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单词 文雅
释义 〔literary〕Appropriate to literature rather than everyday speech or writing.文雅的:适于文学而不是日常语言或写作的〔cultivated〕Educated; polished; refined.有教养的;文雅的;精炼的〔crude〕Lacking tact, refinement, or taste.粗野的:缺乏机智、文雅或品味的〔gentilesse〕Refinement and courtesy resulting from good breeding.文雅,温和:源自良好教育的文雅和礼貌〔Corbett〕American heavyweight boxing champion (1892-1897) who was famed for his courteous manner.科贝特,詹姆斯·约翰:(1866-1933) 美国重量级拳击冠军(1892-1897年),以其文雅的拳击方式著称〔urbanity〕Refinement and elegance of manner; polished courtesy.See Synonyms at elegance 举止文雅,彬彬有礼:举止高雅和文雅;优雅的礼节 参见 elegance〔fizzle〕In Philemon Holland's 1601 translation of Pliny'sNatural History, we are surprised by the use of the wordfizzle in the statement that if asses eat a certain plant,"they will fall a fizling and farting.” Fizzle was first used in English to mean,in the decorous parlance of theOxford English Dictionary, "to break wind without noise.” During the 19th centuryfizzle took on a related but more respectable sense, "to hiss, as does a piece of fireworks,”illustrated by a quotation from the November 7, 1881, issue of theLondon Daily News: "unambitious rockets which fizzle doggedly downwards.”In the same centuryfizzle also took on figurative senses, one of which seems to have been popular at Yale.TheYale Literary Magazine for 1849 helpfully defines the word as follows: “Fizzle, to rise with modest reluctance, to hesitate often, to decline finally; generally, to misunderstand the question.”The figurative sense offizzle that has caught on is the one with which we are most familiar today, "to fail or die out.”在腓利门荷兰1601年对普林尼的博物志 中, 我们对fizzle 一词的用法感到很惊讶, 它说如果驴吃了某种植物,“他们就会放屁。” Fizzle 首先在英语中指“无声地放屁,”是在牛津英语字典 的高雅用语中出现的。 在19世纪,fizzle 有了一个相关的但更文雅的含义, “发嘶嘶声,如同烟火那样,”这个词义是通过1881年11月7日的伦敦每日新闻 的引文说明的: “抱负不大的火箭,它们顽固地嘶嘶下坠。”同一世纪,fizzle 还赋与了比喻义, 其中的一个比喻义似乎在耶鲁大学很流行。1849年的耶鲁文学杂志 给这个词下了一个有益的定义: “Fizzle, 不十分情愿地上升,常犹豫不决,最终放弃; 通常是弄错问题。”人们已接受的fizzle 的比喻义, 即今天我们最为熟悉的“失败或消失”〔decadence〕Often Decadence A literary movement especially of late 19th-century France and England characterized by refined aestheticism, artifice, and the quest for new sensations. 常作 Decadence 颓废派文艺:尤指19世纪末期法国和英国的一个文学运动,以文雅的美学、技巧和追求新感觉为特征〔absquatulate〕The vibrant energy of American English sometimes appears in the use of Latin affixes to create jocular pseudo-Latin "learned" words.There is a precedent for this in the language of Shakespeare,whose plays contain scores of made-up Latinate words.Midlandabsquatulate has a prefix ab-, "away from,” and a suffix-ate, "to act upon in a specified manner,” affixed to a nonexistent base form-squatul-, probably suggested bysquat. Hence the whimsicalabsquatulate, "to squat away from.” Another such coinage is Northernbusticate, which joins bust with -icate by analogy with verbs like medicate. Southernargufy joins argue to a redundant -fy, "to make; cause to become.” These creations are largely confined to regions of the United States where change is slow,and where the 19th-century love for Latinate words and expressions is still manifest.For example, Appalachian speech is characterized by the frequent use ofrecollect, aggravate, oblige, and other such words. 美国英语的创造力有时表现在用拉丁文词缀去创造滑稽的假拉丁文“文雅”的单词。莎士比亚的语言是一先行者,他的戏剧中有大量创造出来的拉丁词。