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单词 提高
释义 〔lift〕An elevation of the spirits:振奋:兴致或情绪提高〔lift〕lifted their voices in song.唱歌时提高了嗓门〔each〕Each person cast a vote. My technique improved with each lesson.每人投一票。我的技巧每节课都有提高〔edification〕Intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement; enlightenment.启迪:智力、伦理或精神上的提高;启蒙〔homocysteine〕An amino acid used normally by the body in cellular metabolism and the manufacture of proteins. Elevated concentrations in the blood are thought to increase the risk for heart disease by damaging the lining of blood vessels and enhancing blood clotting.高半胱氨酸:通常为人体细胞新陈代谢及制造蛋白质所需的胺基酸,提高血液的浓度被认为会增加心脏疾病发生的危险,因为如此一来会损伤血管内壁并促进血液凝固而导致危险发生〔calculation〕Careful, often cunning estimation and planning of likely outcomes, especially to advance one's own interests.深思熟虑:认真的、常是机敏的对可能结果的估计和计划,特指为提高个人的利益〔uplift〕To raise to a higher social, intellectual, or moral level or condition.提高:在社会地位,文化,道德水准或状况方面提高〔corrigible〕Capable of being corrected, reformed, or improved.可改正的:可以被改正的,可被改革或提高〔practice〕To do something repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill.反复练习:为获取或提高某种技能而反复做某事〔up〕Being above a former position or level; higher:提高的,较高的:位于比先前更高的一个位置或水平的;更高的:〔rise〕To increase in pitch or volume:变响,提高:音调或音量的增加:〔shrug〕To raise the shoulders, especially as a gesture of doubt, disdain, or indifference.耸肩:提高肩膀,尤作作为一种表示怀疑、蔑视或漠然的姿式〔humanitarian〕One who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms; a philanthropist.人道主义者:献身于人类福利的提高和社会改革的进步的人;慈善家〔contemporary〕A rise in interest rates is often contemporaneous with an increase in inflation. Onlycontemporary has the sense "modern" or "present-day": 利率的提高常常与通货膨胀的增长同时出现。 只有contemporary 有“现代的”或“当前的”之意: 〔batten〕Ultimately from Old Norse batna [to improve] * see bhad- 最终源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 batna [提高] * 参见 bhad- 〔hygiene〕Conditions and practices that serve to promote or preserve health:保健法:有助于提高健康水平或保持健康的环境或做法:〔raise〕To increase in intensity, degree, strength, or pitch:提高,增强,增大:在强度、程度、力量或音调方面增加:〔aerobicize〕To perform vigorous exercise as part of a program to improve physical fitness.参加体育锻炼:作为提高身体健康计划的一部分而参加的体力锻炼〔liquidity〕a bank that is increasing its liquidity by shortening the average term of its loans.一家以缩短平均贷款期限来提高其资金流动性的银行〔remedial〕Intended to correct or improve deficient skills in a specific subject:补习的:为在特定的课目中改正或提高缺乏的才能而特设的:〔philanthropy〕Something, such as an activity or institution, intended to promote human welfare.慈善机构,慈善行为:为提高人类福利而做的事,如一项活动或机构〔physostigmine〕A crystalline alkaloid, C15H 21N 3O 2, extracted from the Calabar bean, used in medicine as a miotic and cholinergic agent and to enhance memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Also called eserine 毒扁豆碱:一种结晶的生物碱,C15H 21N 3O 2,从毒扁平中提取,在医学中用作缩瞳药和胆碱能剂,用于提高阿耳茨海默氏病人的记忆力 也作 eserine〔ragamuffin〕Perhapsragamuffin should be seen as an example of melioration, or improvement in the sense of a word, since it can now be used rather affectionately of children who are normally far from dirty or unkempt.In any event,even its use