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释义 〔redundancy〕The usages that critics have condemned as redundancies fall into several classes.In some cases,such asconsensus of opinion, close proximity, hollow tube, and refer back, the use of what is regarded as an unnecessary modifier or qualifier can sometimes be justified on the grounds that it in fact makes a semantic contribution.Thus ahollow tube can be distinguished from one that has been blocked up with deposits, and aconsensus of opinion can be distinguished from a consensus of judgments or practice. In other cases the use of the qualifier is harder to defend.Thus there is no way torevert without reverting back and noconsensus that is not general. · Sometimes recognition of redundancy may require familiarity with a foreign language.The expressionsSierra Mountains and Rio Grande River are indeed redundant for those who know Spanish, but the use of the wordsmountains and river may still serve some purpose when one is addressing an English-speaking audience. Occasionally, what originates as a redundant element may, through long use,become part of the established name of a thing.Thus a reference to the site of a famous World War II battle as "the El Alamein"incorporates three versions of the definite article, in English, Spanish, and Arabic.See Usage Note at close ,consensus ,cross section ,mental telepathy ,rarely ,refer 被评论家指责为冗长和重复的使用方法可分为几类。在某些情况下,如consensus of opinion,、close proximity、 hollow tube 和 refer back , 这种不必要修饰或限定语的使用有时也不能完全否定,因为它们从语义上说还是有意义的。因此,一个空管子 可以与被装填物堵满的管子相区别, 观点的一致 可以与判断力或惯例的一致相区别。 在其它情况下类似修饰语的使用就不那么容易自圆其说了。因此,没有 reverting back 就没有办法 revert , 没有 consensus 不是 general。 · 有时辨认出冗余需要对外语很熟悉。对于懂西班牙语的人来说 Sierra Mountains 和 Rio Grande River 这类说法是重复的, 但当对说英语的人讲话时,使用 mountains 和 river 还是有用的。 有时,一个刚产生时是多余的成份经过长时间使用后,可成为一个物体固定的一部分。因此当提到二战时叫做“阿拉曼战役”的著名战役时,在英语、西班牙语和阿拉伯语中的定冠词的三种形式取得了一致 参见 close,consensus,cross section,mental telepathy,rarely,refer〔name〕To mention, specify, or cite by name:列举,指出:以名字提到、指定或召唤:〔much〕"Happiness is an emotion not often spoken of at the magazine, much less experienced"(Brendan Gill)“幸福不是经常在杂志上提到的感情,更不用说是能够时常体验得到的”(布伦丹·吉尔)〔latch〕A fastening, as for a door or gate, typically consisting of a bar that fits into a notch or slot and is lifted from either side by a lever or string.门闩:闩,例如门闩,尤指带有一横销,插在槽或狭缝中通过把手或铁链从一头提到另一头〔well〕mentioned other matters as well.也提到了其它事情〔cologne〕The wordcologne, denoting toilet water, is fromCologne, the French name of the city in Germany that in German is calledKöln, where cologne has been made since the beginning of the 18th century.The first use ofcologne for toilet water is recorded in English in 1814, with the word being used in the compoundcologne water, a translation of eau de cologne, the French name for this liquid. With a history dating back to the Roman Empire, a history reflected in its name,in fact, which comes from the Latin wordColōnia, meaning "colony,” Cologne is memorialized in English, though in a hidden way, as the name of a minor luxury.科隆 一词指代花露水, 来源于德国一城市的法语名字Cologne , 在德语中叫Koln , 自18世纪初期科隆香水在此制造。cologne 第一次用于花露水是1814年, 在英语中用于复合词 cologne water ,是法语 eau de cologne 的译文。 