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单词 敌意
释义 〔latent〕His critical remark immediately awakened all her latent hostility.他的批评立刻引起了她潜在的敌意〔spy〕To observe secretly with hostile intent.以敌意秘密监视〔infiltrate〕To penetrate with hostile intent:渗透:怀着敌意而渗透进入:〔naughty〕Words have changes in their fortunes over time just as people and institutions do.The wordnaughty at one time might have been high on one's list as an all-purpose word similar to bad or nice. During the 16th centuryone could usenaughty to mean "unhealthy, unpleasant, bad (with respect to weather), vicious (of an animal), inferior, or bad in quality" (one could say "very naughtie figes" or "naughty corrupt water"). All of these senses have disappeared, however,andnaughty is now used mainly in contexts involving mischief or indecency. This recalls its early days in Middle English (with the formnoughti ), when the word was restricted to the senses "evil, hostile, ineffectual, and needy.”Middle Englishnoughti, first recorded in works written in the last quarter of the 14th century, was derived fromnought, which as a noun had senses such as "evil,”as a pronoun meant "nothing,”and as an adjective could mean such things as "immoral, weak, useless.”Nought was descended from Old English nāwiht, with similar senses,a compound made up ofnā, "no,” and wiht, "thing, being.” Thusnaughty, in a sense, has risen from nothing,but its fortunes have been better than they are at present.正像人们和制度那样,词随着时间改变了意思。单词naughty 曾一度作为类似于 bad 或 nice 这种通用词语而列于某人的词汇表中。 在16世纪,人们可以用naughty 来指“不健康的,不舒服的,坏的(和天气相关的),邪恶的(动物),较劣的,或质量坏的”(人们可以说“非常坏的人” 或“不健康的被污染的水”)。 然而所有的这些词义都消失了,现在naughty 主要用于关系到顽皮或不妥的上下文中。 这使人回想起它在中世纪英语的早些时候形式为naughti , 当这个词被限定为用作“邪恶的,敌意的,无用的,和贫穷的”意思。中世纪英语的noughti 最先记录于写于14世纪后二十五年的著作中, 是由nought 派生而来的, 作为名词用有“邪恶”的意思,作为代词用是“没有”的意思,和作为形容词为“不道德的,虚弱的,无用的”。Nought 是从古英语 nawiht 中传下来的, 并且有相似的意思,由na “没有”和 wiht “事情,事物”组成的合成词。 这样naughty 从某种意义上来说, 从没有中生出,但是其意思却比现在的这些意思好得多〔encounter〕A hostile or adversarial confrontation; a contest:遭遇战,对抗:敌意的或对抗性的遭遇战;会战:〔tension〕Barely controlled hostility or a strained relationship between people or groups:紧张局势:个人或集团之间几乎不能控制的敌意或紧张局势:〔enmity〕Deep-seated, often mutual hatred.敌意,仇恨:根深蒂固的,常为相互的仇恨〔estrange〕These verbs refer to disruption of a bond of love, friendship, or loyalty.Estrange and alienate are often used with reference to two persons, such as a husband and wife, whose harmonious relationship has been replaced by hostility or indifference: 这些动词是指对爱情、友谊和忠实的背叛。Estrange 和 alienate 经常被用于两个人的时候, 例如丈夫与妻子的合谐、融洽关系已经被敌意和分歧替代: 〔argue〕 Quarrel stresses animosity and often a suspension of amicable relations: Quarrel 强调敌意,常指友好关系的终止: 〔mutual〕Mutual is uncontroversially used to describe a reciprocal relationship between two or more things, in which use it can be paraphrased by expressions involvingbetween or each other. Thustheir mutual animosity means "their animosity for each other" or "the animosity between them,” anda mutual defense treaty is one in which each party agrees to come to the defense of the other. Butmutual is also widely used where one might expect "common,” as inThe bill serves the mutual interests of management and labor and particularly in the expressionour mutual friend, which was widespread even before Charles Dickens used it as the title of a novel.Critics have often objected to this use,but it is well established in reputable writing.However,mutual in this latter sense is reserved to describe relations that hold between two or more specific parties and a third person or thing. It cannot be used as a substitute forcommon in the sense "general": Mutual 毫无争议地被用来描述两者或者更多事物之间的相互关系, 可以用一些包括between 或 each other 的表达来解释。 因此他们相互的敌意 意思为“他们彼此之间产生的敌意”或者“他们之间的敌意”, 相互防御条约 意为一个政党同意帮助另一政党进行防御的条约。 但是Mutual 也广泛地用来表示“共同的”, 就象在这个议案满足劳资双方的需要。 特别是在短语我们共同的朋友, 甚至在查理·狄更斯把它作为一本小说名之前就已经广泛应用。评论家们一直以来常常反对这种用法,但是在规范的写作中它已被完全确定下来了。但是mutual 后来产生的意思被用来描述两个或者更多特定元素及物和第三者之间的关系。 