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单词 文明社会
释义 〔improper〕Indecorous implies violation of the mores or manners of polite society: Indecorous 是指对文明社会的规范和礼仪的破坏: 〔etiquette〕 Etiquette and the plural formproprieties denote the forms of conduct prescribed in polite society: Etiquette 和复数形式的proprieties 指的是文明社会中所规定的行为方式: 〔lady〕Lady, a social term, is properly used as a parallel togentleman in order to emphasize norms expected in civil society or in situations requiring civil courtesies: 女士 这个社会称谓, 常与先生 对称,目的是用来强调文明社会所需要的规矩或在需要文明礼节的场合所应有的规矩: 〔done〕Spitting on the street is just not done in polite society.在街上吐痰,这在文明社会里是不得体的〔propriety〕proprieties The usages and customs of polite society. proprieties 礼节:文明社会的习俗和习惯〔canon〕the canons of polite society.文明社会的法规〔civilization〕Modern society with its conveniences:文明社会,现代社会:设施便利的现代社会:〔fabric〕destroyed the very fabric of the ancient abbey during wartime bombing; needs to protect the fabric of civilized society.在战火中,摧毁了古修道院的所有架构;需要保护文明社会的基础




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