单词 | 收缩 |
释义 | 〔contract〕Shrink refers to contraction that produces reduction in length, size, volume, or extent: Shrink 指引起长度、尺寸、体积或范围减小的收缩: 〔fibrillation〕Rapid, uncoordinated twitching movements that replace the normal rhythmic contraction of the heart and may cause a lack of circulation and pulse.心室纤维性颤动:快速的、不协调的抽搐运动,代替了心脏正常的有节奏的收缩而且可能引起暂时的血液循环及脉搏的停止〔systole〕The rhythmic contraction of the heart, especially of the ventricles, by which blood is driven through the aorta and pulmonary artery after each dilation or diastole.心脏等器官的收缩:心脏,尤指心室的有节奏的收缩,通过这种收缩血液在每次心舒张或心舒张期之后可流过主动脉和肺动脉〔kinin〕Any of various structurally related polypeptides, such as bradykinin, that act locally to induce vasodilation and contraction of smooth muscle.激肽:一种结构上相关的多肽,例如缓激肽,能够局部地导致血管扩张和平滑肌的收缩〔plasmolysis〕Shrinkage or contraction of the protoplasm away from the wall of a living plant or bacterial cell, caused by loss of water through osmosis.胞质皱缩:通过渗透作用由于缺水引起的活植细胞或细菌的细胞质的皱缩或收缩,并与细胞壁分离〔flex〕To contract (a muscle, for example).收缩(如肌肉)〔contract〕To reduce in size by drawing together; shrink.通过收紧使…尺寸缩小;收缩〔statice〕Latin staticē [an astringent plant] 拉丁语 staticē [有收缩组织的植物] 〔stypsis〕from stuphein [to contract] 源自 stuphein [收缩] 〔ergograph〕A device for measuring the work capacity of a muscle or group of muscles during contraction.测力器:用来测量在收缩中某一块肌肉或一组肌肉做功能力的装置〔styptic〕from stuphein [to contract] 源自 stuphein [收缩] 〔pulsate〕To expand and contract rhythmically; beat.搏动,跳动,律动:有节奏地扩张和收缩;搏动〔chromatophore〕A pigment-containing or pigment-producing cell, especially in certain lizards, that by expansion or contraction can change the color of the skin. Also called pigment cell 色素细胞:含色素或产生色素的细胞,尤其在某些蜥蜴身上,通过细胞扩张或收缩改变皮肤颜色 也作 pigment cell〔scowl〕To wrinkle or contract the brow as an expression of anger or disapproval.See Synonyms at frown 皱眉:皱眉毛或收缩眉毛,如表示愤怒或者反对 参见 frown〔diakinesis〕The final stage of the prophase in meiosis, characterized by shortening and thickening of the paired chromosomes, formation of the spindle fibers, disappearance of the nucleolus, and degeneration of the nuclear membrane.丝球期:有丝分裂的最终阶段,以二价染色体的收缩、纺缍形纤维的形成、核仁的消失以及核膜的退化为特点〔stop〕To constrict (an opening or orifice).收缩:压缩(一个开口或孔)〔statice〕from Greek statikē [from feminine of] statikos [causing to stand, astringent] 源自 希腊语 statikē 源自statikos的阴性词 [使直立,收缩] 〔inotropic〕Affecting the contraction of muscle, especially heart muscle:影响肌肉收缩力的:影响肌肉收缩的,尤指心脏肌肉:〔resilience〕The property of a material that enables it to resume its original shape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed; elasticity.弹性:使某物质能在弯曲、伸展或收缩后恢复原先的形状或位置的物体的性能;收缩性〔shrink〕To become constricted from heat, moisture, or cold.See Synonyms at contract 收缩,皱缩:因受热、潮湿或寒冷而变紧缩 参见 contract〔odontophore〕A structure at the base of the mouth of most mollusks over which the radula is drawn back and forth in breaking up food.舌突起,齿担:一种生理构造,位于大多数软体动物的嘴底部,在这之上齿舌来回收缩以击碎食物〔cholecystokinin〕A hormone produced principally by the small intestine in response to the presence of fats, causing contraction of the gallbladder, release of bile, and secretion of pancreatic digestive enzymes. Also called pancreozymin 缩胆囊素:主要由小肠对脂肪存在作出反应而产生的一种激素,会导致胆囊收缩、胆汁释放以及胰消化酶的分泌 也作 pancreozymin〔thrombosthenin〕A contractile protein in platelets that is active in the formation of blood clots.