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单词 收入
释义 〔surplus〕Excess of receipts over expenditures.盈余:扣除开支以外的收入盈余额〔treasurer〕One who has charge of funds or revenues, especially the chief financial officer of a government, a corporation, or an association.司库:一个掌管资金或收入的人,尤指一个政府、公司或协会的财务总管〔withhold〕To deduct (withholding tax) from an employee's salary.扣留:从雇员收入中扣除(代扣的所得税)〔Wilson〕British politician who served as prime minister (1964-1970 and 1974-1976). His administration was marked by turmoil in Rhodesia and Northern Ireland and resistance to a price and income policy. He resigned in 1976.威尔逊,(詹姆斯)哈罗德:(生于 1916) 英国政治家,曾任首相(1964-1970和1974-1976年)。他执政期间,罗得西亚和北爱尔兰有暴乱,人们反对当时的物价和收入的政策。他在1976年辞职〔gainful〕gainful employment.收入颇丰的职业〔issue〕To accrue as proceeds or profit:收益,生息:收入或利息增加:〔snug〕Offering freedom from financial worry:(收入等)尚可的:使免受金钱上的苦恼的:〔include〕"Through the process of amendment, interpretation and court decision I have finally been included in ‘We, the people’” (Barbara C. Jordan).“经过修正、阐述,最终经法庭判定,我的名字终于被收入了《我们,人民》这本书中 (巴巴拉·C·乔丹)。〔spiritualty〕Property or revenue belonging to the church or to a cleric; spirituality.教会的财产,教会的收入:属于教会或神职人员的财产或收入;基督教圣职的职务收入〔kiosk〕The lowly kiosk where one buys a newspaper or on which one posts advertisements is like a child in a fairy tale who though raised by humble parents is really the descendant of kings.The wordkiosk was originally taken into English ultimately from Turkish, in which its sourceköshk meant "pavilion.” The open structures referred to by the Turkish word were used as pavilions and summerhouses in Turkey and Persia.The first recorded use ofkiosk in English (1625) has reference to these Middle Eastern structures, which Europeans imitated in their own gardens and parks. In France and Belgium,where the Turkish word had also been borrowed,their wordkiosque was applied to something lower on the scale, structures resembling these pavilions but used as places to sell newspapers or as bandstands. England borrowed this lowly structure from Franceand reborrowed the word,which is first recorded in 1865with reference to a place where newspapers are sold.用来购买报纸或张贴广告的普通的凉亭好像是神话故事中尽管由地位低下的父母抚养但确实是国王后代的儿童一样,单词kiosk 收入英文的起源最早是土耳其语, 土耳其语中它的出处koshk 意为“大帐篷”。 在土耳其语中开敞的建筑物用来作为土耳其和波斯的帐篷和凉亭。英语中最早记录的kiosk 的使用(1625年)参照于欧洲人在他们自己的花园和公园中仿制的中东式建筑。 在法国和比利时,这个土耳其语单词也被借用,它们的单词kiosque 适用于结构上类似于这些凉亭,但规模上比较矮,用作卖报纸的场所或室外音乐台的建筑。 英国从法国引进了这种普通建筑,并且重新引入了这个单词,它的最早记载是在1865年,与卖报纸的场所有关〔propertied〕Owning land or securities as a principal source of revenue.有产的:拥有作为收入的主要来源的土地或证券的〔payload〕The revenue-producing part of a cargo.有用载重量:载运货物中的创造收入部分〔critical〕a critical element of the plan; a second income that is critical to the family's well-being.计划中的必要条件;对家庭的安康绝对有必要的第二收入〔macroeconomics〕The study of the overall aspects and workings of a national economy, such as income, output, and the interrelationship among diverse economic sectors.宏观经济学:对一个国家经济整体方面和运作,如收入、支出和各种经济成份之间相互关系的研究〔royalty〕A right or prerogative of the crown, as that of receiving a percentage of the proceeds from mines in the royal domain.王权:国王的权利或特权,如可以获得皇家领土的矿产收入的一定比例〔budget〕needed help budgeting our income; budgeted my time wisely.必需帮助预算我们的收入;明智地安排我的时间〔ratables〕Income from property taxes:征收收入:征收财产所得税的收入〔lucre〕When William Tyndale translatedaiskhron kerdos, "shameful gain" (Titus 1:11), as filthy lucre in his edition of the Bible, he was tarring the wordlucre for the rest of its existence. But we cannot lay the pejorative sense oflucre completely at Tyndale's door. He was merely a link,albeit a strong one,in a process that had begun long before with respect to the ancestor of our word,the Latin wordlucrum, "material gain, profit.” This process was probably controlled by the inevitable conjunction of profit, especially monetary profit, with evils such as greed.In Latinlucrum also meant "avarice,” and in Middle Englishlucre, besides meaning "monetary gain, profit,” meant "illicit gain.”Furthermore, many of the contexts in which the neutral sense of the word appeared were not that neutral,as in "It is a wofull thyng . . . ffor lucre of goode . . . A man to fals his othe [it is a sad thing for a man to betray his oath for monetary gain].”Tyndale thus merely helped the process along when he gave us the phrasefilthy lucre. 