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单词 教士
释义 〔canonicals〕The dress prescribed by canon for officiating clergy.法衣:按教规规定主持宗教仪式的教士所应穿的衣服〔Asbury〕British-born American religious leader and first Methodist Episcopal cleric to become a bishop in the colonies (1784).阿斯伯里,弗朗西斯:(1745-1816) 英裔美国宗教领袖,第一个成为各殖民地主教的卫理公会主教派教士(1784年)〔Picard〕French cleric and astronomer who made an accurate measurement of a degree of meridian and subsequently calculated the circumference of the earth (1668-1670).皮卡尔,简:(1620-1682) 法国教士和天文学家,曾做过一次经度的精确测量,并由此而计算出地球的周长(1668-1670年)〔Collier〕English clergyman who refused to take an oath of allegiance to William and Mary and was imprisoned for his Jacobite sympathies (1692). He was outlawed in 1696 for granting absolution to would-be assassins of William who were about to be executed.柯里尔,杰里米:(1650-1726) 英国教士,由于拒绝向威廉和玛丽宣誓效忠及同情詹姆斯二世而被囚(1692年)。1696年由于赦免即将被处决的图谋行刺威廉的刺客而被剥夺公民权〔archpriest〕Used formerly as a title for a priest holding first rank among the members of a cathedral chapter, acting as chief assistant to a bishop.主助祭:从前用作教堂教士中具有最高职位的牧师称号,他作为主教的主要副手〔hierarchy〕A body of clergy organized into successive ranks or grades with each level subordinate to the one above.教士团:分等级的教士集团,每一级以属于上一级的组织〔Flanagan〕American priest who founded Boys Town (1917), a community for underprivileged boys.弗拉纳根,爱德华·约瑟夫:(1886-1948) 美国教士,为下层社会的男孩们创立了博伊斯镇(1917年)〔anticlerical〕Opposed to the influence of the church or the clergy in political affairs.反教权主义的:反对教会或教士在政治事务中的影响的〔processional〕A piece played or sung when the clergy enter a church at the beginning of a service.圣歌,赞美诗:尤指教士在礼拜之前进入教堂时演奏的乐曲或演唱的圣歌〔amice〕A liturgical vestment consisting of an oblong piece of white linen worn around the neck and shoulders and partly under the alb.礼拜用僧衣披肩:教士做礼拜时围在颈部和肩部,部分套在僧袍下面的长方形布领,通常用白麻布制成〔asperges〕The ceremony of sprinkling the altar, clergy, and congregation with holy water.洒圣水礼:用圣水泼洒圣坛、教士及教众的仪式〔chapter〕The canons of a church or the members of a religious residence considered as a group.教会全体成员:教堂的全体教士或宗教社区的全体成员〔Williams〕English cleric in America. After being expelled from Massachusetts for his criticism of Puritanism, he founded Providence (1636), a community based on religious freedom and democratic ideals, and obtained a royal charter for Rhode Island in 1663.威廉斯,罗杰:(1603?-1683) 在美国的英国教士。因批评清教主义而被驱逐出马萨诸塞州,此后他创建了一个建立在宗教自由和民主理想基础上的社团——上帝会(1636年),他还在1663年为罗得岛赢得了允许其成立的敕命特许权〔seminary〕A school, especially a theological school for the training of priests, ministers, or rabbis.神学院:学院,尤指培训神父、教师、或犹太教教士的神学院〔magus〕A member of the Zoroastrian priestly caste of the Medes and Persians.古波斯的教士:米提亚和波斯的锁罗亚斯德教教士姓的成员〔brother〕A member of a men's religious order who is not in holy orders but engages in the work of the order.修士:尚未晋升为神父的教士〔acolyte〕One who assists the celebrant in the performance of liturgical rites.侍僧:行宗教仪式时的教士的助手〔hierarchy〕Religious rule by a group of ranked clergy.按教士等级实行的宗教统治〔Protestant〕A member of a Western Christian church whose faith and practice are founded on the principles of the Protestant Reformation, especially in the acceptance of the Bible as the sole source of revelation, in justification by faith alone, and in the universal priesthood of all the believers.新教徒:西方基督教会的一个成员,其信仰和实践建立在新教改革运动中提出的原则之上,并把圣经作为上帝启示的唯一来源,只承认因信称义,并认为所有的信徒都有作教士的资格〔Peale〕American cleric known for his popular self-help bookThe Power of Positive Thinking (1952). 