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单词 斯河
释义 〔Tocantins〕A river, about 2,639 km (1,640 mi) long, flowing from central Brazil near Brasília northward to the Pará River southwest of Belém.托坎延斯河:发源于巴西中部巴西利亚附近的一条河流,全长约2,639公里(1,640英里),向南流入贝伦西南面的帕腊河〔Cocytus〕One of the five rivers of Hades.科塞塔斯河:冥府的五条河流之一〔Middlesbrough〕A borough of northeast England at the mouth of the Tees River. It has iron, steel, and chemical works. Population, 150,600.米德尔斯伯勒:位于英国东北部梯斯河入口处的一个郡,有钢铁和化学工厂。人口150,600〔Chagres〕A river rising in central Panama, flowing southwest to Gatún Lake (formed by a dam on the river), then draining northwest to the Caribbean Sea.查格雷斯河:发源于巴拿马中部的一条河流,向西南汇入加顿湖(由在河上筑坝而形成),然后折向西北注入加勒比海〔Pavlodar〕A town of western Siberian U.S.S.R. on the Irtysh River southeast of Omsk. It is a processing and shipping center in a rich agricultural region. Population, 315,000.巴甫洛达尔:苏联西伯利亚西部一城镇,位于鄂木斯克东南额尔济斯河沿岸。它是座落在富饶的农业区之中的加工业和船运业中心。人口315,000〔Alpheus〕A river of the Peloponnesus in southern Greece flowing about 113 km (70 mi) to the Ionian Sea.阿尔斐俄斯河:希腊南部伯罗奔尼撒的一条河,全长约113公里(70英里),流入爱奥尼亚海〔Irtysh〕A river of northwest China, eastern Kazakhstan, and central Russia flowing about 4,264 km (2,650 mi) generally northwest to the Ob River. It is navigable for much of its course.额尔济斯河:流经中国西北部,哈萨克斯坦东部和俄罗斯中部一河,流程4,264公里(2,650英里),向西北流入鄂毕河。大部分河道可供航行〔Ishim〕A river, about 1,818 km (1,130 mi) long, rising in the steppe region of Kazakhstan and flowing generally northwest then northeast to the Irtysh River in south-central Russia.伊希姆河:发源于哈萨克斯坦草原地区的一条河流,大约1,818公里(1,130英里)长,先大致向西北然后向东北流入俄罗斯中南部的额尔济斯河〔Omsk〕A city of western Siberian U.S.S.R. at the confluence of the Irtysh and Om rivers. On the Trans-Siberian Railroad, it is a major river port and transportation hub. The city was founded in 1716. Population, 1,108,000.鄂木斯克:独联体苏联西伯利亚西部的一个城市,在鄂木河和额尔济斯河的交汇处。它是横贯西伯利亚大铁路上的一个枢纽城市,还是一主要的河港和运输枢纽,于1716年建立。人口1,108,000〔Toledo〕also [tô-lĕ"Yô] A city of central Spain near the Tagus River south-southwest of Madrid. It fell to the Romans in 193b.c. and was later the capital of the Visigoth kingdom (534-712). As a Moorish capital (712-1031) it was a center of Arab and Hebrew learning. Population, 57,778. 也作 [tô-lĕ"Yô] 托莱多:西班牙中部临塔哥斯河的一座城市,位于马德里西南偏南。公元前 193年陷落到罗马人手中,后来成为西哥特王国的首都(534-712年)。作为摩尔人的首都(712-1031年),它是阿拉伯和伯莱学术的中心。人口57,778 〔Antioch〕Also An.ta.kya [än-täkʹyä] A city of southern Turkey on the Orontes River near the Mediterranean Sea. Founded c. 300b.c. by Seleucus I, it was an important military and commercial center in the Roman era and an early center of Christianity. Population, 94,942. 也作 An.ta.kya [än-täkʹyä] 安提克:土耳其南部一城市,位于地中海附近的奥伦提斯河沿岸。公元前 300年由塞琉古一世所建,在罗马时期是重要的军事和商业中心,也是基督教的一个早期中心。人口94,942 〔Imperatriz〕A city of northeast Brazil on the Tocantins River south-southeast of Belém. It is a shipping center. Population, 111,705.英培拉特莱兹:巴西东北部的一座城市,靠近贝伦的东南偏南的托坎廷斯河。现在是水路运输中心。人口111,705




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