for an unkempt child or man represents something of an improvementover one of its earliest uses.Ragamuffin was a name given to a demon in Piers Plowman, an allegorical poem of the 14th century. This name was once thought to be the source of our word,but researches at theMiddle English Dictionary have shown that the word was used as the last name of a woman, Isabella Ragamuffyn, earlier in the 14th century (1344), before the poem was composed.The word even then had the sense "ragged lout, tattered oaf,”though it was found only in names.The elementraga- is probably from the Middle English adjective raggi, "ragged,” also used of the devil in the sense "shaggy" and as a name.The element-muffin is probably from Middle Dutch moffel or muffe, "mitten.” 也许ragamuffin 这个词应该看作词义变良或改善的例子, 因为它现在可以用来充满感情地指那些按常规来说远非肮脏或不整洁的孩子。不论如何,即使它被用来指那些不整洁的孩子或大人的时候,其用法较最初也有了很大提高。Ragamuffin 是14世纪的一部寓言诗 犁者码头 中一个魔鬼的名字。 这个名字一度被认为是本词的来源,但对中世纪英语词典 的研究表明这个词曾在14世纪早期(1344年)用作一位妇女的姓,伊莎贝拉·拉格姆芬, 这早于那首诗创作之前。这个词甚至还曾有衣裳破烂的粗人、褴褛的呆子的意思,尽管此词仅见于姓名。构词成分raga- 可能源自中古英语的形容词 raggi “破烂的”, 也曾以“毛长而参差不齐”这个意思用于魔鬼和人名。构词成分-muffin 可能来自中世纪荷兰语中 moffel 或意为“连指手套”的 muffe 〔viewer〕Any of various optical devices used to facilitate the viewing of photographic transparencies by illuminating or magnifying them.观察器:通过变亮或者放大来提高图像清晰度的一种视觉设备〔high〕Raised in pitch; not soft or hushed:尖锐的:声音提高的;不柔和的或不肃静的:〔sensation〕A state of heightened interest or emotion:激动:提高的兴趣或感情的状态:〔arsis〕Middle English [raising of the voice] 中古英语 [提高嗓音] 〔Pupin〕Hungarian-born American physicist and inventor whose works improved the telegraph and telephone and increased the safety and effectiveness of x-ray photography.浦品,米哈伊洛·伊德夫斯基:(1858-1935) 匈牙利裔美国物理学家和发明家,他的贡献包括发展了电报和电话并提高了X射线照相术的安全性和有效性〔adjuvant〕A pharmacological agent added to a drug to increase or aid its effect.辅药,佐药:加到药物中以提高或辅助药效的药理学药剂〔correction〕Punishment intended to rehabilitate or improve.处罚:为复原或提高而进行的惩罚〔soup〕To modify (something) so as to increase its capacity to perform or satisfy, especially to add horsepower or greater speed potential to (an engine or a vehicle):增大威力,提高效果:调整(某东西)以便增加其发挥作用或令人满意的能力,尤其指增大(引擎或车辆的)马力或更大的速度潜力:〔elevate〕levāre [to raise] * see leg wh- levāre [提高] * 参见 leg wh- 〔cool〕a cool greeting; was cool to the idea of higher taxes.冷淡的问候;对提高税收的意见反应冷淡〔flux〕An additive that improves the flow of plastics during fabrication.助熔剂:在制塑过程中提高塑料流动性的添加剂〔Comenius〕Czechoslovakian theologian and educational reformer who held that science exalted divine majesty rather than threatened it.夸美纽斯,约翰·阿摩司:(1592-1670) 捷克斯洛伐克神学家和教育改革者,坚持科学提高而不是威胁神的权威的理论〔smarten〕To improve in appearance or stylishness; spruce up.打扮:在相貌和风格上提高;打扮〔inflated〕Raised or expanded to abnormal levels:恶性膨胀的,飞涨的:被提高或扩大到不正常的程度:〔elevation〕The condition of being elevated.提高:被升高的状况〔infer〕When the mayor said that she would not rule out a business tax increase, she implied (not inferred ) that some taxes might be raised. 当市长说她不排除商业税增涨的可能性时,她暗指(不是 inferred ) 可能要提高某些税收。 〔hone〕a speaker who honed her delivery by long practice.一个演讲者通过长期练习来磨练提高她的口才




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