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单词 放射性物质
释义 〔radiochemistry〕The chemistry of radioactive materials.放射化学:研究放射性物质的化学〔radiology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment of disease.医疗辐射学:医学的一个分支,从事用放射性物质进行疾病诊断和治疗〔decontaminate〕To make safe by eliminating poisonous or otherwise harmful substances, such as noxious chemicals or radioactive material.消毒:通过消除有毒的或有害的物质,如有毒的化学物质或放射性物质,使…安全〔radiotoxic〕Of, relating to, or being a radioactive substance that is toxic to living cells or tissues:放射性毒性的:属于、关于或作为对生命细胞或组织有毒性的放射性物质的:〔containment〕A structure or system designed to prevent the accidental release of radioactive materials from a reactor.防泄漏系统:一种为防止反应堆中放射性物质的事故性泄漏而设计的装置或系统〔detector〕One that detects, especially a mechanical, electrical, or chemical device that automatically identifies and records or registers a stimulus, such as an environmental change in pressure or temperature, an electric signal, or radiation from a radioactive material.探测器,检测器:用于检测的装置,尤其指某种能自动辨识并记录某个激励(例如压力或温度等的环境变化)、电子信号或来自放射性物质的射线的机械的电子的化学的装置〔planchet〕A small shallow metal container in which a radioactive substance is deposited for measurement of its activity.样品皿:用于存放放射性物质以测量其活性的小而浅的金属容器〔radioimmunoassay〕The immunoassay of a radiolabeled substance, such as a hormone or an enzyme.放射免疫测定:用经放射性物质标记的物质(如荷尔蒙或酶)进行免疫测定〔radioactivity〕The radiation, including alpha particles, nucleons, electrons, and gamma rays, emitted by a radioactive substance.辐射:由一种放射性物质发出的辐射,包括α粒子、原子核、电子、和γ射线〔radioimmunology〕The study of immunity by radiolabeling and other radiological methods.放射免疫:用放射性物质标记或其它放射学方法进行免疫研究




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