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单词 敲击
释义 〔strike〕To indicate by a percussive or chiming sound:敲响报(时):通过敲击或敲出的声音指明:〔tattoo〕To beat or tap rhythmically on; rap or drum on.在…上有节奏地敲击或轻叩;叩或敲打〔percussion〕A method of medical diagnosis in which various areas of the body, especially the chest, back, and abdomen, are tapped to determine by resonance the condition of internal organs.叩诊法:一种医疗诊断方法,通过敲击身体各部位,尤其是胸、脊和腹部,根据回声来判断内脏器管的状况〔drum〕nervously drummed on the table.紧张地在桌上嗒嗒地敲击〔poltergeist〕A ghost that manifests itself by noises, rappings, and the creation of disorder.恶作剧的鬼:通过发出声响、敲击和制造混乱来显现自己的鬼〔metallophone〕A percussion instrument consisting of a graduated series of metal bars struck with either hand-held or keyboard-controlled hammers.马泰勒琴:一种由一系列分级排列的金属条组成的打击乐器,用手执的或键盘控制的槌敲击发出声音〔cymbal〕A percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass plate that makes a loud clashing tone when hit with a drumstick or when used in pairs.钹:一种打击乐器,由一个凹铜片构成,当用单个或者双个鼓槌敲击时,可发出高的撞击声〔knock〕To strike a sharp, audible blow or series of blows, as on a door.猛烈敲击:急速而又能被人听见的一次或多次敲击,如敲门〔chime〕To make a musical sound by striking a bell or set of bells.制造乐音:敲击一只钟或一组钟来产生音乐声〔whomp〕To hit or strike.打,敲:打或是敲击〔knock〕An instance of striking or colliding; a blow.敲击,碰撞:击打或相撞的事例;敲击〔bell〕A hollow metal instrument, usually cup-shaped with a flared opening, that emits a metallic tone when struck.钟:一种中空的金属乐器,通常呈杯状带喇叭式外张口,敲击时可发出金属的音质〔bone〕bones Flat clappers made of bone or wood originally used by the end man in a minstrel show. bones 打拍者:巡游演出中站在一端敲击骨制或木制响板的人〔buffet〕To hit or beat, especially repeatedly.打击,连续打击:打击,敲击,尤指连续续性的〔hew〕To cut something by repeated blows, as of an ax.砍:通过重复敲击砍某件东西,如用斧子〔knock〕The sound of a sharp tap on a hard surface; a rap.敲击声:在坚硬的表面上的急促敲击的声音;敲击〔strike〕To indicate the time by making a percussive or chiming sound:敲:通过发出敲击的声音来指示时间:〔dulcimer〕An instrument with wire strings of graduated lengths stretched over a sound box, played by striking with two padded hammers or by plucking.洋琴:音箱上绷有长度渐进的弦线的乐器,拨奏或用小木槌敲击演奏〔chauffeur〕from chauffer [to heat, stoke] 源自 chauffer [加热,敲击] 〔knock〕To declare sold at an auction, as by striking a blow with a gavel.敲槌宣布卖出:在拍卖会上宣布货物卖出,比如用木槌敲击来宣布〔break〕Repeated blows splintered the door. To 不断的敲击把门都打裂了。 〔bell〕A stroke on a hollow metal instrument to mark the hour.轮班钟:敲击中空的金属乐器以示时间〔chop〕A swift, short, cutting blow or stroke.砍击:迅速短促的砍劈似的重击或敲击〔bang〕To crash noisily against or into something:敲击:重重地撞到或撞入某物:〔chime〕To strike (a bell) to produce music.敲击敲击(一只钟)从而奏出音乐〔trippet〕A cam or projection in a mechanism designed to strike another part at regular intervals.敲击装置:被设计来定期敲击另一机件的机械装置的凸轮或凸出物〔rattle〕A rapid succession of short percussive sounds.嘎嘎声:快速的,连续不断的短促敲击的声音〔beat〕To emit sound when struck:敲击发出响声:〔hammer〕To undergo beating in the manner of a hammer:象锤子似的敲击〔shuffle〕To dance casually with sliding and tapping steps.跳曳步舞:以一种滑动和敲击的步子随意地跳舞〔rap〕To hit sharply and swiftly; strike:敲击:快速极重地打击;狠狠一击:〔rapper〕One that raps or strikes, especially a door knocker.敲击者:敲击或打击的人,尤指敲门者〔tap〕A gentle blow.轻拍:落手很轻的敲击〔Fox〕American spiritualist who with her sisterKatherine (1839?-1892), known as "Kate,” purported to communicate with spirits through mysterious rappings and seances. Their activities were largely responsible for the widespread American fascination with spiritualism. 福克斯,玛格丽特:(1833-1893) 美国唯灵论者,与其妹凯瑟琳 (1839?-1892年),被称为“凯特”,专用称能通过神秘的敲击动作和降神集会与神灵交流。他们的行为应对风行美国的神灵热负主要责任 〔rap〕A knocking or tapping sound.敲击声:敲击或叩击发出的声音〔chime〕To produce (music) by striking bells.通过敲击钟奏出(音乐)〔meter〕A specific rhythm determined by the number of beats and the time value assigned to each note in a measure.See Synonyms at rhythm 节奏:某种特定的音乐节奏,由一拍中每个音符所占的敲击数量和其音值而决定 参见 rhythm〔clop〕A sharp, hollow sound, as of a horse's hoof striking pavement.橐橐声,脚步声,蹄声:一种尖利、重浊的声音,例如马蹄敲击路面的声音〔bell〕The time indicated by the striking of this instrument, divided into half hours.报时钟:由敲击该乐器而指示的时间,每半小时一次〔beat〕A stroke or blow, especially one that produces a sound or serves as a signal.敲打:敲击,吹打,尤用于产生响声或发出信号




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