当意为“普遍的”时,它不能代替common 来表述“总体”的含义: 〔negative〕Marked by or exhibiting features, such as hostility, that cannot be deemed positive or constructive:反面的,负面的:标记或表现出的特征,如敌意,不被认为是积极的和具建设性的:〔invidious〕From Latin invidiōsus [envious, hostile] 源自 拉丁语 invidiōsus [嫉妒的,敌意的] 〔hostility〕The state of being hostile; antagonism or enmity.See Synonyms at enmity 敌对状态;敌对或敌意 参见 enmity〔charmer〕One that charms, especially a disarmingly attractive person.迷人的人,诱惑者:迷人的人,尤指使人消解敌意的有魅力的人〔persist〕hostilities that have persisted for years.持续多年的敌意〔threaten〕 Menace frequently stresses a frightening or hostile intention, effect, or result: Menace 经常强调吓唬人的敌意的意图、效果或结果: 〔anxiety〕"Animosity had given way first to grudging concessions of admiration and then to worried solicitude for Lindbergh's safety" (Warren Trabant).“敌意首先向敬意做了不情愿的妥协,接着对林柏格安全的担心做了让步。” (华伦·特拉班特)〔inimical〕Injurious or harmful in effect; adverse:敌意的:在效果上不利的、有害的;不利的:〔exciter〕an exciter of animosity.引起敌意的刺激物〔infest〕from īnfestus [hostile] * see g whedh- 源自 īnfestus [敌意的] * 参见 g whedh- 〔inconsistent〕Occasional hostility is inconsistent with true friendship.偶尔的敌意与真正的友谊不相协调。〔indifferent〕"The universe is not hostile, nor yet is it friendly. It is simply indifferent" (John H. Holmes).“宇宙没有敌意,但也不是友好,它只是冷淡” (约翰·H·霍姆斯)。〔dexterous〕defused the hostility with a deft turn of phrase.用巧妙的措辞去除了敌意〔cruel〕a vicious anonymous letter;一封带有恶毒敌意的信;〔opponent〕 Adversary suggests a more formidable opponent and can imply animosity: Adversary 暗含难以对付的对手,而且可能产生敌意〔naive〕a guileless, disarming look.真诚的化解敌意的一瞥。〔warlike〕Belligerent; hostile.好战的;敌意〔polemic〕from Greek polemikos [hostile] 源自 希腊语 polemikos [敌意的] 〔argument〕Dispute stresses division of opinion by its implication of contradictory points of view and often implies animosity: Dispute 强调由于涉及相互矛盾的观点而导致意见上的分歧,常常暗含敌意〔enmity〕 Antagonism is hostility that quickly results in active resistance, opposition, or contentiousness: Antagonism 是那种迅速导致积极抵制、反对或争议性的敌意〔animus〕A feeling of animosity; ill will.See Synonyms at enmity 敌意;恶意 参见 enmity〔love〕No affection; animosity:没有好感;敌意〔talk〕To make a belligerent response:作出敌意的反应:〔opponent〕"And do as adversaries do in law,/Strive mightily, but eat and drink as friends" (Shakespeare).Anantagonist is an actively hostile opponent: “按法律的要求做事,/勇敢地战斗,但是要友好地生活” (莎士比亚)。Antagonist 意思是敌意很强烈的反对者: 〔snarl〕To utter with anger or hostility:厉声的说:带着愤怒和敌意地说出:〔rencounter〕A hostile encounter or contest.敌意的相遇:有敌意的遭遇或竞争〔personal〕Aimed pointedly at the most intimate aspects of a person, especially in a critical or hostile manner:人身攻击的:尖刻地对准人的最隐密部分的,特别是以一种批判和敌意的态度:〔raid〕The members of an army traveling on a particularroad to carry out a raid probably would not draw a connection between the two words.However,raid and road descend from the same Old English word rād. Theai in raid represents the standard development in the northern dialects of Old English long a, while theoa in road represents the standard development of Old English long a in the rest of the English dialects. Old Englishrād meant "the act of riding" and "the act of riding with a hostile intent; that is, a raid,”senses that no longer exist for our wordroad. It was left to Sir Walter Scott to revive the Scots formraid with the sense "a military expedition on horseback.”The Scots weren't making all the raids, however.Others seem to have returned the favor,for we find these words in the Middle EnglishCoventry Leet Book : "aftur a Rode . . . made uppon the Scottes at thende of this last somer.”The "Rode" was led by the non-Scottish Duke of Gloucester, who was later crowned as Richard III, and Henry Percy, Duke of Northumberland.一支部队的士兵在某条road (路)上行进以发动一场 raid (袭击), 这大概不会使这两个词之间产生什么联系。然而raid 和 road 这两个词源于古英语中的同一个词 rad 。 Raid 中的 ai 代表了古英语中北部发言中长 a 的标准发展, 而road 中的 oa 代表了其它地区古英语方言中长 a 的发展。 古英语中rad 的意思是“骑马的行动和出于敌意而骑马的行动; 也就是说,一次奇袭,”词意中不再有路 这个意思。 沃尔特·斯科特爵士又恢复了raid 这个词的苏格兰语形式, 其意思是“马上的远征”。然而,奇袭并不只是由苏格兰人发动。别人似乎也保留了对这个词的偏好,因为我们在中世纪英语的考文垂史料 中发现了这段话: “在去年夏末对苏格兰发动的奇袭之后…”。该“奇袭”是由后来被冠以查理三世的格洛斯特的非苏格兰公爵和诺森柏兰的亨利·珀西公爵领导的〔virulent〕Bitterly hostile or antagonistic; hateful:刻毒的,恶毒的:强烈敌意的或对立的;憎恨的:〔antagonism〕Hostility that results in active resistance, opposition, or contentiousness.See Synonyms at enmity 对抗,对立,敌对,敌意:由于强烈抵制、反对或争吵而产生的敌意 参见 enmity




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