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单词 文化中心
释义 〔Tolbukhin〕A city of northeast Bulgaria north of Varna. It is a commercial and cultural center. Population, 105,000.托尔布欣:保加利亚东北部一城市,位于瓦尔纳市以北。它是商业和文化中心。人口105,000〔Miletus〕An ancient Ionian city of western Asia Minor in present-day Turkey. Occupied by Greeks c. 1000b.c. , it became an important trading and colonizing settlement and also flourished as a center of learning. The city declined after its harbor silted up early in the Christian era. 米利都:小亚细亚西部一爱奥尼亚古城,位于今土耳其境内公元前 1000年被希腊人占领,成为重要的贸易中心及殖民定居地,同时也是繁荣的文化中心。在基督教兴起早期该城因港口淤泥塞集而衰落 〔Concord〕A town of eastern Massachusetts on theConcord River west-northwest of Boston. An early battle of the Revolutionary War was fought here on April 19, 1775. In the 19th century the town was noted as an intellectual and literary center. Population, 17,076. 康科德城:美国马萨诸塞州东部一城镇,位于波士顿西北偏西的康科德河 沿岸。1775年4月19日,这里曾发生过一次独立战争的早期战斗。19世纪该城曾成为科技与文化中心。人口17,076 〔Basel〕A city of northern Switzerland on the Rhine River. It is one of the oldest intellectual centers in Europe. Population, 176,200.巴塞尔:瑞士北部一城市,位于莱茵河畔,是欧洲最古老的文化中心。人口176,200〔Zhejiang〕A province of eastern China on the East China Sea. It was a cultural center of early China and now is one of the most densely populated regions in the country. Hangzhou is the capital. Population, 40,300,000.浙江:中国东部的一个省,位于东海附近。是中国早期文化中心,现在是中国人口最密集的地区之一。省会杭州,人口40,300,000〔Padua〕A city of northeast Italy west of Venice. An important cultural center during the Middle Ages, it was known for its artistic and architectural works by Giotto, Mantegna, and Donatello. Galileo taught at its university from 1592 to 1610. Population, 231,337.帕多瓦:意大利东北部的一个城市,位于威尼斯的西部,中世纪时是个重要的文化中心,以乔托,曼特纳以及多纳泰洛的艺术和建筑作品而闻名,伽利略自1592到1610在该市的大学执教。人口231,337〔Cyrene〕An ancient Greek city of Cyrenaica. Founded c. 630b.c. , it was noted as an intellectual center with distinguished schools of medicine and philosophy. 昔兰尼:昔兰尼加的一个古希腊城市,建于公元前 630年,它作为拥有许多著名的医学和哲学学派的文化中心而闻名 〔Vienna〕The capital and largest city of Austria, in the northeast part of the country on the Danube River. Originally a Celtic settlement, it became the official residence of the house of Hapsburg in 1278 and a leading cultural center in the 18th century, particularly under the reign (1740-1780) of Maria Theresa. Vienna was designated the capital of Austria in 1918. Population, 1,524,510.维也纳:奥地利首都和最大的城市,在这个国家的东北部的多瑙河上。最早是凯尔特集居地,1278年成为哈布斯堡王朝的官方住址,到了18世纪成为主要的文化中心,特别是玛丽亚·特丽莎王朝的统治下(1740-1780年)。维也纳在1918年被指定为奥地利首都。人口1,524,510〔Yangzhou〕A city of east-central China on the Grand Canal. It was a capital of China in the sixth centurya.d. and an important literary and cultural center. Marco Polo was governor of the city from 1282 to 1285. Population, 255,000. 扬州:中国东部一城市,位于大运河上。公元 6世纪时,它是中国的首都和重要的文学和文化中心,从1282年到1285年,马可·波罗为该市的长官。人口255,000 〔Morioka〕A city of northern Honshu, Japan, south-southeast of Aomori. It is a commercial and cultural center. Population, 235,469.盛冈:日本本州岛北部的一座城市,位于青森东南偏南方,是一个商业和文化中心。