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单词 旅行
释义 〔pedestrian〕A person traveling on foot; a walker.行人,步行的人:走着旅行的人;步行者〔trek〕Fans ofStar Trek and others may be interested to know that the wordtrek originally had to do with a slow journey by a very different mode of transportation, a wagon drawn by oxen. Trek was borrowed into English in South Africa, where the word was used by speakers of Afrikaans for a journey by ox wagon.The British, who at the turn of the century were to seize control of South Africa from the descendants of the original Dutch settlers,borrowed the wordtrek during the 19th century. Trek is recorded earliest in 1822 in the compound trektow, "a rope joining the wagon pole and the yoke to which oxen were fastened.”Trek in this compound is either the noun or the stem of the corresponding verb in Afrikaans, trekken. The earliest recorded use of the noun by itself is found in 1849,where it means "a stage in a journey by ox wagon.”The word has long since migrated from South African into general English—and into space travel.电影星际旅行 的影迷们和其他人可能很有趣知道: trek 这个词原来与一种非常与众不同的运输方式,即用牛拉马车所进行的一种很慢的旅行有关。 Trek 这个词在南非被借入英语, 在南非讲南非荷兰语的人用来指用牛车所进行的旅行。英国人在19世纪和20世纪之交从荷兰拓居者的后裔那里夺取了对南非的控制权,他们在19世纪借用了trek 这个词。 Trek 的最早记录在1822年出现于复合词 trektow 中, 其意指“连接车辕和系牛车轭的绳子”。Trek 在这个复合词中既作名词又作为其在南非荷兰语的对应动词 trekken 的词干。 这个词最早作为名词使用的记载是在1849年,那时这个词的意思是“一段用牛车进行的旅程”。这个词很早就从南非迁移到了一般的英语中,并且进入了星际旅行之中〔anxiety〕For some people, air travel is a real anxiety.对一些人来说,飞机旅行是真正使他们焦虑的〔round〕To go from place to place, as on business or for entertainment:巡回:从一地到另一地,如巡回出差或旅行〔gaberdine〕perhaps from Middle High German wallevart [pilgrimage] 可能源自 中古高地德语 wallevart [旅行,漫游] 〔gang〕Old Norse gangr [journey, group] 古斯堪的纳维亚语 gangr [旅行,团体] 〔hostel〕To stay at hostels while traveling.留宿于招待所:旅行时住在招待所内〔swing〕A course or tour that returns to the starting point:环程:折回原地的路线或旅行〔road〕On tour, as a theatrical company.如一剧团公司旅行〔safari〕An overland expedition, especially one for hunting or exploring in eastern Africa.探险:横穿大陆的旅行,尤指在东非为狩猎或探险而进行的旅行〔accepted〕"an aura of dismal monotony, an accepted tedium of both journey and season"(John Fowles)“旅行和季节都充满了乏味单调的气氛以及大家公认的烦闷”(约翰·福尔斯)〔Verne〕French writer who is considered the founder of modern science fiction. His novels includeJourney to the Center of the Earth (1864) and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873). 凡尔纳,朱尔斯:(1828-1905) 法国作家,被认为是现代科幻小说的奠基人。他的小说包括有《到地球中心的旅行》 (1864年)和 《八十天环游地球》 (1873年) 〔cab〕To ride or travel in a taxicab:搭计程车或乘出租车旅行〔sneak〕"Raisa Gorbachev snuck away yesterday afternoon for a 65-minute helter-skelter tour of San Francisco" (San Francisco Chronicle). “赖沙·戈尔巴乔夫昨天下午悄悄地溜了出去,在旧金山做了一次六十五分钟的仓促旅行” (《旧金山年纪》)。 〔viatic〕Of or relating to traveling, a road, or a way.旅行的,道路的:旅行的、道路的或路途的,与此相关的〔travel〕The act or process of traveling; movement or passage from one place to another.旅行旅行的动作或过程;从一个地方到另一个地方的运动或路程〔hayride〕A ride taken for amusement, usually by a group of people in the evening in a wagon or other vehicle piled with hay or straw.乘装有干草无蓬卡车夜游:常指一群人在夜间乘坐马车或其它装着干草或麦秸的车辆进行的娱乐性旅行〔Jidda〕A city of west-central Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea. Ruled by the Turks until 1916, Jidda has long been used as a port by Moslem pilgrims making the journey to Mecca. Population, 1,300,000.吉达:沙特阿拉伯中部偏西城市,位于红海沿岸。1916前一直受土耳其统治,吉达长期以来是穆斯林朝圣者通往麦加城的旅行港口。人口1,300,000〔commuter〕One that travels regularly from one place to another, as from suburb to city and back.通勤者:定期从一地到另一地旅行的人,如从郊区到城市并回来〔parlous〕a parlous journey on stormy seas.在风暴海洋上的一次危险的旅行〔itinerate〕from Latin iter itiner- [journey] * see itinerary 源自 拉丁语 iter itiner- [旅行] * 参见 itinerary〔expedition〕A journey undertaken by a group of people with a definite objective:旅行,考察:为特定目标而进行的团体旅行或考察:〔passage〕The right to travel as a passenger, especially on a ship:旅行:作为旅客旅行的权利,尤指在船上进行的旅行〔sail〕To start out on such a voyage or journey.启航:开始进行这种航行或旅行〔warfare〕fare [journey] from Old English faru from faran [to journey] * see fare fare [旅程] 源自 古英语 faru 源自 faran [旅行] * 参见 fare〔stump〕To traverse (a district) making political speeches:作政治演说:在(某地)作政治演说旅行〔bicycle〕To ride or travel on a bicycle.骑自行车,骑自行车旅行〔punt〕To go in a punt.乘方头或平底船旅行〔exodus〕hodos [way, journey] hodos [路,旅行] 〔get〕It is hard to get around without a car.没有汽车的旅行很艰难〔carsick〕Suffering from motion sickness caused by travel in a motor vehicle.晕车的:因乘坐机动车辆旅行而感觉恶心的〔abroad〕A foreign country or countries in which to live or travel:异国:居住或旅行在外国:〔odyssey〕An extended adventurous voyage or trip.冒险旅行:一次大范围的或冒险的旅行〔rucksack〕A knapsack.帆布背包:(旅行)用的背包〔honeymoon〕A holiday or trip taken by a newly married couple.蜜月假期,蜜月旅行:新婚夫妇的假期或旅行〔meander〕Often meanders A circuitous journey or excursion; ramble. 常作 meanders 漫步,闲逛:迂回的行程或旅行;漫步〔wayfaring〕farende [present participle of] faran [to go on a journey] * see per- 2farende faran的现在分词 [旅行] * 参见 per- 2〔trek〕To make a slow or arduous journey.缓慢:缓慢或艰难地旅行〔synchronize〕They synchronized their trip with the annual tulip festival.他们把旅行的时间定在每年一度的郁金香节〔emporium〕poros [journey] * see per- 2poros [旅行] * 参见 per- 2




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