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单词 旅游中心
释义 〔Alicante〕A city of southeast Spain on the Mediterranean Sea south of Valencia. It is a port and tourist center. Population, 253,722.阿利坎特:西班牙东南部一城市,位于瓦伦西亚以南的地中海沿岸。为港口及旅游中心。人口253,722〔Tours〕A city of west-central France on the Loire River. Dating to pre-Roman times, it was a prosperous silk-manufacturing town from the 15th century to the 17th century and a Huguenot stronghold until the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. Today it is a tourist center with varied industries. Population, 132,209.图尔:法国中西部一城市,位于卢瓦尔河畔,其历史可追溯到前罗马时期。自15世纪到17世纪,它是一繁华的丝绸制造业城市,并且是胡格诺派教徒的一堡垒,直到1685年南特赦令被废除为止。现在它是一旅游中心,有多种工业。人口132,209〔Pau〕A city of southwest France in the foothills of the Pyrenees south of Bordeaux. It is a year-round tourist center noted for its scenery and winter sports. Population, 83,790.波城:法国西南部一城市,位于波尔多南部比利牛斯山麓。是一个四季旅游中心,以其自然风景和冬季运动驰名。人口83,790〔Merced〕A city of central California in the San Joaquin Valley northwest of Fresno. It is a trade and tourist center in a farm and dairy region. Population, 56,216.麦塞德:美国加利福尼亚中部一城市,位于圣华金河谷中,弗雷斯诺西北部。它是一个位于农业区和乳品区中的贸易与旅游中心。人口56,216〔Freiburg〕Also Freiburg im Breis.gau [ĭm brīsʹgou'] A city of southwest Germany near the Rhine River at the edge of the Black Forest. Founded in 1120, it is a manufacturing, cultural, and tourist center. Population, 181,304. 也作 Freiburg im Breis.gau [ĭm brīsʹgou'] 弗赖堡:德国西南部一城市,邻近莱茵河,位于黑林山边缘地带。建立于1120年,是制造业、文化及旅游中心。人口181,304〔Kolding〕A city of south-central Denmark on the eastern coast of Jutland. Founded in the tenth century, it is a port and tourist center. Population, 56,519.科灵:丹麦中南部一城市,位于日德兰半岛的东海岸。建立于10世纪,现在是一港口和旅游中心。人口56,519〔Papeete〕The capital of the overseas territory of French Polynesia, a port on the northwest coast of Tahiti in the Society Islands of the southern Pacific Ocean. It is a commercial and tourist center. Population, 23,496.帕皮提:法属波利尼西亚海的领地的首都,南太平洋社会群岛塔希提岛西北海岸的一个港口。是商业和旅游中心。人口23,496〔Fiesole〕A town of central Italy. It is primarily a tourist center, with villas and gardens on a hill overlooking the Arno River and the city of Florence. Population, 14,774.菲耶索莱:位于意大利中部的一小镇。它主要是一个旅游中心,在一个能俯瞰阿姆河和佛罗伦萨城的小山上建有别墅和花园。人口14,774〔Bolzano〕A city of northern Italy near the Austrian border north-northwest of Venice. It is a tourist center and health resort noted for its Alpine scenery. Population, 104,606.波尔查诺:意大利北部的城市,靠近奥地利边境及威尼斯西北偏北。是旅游中心和游览胜地,因其阿尔卑斯山的名胜而闻名。人口104,606〔Vaduz〕The capital of Liechtenstein, in the western part of the country on the Rhine River. Destroyed during a conflict between Switzerland and the Holy Roman Empire (1499), it was rebuilt in the 1520's and is now a tourist center. Population, 4,927.瓦杜兹:列支敦士登首都,位于该国西部,莱茵河畔,在瑞士与神圣罗马帝国之间的一次冲突中(1499年)被毁,并于16世纪20年代重建,现在成为旅游中心。人口4,927〔Tarbes〕A city of southwest France near the Pyrenees west-southwest of Toulouse. It is an industrial, commercial, and tourist center. Population, 51,422.达尔布:法国西南部一城市,位于比利牛斯山脉附近,图卢兹西南偏西。它是一个工业、商贸和旅游中心。人口51,422〔Bastia〕A city of northeast Corsica, France, on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It is a commercial and tourist center. Population, 44,020.巴斯帝亚:位于第勒尼安海,法国科西嘉岛东北部的一港市,它是商业和旅游中心。人口44,020〔Konstanz〕A city of southwest Germany on the Lake of Constance south of Stuttgart. Thought to have been founded c.a.d. 300, it is a tourist center with varied industries. Population, 68,605. 康斯坦茨:德国西南一城市,位于康斯坦茨湖沿岸、斯图加特以南。人们认为该城建立于公元 300年,现为拥有多种工业的旅游中心。人口68,605 〔Sparks〕A city of western Nevada east of Reno. It is a tourist center with varied light industries. Population, 53,367.斯帕克斯:美国内华达州西部一城市,位于里诺市东部。它是该市的旅游中心,并有多种轻工业。