人口235,469〔Mycenae〕An ancient Greek city in the northeast Peloponnesus that flourished during the Bronze Age as the center of an early civilization. It was the legendary capital of Agamemnon.迈锡尼:伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北部的古希腊城市,在青铜器时期作为一个早期文化中心繁荣一时。它是阿伽门农的传奇式首府〔Dresden〕A city of east-central Germany on the Elbe River east-southeast of Leipzig. An industrial and cultural center, it was severely damaged in bombing raids during World War II. Its china industry was moved to Meissen in the early 18th century. Population, 522,532.德累斯顿:德国中东部城市,位于莱比锡东南偏东河畔。是工业与文化中心,二战期间被空袭轰炸严重毁损。其瓷器工业于18世纪初迁至梅森。人口522,532〔Chennai〕A city of southeast India on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal. Founded in 1639 as Fort St. George by the British East India Company, Chennai was held by the French from 1746 to 1748. It is today a major industrial, commercial, and cultural center with a thriving harbor (constructed 1862-1901). Population, 4,382,100陈奈:印度东南部城市,位于孟加拉国湾的科罗曼德尔海岸。1639年英国东印度公司在此建成圣乔治堡,1746至1748年法国占领陈奈。现今为拥有繁荣海港(1862-1901年间建成)的主要工业、商业及文化中心。人口4,382,100〔Sopron〕A city of northwest Hungary near the Austrian border. Originally a Celtic settlement, it was a military outpost during Roman times and is one of the oldest cultural centers in Hungary. Population, 56,421.索普隆:匈牙利西北部的一个城市,位于与奥地利接壤的附近。起初是凯尔特人的居住地,古罗马时期是军事据点,是匈牙利最古老的文化中心之一。人口56,421〔Manhattan〕A borough of New York City in southeast New York, mainly onManhattan Island at the north end of New York Bay. Peter Minuit of the Dutch West Indies Company bought the island in 1626 from the Manhattan Indians, supposedly for some $24 worth of merchandise. The settlement of New Amsterdam, renamed New York when the English assumed control in 1664, quickly spread from the southern tip of the island, eventually becoming the financial, commercial, and cultural center of the United States. Population, 1,487,536. 曼哈顿区:美国纽约州东南部纽约市里的一个拥有自治权的区,主要位于曼哈顿岛 上,即纽约湾的北头。据说荷兰西印度公司一名叫彼得·米纽伊特的职工在1626年用仅值约24美元的货物从居住于曼哈顿的印第安人手中购得此岛。始建时名为新阿姆斯特丹,1664年英国人接管时改称纽约。这儿的定居点迅速发展到了该岛的南头,最终成为了美国的金融、商业和文化中心。人口1,487,536 〔Cholula〕A town of east-central Mexico west of Puebla. Site of an ancient Toltec center and a city sacred to the Aztecs, it was destroyed by Hernando Cortés in 1519. Population, 26,748.乔卢拉:墨西哥中东部城镇,位于普韦拉以西。曾是一个古代托尔特克人文化中心的旧址和阿兹特克人的圣地,1519年曾被赫尔那多·科尔特斯所毁。人口26,748〔Hamburg〕A city of northern Germany on the Elbe River northeast of Bremen. Founded by Charlemagne as a defensive citadel in the early ninth century, the city quickly grew in commercial importance and in 1241 formed an alliance with Lübeck that became the basis for the Hanseatic League. Today Hamburg is a major port and financial, industrial, and cultural center. Population, 1,592,447.汉堡:德国北部一座城市,位于不莱梅东北部易北河岸,于9世纪早期作为一座防御性的城堡要塞为查理曼大帝所建,这座城市的经济上的重要性迅速提高。在1241年它与吕北克建立联盟,这是后来汉萨同盟的基石。今日,汉堡已成为重要的港口,同时又是金融、工业以及文化中心。人口1,592,447〔Weimar〕A city of central Germany southwest of Leipzig. First mentioned in 975, it became the capital of the duchy of Saxe-Weimar in 1547 and developed as the most important cultural center in Germany after the arrival of Goethe in 1775. In 1919 the German National Assembly met here and established theWeimar Republic, which lasted until 1933. Population, 64,007. 