单词 | 整理 |
释义 | 〔coif〕also [kwäf] To arrange or dress (the hair). 也作 [kwäf] 整理或梳理头发〔push〕She spent the afternoon pushing paper for her boss.她用了整个下午的时间为她的老板整理文字材料〔battery〕An array of similar things intended for use together:整理成套,组:把相类似的东西进行归类、整理,以备使用:〔trimming〕The act of one that trims.整理,修剪:进行整理、修剪的人的行为〔cosmetic〕from kosmein [to arrange] 源自 kosmein [整理] 〔library〕A collection of recorded data or tapes arranged for ease of use.磁带库,资料库:为便于使用而整理的录制数据或磁带〔code〕To systematize and arrange (laws and regulations) into a code.编纂:将(法律和法规)系统化和整理为法典〔coiffure〕To arrange or dress (hair).整理或戴起(头发)〔chambermaid〕A maid who cleans and cares for bedrooms, as in a hotel.女服务员:如旅馆中的清洁并整理卧室的女服务员〔marshal〕To arrange, place, or set in methodical order:整理,列举:按系统的规则安排、放置或设置:〔trim〕To make neat or tidy by clipping, smoothing, or pruning:使整洁,整理,修剪:通过修剪、弄平滑或裁剪而弄整齐或整洁:〔trimmer〕One that trims:整修者,修剪者,装饰者:整理、修剪或装饰的人:〔adjusted〕Arranged or changed so as to match, conform, or function, especially in a specified way:调节的,调整的:为匹配、符合或起作用而整理或改变的,尤指以特定方式:〔diachrony〕Diachronic or historical arrangement or analysis, especially of language.历时,分析:历时的或历史的整理或分析,尤指语言〔documentation〕The collation, synopsizing, and coding of printed material for future reference.材料整理:以备将来参考的书面材料的整理、摘要和编码〔police〕policed the barracks; policing up one's room.整理营房内务;整理某人的房间〔pick〕To sort out or examine item by item:一件一件地整理或检查:〔careen〕To turn a ship on its side for cleaning, caulking, or repairing.倾侧以便整理:为清扫、捻缝或修理,将船倾侧〔arrange〕marshal all the relevant facts for the presentation;整理叙述时要用的全部有关事实;〔frustrate〕A persistent wind frustrated my attempt to rake the lawn.持续不停的风阻碍了我整理草坪的打算〔taxis〕Greek [arrangement] 希腊语 [整理] 〔mustache〕The hair growing on the human upper lip, especially when cultivated and groomed.髭:在人的上嘴唇之上长的毛,特别是蓄留和经整理时〔flatwork〕Laundry, such as sheets and linens, that can be ironed by a mangle rather than by hand.机械熨烫件:洗涤时可用机械整理而不必手工熨烫的床单和衣服等织物〔Sanforized〕A trademark used for fabric preshrunk by a patented mechanical process so as to minimize later shrinkage.桑佛瑞兹:一种用于纤维的商标,该织物用专利机械程序进行预缩整理以尽量减小以后织物的收缩程度〔card〕One used for recording information in a file:资料卡:一批经过整理的资料中记录信息或情况用的卡片:〔syntax〕tassein tag- [to arrange] tassein tag- [整理,安排] 〔formulate〕To prepare according to a specified formula.整理:根据特定的公式准备〔trim〕A cutting or clipping to make neat:修剪:为了使整洁而进行的修剪或整理:〔draw〕To formulate or devise from evidence or data at hand:推断出:根据手边的证据或资料整理或设计:〔primp〕To dress or groom (oneself) with meticulous or excessive attention to detail.细心打扮,过分修饰:打扮或装饰(自己),过分注意细节地修饰或整理〔right〕To put in order or set right; correct:整理,整顿,纠正:按顺序放置或调整;纠正:〔wrap〕To arrange or fold (something) about as cover or protection:包,裹:整理或折叠(某物)作为覆盖物或护套:〔battery〕took a battery of achievement tests.整理考试成绩单〔comb〕A thin toothed strip, as of plastic, used to smooth, arrange, or fasten the hair.梳子:一种齿状细条,如塑料制品,用于整理头发,使头发滑顺或扣紧头发〔cock〕To arrange (straw or hay) into piles shaped like cones.将…堆成圆锥形小山:将(禾秆或牧草)整理成像圆锥形状的堆〔square〕To put away or in order.整理:在…放起来或整齐地放〔unscramble〕To restore (a scrambled message) to intelligible form.整理:把(草草写下的信息)还原成能被看懂的形式〔order〕To put into a methodical, systematic arrangement.See Synonyms at arrange 整理:使…有方法、有系统地被安排 参见 arrange〔reduce〕To put in order or arrange systematically:有系统地整理:按顺序或系统地安排或组织:〔make〕To put together; construct or compose:整理;建立或捏造: |
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