。 (在此方面英语是不固定的:在西班牙语、意大利语和许多其它语言中相应的词是不规则的。)过去,语法学家曾坚持说people 是集合名词, 不能替代描述特定数量个体的persons , 如在六个人被捕了 中。 但是people 常用在这样的上下文中, 其区别在一般的书面语中被大大忽略了,再坚持其区别则显得多余。Persons 仍多被用在法律性的语境中, 例如在交通高峰期容纳少于三个人的汽车不允许使用左单行道。 只有单数person 用在与具体数目有关的复合词中: 〔macabre〕Constituting or including a representation of death.以死亡为主题的:组成或包括关于死亡的描述的〔model〕One that serves as the subject for an artist, especially a person employed to pose for a painter, sculptor, or photographer.艺术模特:作为艺术家的描述对象,尤指被一个画家、雕刻家或摄影家雇佣摆出某种姿势的人〔weak〕 Decrepit describes what is weakened, worn out, or broken down by hard use or the passage of time: Decrepit 是描述由于过多使用或时间长而被弱化、磨损或毁坏的东西: 〔theomorphism〕Depiction or conception of human beings as having the form of a god.神形论:将人类作为有神形的描述和概念〔chronicle〕Abbr. chron.An extended account in prose or verse of historical events, sometimes including legendary material, presented in chronological order and without authorial interpretation or comment.缩写 chron.编年史:用散文或诗描述历史事件,有时包含传说中的素材,按年代顺序记录, 没有作者的解释和评论〔phlegm〕One of the four humors of ancient physiology, described as cold and moist and thought to cause sluggishness, apathy, and evenness of temper.懒散,迟钝;冷漠:古代生理学的四种体液之一,被描述为冷淡和伤感,被认为由懒散、冷漠和性情平和引起〔frequentative〕Expressing or designating repeated action.反复的:表示或描述重复的动作〔plan〕In perspective rendering, one of several imaginary planes perpendicular to the line of vision between the viewer and the object being depicted.轮廓,平面图概略:在透视的图表中,与被描述的观察者和物体之间的视觉线垂直的虚构位面之一〔descriptor〕from Latin dēscrībere dēscript- [to describe] * see describe 源自 拉丁语 dēscrībere dēscript- [描述] * 参见 describe〔biased〕gave a biased account of the trial.See Usage Note at bias 对事件做出有偏见的描述 参见 bias〔monism〕The view in metaphysics that reality is a unified whole and that all existing things can be ascribed to or described by a single concept or system.一元论:一种形而上学理论,认为现实世界是一个整体,所有存在的事物可以被归结或描述为一个单一的概念或系统〔demonstrate〕described the dance step, then took a partner and demonstrated.描述舞步,然后带着舞伴作演示〔empty〕Vacuous describes what is as devoid of substance as a vacuum is: Vacuous 描述象真空一样缺少物质: 〔dirty〕 Dirty, the most general, describes what is covered or stained with dirt: Dirty 最常用,描述覆有泥土污垢或被玷污的东西; 〔Cunaxa〕An ancient town of Babylonia northwest of Babylon. It was the site of a battle (401b.c. ) in which Artaxerxes II of Persia defeated his brother Cyrus the Younger, leading to the Retreat of the Ten Thousand described by Xenophon in his Anabasis. 库那克萨:巴比伦王国的一个古城镇,位于巴比伦西北部。在这里发生的一场战争(公元前 401年)中波斯的阿尔塔薛西斯二世打败了他的兄弟小居鲁士,导致了色诺芬在他的 《远征记》 一书中描述的万人大撤退的发生 〔quirk〕An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary:突发事件:一种无法预测或描述的行为或事件;怪异的行为:〔protagonist〕Theprotagonist of a Greek drama was its leading actor, of whom there could be but one in any play.This is an etymological nicety that many modern writers continue to observe when using the word to refer to the main character of a drama or other fiction.Thus when the members of the Usage Panel were asked "How many protagonists are there inOthello ?” the great majority answered "One"and offered substitutes such asantagonist, villain, principal, and deuteragonist to describe Desdemona and Iago. But there is reputable precedent from the 17th century on for usingprotagonist to mean simply "important actor" or "principal party,”with no implication of uniqueness,as inThere are three protagonists in this sluggish novel. Smith and Jones were the protagonists in the struggle over the future of the computer company. Thus, while some writers may prefer to confine the word to a singular sense in their own usage,it is pedantic to insist that the looser use is incorrect. ·The use ofprotagonist to refer to a proponent has become common only in the 20th century and may have been influenced by a misconception that the first syllable of the word represents the prefixpro-, "favoring.” In sentences such asHe was an early protagonist of nuclear power, this use is likely to strike many readers as an errorand can usually be replaced byadvocate or proponent with no loss of sense.希腊戏剧的protagnist 是主角, 且在任何戏剧中仅有一个主角。许多现代作家在用这个词时都注意使它指代戏剧或其他小说的主要人物,因此当用法专题小组成员被问及“在奥赛罗 里有几个主要人物?”时, 大部分人回答“一个”,而且用如antagonist、villain、principal 和 deuteragonist 等词来描述苔丝德蒙娜和雅各。 但是从十七进纪开始,有一个使用protagonist 的规范惯例, 仅表示“重要的演员”或“首要的政党”,而丝毫没有独一无二的暗示,象在句子在这部文风拖沓的小说中有三个人物。 史密斯和琼斯是为计算公司的未来而奋斗的主角中一样。 因此,当某些作家可能在他们自己的用法中偏于把这个词限制在一个简单的含义中时,仍强调自由用法不正确就是卖弄学问的了。用protagonist 来指代建议者或支持者仅在20世纪开始变得常见, 而且被对于代表意为“支持的”前缀pro- 的该词第一个音节的误解所影响。 在句子他是核武力的早期支持者 中, 这种用法可能会使读者认为是个错误,而且常被advocate 或 proponent 所替代, 同时也不会有任何意思的遗漏〔postpose〕To place (a word or phrasal constituent) after other constituents in a sentence, as the direct object noun phraseall the interesting places he had visited in the sentence He described to them all the interesting places he had visited. 后置:将(一个词或词组)置于句中其他成分之后,如将作为直接宾语名词片语的all the interesting places he had visited(他去过的所有有趣的地方) 置于句子 He described to them all the interesting places he had visited(他向他们描述了他去过的所有有趣的地方) 中 〔valid〕These adjectives describe assertions, arguments, conclusions, reasons, or intellectual processes that are persuasive because they are well founded, as in fact, logic. or rationality.What isvalid is based on or borne out by truth or fact or has legal force: 这些形容词描述了因为有确凿证据,如在事实、逻辑或理由上,而很具说服力的主张、争论、结论、理由或智力过程。valid 的事物是建立在或产生于真理或事实上或具有法律效应: 〔describe〕To convey an idea or impression of; characterize:描述,刻画:表达想法或感受;刻画: |
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