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单词 撤退
释义 〔seduce〕from Latin subdūcere [to withdraw] 源自 拉丁语 subdūcere [撤退] 〔Dunkirk〕A desperate retreat.孤注一掷的撤退〔Ney〕French marshal who brilliantly commanded the rear guard in Napoleon I's retreat from Moscow (1812) and later deserted Louis XVIII to aid Napoleon at Waterloo (1815).内伊,米哈伊:(1769-1815) 法国的陆军元帅,他英明地堵截了拿破仑一世从莫斯科的撤退(1812年),后来又阻截了滑铁卢战役中路易十八对拿破仑的增援(1825年)〔roll〕To cause to turn back or retreat.使倒转:使回转或撤退〔Cyrus〕Persian prince who led a mammoth force of Greeks against his brother Artaxerxes II. The retreat that followed his defeat and death are described in Xenophon'sAnabasis. 小居鲁士:波斯王子,曾领导希腊庞大的军队进攻其兄阿尔塔薛西斯二世。在色诺芬尼所著的《远征记》 中描述了其战败和死亡之后的撤退 〔Richmond〕The capital of Virginia, in the east-central part of the state on the James River north of Petersburg. Settled in the 17th century, it became the capital of Virginia in 1779 and was strategically important in the American Revolution and the Civil War, during which it was the capital of the Confederacy. The evacuation of Richmond by Confederate troops on April 3, 1865, led to Gen. Robert E. Lee's surrender to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant on April 9. Population, 203,056.里士满:弗吉尼亚州首府,位于该州的中东部,彼得斯堡以北的詹姆斯河畔。建于17世纪,1779年成为弗吉尼亚首府,在美国革命及国内战争中具有战略重要性,内战中它是南方联邦的首都。1865年4月3日南联邦军队从里士满的撤退导致了4月9日罗伯特E·李将军向尤利塞斯S·格兰特将军的投降。人口203,056〔hightail〕To go as fast as possible, especially in retreating:快跑,奔逃:全速或迅速行动,尤指在逃跑或撤退中:〔retire〕To fall back or retreat, as from battle.退却,撤退:后退或撤退,如从战场上撤退〔Buell〕American army officer who was relieved of his Union command after failing to pursue Gen. Braxton Bragg's retreating Confederate troops at the Battle of Perryville in Kentucky (October 8, 1862).比尔,唐·卡洛斯:(1818-1898) 美国军官,在肯塔基佩里威尔战役(1862年10月8日)中,由于未能追击到布拉克斯顿·布雷格将军撤退的邦联军队而被撤去美军指挥职务〔Shiloh〕A locality in southwest Tennessee east of Memphis. The Civil War Battle of Shiloh (April 6-7, 1862) ended in the withdrawal of Confederate troops but claimed more than 10,000 casualties on both the Union and Confederate sides.希洛:田纳西州西南部,孟菲斯以东一个地方,内战中的希洛战役(1862年4月6-7日)以南方邦联部队的撤退而告终,但北方联邦军和南部邦联军的伤亡都超过一万〔understood〕the understood conditions of troop withdrawal.取得同意的军队撤退〔fallback〕a fallback proposal; a fallback position behind our own lines.撤退计划;在我们战线后的撤退地点〔retire〕Despite the upbeat books written about retiringand the fact that it is a well-earned time of relaxation from the daily rigors of work,many people do not find it a particularly pleasant prospect.Perhaps the etymology ofretire may hint at why. The ultimate source of our word is the Old French wordretirer, made up of the prefixre-, meaning in this case "back,” and the verb tirer, "to draw,” together meaning "to take back or withdraw.” The first use of the English wordretire is recorded in 1533 in reference to a military force that withdraws.It is not until 1667 that we find the word used to mean "to withdraw from a position for more leisure.”In regard to the sting in all thiswe need to look at the source oftirer, "to draw, draw out, endure,”which ultimately may be from Old Frenchmartir, "a martyr,” probably reflecting the fact that martyrs had to endure the torture of being stretched up to and beyond the point of dislocating their bones.尽管有关于退休的乐观书籍,以及退休是从日常工作的严酷中解放出来的极好时光的事实,许多人并没有发现它特别令人愉悦的地方。也许retire 的语源学暗示了原因。 这个词最早的来源是古法语单词retirer , 由在此意指“向后”的前缀re- 及意为“拉”的动词 tiver 合在一起组成,意为“撤回或退回”。 英语单词retire 的使用则最早记录于1553年, 指撤退的军队。直到1667年我们才发现该词用于表达“为得到更多的闲暇而退出职位。”考虑到所有这些词的负面含义,我们有必要看看tirer 的词源, 其意为“拉,拉出,容忍,”它可能最初源于意为“殉道者”的古法语martir , 这可能反映了一个事实,即殉者不得不忍受四肢被拉直至骨肉脱离的酷刑〔rout〕A disorderly retreat or flight following defeat.