威玛:德国中部莱比锡西南的一城市。最早的有关它的记载是在975年,1547年成为萨克森-威玛公爵领地的首府,在1775年哥德到达后,它逐渐发展成为德国最重要的文化中心。1919年,德国国民代表大会在此召开,建立了魏玛共和国 ,该共和国1933年灭亡。人口64,007 〔Karlsruhe〕A city of southwest Germany on the Rhine River west-northwest of Stuttgart. Founded in 1715, it was badly damaged in World War II. The rebuilt city is an industrial, judicial, and cultural center. Population, 269,638.卡尔斯鲁厄:德国西南部一城市,在莱茵河上,位于斯图加特西北偏西。该市创建于1715年,第二次世界大战期间被严重摧毁。重建的城市是工业,司法和文化中心。人口269,638〔Charleston〕A city of southeast South Carolina northeast of Savannah. Charleston has been a major commercial and cultural center since colonial times. Population, 80,414.查尔斯顿:美国南卡罗来纳州东南一城市,位于萨凡纳东北。从殖民地时期起,查尔斯顿就是一个重要的商业和文化中心。人口80,414〔Ahmadabad〕A city of northwest India north of Bombay. Founded in 1412 as the capital of a former Gujarat kingdom, it is a commercial and cultural center with many outstanding mosques, temples, and tombs. Population, 2,059,725.艾哈迈德巴德:印度西北部的一座城市,位于孟买北部。该城始建于1412年,为古吉拉特王国的首都,是商业和文化中心,有许多著名的清真寺、庙宇和陵墓。人口2,059,725〔metropolis〕a great cultural metropolis.一个大的文化中心〔Beijing〕The capital of China, in the northeast part of the country. Founded c. 700b.c. , it is a major commercial, industrial, and cultural center. The Inner City contains the Imperial, or Forbidden, City. Population, 5,860,000. 北京:中国的首都,位于中国的东北部。建于公元前 700年,该城市是主要的商业、工业与文化中心。内城中有紫禁城。人口5,860,000 〔Leipzig〕A city of east-central Germany south-southwest of Berlin. Originally a Slavic settlement called Lipsk, it developed by the early Middle Ages into a major commercial and cultural center. At the so-called Battle of the Nations (October 16-19, 1813), Austrian, Russian, and Prussian forces decisively defeated Napoleon I. Population, 558,994.莱比锡:德国中部偏东一城市,位于柏林的西南偏南。最初是斯拉夫人的居住地,被称作果比斯克,到中世纪早期时,就已发展成为一个重要的商业和文化中心。在所谓的“多国战争”(1813年10月16日至19日)中,奥地利、俄国和普鲁士联军决定性地击败了拿破仑一世。人口558,994〔Almaty〕A city of Kazakhstan in the southeast part of the country near the border of Kyrgyzstan. Founded in the 1850s as a Russian fort and trading post, the city served as the capital of Kazakhstan from 1929 to 1997 and is the commercial and cultural center of the country. Population, 1,045,900阿拉木图:哈萨克斯坦东南部一城市,与吉尔吉斯斯坦接壤。19世纪50年代作为俄罗斯的要塞和贸易站建立,该市1929年至1997年是哈萨克斯坦的首都以及经济、文化中心。人口1,045,900〔Columbus〕The capital of Ohio, in the central part of the state. Laid out in 1812, it is a major industrial, commercial, and cultural center. Population, 632,910.哥伦布:美国俄亥俄州首府,位于俄亥俄州中部,建于1812年,是重要的工业、商业和文化中心。人口632,910〔Dobrich〕A city of northeast Bulgaria north of Varna. It is a commercial and cultural center. Population, 99,700多布力奇:保加利亚东北部城市,位于瓦尔纳以北。是商业和文化中心。人口99,700〔Toulouse〕A city of southern France on the Garonne River southeast of Bordeaux. Originally part of Roman Gaul, it was the capital of the Visigoths (419-507) and the Carolingian kingdom of Aquitaine (781-843). Toulouse was a cultural center of medieval Europe. Population, 347,995.图卢兹:法国南部一城市,位于加龙河沿岸,波尔多东南。最初为罗马高卢地区的一部分。它是西哥特王国(419-507年)及阿基担卡洛林王朝(781-843年)的首都,图卢兹是中世纪欧洲的一文化中心。