人口53,367〔Nogales〕A city of southern Arizona south of Tucson on the Mexican border adjacent toNogales, Mexico. Both cities are ports of entry and tourist centers. Nogales, Arizona, has a population of 19,489; Nogales, Mexico, has 14,254 inhabitants. 诺加莱斯:美国亚利桑那州南部一城市,位于图森南部,与墨西哥的诺加莱斯 相邻的墨西哥边境。两城市都是河口港和旅游中心。亚利桑那州的诺加莱斯人口为19,489;墨西哥的诺加莱斯人口为14,254 〔Freeport〕A city of northwest Bahamas on Grand Bahama Island. It is a tourist center. Population, 25,000.弗里波特:巴哈马西北部一城市,位于大巴哈马岛上,是旅游中心。人口25,000〔Tijuana〕A city of extreme northwest Mexico on the U.S. border south of San Diego. It is a popular tourist center. Population, 429,500.提哇纳:墨西哥最西北的一个城市,临美国边境,位于圣地亚哥市以南。是一个热点旅游中心。人口429,500〔Miyazaki〕A city of southeast Kyushu, Japan, southeast of Kumamoto on an arm of the Pacific Ocean. It is an industrial and resort center. Population, 279,118.宫崎:日本九州岛东南的一座城市,位于熊本东南,太平洋的一个海湾上,是工业和旅游中心。人口279,118〔Cocoa〕A city of east-central Florida east-southeast of Orlando. It is a tourist center in a citrus-growing region. Population, 17,722.可可阿:美国奥尔兰多中东部的城市,在佛罗里达东南偏东。它是柑橘生长区域的旅游中心。人口17,722〔Ischia〕An island of southern Italy in the Tyrrhenian Sea at the entrance to the Bay of Naples. Known as "the Emerald Isle,” it is a tourist center and health resort noted for its warm mineral springs.伊斯基尔:意大利南部位于第勒尼安海的一个岛屿,在那不勒斯湾的入口。它被称为“绿宝石岛”,是一个旅游中心和疗养胜地,以其含矿质的温泉而闻名〔Barnstaple〕A municipal borough of southwest England onBarnstaple Bay, an inlet of the Bristol Channel. Incorporated in 1557, Barnstaple is a marketing town and tourist center. Population, 19,025. 巴恩斯特布:英国西南部一市政区,位于巴恩斯特布湾 ,是布里斯托尔海峡的入口。1557年被合并,巴恩斯特布是一个市场镇和旅游中心。人口19,025 〔Quebec〕Also Quebec City or Québec City The capital of Quebec, Canada, in the southern part of the province on the St. Lawrence River. Champlain established a colony in its Lower Town in 1608. British forces under General Wolfe defeated the French forces led by General Montcalm at the Plains of Abraham here in 1759. The city is today a popular tourist center. Population, 166,474. 也作 Quebec City 或 Québec City 魁北克市:加拿大魁北克省的首府,位于该省的南部、圣劳伦斯河畔。1608年,尚普兰在该城建立了一个殖民点。1759年,在这里的亚伯拉罕平原上,由伍尔夫将军率领的英国军队击败了由蒙卡尔姆将军率领的法国军队。这个城市现在是一个很受欢迎的旅游中心。人口166,474〔Assisi〕A town of central Italy east-southeast of Perugia. Saint Francis of Assisi was born here in 1182 and died here in 1226. The town is a religious and tourist center. Population, 19,000.阿西尼城:意大利中部佩鲁贾东南偏东一城镇。阿西尼的圣·弗朗西斯1182年生于此地,1226年卒于此。该城是一个宗教和旅游中心。人口19,000〔Qingdao〕A city of eastern China on the Yellow Sea north-northwest of Shanghai. It is a leading industrial and tourist center. Population, 1,250,000.青岛:中国东部一城市,位于黄海沿岸、上海西北偏北。它是一个处于领先地位的工业和旅游中心。人口1,250,000〔Nipigon〕A lake of southwest-central Ontario, Canada, north of Lake Superior. It is a popular resort center.尼皮贡湖:加拿大安大略西南中部的一个湖泊,位于苏必利尔湖北部,是很受欢迎的旅游中心〔Annecy〕A city of southern France in the Alps onLake Annecy east-northeast of Lyon. It is a popular resort and tourist center. Population, 49,965. 安纳西:法国南部一城市,位于里昂东北偏东安纳西湖 畔的阿尔卑斯山,是著名的风景区和旅游中心。人口49,965 〔Asheville〕A city of western North Carolina in the Blue Ridge west-northwest of Charlotte. A popular tourist center, it is the site of Thomas Wolfe's home and of Biltmore, a magnificent mansion with extensive parks and gardens built by George Washington Vanderbilt. Population, 61,607.阿什维尔:美国北卡罗来纳州西部的一座城市,位于夏洛特西北偏西的蓝桥,是一个大众化的旅游中心,托马斯·伍尔夫的和比尔特莫的故居,有着宽阔的公园与花园的豪华宅第,由乔治·华盛顿·范德比尔特所建。人口61,607〔Macao〕A region comprisingMacao Peninsula and two offshore islands in the South China Sea west of Hong Kong. A Portuguese trading post was established here in 1557 and became a free port in 1849. It is now a tourist center. The region reverted to Chinese sovereignty in 1999. The city of Macao, coextensive with the peninsula, is the capital. Population, 350,000. 