溃退,溃败:战败后秩序混乱的撤退或逃跑〔Cunaxa〕An ancient town of Babylonia northwest of Babylon. It was the site of a battle (401b.c. ) in which Artaxerxes II of Persia defeated his brother Cyrus the Younger, leading to the Retreat of the Ten Thousand described by Xenophon in his Anabasis. 库那克萨:巴比伦王国的一个古城镇,位于巴比伦西北部。在这里发生的一场战争(公元前 401年)中波斯的阿尔塔薛西斯二世打败了他的兄弟小居鲁士,导致了色诺芬在他的 《远征记》 一书中描述的万人大撤退的发生 〔give〕To yield to a more powerful force; retreat.在优势兵力前撤退撤退〔retreat〕To fall or draw back; withdraw or retire.See Synonyms at recede 后退或缩回;撤退或退休 参见 recede〔recall〕The procedure by which a public official may be removed from office by popular vote.罢免:一种程序,即通过公民投票将某个官员从职位上撤退〔back〕To withdraw from a position; retreat.撤退:从某个位置撤离;撤退〔sheer〕and partly from Dutch scheren [to withdraw] * see sker- 1部分源自荷兰语 scheren [撤退] * 参见 sker- 1〔dismissal〕The act of dismissing.解散、撤退:解散、遣散的行为〔withdrawal〕Retreat of a military force in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat.撤退:面对敌军进攻时或失败后的军事撤退〔fallback〕Of, relating to, or constituting a resort or place of retreat:后退的,应变的:(组成)撤退的手段或地方的,与其有关的:〔recess〕Latin recessus [retreat] [from past participle of] recēdere [to recede] * see recede 拉丁语 recessus [撤退] 源自recēdere的过去分词 [退后] * 参见 recede〔recede〕To withdraw or retreat.撤回:撤退或后撤〔Iliad〕The older of the two surviving ancient Greek epic poems, traditionally ascribed to Homer but containing material composed orally over several centuries. It begins with the wrathful withdrawal of the Greek hero Achilles from the fighting in the Trojan War and ends after his return to slay the Trojan hero Hector.伊里亚特叙式诗:两首仅存的古代希腊史诗中较古老的那一首,长久以来传为荷马所著,但包含着数个世纪以来以口述所创作的内容,其内容描述期间始于希腊英雄阿契里斯在特洛伊战争的打斗中愤怒地撤退,终于他回来杀害了特洛伊英雄海克特之后〔Prescott〕American Revolutionary patriot who on April 18, 1775, joined Paul Revere and William Dawes on their ride to spread the news of the British advance on Concord, Massachusetts. Because Revere was captured and Dawes was forced to retreat, only Prescott was able to warn the militias of Lincoln and Concord.普雷斯科特,塞缪尔:(1751-1777?) 美国独立战争中的爱国者。在1775年4月18日,他和保罗·罗维尔和威廉·道斯一起传播了英军向马萨诸塞州的康科德进军的消息,后因里维尔被捕,而道斯义被迫撤退,只有普雷斯科特最终向驻扎在林肯和康科德的民兵报警〔Putnam〕American Revolutionary soldier who organized the batteries on Dorchester Heights that forced the British to evacuate Boston (1775).普特南,鲁富斯:(1738-1824) 美国独立战争时的士兵,他组织炮兵埋伏在多切斯特山,并迫使英军从波士顿撤退(1775年)〔contemplate〕contemplate marriage; forced by the accident to contemplate retirement.打算结婚;因意外因素而被迫打算撤退〔pullback〕The act or process of pulling back, especially an orderly troop withdrawal.撤退:尤指部队有秩序撤退的行动或过程〔evacuate〕To relinquish military possession or occupation of (a town, for example).撤退:放弃军事地区或占领地(如一城镇)〔pull〕To execute an orderly withdrawal, especially of troops.撤退:尤指部队执行有秩序的撤退〔medevac〕Air transport of persons to a place where they can receive medical or surgical care; medical evacuation.臣务救助和撤退:用飞机运送伤员去一个他们能受到内科或外科治疗的地方;医务救助〔den〕The shelter or retreat of a wild animal; a lair.兽穴:野生动物躲避或撤退的地方;兽穴〔pullout〕A withdrawal, especially of troops.尤用于部队的撤退〔burn〕To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat.破釜沉舟:消除返回或撤退的可能性〔Dunkirk〕Also Dun.kerque [dœ’-kĕrkʹ] A city of northern France on the North Sea. In World War II more than 330,000 Allied troops were evacuated from its beaches in the face of enemy fire (May-June 1940). Population, 73,120. 也作 Dun.kerque [dœ’-kĕrkʹ] 敦刻尔克:法国北部城市,滨临北海,二战期间,盟军330,000多人在敌人炮火中从这里的海滩撤退(1940年5至6月),人口73,120〔secede〕Latin sēcēdere [to withdraw] 拉丁语 sēcēdere [撤退] 〔retreat〕The signal for such withdrawal.这种撤退的信号〔retire〕French retirer [to retreat] 法语 retirer [撤退]




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