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单词 政权
释义 〔Sejanus〕Roman courtier who wielded great political power as an adviser to Tiberius.塞扬努斯,卢西乌斯·埃尔留斯:(卒于 31) 罗马朝臣,作为提比略的顾问而掌有极大的政权〔range〕outside the sweep of federal authority. See also Synonyms at wander 封建政权控制范围以外 参见同义词 wander〔revolt〕An uprising, especially against state authority; a rebellion.See Synonyms at rebellion 反叛,叛乱:叛变,尤指反对国家政权;反叛 参见 rebellion〔migrate〕After the Nazis came to power in Germany, many scientists emigrated (that is, left Germany). 纳粹夺取了德国的政权之后,许多科学家都迁走了(也就是说,离开了德国)。 〔fascism〕A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.法西斯主义:一种建立在法西斯政权上或提倡法西斯政权的政治哲学或运动〔Chamberlain〕British politician and prime minister (1937-1940) who advocated a policy of appeasement toward the fascist regimes of Europe. He was forced to declare war on Germany after its invasion of Poland in 1939.张伯伦,(阿瑟)内维尔:(1869-1940) 英国政治家和首相(1937-1940年),他对欧洲法西斯政权推行绥靖政策。在德国于1939年入侵波兰后,他被迫对德宣战〔grab〕grab public funds; grab power.强占公共基金;攫取政权〔revolt〕To attempt to overthrow the authority of the state; rebel.反叛,叛乱:企图颠覆国家政权;反叛〔triumvir〕One of three men sharing public administration or civil authority in ancient Rome.三执政之一:在古罗马共同管理公共事务或分享民政权威的三个人中的一个〔Ortega〕Nicaraguan revolutionary leader and politician. He helped establish the Government of National Reconstruction after the overthrow of the Somoza regime (1979) and later served as president (1984-1990).奥尔特加,丹尼尔:(生于 1945) 尼加拉瓜革命领导人和政治家。他在索莫扎政权被推翻(1979年)后帮助建立起国家重建政府并于其后担任总统(1984-1990年)〔Carthage〕An ancient city and state of northern Africa on the Bay of Tunis northeast of modern Tunis. It was founded by the Phoenicians in the ninth centuryb.c. and became the center of Carthaginian power in the Mediterranean after the sixth century b.c. The city was destroyed by the Romans at the end of the Third Punic War (146 b.c. ) but was rebuilt by Julius Caesar and later ( a.d. 439-533) served as capital of the Vandals before its virtual annihilation by the Arabs (698). 迦太基:非洲北部一古代城邦,位于今突尼斯东北部突尼斯湾沿岸。由腓尼基人于公元前 9世纪创立,并在 公元前 6世纪之后成为地中海上迦太基政权中心。该城在第三次布匿战争结束时( 公元前 146年)被罗马人毁灭,但不久即被尤里乌斯·凯撒重建,此后( 公元 439-533年)在被阿拉伯人灭掉之前(1698年)是汪尔达人的首都 〔Nejd〕A vast plateau region of the central Arabian Peninsula. Formerly a separate kingdom, it was the nucleus for the modern state of Saudi Arabia.内志:阿拉伯半岛中部的广阔的高原地区。以前是个独立的王国,是现代沙特阿拉伯政权的中心〔Bavaria〕A region and former duchy of southern Germany. Conquered by the Romans in 15b.c. , the region became one of the five preeminent duchies of medieval Germany but was later overrun and ruled by numerous factions and powers. 巴伐利亚州:德国南部的一地区,原为公爵领地。于公元前 15年被罗马人占领,这个地方成了中世纪德国的五个有权势的公爵领地,但是后来被许多势力和政权占领和统治 〔triumvir〕One of three people sharing public administration or civil authority.三人领导小组之一:共同管理公共事务或享有民政权威的三个人之一〔Jacquerie〕The uprising of the French peasants against the nobility in 1358.扎克雷起义:法国农民在1358年的反对贵族政权的暴动〔Trotsky〕Russian revolutionary theoretician. A leader of the Bolshevik Revolution (1917), he was later expelled from the Communist Party (1927) and banished (1929) for his opposition to the authoritarianism of Stalin and his emphasis on world revolution. His writings includeLiterature and Revolution (1925) and the autobiographical My Life (1930). Trotsky was murdered while in exile in Mexico. 