人口347,995〔Cheboksary〕A city of east-central European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River west of Kazan. It is a commercial and cultural center. Population, 389,000.切博克萨雷:苏联欧洲部分中部偏东的城市,位于喀山市以西的伏尔加河上。是贸易和文化中心。人口389,000〔Jogjakarta〕A city of southern Java, Indonesia, east-southeast of Jakarta. Founded in 1749, it is a major cultural center known for its dance and drama festivals. Population, 398,727.日惹:印度尼西亚爪哇岛南部城市,位于雅加达东南偏东。始建于1749年,为主要的文化中心,以其舞蹈节和戏剧节著称。人口398,727〔Sardis〕An ancient city of western Asia Minor northeast of modern-day Izmir, Turkey. As the capital of Lydia it was the political and cultural center of Asia Minor from 650 to c. 550b.c. and remained an important city during Roman and Byzantine times. Sardis was destroyed by Tamerlane in 1402. 萨迪斯:小亚细亚西部的一座古城,位于今天的土耳其伊兹密尔东北,作为吕底亚的首都,该城从公元前 650至550年一直为小亚细亚的政治、文化中心,在罗马与拜占庭时代,该城仍是一重要城市,萨迪斯于1402年被帖木儿汗摧毁 〔hinterland〕A region situated beyond metropolitan centers of culture.远离大都市或文化中心的地区〔Cincinnati〕A city of extreme southwest Ohio on the Ohio River. Founded in 1788, it is a port of entry and an industrial, commercial, and cultural center for an extensive area in Ohio and Kentucky. Population, 364,040.辛辛那提州:美国俄亥俄州西南端一座城市,位于俄亥俄河旁。建于1788年,是俄亥俄州和肯塔基州广大地区的进口港和工业、商业及文化中心。人口364,040〔center〕a great cultural center;巨大的文化中心〔Pyongyang〕The capital and largest city of North Korea, in the southwest-central part of the country. It was an important cultural center and became capital of North Korea in 1948. Population, 1,283,000.平壤:朝鲜的首都和最大城市,位于该国的中部偏西南,它是一个重要的文化中心并于1948年成为朝鲜的首都。人口1,283,000〔Madurai〕A city of southern India south-southwest of Madras. Known as "the City of Festivals and Temples,” it is a Hindu pilgrimage site and an educational and cultural center with varied industries. Population, 820,891.马杜拉:印度南部的一个城市,位于马德拉斯西南偏南方向。以“节日和庙宇之城”著称,它是印度教的朝圣地、教育和文化中心,并有多种工业。人口820,891〔Bandung〕A city of Indonesia in western Java southeast of Jakarta. Founded by the Dutch in 1810, it is an industrial and cultural center and a resort known for its cool, healthful climate. Population, 1,462,637.万隆:印度尼西亚一城市,位于雅加达东南爪哇岛的西部。1810年为荷兰人建立,是一个工业和文化中心,并因其凉爽、益于健康的气候成为旅游胜地。人口1,462,637〔Chicago〕The largest city of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan. It is a major port and the commercial, financial, industrial, and cultural center of the Middle West. The city was nearly destroyed by a disastrous fire in 1871. Population, 2,783,726.芝加哥:美国伊利诺斯州最大的城市,位于该州的东北部密歇根湖上。是中西部重要的港口城市以及商业、经济、工业和文化中心。这座城市在1871年曾被一场大火灾几乎摧毁。人口2,783,726〔Madras〕A city of southeast India on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal. Founded in 1639 as Fort St. George by the British East India Company, Madras was held by the French from 1746 to 1748. It is today a major industrial, commercial, and cultural center with a thriving harbor (constructed 1862-1901). Population, 3,276,622.马德拉斯:印度东南部的一个城市,位于孟加拉湾的科罗曼德尔海岸。英国东印度公司于1639年在此建立圣·乔治要塞。马德拉斯从1746年到1748年被法国人占领。现在它是一个重要的工业、商业和文化中心,并有一个繁荣的港口(建于1862-1901年)。人口3,276,622




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