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单词 斯陶尔河
释义 〔Canterbury〕A borough of southeast England on the Stour River east-southeast of London. Canterbury Cathedral (11th-16th century) is the seat of the archbishop and primate of the Anglican Communion. Built on the site of an abbey founded by Saint Augustine c. 600, it was the scene of the murder of Thomas à Becket (1170). Population, 36,000.坎特伯雷:英格兰东南部一座自治市,位于伦敦东南偏东斯陶尔河畔。坎特伯雷大教堂(建于11-16世纪)是英国圣公会的大主教和首席主教的住地。建在由圣奥古斯丁在公元600年建立的一个修道院的遗址上,是托马斯·贝科特被谋杀的地点(1170年)。人口36,000〔Stour〕A river, about 64 km (40 mi) long, of southeast England emptying into the North Sea in two channels enclosing the Isle of Thanet.斯陶尔河:英格兰东南部一条河,流程64公里(40英里),分两条河道(其间包围着萨尼特岛)注入北海




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