当威廉·廷代尔在他的《圣经》版本里把aiskhon kerdos (“可耻的收获”)翻译成 filthy lucre 时, 他就把lucre 这个词当作贬义了, 这个词以后也就这样解释了。但是我们不能把lucre 这个词的贬义全部归于廷代尔名下。 他只是整个过程的一个环节,尽管是个有力的环节,这个过程早在我们这个词的祖先,拉丁字lucrum (意为“物质获得,利润”)就开始了。 这个过程很可能与带有类似贪婪这样的罪恶利润,尤其是钱财利润不可避免地联系在一起。在拉丁文里,lucrum 也有“贪婪”的意思。 在中世纪英语中,lucre 除了有“钱财收入,利润”的意思之外, 还意味着“不正当的所得”。更进一步说,即使这个词意思是中性的,但上下文却不是那么的中性,比如“一个人为了钱财背弃自己的誓言。”廷代尔在给我们短语filthy lucre 时,仅仅有助于把这个过程延续下来 〔check〕The wordscheck , chess , and shah are all related. Shah, as one might think, is a borrowing into English of the Persian title for the monarch of that country.The Persian wordshāh was also a term used in chess, a game played in Persia long before it was introduced to Europe.One saidshāh as a warning when the opponent's king was under attack. The Persian word in this sense,after passing through Arabic,probably Old Spanish, and then Old French,came into Middle English aschek about seven hundred years ago. Chess itself comes from a plural form of the Old French word that gave us the word check. Checkmate, the next stage after check, goes back to the Arabic phraseshāh māt, meaning "the king is stymied.”Through a complex development having to do with senses that evolved from the notion of checking the king,check came to mean something used to ensure accuracy or authenticity. One such means was a counterfoil, a part of a check, for example,retained by the issuer as documentation of a transaction.Check first meant "counterfoil" and then came to mean anything,such as a bill or bank draft, with a counterfoil—or eventually even without one.单词check , chess 和 shah 是互相关联的。 Shah 就象有人可能想象的那样, 是英语里的外来词,原指波斯国王的称号。波斯词语shah 也是国际象棋中的术语, 国际象棋在被引进欧洲之前早就在波斯流传。当对手的“国王”受到攻击时我们说shah 作为一种警告。 这个意义的波斯单词,通过阿拉伯语,可能还有古西班牙语和后来的古法语,大约在七百年前被收入中世纪英语中chek 。 Chess 本身来自于古法语 check 的复数形式。 Checkmate ,是 check 的下一步, 来自于阿拉伯短语shah mat, 意思是“国王进退两难”。从对“国王”将军这个概念演化而来,check 的含义经历了复杂的发展过程,它后来指用以确保准确性或真实性的某种东西。 例如,其中一个含义是指作为支票的一部分的存根,由签发支票的人保留作为交易的单据。Check 最初是指“存根”, 后来指任何有存根的东西,如帐单或银行汇票等,最后甚至指没有存根的东西〔profit〕To make a gain or profit.创利润:创造收入或利润〔windfall〕A sudden, unexpected piece of good fortune or personal gain.意外之财,横财:一种突然的、出乎意料之外的好运或收入〔lucrative〕a lucrative income; a lucrative marketing strategy.一笔利润收入;一套赢利的市场策略〔project〕projecting next year's expenses and income.预计明年的费用和收入〔breadwinner〕One whose earnings are the primary source of support for one's dependents.养家活口的人:其收入为家眷提供基本生活来源的人〔commune〕A relatively small, often rural community whose members share common interests, work, and income and often own property collectively.公社:一个比较小、常在乡村的公社,它的成员分享公共财产、工作和收入,并常集中自己的财产〔incoming〕Often incomings Income; revenue. 常作 incomings 收入,收益〔exaggerate〕overstated their income on the mortgage application. minimize 在抵押申请中夸大他们的收入 minimize〔bring〕To produce, yield, or earn (profits or income).生出、产生或挣得(利润,收入〔benefice〕The revenue from such assets.薪俸:这一类财源的收入〔proceed〕The amount of money derived from a commercial or fundraising venture; the yield.收入,获利:从商业或基金机构获得的钱;收益〔prebend〕A stipend drawn from the endowment or revenues of an Anglican cathedral or church by a presiding member of the clergy; a cathedral or church benefice.教堂牧师的俸禄:主管牧师从圣公会在教堂或大教堂的基金或收入中抽取的俸禄;总教堂或教堂牧师的财产〔refinance〕To provide new financing or new financing for, as by discharging a mortgage with the proceeds from a new mortgage obtained at a lower interest rate.再提供资金;再筹措资金:提供资金结或…筹措资金,例如通过以较低利息的另一个抵押中获得的收入来解除一个抵押〔mortgage〕To make subject to a claim or risk; pledge against a doubtful outcome:投注:使依附于某一风险或请求;对不确定收入的抵押:〔squeak〕squeaked through the test; squeaks by on a limited income.勉强通过考试;依靠一点有限的收入生活〔spirituality〕Often spiritualities Something, such as property or revenue, that belongs to the church or to a cleric. 常作 spiritualities 教会的财产,教会的收入:属于教会或神职人员的东西,例如财产或收入〔last〕In order to increase its freight revenues the railroad chose as its terminal city a town with a large harbor. Somethingeventual will inevitably come about as a result of a particular circumstance or contingency: 为了增加货运收入,这条铁路将一座沿海港市作为其终点站。 eventual 作为特定的环境或偶然事件的结果将必然发生: 〔livelihood〕Her earnings are the only support of her aged parents. 她年迈的父母仅仅靠他的收入来维持生活 〔worth〕Having wealth or riches amounting to:占有:具有等于…的财产或收入〔taxation〕Revenue gained from taxes.税款:从征税中获得的收入〔exemption〕One that is exempted, especially an amount of income that is exempted from taxation.免税:被免除的事物,尤指一定量免税的收入




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