单词 | 施行 |
释义 | 〔vasectomize〕To perform a vasectomy on.在…施行输精管切除术〔phlebotomize〕To perform a phlebotomy on; bleed.施行静脉切开手术;放血〔topectomy〕Surgical removal of specific areas of the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex as a treatment of certain mental disorders.额叶皮质局部切除术:治疗某些神经疾病时施行的切除大脑皮层外叶中某特定部位的外科手术〔constable〕A peace officer with less authority and smaller jurisdiction than a sheriff, empowered to serve writs and warrants and make arrests.治安官:管辖权和管辖范围都小于县治安官的治安官,有权送达传票及逮捕(搜查)令并可以施行逮捕〔masseur〕A man who gives massages professionally.男按摩师:施行按摩和理疗的男人〔tyranny〕"I have sworn . . . eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man"(Thomas Jefferson)“我已经发过誓…永远反抗以任何形式对人类思想施行的暴政”(托马斯·杰弗逊)〔soke〕The district over which soke jurisdiction was exercised.法院的管辖区域:地方司法权被施行的地区〔reign〕To exercise sovereign power.统治:施行君权〔tyrannize〕To exercise absolute power:施行绝对的权力:〔parabiosis〕The natural or surgical union of anatomical parts of two organisms, usually involving exchange of blood, as in the development of Siamese twins or in certain transplant operations.联体,并体:天生的或手术施行的通常进行血液交换的两器官的联合,比如在连体婴的发育或某种嫁接手术中〔acupuncture〕To subject to acupuncture.施行针灸治疗,施行针灸麻醉〔Danelaw〕The body of law established by the Danish invaders and settlers in northeast England in the ninth and tenth centuries.丹麦法:在9世纪和10世纪时,由丹麦入侵者和殖民者在英国东北部施行的法律体系〔Mercia〕An Anglo-Saxon kingdom of central England. It was settled by Angles c.a.d. 500 and enjoyed its greatest influence during the rule (757-796) of Offa. In 874 the kingdom was overrun by the Danes and split between Wessex and the Danelaw. 麦西亚:英格兰中部的一个盎格鲁-撒克逊王国。盎格鲁人于公元 500年开始定居于此。在奥发统治期间(757-796年)国力达到鼎盛。874年,王国被丹麦人推翻,并分裂成威塞克斯和施行丹族法的地区两部分 〔performance〕The act of performing or the state of being performed.施行:实现或实行某事的行为或被实现的过程〔voodooism〕The practice and doctrines of voodoo.伏都教义,巫术信仰:伏都教的施行和教义〔quarantine〕Enforced isolation or restriction of free movement imposed to prevent the spread of contagious disease.隔离:为了防止传染疾病的传播,而强制施行的隔离或对自由活动的限制〔manner〕Practice, style, execution, or method in the arts:风格:艺术中的实践、风格、施行或方法:〔lash〕Punishment administered with a whip.鞭笞:用鞭子施行的惩罚〔scrub〕To wash the hands and arms thoroughly, as before performing or participating in surgery.在施行或参与手术之前把手和臂彻底洗净〔Truman〕The 33rd President of the United States (1945-1953). He authorized the use of the atomic bomb against Japan (1945), implemented the Marshall Plan (1948), initiated the establishment of NATO (1949), and ordered U.S. involvement in the Korean War (1950-1953).杜鲁门,哈里S.:(1884-1972) 美国第33任总统(1945-1953年)。他授权对日本使用原子弹(1945年),施行了马歇尔计划(1948年),发起建立了北约组织(1949年),并命令美国加入朝鲜战争(1950-1953年)〔Donatist〕A member of a rigorist, schismatic Christian sect, strongly opposed by Saint Augustine, that arose in North Africa in the fourth centurya.d. and believed in sanctity as requisite for church membership and administration of all sacraments. 多纳图斯派:宗教严格主义者,主张分裂的基督教派,受到圣·奥古斯汀强烈反对,公元 4世纪于北非兴起,认为圣洁是成为教会成员和圣事的施行的必需条件 〔ventriloquial〕Of, relating to, or practicing ventriloquism.腹语术的,口技的:属于、关于或施行腹语术的〔masseuse〕A woman who gives massages professionally.女按摩师:施行按摩和疗理的女人〔positive〕Of or relating to laws imposed by human authority rather than by nature or reason alone:由权威制定的法律的:由人类的权威而不是由自然或理性施行的法律的,或与之有关的:〔punish〕Penalize usually implies a monetary penalty or the forfeiture of a privilege or gain because rules or regulations have been broken: Penalize 通常指因违反规则或惯例而施行的罚金或导致特权或利益的丧失: 〔reign〕Exercise of sovereign power, as by a monarch.君主统治:君主对王权的施行〔elective〕elective surgery.非急需施行的手术〔Qaddafi〕Libyan political leader who seized power in a military coup d'état against the Libyan monarchy (1969) and imposed socialist policies and Islamic orthodoxy on the country.卡扎菲,穆埃玛·阿尔:(生于 1942) 利比亚政治领袖,在一场反对利比亚君主专政(1969年)的军事政变中,夺取了政权并向国民强制施行社会主义政策和伊斯兰正统思想〔ovariotomy〕Surgical incision into an ovary, as to perform a biopsy or remove a tumor.卵巢切开术:切开卵巢的外科手术,如为施行活体检查或切除瘤〔Danelaw〕The sections of England under the jurisdiction of this law.施行丹麦法的英国地区〔reference〕Legal actions conducted before or by a referee.仲裁引导,仲裁施行:由仲裁人或裁判员引导或施行的法律行为〔patience〕"It is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other" (Patrick Henry). “彼此施行基督徒的忍耐、爱和慈善是所有人相互的责任” (帕特里克·亨利)。 〔tracheostomy〕A tracheotomy performed in order to insert a catheter or tube into the trachea, especially to facilitate breathing.为了将一导管或管道插入气管而施行的气管切开术,尤指为了促进呼吸〔micromanipulator〕A device for manipulating minute instruments and needles under a microscope in order to perform delicate procedures, such as microsurgery.显微操纵器:在显微镜下用于操纵微小仪器的设备,用于施行精细的步骤,如在显微外科手术中使用〔administer〕To give or apply in a formal way:执行,施行:正式地给予或使用:〔observance〕The act or custom of keeping or celebrating a holiday or other ritual occasion.施行习惯性礼拜:保持或庆贺节日和其它礼仪仪式的行为或习俗 |
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