单词 | 新闻 |
释义 | 〔phone〕To impart (information or news, for example) by telephone.通过电话来传递(如信息或新闻)〔finalize〕"They have jointly agreed . . . to drop all litigation when the merger is finalized"(Springfield MA Union-News)“他们一致同意…合并之后所有诉讼一并撤回”(斯普林菲尔德MA联报—新闻)〔correspondent〕One employed by the print or broadcast media to supply news stories or articles:报道者:被报社或广播媒介雇佣用来提供新闻故事或文章的人:〔believe〕Do you believe the news stories?你相信这个新闻故事吗?〔detritus〕"Poems, engravings, press releases—he eagerly scrutinizes the detritus of fame"(Carlin Romano)“诗歌、雕刻、发表的新闻…,他急切地仔细地阅读观看这些零零碎碎的象征名誉声望的物件”(卡林·罗马诺)〔tabloid〕A newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material.小报:一种小版面的报纸,以浓缩的形式来报导新闻,通常伴有插图、而且常常是耸人听闻的材料〔Beach〕American publisher whose aggressive journalism established theNew York Sun as a leading daily newspaper. He is also credited with publishing the first syndicated news story. His son Moses Sperry Beach (1822-1892) invented a cutting device that allowed printing on a continuous roll of paper and a process for printing both sides of a newspaper sheet at one time. 比奇,摩西·耶尔:(1800-1868) 美国出版家,以其积极向上的新闻工作创立了作为主要日报的《纽约太阳报》 。发表第一个报业辛迪加的新闻故事也是他的功劳。他的儿子 摩西·斯佩里·比奇 (1822-1892年)发明了一个切割装置,使得印刷可在连续滚动的纸卷上进行,并且发明了同时在报纸的两面印刷的程序 〔Spackle〕"Some professional spacklers can do this with a 5-inch knife"(Newsday)“一些职业的涂抹工能用一把5英寸长的小刀做到这些”(新闻日报)〔active〕"a vigorous crusader against apartheid and government press restrictions" (Christian Science Monitor).强烈“反对种族歧视和政府新闻限制的社会运动者” (基督教科学箴言报)。〔bulletin〕A brief update or summary of current news, as on television or radio or in a newspaper.新闻快报:电视,广播或报纸上的热门新闻的简短报导〔opinion〕"Responsible journalism is journalism responsible in the last analysis to the editor's own conviction of what, whether interesting or only important, is in the public interest" (Walter Lippmann).“有鉴别的新闻事业指的是那种编辑对于不论有趣的或重要的事都持有自己信念的作最后分析的新闻业,这种新闻对大众负责” (沃特·里普曼)。〔infotainment〕A television program with a mixture of news and entertainment features, such as interviews, commentaries, and reviews. Also called docutainment 信息娱乐片:夹杂着新闻和娱乐的电视节目,比如采访、评论和回顾性节目 也作 docutainment〔edition〕All the copies of a specified issue of a newspaper:出报:一种新闻发行物的所有印件:〔flack〕To act as a press agent for; promote:为…作新闻广告;宣传:〔stand〕stands for freedom of the press.倡导新闻的自由〔Xerox〕A trademark used for a photocopying process or machine employing xerography. This trademark often occurs in print in uppercase or lowercase as a verb, an adjective, and a noun:"Juicy stories circulated . . . in a book proposal that was Xeroxed and read as an alternate beach book in the Hamptons" (Washington Post). "Letters you send should be xeroxed after you sign them" (Progressive Architecture). "To walk around the . . . campus during the strike was to be confronted with their fact sheets, their xeroxed research summaries and news clips" (San Francisco Chronicle). "The group's teacher . . . asked the children how they would feel if they received a Xeroxed thank-you card" (New York Times). "He reaches inside his windbreaker to his shirt pocket. He has four or five sheets of foolscap, xeroxes, I see, of court documents" (Scott Turow). The trademark sometimes occurs in print in figurative contexts: 施乐:商标名,用于采用静电复印术的影印过程或机器。该商标常印刷为大写体或小写体,可作为动词、形容词和名词来使用:“在汉普顿斯,低俗的故事被印出后当作另一种消遣读物,夹在推荐书目中传阅” (华盛顿邮报)。 “您发出的信件应当在您签字后复印” (现代建筑)。 “在他们罢课期间只要围着校园走一走就会看到许多揭露真相的传单、复印的调查摘要和新闻简要(在游行中绕着营地走走就会面对许多事实传单,复印的研究略要和小道消息)” (旧金山年鉴)。 “老师问孩子们,当他们收到一张复印的致谢卡时有什么感觉” (纽约时报)。 “他伸到风衣里面去找衬衣口袋,我知道他有四五张复印的大页纸,我想,是法庭文件” (斯科特·丢诺)。这个商标有时用于比喻意义中: 〔beat〕The reporting of a news item obtained ahead of one's competitors.独家报道:被某个竞争者抢先获取的新闻消息〔gospel〕spel [news] spel [新闻] 〔hourly〕The news is broadcast hourly.新闻每小时播送一次〔Scripps〕Family of American newspaper publishers, includingJames Edmund (1835-1906), who founded the Detroit Evening News (1873), and his half-brother Edward Wyllis Scripps (1854-1926), who established (1907) the news agency that became United Press International and organized the syndication of features and illustrations. James's sister Ellen Browning Scripps (1836-1932) invested heavily in the family's newspaper projects and founded Scripps College in Claremont, California (1926). 斯克利普斯:美国报纸发行人的家族,包括詹姆斯·爱得蒙德 (1835-1906年),他创办了 《底特律晚间新闻》 (1873年),和他的表兄 爱德华·威利斯·斯克利普斯 (1854-1926年),他建立新闻署(1907年),后来成为国际联合报并且组建了新闻特写和插图稿的辛迪加。