澳门:一地区,包括澳门半岛 和位于中国南海,香港西边的两个离岸岛屿。1557年葡萄牙在此设立贸易站,1849年澳门成为自由港。现为旅游中心。澳门于1999年回归中国。占据整个澳门半岛的 澳门城 是该地首府。人口350,000 〔Algeciras〕A city of southern Spain on theBay of Algeciras opposite Gibraltar. It is a port and tourist center. Population, 92,474. 阿尔赫西拉斯:西班牙南部一城市,位于直布罗陀海峡对面的阿尔赫西拉斯湾, 是港口及旅游中心。人口92,474 〔Galway〕A region of west-central Ireland bordering onGalway Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean. The city of Galway (population, 37,835) was incorporated in the late 14th century and is today an important industrial and tourist center. 戈尔韦:爱尔兰中西部的一个地区,濒临大西洋的入口戈尔韦湾 。 戈尔韦 城(人口37,835年)于14世纪末形成,现在是非常重要工业和旅游中心 〔Sorrento〕A town of southern Italy on theSorrento Peninsula, separating the Bay of Naples from the Gulf of Salerno. The city is a popular tourist center and summer resort. Population, 17,301. 索伦托:意大利南部的一个城镇,位于索伦托半岛 ,把那不勒斯湾与萨勒诺湾分开,该城是一个深受欢迎的旅游中心和避暑胜地。人口17,301 〔Ketchikan〕A city of southeast Alaska on an island in the Alexander Archipelago. A supply point for miners during the gold rush of the 1890's, it is now a major port and tourist center on the Inside Passage. Population, 7,198.克奇坎:美国阿拉斯加州东南部城市,位于亚历山大群岛中的一个岛上。在19世纪90年代的淘金热中是矿工的供给点,现在是内海航道的一个主要港口和旅游中心。人口7,198〔Memphis〕A city of southwest Tennessee on the Mississippi River near the Mississippi border. Established and named (1819) by Andrew Jackson on the site of a fort built in 1797, it was an important Union base after its capture by federal troops in 1862 during the Civil War. Memphis is today a major port and a tourist center famous for its associations with blues music. Population, 610,337.孟菲斯:美国田纳西州西南部一城市,位于密西西河边,接近密西西比州边界。由安德鲁·杰克逊于1797年在要塞的所在地建立起来,并给该城命名(1819年)。在内战期间于1862年被联邦军队占领后,就成了联邦的一个重要基地。今天,孟菲斯是一个主要港口,并成为以布希鲁斯音乐闻名的旅游中心。人口610,337〔Tampa〕A city of west-central Florida onTampa Bay, an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico. First visited by Spanish explorers in 1528, Tampa is a port of entry, a processing and shipping hub, and a tourist center. Population, 280,015. 坦帕:美国佛罗里达州中西部一城市,位于坦帕湾 畔,该湾是墨西哥湾的一个小海口。1528年西班牙探险家首先来到这个地方。坦帕现在是一个入境口岸、加工和船运枢纽,同时也是一个旅游中心。人口280,015 〔Apeldoorn〕A city of east-central Netherlands north of Arnhem. It is a popular tourist center. Population, 144,108.阿珀尔多伦:荷兰中东部的一座城市,位于阿纳姆以北。是一个深受欢迎的旅游中心。人口144,108〔Honolulu〕The capital and largest city of Hawaii, on the southeast coast of Oahu. Honolulu's harbor was first entered in 1794 by a British navigator. Settlement of the area began in 1816, and the city soon gained prominence as a whaling and sandalwood port. Today it is a major tourist center. Population, 365,272.檀香山,火奴鲁鲁:夏威夷首都和最大的城市,位于瓦胡岛东南沿海。1794年一个英国航海家首次进入火奴鲁鲁。1816年起开始有人定居,不久该城便成为著名的捕鲸和檀香木的港口。现今是一个重要的旅游中心。人口365,272〔Williamsburg〕A city of southeast Virginia northwest of Newport News. Settled c. 1632, it was the capital of Virginia from 1699 to 1779 but declined after the capital was moved to Richmond. In 1926 a large-scale restoration project, financed mainly by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was begun, in which some 700 modern buildings were removed, 83 colonial buildings were renovated, and more than 400 buildings were reconstructed on their original sites. The city is now a popular tourist center and the seat of William and Mary College (established 1693). Population, 11,530.威廉斯堡:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部一城市,位于纽波特纽斯西北方。1632年建立后,从1699到1779年是弗吉尼亚州的首府,但首府移至里士满后开始衰败。1926年主要由小约翰·D·洛克菲勒资助的大规模复兴计划开始实施,大约有700座现代建筑被迁移,83座殖民地时期的建筑被修复,400多座建筑在其原址上改建。这个城市现在是受人喜爱的旅游中心。威廉和玛丽大学(建于1693年)位于此城。人口11,530




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