科隆一词的历史可追溯到罗马帝国时期,事实上它来源于拉丁语Colonia ,意指“殖民地”, 在英语中一提到科隆,虽然不太明显,一般来说是轻度奢侈的代名词〔Zhitomir〕A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. west of Kiev. First mentioned in 1240, it was a way station on the trade route between Scandinavia and Constantinople, passed to Lithuania (1320) and Poland (1569), and was incorporated into Russia in the late 1770's. Population, 275,000.日托米尔:是苏联西南欧部分一城市,位于基辅的西部。第一次提到是在1240年,是斯堪的纳维亚和君士坦丁堡之间商路上的一个小站,1320年转让给立陶宛,1569年转让给波兰,18世纪70年代后期并入俄国,人口275,000〔funky〕When asked which words in the English language are the most difficult to define precisely,a lexicographer would surely mentionfunky. The meaning offunky seems well captured by Geneva Smitherman in Talkin and Testifyin: The Language of Black America, where she states that funky means “[related to] the blue notes or blue mood created in jazz, blues, and soul music generally, down-to-earth soulfully expressed sounds; by extension [related to] the real nitty-gritty or fundamental essence of life, soul to the max.”Be that as it may,funky is first recorded in 1784 in a reference to musty, old, moldy cheese. Funky then developed the sense "smelling strong or bad,” which could be used to describe body odor.Butfunky was applied to jazz, too—a usage explained in 1959 by one F. Newton inJazz Scene : "Critics are on the search for something a little more like the old, original, passion-laden blues: the trade-name which has been suggested for it is ‘funky’(literally: ‘smelly,’ i.e. symbolizing the return from the upper atmosphere to the physical, down-to-earth reality).” Funky comes from the earlier nounfunk, which meant "a strong smell or stink.” This noun can probably be traced back to the Latin wordfūmus, "smoke.” 当被问及英语中最难准确定义的是哪些词时,词典编纂者肯定会提到funky 这个词。 Funky 的含义似乎被热纳瓦·史密斯曼在 语言和证明: 美国黑人语言一节中解释得很清楚,她认为 funky 指“主要在爵士乐、布鲁斯歌曲、灵乐这些发自灵魂深处的音乐中创造出的音符式的忧郁; 由此延伸为与生命本质精髓有关的,表现美国黑人及其文化特点到极致的。”Funky 最早可能被记录于1784年,用于指发霉的、过期的奶酪。 后来,funky 引申到这层意思“闻起来强烈或有异味的,” 可以用来形容身体的气味。但funky 也用于指爵士乐方面, 这种用法于1959年在一位名叫F·牛顿的人的书爵士舞台 中有所解释: “批评家们正在找一种有些更象原始的、激情洋溢的老布鲁斯歌曲一样的东西:用来表现后的词就是‘有气息的’(字面意义:‘有气味的,’也就是说,从高高在上的格调降回到自然而率直的风格)。” Funky 一词来自较早出现的名词funk, 意为“一种刺鼻的气味或臭味”。 这个词可能可追溯到拉丁词fumus, “烟” 〔boo〕You never said boo to me about overtime.你从没对我提到加班的事〔speed〕The mere mention of the issue precipitated an outburst of indignation during the meeting. See also Synonyms at haste 会议上刚一提到这件事就引发了一阵愤怒 参见同义词 haste〔ax〕To understand the origin of the idiomax to grind, we need to know thatgrind means "to sharpen.” This phrase is said to have come from a story by the 19th-century journalist Charles Miner (alias Poor Robert) about a seemingly friendly manwho was able by flattery to persuade a young boy to turn a grindstone for him.The tale first appeared in the Luzerne, Pennsylvania,Federalist on September 7, 1810, under the title "Who'll Turn Grindstones?” and later in an 1815 book entitledEssays from the Desk of Poor Robert the Scribe. Because "Poor Robert" was confused with "Poor Richard,”the story has often been erroneously attributed to Benjamin Franklin.The idiom itself is an Americanism—a word or expression originating in the United States.It was at first restricted to political contexts,but quotations from James Joyce ("Skin-the-Goat . . . evidently with an axe to grind, was airing his grievances")and George Bernard Shaw ("distinguished statesmen of different nations . . . each with a national axe to grind") attest that the phrase has traveled abroad and,as we know only too well, is no longer found only in political contexts.