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单词 收集
释义 〔recollect〕colligere [to collect] * see collect 1colligere [收集] * 参见 collect1〔counterintelligence〕The branch of an intelligence service charged with keeping sensitive information from an enemy, deceiving that enemy, preventing subversion and sabotage, and collecting political and military information.反情报组织:情报组织的一个分支,任务是使敌人得不到高级机密,欺骗敌人,避免颠覆和阴谋破坏并收集政治和军事情况〔collect〕To bring together in a group or mass; gather.收集:拿到一起使成为一组或一个团体;收集〔catchment〕A catching or collecting of water, especially rainwater.集水:集水,尤指雨水的汇集收集〔collector〕A person who makes a collection, as of stamps.收集家:收集、收藏诸如邮票等藏品的人〔impoundment〕The act of impounding or the state of being impounded.收集,被收集收集的行为或是正在被收集的状态〔scramble〕To gather together in a hurried or disorderly fashion.杂乱的收集:匆忙的或无秩序地聚集在一起〔make〕To gather and light the materials for (a fire).生火:收集材料并点燃(生火)〔ragman〕A man who collects and sells rags.破衣贩:收集并出售破旧衣物的人〔browse〕browsed through the record collection for items of interest.大致看一下收集的唱片,想找自己感兴趣的〔contemplation〕sought further information in contemplation of a career change.为改行而收集更多的信息〔Wylie〕American writer best remembered for her poems, especially those collected inNets to Catch the Wind (1921). Her novels include Jennifer Lorn (1923). 怀利,埃利诺·莫顿·霍伊特:(1885-1928) 美国作家,以她的诗最为闻名,特别是收集在《捕风巢》 (1921年)。她的小说包括 《珍妮弗·罗恩》 (1923年) 〔reap〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to collect": 这些动词共有的中心意思是“收集”: 〔exchequer〕Exchequer The British governmental department charged with the collection and management of the national revenue. Exchequer 财政部:英国政府中收集并管理国家收入的部门〔reconnaissance〕An inspection or exploration of an area, especially one made to gather military information.侦察;勘察:对某块地区进行的视察或探察,尤指为收集军事信息而进行的这种活动〔lampblack〕Fine soot collected from incompletely burned carbonaceous materials, used as a pigment and in matches, explosives, lubricants, and fertilizers. Also called blacking 油烟:从含碳物质的不完全燃烧中收集的黑煤烟,可用作颜料和用于火柴、爆破、润滑和施肥中 也作 blacking〔code〕A systematic collection of regulations and rules of procedure or conduct:法规:规则的系统收集和程序或实施的规则:〔paper〕papers A collection of letters, diaries, and other writings, especially by one person: papers 文集:书信、日记和其它作品的收集,尤指一个人的:〔flotation〕The process of separating different materials, especially minerals, by agitating a pulverized mixture of the materials with water, oil, and chemicals. Differential wetting of the suspended particles causes unwetted particles to be carried by air bubbles to the surface for collection.浮选法:分离矿产等不同材料的过程,通过搅和各种材料的混合粉末并加水、油和化学药品,从而使悬浮微粒由于不同浸润程度导致未浸润微粒被气泡带到表面以待收集〔aggregate〕gregāre [to collect] from grex greg- [flock] * see ger- gregāre [收集] 源自 grex greg- [一群] * 参见 ger- 〔record〕Information or data on a particular subject collected and preserved:资料:收集起或保存下来的具体科目的信息或数据:〔collogue〕from Latin colligāre [to collect] influenced by Old French collegue [colleague] * see colleague 源自 拉丁语 colligāre [收集] 受 古法语 collegue的影响 [同志] * 参见 colleague〔press〕The entirety of media and agencies that collect, publish, transmit, or broadcast the news.新闻界:收集,出版,传播或播送新闻的媒体和机构的总称〔accumulator〕One that accumulates:积聚者:积累,收集…的人:〔discophile〕A collector of or specialist in phonograph records.唱片收藏家,唱片研究家:专门收集唱片的收藏家〔gather〕To collect into one place; assemble.收集:集中于一地;收集〔rake〕To gather or move with or as if with a rake:用耙子聚成:用或好象用耙子一样收集或移动:〔collect〕To accumulate as a hobby or for study.收集:作为一个爱好或为学习而聚积〔sambal〕from Prakrit sa­bhārei [he gathers] 源自 普拉克利特语 sa­bhārei [他收集] 〔Grimm〕German philologist and folklorist who formulated Grimm's Law (1819), the basis for much of modern comparative linguistics. With his brotherWilhelm Karl (1786-1859) he collected Germanic folk tales and published them as Grimm's Fairy Tales (1812-1815). 格林,雅各布·路德维希·卡尔:(1785-1863) 德国语言学家和民间文学家,他创立的格林定律(1819年)成为现代比较语言学的基础。他与其弟威廉·卡尔 (1786-1859年)一起收集德国民间童话并出版了 《格林童话》 (1812-1815年) 〔accumulate〕To gather or pile up; amass.See Synonyms at gather 收集,堆集;积累 参见 gather〔press〕The collecting and publishing or broadcasting of news; journalism in general.新闻事业:新闻的收集,出版或播送;新闻业的总称〔album〕A printed collection of musical compositions, pictures, or literary selections.集子:音乐作品、图片或文学选段的印刷收集〔accumulation〕A mass heaped up or collected:积聚物:收集到或成堆的东西:〔anecdotist〕One who tells, collects, or publishes anecdotes.讲述轶事趣闻者,收集轶事趣闻者,出版轶事趣闻者〔Leland〕English antiquarian who made a tour (1533-1545) of Britain to collect historical documents and relics. His notes provided valuable information for later historians.利兰,约翰:(1506?-1552) 英国古文物收藏家,他曾在1533年至1545年期间周游大不列颠,去收集历史文献和遗物。他的笔记为后来的历史学家提供了宝贵的资料〔Barnes〕American physician and art collector noted for his discovery of Argyrol and his collection of modern French paintings.巴尼斯,阿尔贝特·库姆斯:(1873-1951) 美国内科医生和艺术收藏家。因发现弱蛋白银和收集现代法国油画而知名〔garner〕To gather and store in or as if in a granary.收藏,储藏:收集或贮藏物品于谷仓中,或就象在谷仓中〔legman〕An assistant, as in an office, who performs tasks such as gathering information or running errands especially outside the workplace.收集情况的助手,替人传递信息(或通知)的外勤:从事收集信息或替人传递信息(尤指在工作地点外)的助手,如在办公室里〔revenue〕A governmental department set up to collect public funds.税署:为收集公共基金而建的政府部门




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