中部地区的absquatulate 有一前缀 ab-, 表“离开,走开,” 和一个后缀-ate, 表“以特殊方式行事,” 这些再加在一个不存在的词根上-squatul-, 也许是由squat 而来的。 所以奇特的absquatulate 表“走开,离开。” 另外一个这样的造词是从北部的busticate 来的,这是把 bust 加上 -icate 变来的,如同源动词 medicate。 南部的argufy 把 argue 加上多余的 -fy, 意为“变成;使成为”。 这种造词只见于美国变化较慢的地区,在那儿仍保持了19世纪那种喜好拉丁语词语的习惯。比如在阿巴拉契亚地区的语言中,如同recollect,aggravate,oblige 和其他这样一些词经常被使用的 〔mild〕Gentle or kind in disposition, manners, or behavior.温和的:性情、举止或行为文雅或善良的〔predispose〕His good manners predispose people in his favor.See Synonyms at incline 他的文雅举止使人们未经接触就对他产生了好感 参见 incline〔Strachey〕British historian and biographer noted for his urbane, witty, and critical biographical works, includingEminent Victorians (1918). 斯特雷奇,(吉尔)利顿:(1880-1932) 英国历史学家,传记学家,以其文雅的、诙谐的、批评的传记作品闻名,包括《卓越的维多利亚时期的人》 (1918年) 〔rude〕Lacking the graces and refinement of civilized life; uncouth.粗暴的,粗野的:缺少文明生活的文雅和教养的;不雅的〔mince〕To pronounce in an affected way, as with studied elegance and refinement.假作高雅地说:装腔作势地说出,如用一种做作的高贵或文雅〔preciosity〕Extreme meticulousness or overrefinement, as in language, taste, or style.造作:在语言、品味或风格方面的极端讲究或过分文雅〔culture〕A high degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training.修养,教养:通过美学和智力训练而形成的高品味和文雅〔charge〕poetry imbued with grace;浸透着文雅的诗篇;〔gallantry〕The act or an instance of gallant speech or behavior.文雅有礼的言行〔polite〕 Genteel, which originally meant well-bred and refined,now usually suggests excessive and affected refinement: Genteel 原先意指有教养的和优雅的,现在通常暗示过分或矫揉造作的文雅〔Attic〕Characterized by purity, simplicity, and elegant wit:谨严的,简朴的:以简朴,简练及文雅的机智为特征的:〔cultured〕Educated, polished, and refined; cultivated.有教养的,文雅的,高雅的;有修养的〔rural〕"The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe at the sight of the gentry" (George Eliot).“乡下人,极为敏感的心灵使他们看到文雅的人便感到一种窃窃的敬畏” (乔·艾略特)。〔dandy〕A man who affects extreme elegance in clothes and manners; a fop.花花公子:在服饰和举止方面极其文雅的人;纨绔子弟〔elegance〕Refinement, grace, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manners.文雅,高雅:行动、外表或举止的高雅、文雅与美丽〔mincing〕Affectedly refined or dainty.矫揉造作的:假装文雅或斯文的〔polite〕Refined; elegant:有教养的;文雅的:〔kind〕Benign implies gentleness and mildness: Benign 暗示文雅和温和: 〔preciosity〕An instance of extreme meticulousness or overrefinement.故作风雅:极端讲究或过分文雅的实例〔Atticism〕atticism An expression characterized by conciseness and elegance. atticism 高雅严谨的用语,文雅的言词:简明高雅的表达方式〔precious〕Affectedly dainty or overrefined:矫揉造作的:矫饰地优美或过分文雅的:〔beautiful〕What ispretty is beautiful but in a delicate or graceful way; the word rarely applies to what is imposing: Pretty 美丽,但是一种优美或文雅的美, 这个词很少指给人印象很深的美: 〔suave〕 Smooth stresses a deliberate,usually ingratiating agreeableness: Smooth 强调的是一种有意装出的,通常是近乎谄媚的文雅有礼: 〔polite〕Middle English polit [polished] 中古英语 polit [文雅的,有教养的] 〔humane〕Marked by an emphasis on humanistic values and concerns:高雅的,文雅的:将侧重点置于人文主义价值或所关心的事物上的:〔suave〕Smoothly agreeable and courteous.和蔼的:文雅的,有礼的〔coarse〕Gross suggests a lack of refinement verging on brutishness: Gross 暗示缺乏文雅,近于野蛮: 〔couth〕"Many picnics manage without this sophistication, but we like to be couth and feel that the delicacies of gracious living enhance the chances"(John Gould)“许多野餐都没有见识地对付过去了,但是我们想做的文雅一些,并且认为体面生活的高雅可以增加这种可能性”(约翰·古尔德)〔charm〕grace and manners that charmed the old curmudgeon;文雅和礼貌吸引着这个老守财奴;




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