为了理解成语ax to grind 的出处, 我们需要知道grind 意思是“磨尖”。 这个短语据说出自19世纪旅行家查尔斯·麦纳(别名穷罗伯特)所写的关于一个似乎很友善的人的故事,他能够奉承地劝说一名男孩为他翻过一块磨光石。这个传说第一次出现在1810年9月7日宾夕法尼亚州的卢泽恩,在1810年9月7日题为“谁将推翻磨石”的联邦制拥护者 中提到, 之后1815年又在名为作家穷·罗伯特文集 一书中提到。 因为"poor Robert和"poor Richard"易被弄混淆,这个故事经常被错误地认为是本杰明·弗兰克林创作的。这个成语本身是美国式的词或表达源于美国。一开始被限于在政治性言词的情况中使用,但是从以下的引文表明这个短语已广泛地传播,一个是引于詹姆斯·琼斯(“这个显然别有企图的披着人皮的狼,正在诉苦”),另一个引自乔治·萧伯纳(“辨认出不同国家的人…每个国家都有自己国家的打算”),正如我们所熟知的,它不会只在政治性言论的上下文间才可以找到的〔include〕included a reference to the accompanist in the review of the concert;在对这台音乐会的评论中提到了伴奏;〔proverbial〕Widely referred to, as if the subject of a proverb; famous.出名的:被广泛地提到的,好象谚语的主题一样;著名的〔sierra〕Perhaps in formal contextsit is wise after mentioning a mountain range such as the Sierra Nevadato refer to it next asthe Sierras rather thanthe Sierra Mountains, sincemountains is inherent in sierra. Nonetheless, many Californians and Nevadans in particular will be very familiar with phrases such asthe Sierra Mountains. Such phrases are used because to a non-Spanish speakersierra does not necessarily have a meaning, unless one is familiar with the English wordsierra, "a rugged range of mountains having an irregular profile,” borrowed from Spanish. In Spanishsierra originally meant "saw" and so was aptly applied to a range of hills or mountains rising in peaks that suggested the teeth of a saw.It comes from Latinserra, "saw,” to which can also be traced our wordserrated. 也许在正式的语境中,提到了一山脉如内华达山脉之后,紧接着再提到时称为the Sierra , 而不是the Sierra Mountains , 因为mountains 是包含在 sierra 之中的。 尽管如此,许多加利福尼亚人,尤其是内华达人对类似the Sierra Mountains 这样的词组很熟悉。 使用这样的词组是因为对一个非西班牙语的人来说,sierra 一词并不一定有意义, 除非是一个熟悉这个从西班牙语中借用来的英语单词sierra (一崎岖的山脉,有曲折的轮廓)的人。 在西班牙语中,sierra 原意为“锯子”, 所以很恰当地被用来指峰峦叠起,使人联想起锯齿的山脉或群山。这个词来源于拉丁文serra (锯子), serrated 也可以追溯到这个拉丁词 〔range〕information not within the compass of this article;这篇文章所没提到的信息;〔method〕"Of generalship, of strategic system . . . there was little or none" (John Morley).Aroutine is a habitual, often tiresome method: “提到领导能力,策略方法…少得可怜甚至压根儿没有” (约翰·毛利) 。Routine 是一个习惯性的,经常是让人厌倦的方法: 〔reference〕To mention in a reference; refer to:提及:提到以供参考;指…:〔taboo〕To exclude from use, approach, or mention; place under taboo.禁止,禁制:不让…被使用、接近或提到;将…置于禁忌之下〔nepenthe〕A drug mentioned in theOdyssey as a remedy for grief. 忘忧药:奥德赛 中提到的一种药,作为一种医治忧愁的药剂 〔able〕The constructionable to ascribes to its subject the ability to accomplish the action expressed in its complement: 词组able to 表示其主语具备完成补充成分里所提到的行为的能力: 〔posh〕"Oh yes, Mater, we had a posh time of it down there.”So inPunch for September 25, 1918, do we find the first recorded instance of that mysterious wordposh, meaning "smart and fashionable,”although in a 1903 book by P.G. Wodehouse,Tales of St. Austin's, there is a mention of a waistcoat that was "push.” The latter may be a different word,but in either case the dates of occurrence are importantbecause they are part of the objection to derivingposh from the initials of "Port Out, Starboard Home.” This was the cooler, and thus more expensive, side of ships traveling between England and India in the mid-19th century,and the acronymPOSH was supposedly stamped on the tickets