血栓收缩蛋白:在血栓形成过程中活化的血小板中的收缩蛋白〔constrictor〕One that constricts, as a muscle that contracts or compresses a part or organ of the body.收缩肌:收缩性事物,如收缩或压迫身体某部分或某器官的肌肉〔prophase〕The first stage of meiosis, constituted by a series of events that include DNA replication, the synapsis of homologous chromosomes, crossing over, the formation of chiasmata, and contraction of the chromosomes.前期阶:减数分裂的第一个阶段,由一系列的事件组成,包括脱氧核糖核酸的复制,同种染色体结合、交叉,染色体形成以及染色体的收缩〔contractile〕Capable of contracting or causing contraction:可收缩的:能够收缩或造成收缩的:〔hoofbound〕Afflicted with drying and contraction of the hoof, resulting in lameness. Used of a horse.挛缩足的:因遭受蹄的干枯和收缩而导致跛足的(用于马)〔pulse〕The rhythmical throbbing of arteries produced by the regular contractions of the heart, especially as palpated at the wrist or in the neck.脉搏:尤在腕部和颈部可感觉到的由心脏有规律的收缩造成的动脉有节奏的跳动〔arthrogryposis〕The permanent fixation of a joint in a contracted position.关节弯曲:关节以收缩姿势长期固定〔bradykinin〕A biologically active polypeptide, consisting of nine amino acids, that forms from a blood plasma globulin and mediates the inflammatory response, increases vasodilation, and causes contraction of smooth muscle.血管舒缓激肽:一种生物活性多肽,由九个氨基酸组成,形成于血浆球蛋白,能调控炎症反应、促进血管舒张、引起平滑肌收缩〔consensual〕Of or relating to a reflexive response of one body structure following stimulation of another, such as the concurrent constriction of one pupil in response to light shined in the other.同感的:一部分身体结构因另一部分受到刺激而产生本能反应的或与这种同感本能反应相关的,如当光线射在一个瞳孔上另一个瞳孔会同时收缩〔spasm〕A sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.痉挛:肌肉或肌肉群突然的、不自觉的收缩〔pulsate〕These verbs mean to exhibit recurrent rhythmical movements of or like those involved in the periodic expansion and contraction of the heart.这些动词的意思是表现类似心脏周期性扩张和收缩的重复有节奏的运动。〔orgasm〕The highest point of sexual excitement, characterized by strong feelings of pleasure and marked normally by ejaculation of semen by the male and by vaginal contractions in the female. Also called climax 性高潮:性兴奋的最高点,以极度快感为特点并通常以男性射精和女性阴道收缩为标志 也作 climax〔systole〕from sustellein [to contract] * see systaltic 源自 sustellein [收缩] * 参见 systaltic〔geometrid〕Any of various moths of the family Geometridae, having caterpillars commonly known as measuring worms that move by looping the body in alternate contractions and expansions.尺蠖蛾:任何尺蠖蛾科的蛾,通常称为尺蠖,通过身体交替的收缩和伸展来伸屈前进〔syneresis〕from sunairein [to contract] 源自 sunairein [收缩] 〔hydrogen〕A colorless, highly flammable gaseous element, the lightest of all gases and the most abundant element in the universe, used in the production of synthetic ammonia and methanol, in petroleum refining, in the hydrogenation of organic materials, as a reducing atmosphere, in oxyhydrogen torches, and in rocket fuels. Atomic number 1; atomic weight 1.00797; melting point -259.14°C; boiling point -252.8°C; density at 0°C 0.08987 gram per liter; valence 1. See table at element 氢:一种无色,易燃的气体物质,在所有气体中最轻,而宇宙中最多用来生产合成氨和甲醇,提炼石油,氢化有机物质作为收缩的气体,用在氧氢焰熔接器和火箭燃料中。原子序数为1;原子量为1.00797;熔点为-259.14°C;沸点-252.8°C;零度时的密度是0.08987克/公升;原子价为1 参见 element〔defibrillate〕To stop the fibrillation of (a heart) and restore normal contractions through the use of drugs or an electric shock.除去纤维颤动:用药物或电击来停止(心脏)纤微颤动并使心脏恢复正常收缩〔sheathe〕To retract (a claw) into a sheath.缩回爪子:将(爪子)收缩进鞘 |
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