皮尔,诺尔曼·文森特:(生于 1898) 美国著名教士,他自己出版的书《积极思维的力量》 (1952年)很受欢迎 〔hieratic〕from hiereus [priest] 源自 hiereus [教士] 〔patristic〕Of or relating to the fathers of the early Christian church or their writings.早期基督教教士的:早期基督教教士或其著作的,与其有关的〔rabat〕A piece of cloth fitted to the collar and covering the shirt front, worn chiefly by Roman Catholic and Anglican clergy.黑色胸带:连接在领子上的一条布带,遮住衬衣前胸,主要戴在罗马天主教和英国圣公会教士身上〔canonry〕Canons considered as a group.教士总称:被看作一个群体的教士〔Manning〕British cleric who became archbishop of Westminster in 1865 and cardinal in 1875. He intervened to settle the 1889 London dock strike.曼宁,亨利·爱德华:(1808-1892) 英国教士,于1865年成为威斯特敏斯特大主教,1875年成为红衣主教,曾插手平息了1889年伦敦码头工人罢工〔Selden〕English jurist and scholar noted for his collection of Oriental manuscripts and hisHistory of Tithes (1618), which was suppressed at the urging of the clergy. 塞尔登,约翰:(1584-1654) 英国法学家和学者,因其收集东方手稿和著有《什一税史》 (1618年)而著名,该书因遭教士反对而被禁 〔clerk〕Middle English [clergyman, secretary] 中古英语 [教士,秘书] 〔tithe〕A tenth part of one's annual income contributed voluntarily or due as a tax, especially for the support of the clergy or church.什一税:自愿交付或作为税收应当交付的个人年收入的十分之一,特别是用于供养教士或教会〔surplice〕A loose-fitting, white ecclesiastical gown with wide sleeves, worn over a cassock.白法衣:教士穿的白色、宽松、无袖长袍,套在外衣外面〔Browning〕British poet best known for dramatic monologues such as "My Last Duchess,” "Fra Lippo Lippi,” and "The Bishop Orders His Tomb.” His work, including his masterpiece,The Ring and the Book (1868-1869), explored new ways of using diction and poetic rhythm. 勃朗宁,罗伯特:(1812-1889) 英国诗人,以写戏剧独白,如“我的已故公爵夫人”、“弗拉·利波·利比教士”和“主教安排他的墓地”而著称。他的作品,包括杰作《指环与书》 (1868-1869年),在措词和诗的节奏上探索了新路 〔clerical〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the clergy.教士的,牧师的:神职人员的、与之相关的或具备其特征的〔almemar〕from Arabic al-minbar [the pulpit] 源自 阿拉伯语 al-minbar [教士职务] 〔Bernanos〕French writer whose novels, includingThe Diary of a Country Priest (1936), concern the opposing forces of God and Satan. 贝纳诺斯,乔治斯:(1888-1948) 法国作家,其小说包括《一个乡村教士的日记》 (1936年),描述关于上帝与撒旦之间的对立 〔address〕used the proper address for a priest.对教士使用恰当的称谓〔patrician〕from patrēs (cōnscrīptī) [enrolled fathers, senators] 源自 patrēs (cōnscrīptī) [入会的教士,参议员] 〔Becket〕English Roman Catholic martyr. Chancellor to Henry II after 1154, he was appointed archbishop of Canterbury (1162) and fell into disfavor with the king. Charged with misappropriating crown funds (1164), Becket fled the country. Upon his return (1170) he was embroiled in the controversy surrounding Henry's appointment of his son as archbishop of York and was murdered by four knights in Canterbury Cathedral. He was canonized in 1173.贝克特,托马斯:(1118?-1170) 英国的罗马天主教殉教者。1154年后任亨利二世的主教管区秘书室教士,他被指派为坎特伯雷大主教(1162年)并失宠于国王。由于侵占国王基金被起诉(1164年),贝克特逃离这个国家。他刚一回来(1170年)就被卷入亨利指定他的儿子为约克大主教的争论中,并在坎特伯雷大教堂里被四个爵士谋杀。1173年他被认可为圣徒〔Douglas〕American clergyman and writer whose novels includeMagnificent Obsession (1929) and The Robe (1942). 道格拉斯,劳埃德·卡塞尔:(1877-1951) 美国教士和作家,小说有《高尚的沉迷》 (1929年)及 《长袍》 (1942年) 〔patroness〕A woman who possesses the right to grant an ecclesiastical benefice to a member of the clergy.拥有授予教士教会圣职的女子〔Merton〕American religious and writer of works on contemporary spiritual and secular life, includingThe Seven Story Mountain (1948) and No Man Is an Island (1955). 默顿,托马斯:(1915-1968) 美国天主教教士和作家,其作品主要是关于当代宗教和世俗生活的,包括《七重山》 (1948年)和 《无人为孤岛》 (1955年) 〔Bircher〕After John Birch (died 1945), American missionary and intelligence officer 源自约翰 伯奇 (卒于1945年),美国教士及官方间谍




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