of first-class passengers traveling on that side of ships owned by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. No evidence is definitely known to exist for this theory, however.TheOxford English Dictionary Supplement may have found a possible source or sources for posh. Another wordposh was 19th- and early 20th-century British slang for "money,” specifically "a halfpenny, cash of small value.”This word is borrowed from the common Romany wordpåšh, "half,” which was used in combinations such aspåšhera, "halfpenny.” Posh, also meaning "a dandy,” is recorded in two dictionaries of slang published in 1890 and 1902,although this particularposh may be still another word. This word or these words, however, are much more likely to be the source ofposh than "Port Out, Starboard Home,” although the latter source certainly has caught the public's etymological fancy.“哦是的,妈妈,我们在那里过着豪华的生活。”因此在1918年9月25日的punch 上, 我们看到了那个神秘单词posh 的首次记录, 意为“豪华的,时髦的,”虽然早在1903年P·G·伍德豪斯的名为圣·奥斯汀传说 的作品中就提及了意为"push"的马夹这个词。 后者也可能是另外一个不同的词,但在任何一种情况下两者被使用的时间都很重要,因为它们都反对posh 这个词源于"Port Out,Starboard Home。” 这是意指19世纪中期往来于英格兰及印度的船只中较凉爽、因而票价也就较为昂贵的一侧,而POSH 这个首字缩拼词据说就印在半岛——东方蒸汽船航运公司所拥有的船只上较为凉爽的一侧头等舱的票上。 然而对于这一说法并没有确凿的证据来加以证明。牛津英语词典增补本 也许为 posh 找到了一个或多个可能的词源。 另一个词posh 则是19世纪和20世纪初英国人用来表示“钱”的俚语, 尤指“半便士,小面值钱币。”这个词源于吉卜赛常用词på歨 ,意为“一半”, 用在诸如意为“半便士”的复合词på歨era 中。 Posh 也有“花花公子”之意, 这一用法记录于1890年及1902年出版的两本俚语词典中,尽管这个特有的posh 也有可能是另一个词。 然而这个词及上文提到的那些词比"Port Out,Starboard Home"更有可能是posh 这个词的词源, 虽然后者早被人们确认为这个词的词源〔passim〕Throughout or frequently; here and there. Used in textual annotation to indicate that something, such as a word or passage, occurs frequently in the work cited.各种;到处:普遍地或经常地;用于正文的注释,表示一些事物,如一个单词或段落在所提到的书中经常出现〔between〕According to a widely repeated but unjustified tradition,“between is used for two, and among for more than two.” It is true thatbetween is the only choice when exactly two entities are specified: the choice between (not among ) good and evil, the rivalry between (not among ) Great Britain and France. When more than two entities are involved, however, or when the number of entities is unspecified,the choice of one or the other word depends on the intended sense.Between is used when the entities are considered as distinct individuals; among, when they are considered as a mass or collectivity. Thus in the sentenceThe bomb landed between the houses, the houses are seen as points that define the boundaries of the area of impact (so that we presume that none of the individual houses was hit). InThe bomb landed among the houses, the area of impact is considered to be the general location of the houses, taken together (in which case it is left open whether any houses were hit). By the same token, we may speak ofa series of wars between the Greek cities, which suggests that each city was an independent belligerent, or ofa series of wars among the Greek cities, which allows as well the possibility that the belligerents were shifting alliances of cities. For this reason,among is most appropriate to indicate inclusion in a group: 根据重复多次但没什么根据的传统看法,“between 用于两者之间,而 among 用于二者以上。” 当只提到两个实体时,between 确实是唯一的选择: the choice between (而不用 among ) good and evil(善与恶之间的选择),the rivalry between (不用 among ) Great Britain and France(英法间的对抗)。 