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单词 施加
释义 〔obligatory〕Imposing or recording an obligation:债务的:施加债务的,记录债务的:〔clampdown〕An imposing of restrictions or controls:制裁,严禁,取缔:限制与控制的强行施加〔autacoid〕An organic substance, such as a hormone, produced in one part of an organism and transported by the blood, lymph, or sap to another part of the organism where it exerts a physiologic effect on that part.内分泌物,内分泌素:有机生物的一部分产生的有机物质,如激素,由血液、淋巴或体液运输至有机生物的另一部分并对该部分施加生理效应〔neoconservative〕"Neoconservatives are heavily represented at the White House and exert maximum pressure on presidential policy"(Joseph C. Harsch)“新保守主义者在白宫有众多代表,对总统政策施加极大的压力”(约瑟夫C.哈施)〔strain〕To injure or impair by overuse or overexertion; wrench:扭伤:因使用过度或过量施加而受伤或受损;拧伤:〔vapor〕The state of a substance that exists below its critical temperature and that may be liquefied by application of sufficient pressure.水蒸气:物质存在于低于临界温度的情况下,并且在施加足够压力情况下能被液化的状态〔restrictionism〕A viewpoint or policy approving the imposing of restrictions, as on immigration or trade.限制主义:赞成施加限制的观点或政策,如在移民或贸易上〔restrain〕Inhibit usually connotes a check, either self-imposed or involuntary, on one's actions, desires, thoughts, or emotions: Inhibit 常指对某人的行为、意愿、思想或感情的自我施加或非自愿的约束: 〔impact〕The central meaning shared by these nouns is "a strong effect exerted by one person or thing on another": 这些名词共有的中心意思为“一个人或物对另外一个人或物施加的强烈影响。” 〔serious〕These adjectives are compared as they refer to the manner, appearance, disposition, or acts of persons and mean absorbed or marked by absorption in thought, pressing concerns, or significant work.当这些形容词指人的方式、外表、气质或举动而且意为专心于或表明专注于思考、施加注意力或有意义的工作时可作比较。〔bear〕He suffered their insults in silence.他默默忍受他们所施加的伤害。〔agitprop〕Something, such as a film, that is designed to impress a certain political or social perspective on its audience, with little or no consideration given to accuracy:政治宣传品:如电影一类的东西,目的是给观众施加政治的或社会的影响,很少考虑或根本不考虑其准确性:〔Beard〕American historian and feminist. She shared her husband Charles's economic view of history and collaborated with him onThe Rise of American Civilization (first volume 1927), in which they characterized the Civil War as the "second American Revolution,” perpetrated by Northern capitalists over Southern plantation owners for economic gain. 比尔德,玛丽·里特尔:(1876-1958) 美国历史学家和女权运动者。她赞同其丈夫查尔斯的有关历史的经济观点,于1927年两人合作出版了《美国文明的兴起》 的第一卷。在该书中她将美国内战比作北方资本家因经济目的施加于南方农园庄主的“第二次美国革命” 〔punish〕Discipline stresses punishment inflicted by an authority in order to control an offender or to eliminate or reform unacceptable conduct: Discipline 强调权力机关为控制冒犯者或免除、改革不能被接受的行为所施加的惩罚: 〔necessity〕The force exerted by circumstance.必然力:环境施加的压力〔force〕A person or group capable of influential action:举足轻重的人:能施加重大影响的一个人或一组:〔treatment〕Administration or application of remedies to a patient or for a disease or an injury; medicinal or surgical management; therapy.处理,治疗:给病人或为了治疗一种疾病或损伤施加或使用药物;药物处理或外科治疗〔prey〕To exert a baneful or injurious effect:折磨,使痛苦:施加不良的或有害的影响:〔exert〕To bring to bear; exercise:对…施加;运用:〔harm〕To do harm to.See Synonyms at injure 对…施加伤害 参见 injure〔push〕To exert downward pressure on (a button or keyboard, for example); press.按,压下:在(按钮或键盘上)施加向下的压力;压,按〔burn〕To harden or impart a finish to by subjecting to intense heat; fire:烧制:通过施加强热使变硬或使完美;火烧:〔strain〕To exert or tax to the utmost:尽量使力:最大限度地施加或给予重担:〔biomechanics〕(used with a sing. verb)The study of the mechanics of a living body, especially of the forces exerted by muscles and gravity on the skeletal structure.(与单数动词连用)生物力学:有关生物体的力学研究,尤指肌肉和重力施加于骨架结构的力〔vindictive〕 Vengeful andrevengeful imply the impulse to inflict or the infliction of suffering or punishment as retribution for evil or an injury: Vengeful 和revengeful 表示作为对邪恶或伤害的报复或具有的折磨或施加苦难或惩罚的冲动: 〔gravity〕The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body, such as Earth, upon objects at or near its surface, tending to draw them toward the center of the body.重力:天体如地球,所施加的自然吸引力,如地球,对处于或接近其表面的物体有将它们拉向其中心的趋势〔drag〕The retarding force exerted on a moving body by a fluid medium such as air or water.阻力:流体介质,如水或空气对移动物体施加的阻力〔strain〕To alter (the relations between the parts of a structure or shape) by applying an external force; deform.使变形:通过施加外力改变(某个构造或形状各部分间的关系);使变形〔duress〕Coercion illegally applied.非法施加的强迫〔roll〕To become flattened by or as if by pressure applied by a roller.碾压,碾平:因或似乎因滚轴所施加的压力而变平坦〔marginate〕To provide with or be a margin to; border.加边,界定:施加或成为…的边;界定〔tide〕Stress exerted on a body or part of a body by gravitational attraction of another:应力:由于另一物体的重力吸引而施加于某物体或物体某部分的力:〔wound〕To inflict wounds or a wound:使伤害:使在伤口施加痛苦:〔lay〕To impose as a burden or punishment:使负担:施加负担或处罚:〔push〕To bear hard upon; press.使痛苦不堪:对某人施加困难;逼迫〔destructive〕Causing or wreaking destruction; ruinous:破坏的,破坏性的:产生或施加破坏的;破坏的:〔exercise〕To bring to bear; exert:对…施加;发挥:〔magnetism〕The force exerted by a magnetic field.磁力:由磁场施加的力〔press〕To reshape or make compact by applying steady force; compress.压缩:用施加持续的力量使物重新成形或压缩;压紧〔force〕To put undue strain on:施加过分的压力:




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