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单词 支票
释义 〔postdate〕To put a date on (a check, for example) that is later than the actual date.填迟日期:(如在支票上)填写比实际日期晚的日期〔antedate〕antedate a contract; antedate a check.把合同的日期提前;把支票日期提前〔draw〕To use (a check, for example) when paying.开支票:使用支票等付款〔kite〕A bank check drawn on insufficient funds to take advantage of the time interval required for collection.通融票据:利用筹款需要的时间间隔开出不足的资金的银行支票〔paycheck〕A check issued to an employee in payment of salary or wages.付薪金用的支票:发给雇员的支付工资或薪金的支票〔dishonor〕To fail or refuse to accept or pay (a note, bill, or check, for example).拒付,拒绝承兑(如票据或支票〔detach〕detach a check from the checkbook; detach burs from one's coat.从支票簿上撕下一张支票;取下大衣上粘附的东西〔kite〕To increase the amount of (a check) fraudulently.涂改(支票):欺骗性的增加(支票的)金额〔bounce〕To write (a check) on an overdrawn bank account.签发空头支票:在一个透支了的银行帐户上签发(支票〔cash〕Payment for goods or services in currency or by check.支付金额:以货币或支票形式为商品或服务而支付的金额〔clearing〕The exchange among banks of checks, drafts, and notes and the settlement of consequent differences.结算:银行间支票、汇票和钞票之间的交换和相应差额的结算〔bearer〕One that holds a check or other redeemable note for payment.持票(据)人:持支票或其它可得到偿还的票据的人〔clear〕To exchange checks and bills or settle accounts through a clearing-house.票据交换:通过票据交换所交换支票、汇票或处理帐目〔endorse〕To write one's signature on the back of (a check, for example) as evidence of the legal transfer of its ownership, especially in return for the cash or credit indicated on its face.(支票等的)背书:签名于(支票的)背面以作为合法转让其所有权的证据,尤其是作为对标于其正面的现金或信用卡的交换〔cut〕cut a check to cover travel expenses.开出一张支票支付旅行费用〔current〕current bills and coins.流通的支票和货币〔counterfoil〕The part of a check or other commercial paper retained by the issuer as a record of a transaction.存根,票根:由发行者保留的支票或其他商业票据的一部分,作为交易的记录〔confirm〕The bank refused to cash the check until the signature was verified. 银行直到签字得到了确认才兑现了这张支票 〔float〕A sum of money representing checks that are outstanding.未付支票金额:由尚未兑现的支票所表示的现金数额〔enclose〕enclose a check with the order.随命令附上一张支票〔shy〕"I really don't know how to write a check,” she said, with a demure sidelong glance. “我真的不清楚如何填写支票”,她假装害羞地斜瞥了一眼说道 〔raise〕To alter and increase fraudulently the written value of (a check, for example).擅自增加价值:以欺诈的手段更改或增加(如支票上)所写的价值〔clearance〕Abbr. cl.The passage of checks and other bills of exchange through a clearing-house.缩写 cl.票据交换:通过票据交换所的支票传递或其它帐单的交换〔check〕Abbr. ch.,ck.A written order to a bank to pay the amount specified from funds on deposit; a draft.缩写 ch.,ck.支票:给银行从存款中支付具体款项的书面支票;汇票〔kite〕A bank check that has been fraudulently altered to show a larger amount.被欺骗性地改为更大金额的银行支票〔uncertified〕an uncertified check; an uncertified teacher.未担保支票;没有证书的教师〔cash〕cash a check; cash in one's gambling chips.兑换支票;把筹码兑换成现金〔cancel〕To mark or perforate (a postage stamp or check, for example) to indicate that it may not be used again.盖邮戳:给(如一张邮票或支票)划上标记或打孔,以示它不能再被使用〔presentment〕The act of presenting a bill or note for payment.支票或汇票兑付的行为〔check〕The wordscheck , chess , and shah are all related. Shah, as one might think, is a borrowing into English of the Persian title for the monarch of that country.The Persian wordshāh was also a term used in chess, a game played in Persia long before it was introduced to Europe.One saidshāh as a warning when the opponent's king was under attack. The Persian word in this sense,after passing through Arabic,probably Old Spanish, and then Old French,came into Middle English aschek about seven hundred years ago. Chess itself comes from a plural form of the Old French word that gave us the word check. Checkmate, the next stage after check, goes back to the Arabic phraseshāh māt, meaning "the king is stymied.”Through a complex development having to do with senses that evolved from the notion of checking the king,check came to mean something used to ensure accuracy or authenticity. One such means was a counterfoil, a part of a check, for example,retained by the issuer as documentation of a transaction.Check first meant "counterfoil" and then came to mean anything,such as a bill or bank draft, with a counterfoil—or eventually even without one.单词check , chess 和 shah 是互相关联的。 Shah 就象有人可能想象的那样, 是英语里的外来词,原指波斯国王的称号。波斯词语shah 也是国际象棋中的术语, 国际象棋在被引进欧洲之前早就在波斯流传。当对手的“国王”受到攻击时我们说shah 作为一种警告。 这个意义的波斯单词,通过阿拉伯语,可能还有古西班牙语和后来的古法语,大约在七百年前被收入中世纪英语中chek 。 Chess 本身来自于古法语 check 的复数形式。 Checkmate ,是 check 的下一步, 来自于阿拉伯短语shah mat, 意思是“国王进退两难”。从对“国王”将军这个概念演化而来,check 的含义经历了复杂的发展过程,它后来指用以确保准确性或真实性的某种东西。 例如,其中一个含义是指作为支票的一部分的存根,由签发支票的人保留作为交易的单据。Check 最初是指“存根”, 后来指任何有存根的东西,如帐单或银行汇票等,最后甚至指没有存根的东西〔clear〕To pass (a bill of exchange, such as a check) through a clearing-house.交换清帐:通过票据交换所传递(交换票据,如支票〔backdate〕backdate a check.在支票上签已经过去的日期〔exchequer〕from eschec [check] * see check 源自 eschec [支票] * 参见 check〔certify〕To acknowledge in writing on the face of (a check) that the signature of the maker is genuine and that there are sufficient funds on deposit for its payment.签名:银行在支票正面(签署)确认签名人笔迹为真实及有足够的供支付用的存款〔discount〕To lend money on (a commercial paper not immediately payable) after deducting the interest.减息贷款:在扣除利息后(以商业支票无需立即付钱的形式)贷款〔paycheck〕The new appropriations bill could mean a larger paycheck for state employees.新的岁出预算案对国家雇员来说是一张更大的支票




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