当牵涉到两个以上实体时,如果实体的数目不确定,选择其中之一则取决于倾向性。当实体被看作不同的个体时用between ; 当其被看作整体或集合时用among 。 因此在句子The bomb landed between the houses 中,房屋被看作一个限定了中弹地区的界限( 所以我们假设一所所单独的房子未被击中)。在The bomb landed among the houses 中,被中弹地区被看作是房屋的整体地区( 在这种情形下房屋是否被击中并未说明)。同样的表示法,我们可以说a series of wars between the Greek cities, 表示每个城市是独立的参战者,我们也可以说a series of wars among the Greek cities, 表示存在某些城市做为联合参战者的可能性。 因此,among 最适合表示包括在一群成一组人之内: 〔overrun〕The exceeding of estimated costs for product development and manufacture covered by contract.预计价值的超额:用于改进和生产产品的花费超过合同里提到的预计费用〔reference〕A mention of an occurrence or a situation:提及:提到发生的事件或处境:〔earwig〕In an Anglo-Norman text written around the beginning of the 15th century we are told that elephants guard their ears diligently against flies and earwigs.Elephants have good cause to protect themselves against these insects if, as folklore has it, earwigs go through the ear into the head.The earwig, however, prefers to dine on things such as flowers, fruit, and small insectsrather than brain tissue.Folklore is responsible, though, for the insect's name,which was formed in Old English fromēare, the Old English source of our word ear, and wicga, "insect,” a word presumably related to our word wiggle. 大约在15世纪初期,有一本盎格鲁·诺曼的课本提到大象很小心地保护它们的耳朵,以防苍蝇和蠼螋。民间传说讲,蠼螋会通过耳朵进入大脑,大象防范这些昆虫是很有理由的。但是蠼螋喜欢吃花朵、水果及一些小昆虫,而不是大脑组织。然而民间传说却产生了这种昆虫的名字,当时是由古英语词eare ,即我们的 ear 的古英语词源及可能和现代词 wiggle 有关的意为“昆虫”的 wicga 组成的 〔industry〕A clear indication of the way in which human effort has been harnessed as a force for the commercial production of goods and services is the change in meaning of the wordindustry. Coming from the Latin wordindustria, meaning "diligent activity directed to some purpose,”and its descendant, Old Frenchindustrie, with the senses "activity,” "ability,” and "a trade or occupation,”our word (first recorded in 1475) originally meant "skill,” "a device,” and "diligence" as well as "a trade.”As more and more human effort over the course of the Industrial Revolution became involved in producing goods and services for sale,the last sense ofindustry as well as the slightly newer sense "systematic work or habitual employment" grew in importance, to a large extent taking over the word.We can even speak now of the Shakespeare industry,rather like the garment industry.The sense "diligence, assiduity,” lives on, however,perhaps even to survive industry itself.industry 有一个明显的含义,即指将人力组织转化成进行货物商业性生产和进行商业性服务的方法,而在有此含义前,这个词经历了多次变化。 这个词来源于拉丁文industria , 意思是“为某种目的而进行的勤奋的活动”;后来这个拉丁字发展成古法语单词industrie , 其意思是“活动性”、“能力”和“一种行业和职业”。英文单词(最早的记载是1475年)原意是“技巧”、“方法”、“勤奋”,也有“一种行业”之意。随着产业革命的开展,越来越多的人力被用于进行货物生产和商业服务,industry 最新的含义及其较新的意思“有组织的劳动或习惯性的雇佣”变得重要起来, 并逐渐成为这个词最主要的意思。现在,我们甚至在提到莎士比亚研究时,就象提及成衣制造业。不过,“勤劳、勤奋”这层含义仍在使用,也许只要这个单词存在,这层含义就不会消失〔respectively〕I'm referring to each of you respectively.我将逐个提到你们中的每一个〔lady〕Used attributively together with the name of an occupational role,as inlady doctor, the word is widely regarded as condescendingbecause of its implication that the usual person in that role is a man.When the gender of the referent is relevant,the preferred term iswoman. 当它用在职业角色的名称前时,如女医生 , 被普遍认为是带有性别特征的,因为它暗示了这个职业角色的扮演者通常应是男性。为了使所提到的性别表示更恰当,人们更喜欢用woman 这个词 〔said〕Named or mentioned before; aforementioned:上述的:已列举或提到过的;前述的:〔raise〕raised her to management level.