詹姆斯的妹妹 爱仑·波尧宁·斯克利普斯 (1836-1932年)在这个家族新闻网中大量投资并在加利福尼亚州的克莱蒙特建立了斯达利普斯学院(1926年) 〔recap〕recapped the headlines at the end of the news broadcast.在新闻的最后把主要内容概述一下〔Sheetrock〕A trademark used for plasterboard. This trademark often occurs in print in lowercase:"The instrument has three scales of sensitivity calibrated for detection of moisture in most building materials such as . . . sheetrock" (Mechanical Engineering). “ [It] is excellent for installing lights, installing ceiling tile, taping sheetrock . . . and other jobs" (Engineering News-Record). It also occurs as a verb: 石膏板:一种用于塑料板的标记,这个标记通常以小写印刷体出现:“该设备具有标定的三个级别的灵敏度,能探测出大多数建筑材料,例如…石膏板中的湿度” (机械工程)。 “ [它] 非常适于安装灯具、天花板瓦、固定石膏板…及其它工作” (工程新闻记录)。它 也作为动词出现: 〔newsbreak〕An urgent or immediate item of news.新闻的紧急事件〔clipsheet〕A sheet of paper containing news items and other newspaper material, usually printed on only one side for convenience in clipping and reprinting.单面印新闻报页:上面印有新闻条目的纸页及其它报纸材料,为剪贴和再版的方便通常只在单面排印〔newsman〕A man who gathers, reports, or edits news.新间工作者:收集、报导或编辑新闻的人〔newsroom〕A room, as in a newspaper office or radio or television station, where news stories are written and edited.新闻编辑室:新闻办公室、广播电台或电视台写作和编辑新闻的房间〔carry〕The news was carried by word of mouth to every settlement.这条新闻被口头传播到每一个部落〔imprimatur〕Abbr. imp.Official approval or license to print or publish, especially under conditions of censorship.缩写 imp.出版许可:官方的出版或印刷的许可或执照,特别是在新闻审查的情况下〔filler〕Something, such as a news item, public-service message, or music, used to fill time in a radio or television presentation.补白内容:例如新闻栏目、公共服务信息或音乐,用来填补无线电或电视表演间空白时间的东西〔vamp〕With no hard news available about the summit meeting, the reporters vamped up questions based only on rumor.在没有这次最高会议真实新闻的情况下,记者们只好拼凑上道听途说的消息〔resort〕The government resorted to censorship of the press.政府以新闻审查制度为手段〔headline〕Often headlines An important or sensational piece of news. 常作 headlines 头条新闻:重要的或引起轰动的新闻〔Curtis〕American journalist and reformer who was the political editor ofHarper's Weekly (1863-1892) and was active in the movement for civil service reform. 柯蒂斯,乔治·威廉:(1824-1892) 美国新闻从业人员和改革家,他曾是《哈帕周刊》 的政治编辑(1863-1892年),并积极参予文官制度改革运动 〔handout〕A prepared news or publicity release.准备好的新闻或宣传材料〔novel〕from Old Italian [piece of news, chit-chat, tale] 源自 古意大利语 [新闻,闲谈,故事] 〔blackout〕A suppression, as of news, by censorhip.管制:实行一种压制的审查,如对新闻消息等〔overset〕"The news is sure to overset him"(Charles Dickens)“这条新闻肯定扰乱他的思想”(查尔斯·狄更斯)〔photojournalism〕Journalism in which a news story is presented primarily through photographs with supplementary written copy.摄影新闻(工作),摄影图片报道:主要通过照片和附加书面注释来报导新闻的报刊杂志〔newswoman〕A woman who gathers, reports, or edits news.女新闻记者:收集、报道和编辑新闻的女士〔sneak〕Snuck is an Americanism first introduced in the 19th century as a nonstandard regional variant ofsneaked. But widespread use ofsnuck has become more common with every generation. It is now used by educated speakers in all regions,and there is some evidence to suggest that it is more frequent among younger speakers thansneaked is. Formal written English is naturally and properly more conservative than other varieties, of course,and heresnuck still meets with much resistance. Many writers and editors have a lingering unease about the form,particularly if they recall its nonstandard origins.In fact, our consolidated citations, exhibiting almost 10,000 instances ofsneaked and snuck, indicate thatsneaked is preferred by a factor of 7 to 2. And 67 percent of the Usage Panel disapproves ofsnuck. Nevertheless, in recent yearssnuck has been quietly establishing itself in formal writing. An electronic search of a wide range of reputable publications turns up hundreds of citations forsnuck, not just in sports writingbut in news columns and commentary: Snuck 是一个美国独创词, 19世纪作为sneaked 的不标准的地方变体被首次引入。 在每一代,snuck 这个词都得到了广泛应用。 现在,任何地区受过教育的人都使用它,而且证据显示在年轻的使用者中,它比sneaked 更加常用。 当然,正式的文字英语自然要比其它语体保守一些,在这里,snuck 一词还是受到了排挤。 许多作家和编辑对这个词的形式有一种长久的反感,特别是联系到它不标准的起源。实际上,在我们反复验证过的显示约一万个使用sneaked 和 snuck 的引文中, 表明sneaked 受到青睐的程度为七比二。 用法专题使用小组成员中百分之六十七的人的反对snuck 一词。 但是,最近几年,snuck 在正式文体中也悄悄确立了它的地位。 对一系列著名出版物的电子扫描调查显示出几百处使用snuck 的地方, 而且不光是在体育文章中,在新闻专栏和评论中也有使用: |
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