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单词 提交
释义 〔ignoramus〕New Latin ignōrāmus [a grand jury's endorsement upon a bill of indictment when evidence is deemed insufficient to send the case to a trial jury] 新拉丁语 ignōrāmus [当证据被认为不足,无法将案件提交给法庭陪审团时,大陪审团在控告书上的批文] 〔rewrite〕To put (material submitted to a newspaper or magazine) in a form suitable for publishing.加工编写:把(提交给报纸或杂志的材料)置为适合出版的形式〔same〕The expressionssame and the same are sometimes used in place of pronouns such as it or one, as inWhen you have filled out the form, please remit same to this office. As this example suggests, the usage is associated chiefly with commercial and legal language,and some critics have suggested that it should be reserved for such contexts.But though the usage often does sound stilted,it occurs with some frequency in informal writing, particularly in the phraselack of same, as inIt is a question of money, or lack of same. And blind conformity to the critical injunction would have deprived us of the famously laconic radio message sent by a U.S. Navy officer during World War II: Same 和 the same 这两个表达法有时用作代词以替代 it 或 one, 如句子When you have filled out the form,please remit same to the office(填完表格后请提交给办公室)。 正如这个例子所表示的,这种用法主要出现于商业和法律用语,有些评论家认为应当把这种用法限制于此。尽管这种用法常听起来不太自然,但它有时也会出现在非正式的书面语中,特别是在短语lack of the same 中, 如句子It's a question of money,or lack of same。 并且,如果盲目地遵从评论家的禁令,我们将不会听到二次世界大战期间以简洁著称的美国海军军官的无线电口令: 〔exhibit〕To submit (evidence or documents) in a court.在法庭提交(证据或文件)〔injustice〕A committee of inmates presented a list of their grievances to the prison warden. 一个囚犯委员会向监狱看守提交了一个罪行清单 〔initiative〕The right and procedure by which citizens can propose a law by petition and ensure its submission to the electorate.革命立法提案权:一种权利和程序,通过它们公民可以通过请愿形式提出一项法案并将其提交给选举团〔lay〕lay a case before a committee.把案件提交委员会审理〔relegate〕To refer or assign (a matter or task, for example) for decision or action.托付:为决定或行动提交或分配(如一件事或任务)〔Quincy〕American Revolutionary patriot who traveled to England to present the colonists' grievances (1774-1775). His sonJosiah (1772-1864) was a U.S. representative from Massachusetts (1804-1813) who opposed involvement in the War of 1812 and served as mayor of Boston (1823-1829) and president of Harvard University (1829-1845). 昆西,约西亚:(1744-1775) 美国独立战争时期的爱国英雄,1774年到1775年间,他前往英国提交殖民地民众的申诉。他的儿子约赛亚 (1772-1864年)是马萨诸塞州的众议员(1804-1813年),他反对参加1812年的战争。1823年到1829年任波士顿市长,1829年到1845年为哈佛大学的校长 〔commit〕To refer (a legislative bill, for example) to a committee.把(例如立法议案)提交委员会〔follow〕Failure to file an income tax return can result in a fine.不能提交收入税回报会导致罚款。〔offer〕The chief of staff is expected to tender his resignation this week.领班准备这星期提交他的辞职书。〔turnaround〕The process of or time needed for performing a task, especially receiving, completing, and returning an assignment.周转时间:完成一项任务的过程或所需时间,尤指接受、完成并提交某一任务〔nomination〕The act or an instance of submitting a name for candidacy or appointment.提名:为候选或委派的职位提交名字的行为或例子〔address〕address a protest to the faculty senate.向校评议会提交抗议书〔evidentiary〕For the presentation or determination of evidence:为取得证据而举行的:为提交和确定证据的:〔question〕A proposition brought up for consideration by an assembly.提议:由一会议提交考虑的建议〔give〕To submit for consideration, acceptance, or use:表明:提交以便考虑、接受或使用:〔address〕To direct (a spoken or written message) to the attention of:提出:提交(口头或书面的报告)以引起…的注意:〔put〕To make a formal offer of:提交:提出…的正式提议:〔can〕May (not can ) I take another week to submit the application? 我可以(不是 can ) 再花一周提交申请吗? 〔remit〕A matter remitted for further consideration.提交事件:提交作进一步考虑的事件〔propose〕submitting a plan. 提交一项计划。 〔remit〕The act of remitting, especially the referral of a case to another court.提交提交的动作,尤指把案件提交到另一个法庭〔remit〕To refer (a matter) to a committee or an authority for decision.移转:把(一件事)提交一个委员会或权威机构去作出决定〔command〕Students were instructed to submit their essays before the end of the term.在这学期结束前,学生被命令提交他们的小品文。〔complainant〕A party that makes a complaint or files a formal charge, as in a court of law; a plaintiff.原告:在法律诉讼中正式把请求或文件提交诉讼的一方当事人;原告〔refer〕To submit (a matter in dispute) to an authority for arbitration, decision, or examination.遵照:提交(有争议的事件)给权威机构仲裁、决定或检查〔call〕To bring forth for action or discussion; raise.提交,提出:拿出来供采取行动或讨论;提出




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