把她提到管理层里〔reference〕She made frequent references to her promotion.她时常提到她的升迁〔amateur〕When Mrs. T.W. Atkinson remarked in her 1863Recollections of the Tartar Steppes and their Inhabitants, "I am no amateur of these melons,” she usedamateur in a sense unfamiliar to us. That sense, "a lover, an admirer,” is, however, clearly descended from the senses of the word's ultimate Latin source,amātor, "lover, devoted friend, devotee, enthusiastic pursuer of an objective,” and from its immediate Latin-derived French source,amateur, with a similar range of meanings. First recorded in English in 1784 with the sense in which Mrs. Atkinson used it,amateur is found in 1786 with a meaning more familiar to us, "a person who engages in an art, for example, as a pastime rather than as a profession,” a sense that had already developed in French.Given the limitations of doing something as an amateur,it is not surprising that the word is soon after recorded in the disparaging sensewe still use to refer to someone who lacks professional skill or ease in performance.当T.W.阿特金森夫人在她1863年出版的塔塔·史坦普和其居民回忆录, 中提到“我并不喜欢这些瓜果”时, 她使用的amateur 是我们所不熟悉的一个意思。 可是这种“爱好者,喜爱者,”的意思显然有其正宗拉丁语来源,amator, 意思是“爱人,忠实的朋友,奉献者,对某目标热情的追求者”, 还有由拉丁语直接派生出的法语来源,amateur, 具有相似的意思。 1784年记录在英语文字中出现的这个词正是阿特金森夫人使用的意思,1786年出现的amateur 有我们更为熟悉的意思, “如一个从事艺术,把它作为一项消遣,而不是一个职业的人,”法语的词早已发展了这种意思。如果把意思限定为从事业余活动的人,这个词被记录下来后不久就有了贬义含意,也就不足为奇了,我们用它来指在表演中缺乏专业技巧或缺乏得心应手的感觉〔blatant〕 Certain contexts may admit either word depending on what is meant:a violation of international law might be eitherblatant or flagrant. But writers who refer tothe blatant torturing of animals or the flagrant liberal bias of the media have implied something other than what they presumably intended. In the first case, the writer is probably more troubled by the enormity of the mistreatment of animals than by the failure to conceal it,so thatflagrant would have been the better choice. In the second case, by contrast, the writer probably wants to draw attention to a moral failing in the media's unapologetic refusal to hide its bias,rather than to the iniquity of the bias itself,an implication that would have been conveyed more successfully byblatant. Blatant should not be used to mean simply "obvious,”as inthe blatant danger of such an approach. 某些语境下两个词都可以用,但意思不同:对国际法律的违反既可能是blatant(公然的) 也可能是 flagrant(无耻的)。 但是提到the blatant torturing of animals(肆无忌惮地虐待动物) 或者 the flagrant liberal bias of the media(媒体公然的、不严谨的偏见) 的作者已经暗示了他们本来意图以外的意思。 在第一种情况下,作者可能对大量虐待动物的行为所困扰而不是为隐藏这种行为的失败而困扰,因此flagrant 应该是更好的选择。 相反地,在第二种情况下,作者可能是要着重指出新闻媒介对其偏见一概否认的这种道德上弱点,而不是针对偏见本身的不公正性,这种含义若由blatant来表达的话会更加正确。 Blatant 不应仅仅表示“明显的”,就象在the blatant danger of such an approach(这种方法明显的危险性)中。 〔broach〕raised the problem of dropouts with the faculty. 巧妙地提到退出的问题 〔sycamine〕A tree mentioned in the New Testament, thought to be a species of mulberry.西克曼:《新约》中提到的一种树,被认为是桑树的一种〔bring〕To introduce into discussion; mention.把…引进讨论;提到〔advert〕To call attention; refer:引起注意;提到〔mention〕The act of referring to something briefly or casually.说到:简要或偶然提到某事的行为〔millennium〕A thousand-year period of holiness mentioned in Revelation 20, during which Jesus and his faithful followers are to rule on earth.《启示录》第20章提到的神圣的一千年,在此期间耶稣及其信徒统治着世界




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