托洛茨基,利昂:(1879-1940) 俄国革命理论家。是布尔什维克革命(1917年)领导人,后被逐出共产党(1927年)并因其反对斯大林政权和强调世界革命而被驱逐。他的著作包括《文学与革命》 (1925年)及自传 《我的一生》 (1931年)。托洛茨基在流亡墨西哥时被谋杀 〔Qaddafi〕Libyan political leader who seized power in a military coup d'état against the Libyan monarchy (1969) and imposed socialist policies and Islamic orthodoxy on the country.卡扎菲,穆埃玛·阿尔:(生于 1942) 利比亚政治领袖,在一场反对利比亚君主专政(1969年)的军事政变中,夺取了政权并向国民强制施行社会主义政策和伊斯兰正统思想〔Friuli〕A historical region and former duchy of Italy in present-day northeast Italy and northwest Yugoslavia. Occupied by the Romans in the second centuryb.c. , it became a Lombard duchy in the sixth century a.d. and was conquered by various peoples and states before being ceded to Italy in 1866 (the western part) and 1919 (the eastern part). Eastern Friuli was awarded to Yugoslavia by treaty in 1947. 弗留利区:一历史原属意大利公爵领地的地区,在现今意大利东北和南斯拉夫西北。公元前 2世纪被罗马人占领, 公元后 6世纪成为伦巴第公爵的一块领地,曾被各种人或政权征服过直到1866年(西部)及1919年(东部)归于意大利。1947年东部弗留利通过和约割给南斯拉夫 〔wrest〕wrested power from the monarchy.从君主手里夺取政权〔Mameluke〕A member of a former military caste, originally composed of slaves from Turkey, that held the Egyptian throne from about 1250 until 1517 and remained powerful until 1811.马穆鲁克:以前一个军事集团的成员,该集团原本是由土耳其的奴隶组成,约从1250年至1517年,这个集团控制着埃及的政权,直到1811年仍有影响力〔Caesar〕Roman general, statesman, and historian who invaded Britain (55), crushed the army of his political enemy Pompey (48), pursued other enemies to Egypt, where he installed Cleopatra as queen (47), returned to Rome, and was given a mandate by the people to rule as dictator for life (45). On March 15 of the following year he was murdered by a group of republicans led by Cassius and Brutus, who feared he intended to establish a monarchy ruled by himself.凯撒,尤利乌斯:(100-44) 罗马将军、政治家、历史学家,他入侵了大不列颠王国(55年)并征服了他的政敌庞培的军队(48年),又追击其它敌人至埃及,他在此立克娄巴特拉为女王(47年),返回罗马后,被罗马人民授予终身一人统治的权力(45年)。次年3月15日,他被卡西乌和布鲁图斯领导的一群共和主义者谋杀身亡,这些人担心他图谋建立由他个人统治的君主制政权〔Balbo〕Italian aviator and politician who aided Mussolini in the establishment of a fascist regime (1922).巴尔博,伊塔洛:(1896-1940) 意大利飞行员和政治家,他帮助墨索里尼建立法西斯政权(1922年)〔Potemkin〕Russian army officer and politician. The lover of Catherine II, he helped her seize power in 1762.波特金,格里高利·亚历山德罗维奇:(1739-1791) 俄国军官及政治家,凯萨琳二世的情人,他帮她于1762年夺取俄国政权〔Aristide〕Haitian priest and politician who served as the first elected president of Haiti (1991-1996). Having spent most of his presidency in exile in the United States (1991-1994), he was restored to power by U.S. troops in October 1994.亚里斯提德斯,简-贝特朗:海地牧师和政治家,是海地选举产生的第一届总统(19991-1996年)。他的大部分任期都是在美国流亡(19991-1994年),1994年10月他藉由美国军队重新获得政权〔Conkling〕American politician who resigned from the U.S. Senate (1881) as a protest against President James A. Garfield's interference in New York patronage politics.康克林,罗斯考:(1829-1888) 美国政治家,他因反对总统詹姆斯·A·加菲尔德干涉纽约的委托政权而辞去参议员职位(1881年)〔decentralize〕To distribute the administrative functions or powers of (a central authority) among several local authorities.权力分散:在地方政权中分散(中央政权)的管理职能或权力〔Bolshevism〕The strategy developed by the Bolsheviks between 1903 and 1917 with a view to seizing state power and establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat.布尔什维克主义:布尔什维克在1903到1917年之间发展的一种战略,目标为夺取政权、建立无产阶级专政〔Umbria〕A region of central Italy in the Apennines. Occupied by the Umbrians in ancient times, it later fell to the Etruscans and then the Romans (c. 300b.c. ). After passing to various powers, Umbria came under the control of the papacy in the 16th century and joined the kingdom of Sardinia in 1860. 翁布里亚:亚平宁半岛意大利中部的一个寺区。在古代被翁布里亚人占领,后来被伊特鲁利亚人,然后是罗马人(约公元前 300年)占领。翁布里亚在经历很多次政权移转以后,在16世纪由教皇国控制,于1860年加入撒丁尼亚尼亚王国 〔defiance〕The act or an example of defying; bold resistance to an opposing force or authority.违抗,反抗:违抗的行为或事例;公然对敌对力量或敌对政权的反抗〔Ehrenburg〕Russian writer whose novels includeThe Storm (1948) and The Thaw (1954), which is set amid the repressive regime of Joseph Stalin. 爱伦堡,伊里亚·格里戈雷维奇:(1891-1967) 前苏联作家,著有《暴风雨》 (1948年)和背景为处于约瑟夫·斯大林的强制政权下的 《解冻》 (1954年) 〔Bolshevik〕A member of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party that seized power in that country in November 1917.布尔什维克:在1917年11月夺取国家政权的俄国社会民主工人党成员〔fascism〕A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.法西斯政权:一种以一人独裁下的中央集权为特征的统治方式,对社会经济实行严格控制,通过恐怖活动和新闻书刊的检查强力镇压反对党,典型的是好战的大国民族主义和种族主义〔Sulla〕Roman general and dictator (82-79) who marched on Rome and seized power from his political rival Marius (88).苏拉,卢西乌斯·科内利乌斯:(138-78) 罗马统帅和独裁者(82-79年),他率领军队进入罗马城,从他的对手玛略手中夺取了政权(88年)〔Manichaeism〕The syncretic, dualistic religious philosophy taught by the Persian prophet Manes, combining elements of Zoroastrian, Christian, and Gnostic thought and opposed by the imperial Roman government, Neo-Platonist philosophers, and orthodox Christians.摩尼教:波斯预言家摩尼所宣扬的一种调和信仰的,二元论的宗教哲学,它综合了拜火教、基督教和诺斯替教的成份,反对罗马帝国政权、新柏拉图哲学家和传统基督教〔insurrection〕The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.See Synonyms at rebellion 造反:公开反抗国内政权或已存在的政府的行为或事件 参见 rebellion〔totalitarian〕"A totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul"(Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.)“为了控制人们的灵魂,一个极权政权粉碎了所有的自治机构”(小阿瑟M.施莱辛格)〔nihilism〕Also Nihilism A diffuse, revolutionary movement of mid 19th-century Russia that scorned authority and tradition and believed in reason, materialism, and radical change in society and government through terrorism and assassination. 也作 Nihilism 无政府主义运动:发生在19世纪中期俄国的一次革命活动,藐视政权和传统观念,主张理性、物质主义以及通过恐怖手段和暗杀使及社会和政府发生激进性变化〔Transylvania〕A historical region of western Romania bounded by the Transylvanian Alps and the Carpathian Mountains. Part of the Roman province of Dacia aftera.d. 107, it was later overrun by Germanic peoples and came under Hungarian rule in 1003. Transylvania passed to various powers over the following centuries and finally became part of modern-day Romania after World War II. 特兰西瓦尼亚:历史上罗马尼亚西部的一个地区,以特兰西瓦尼亚阿尔卑斯山脉和喀巴阡山脉为边界。公元 107年以后,它是古罗马达西亚省的一部分,后来被日耳曼民族所占领,1003年被匈牙利控制。在后来的几百年里,特兰西瓦尼亚曾被各种政权所控制,二次世界大战以后,它最终成为现代罗马尼亚的一部分 〔insurgent〕One that revolts against civil authority.造反者:反抗国内政权的人〔Blum〕French socialist politician who served as premier (1936-1937, 1938, and 1946-1947). He was imprisoned (1940-1945) by the Vichy government during World War II.勃鲁姆,莱昂:(1872-1950) 法国社会党政治家,曾担任总理(1936-1937,1938及1946-1947年),在二次大战期间被维希政权判刑入监(1940-1945年)




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