单词 | 无意义 |
释义 | 〔absurd〕The condition or state in which human beings exist in a meaningless, irrational universe wherein people's lives have no purpose or meaning. Used chiefly withthe. 无价值,无意义:人类生存在一个无意义或非理性世界的情况或状态下,在那里人类的生活既无目的又无意义。主要与the 连用 〔empty〕Lacking purpose or substance; meaningless:空虚的:无目的的或无实质的;无意义的:〔pointless〕Lacking meaning; senseless.See Synonyms at meaningless 缺乏意义的;无意义的 参见 meaningless〔inanity〕Something empty of meaning or sense.无意义的事:没有意义或情理的事物〔hype〕"hyped the country up to a purposeless pitch"(Newsweek)“刺激这个国家到一个无意义的高度”(新闻周刊)〔waste〕dissipating their energies in pointless argument;在无意义的争论中消费精力;〔center〕According to traditional canons of usage,the verbcenter may be freely used with the prepositions on, upon, in, or at; but its use witharound is excoriated as "ungrammatical,” "illogical,” "geometrically senseless,” and "physically impossible.” But the fact that writers persist in using this phrase in sentencessuch asThe discussion centered around the need for curriculum revision (where traditionalists would require revolved around ) suggests a widespread perception that center around, for all its apparent illogicality,may sometimes represent the true nature of experience.Center may denote a variety of relations involving having, finding, or turning about a center, and the choice of a preposition depends on what is intended.There is reputable precedent for usagessuch asOur hope centered in the young sovereign; 根据传统用法,动词center 可以和介词 on,upon,in 或 at 自由连用; 但它和around 连用却被严厉指责为“不合语法”,“不合逻辑”,“几何上无意义”,“物理上不可能”。 然而事实上作家们坚持在句子里使用这个短语,比如讨论围绕修订工作的需求展开 (这里传统人士将用 rovolve around )表明 center around 揭示了一个普遍的认识, 即尽管它明显不合逻辑,有时也会代表经验的真正特性。Center 可以指示包括拥有,发现或围绕中心转动在内的多种关系, 介词的选择取决于具体意向。用法上有著名的先例,如我们的希望集中于年轻的帝王身上; 〔verbigeration〕Obsessive repetition of meaningless words and phrases, especially as a symptom of mental illness.言语重复症:过度地重复无意义的词或句子,尤指精神病的前兆〔illogical〕Without logic; senseless.无理的:缺少逻辑的;无意义的〔babble〕Inarticulate or meaningless talk or sounds.含糊不清的声音:口齿不清的或无意义的谈话、声音〔verbalism〕A wordy phrase or sentence that has little meaning.赘语:无意义的施沓冗长的短语或句子〔haze〕To persecute or harass with meaningless, difficult, or humiliating tasks.折磨:以无意义、困难或侮辱性的工作受迫害或折磨〔babble〕To utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds.说话含糊不清:发出一种无意义的混乱的词或声音〔jargon〕Nonsensical, incoherent, or meaningless talk.胡言乱语:信口胡说、不连贯或无意义的谈话〔nonsensical〕a nonsensical jumble of words.一堆无意义的杂乱的词语〔scat〕Jazz singing in which improvised, meaningless syllables are sung to a melody.无意义的狂喊乱叫:爵士乐唱法中即兴而作的无意义音节,为一曲调作伴唱〔vacuous〕Devoid of substance or meaning; inane:没有实质的或没有意义的;空洞的,无意义的:〔blivit〕Something annoying, superfluous, or pointless.恼人的、多余的或无意义的事〔inane〕Lacking sense or substance; empty:无意义或内容的;空洞的:〔flummery〕Meaningless or deceptive language; humbug.废话,蠢话:无意义或虚伪的话;胡说〔slaver〕Senseless and effusive talk; drivel.胡言乱语:无意义而滔滔不绝的话;胡扯〔vacuity〕Something, especially a remark, that is pointless or inane:无意义或愚蠢的东西(尤指讲话):〔nonsense〕a message that was nonsense until decoded.在破译之前无意义的消息〔meaningless〕Having no meaning or significance.无意义的,无价值的〔nothingness〕Something inconsequential or insignificant.无意义或无结果的事物〔nonsensical〕Lacking intelligible meaning:无意义的:缺乏明白的意义的:〔nothing〕Insignificant or worthless:无意义的,无价值的:〔jabber〕To talk rapidly, unintelligibly, or idly.急促、含混不清或无意义地讲话〔foolish〕Silly suggests lack of point or purpose: Silly 暗指无意义或无目的: 〔meaningless〕senseless violence.无意义的暴力。〔unprofitable〕Serving no useful purpose:无意义的:未为一个有用的目的服务的:〔gabble〕Rapid, incoherent, or meaningless speech.急促不清或无意义的话〔ditto〕Ditto, which at first glance seems a handy and insignificant sort of word, actually has a Roman past,for it comes fromdictus, "having been said,” the past participle of the verbdīcere, "to say.” In Italiandīcere became dire anddictus became detto, or in the Tuscan dialect ditto. Italiandetto or ditto meant what said does in English, as in the locution "the said story.”Thus in a construction such asDecember 22 the worddetto or ditto could be used by itself instead of the month nameat the next mention of a date in the same month, for example,26 detto. The first recorded use (1625) ofditto occurs in English in such a construction. The sense "copy" is an English development,first recorded in 1818. Ditto has even become a trademark for a duplicating machine,something that has not happened tosaid yet. Ditto 这个词第一眼看上去好象是一种方便的、无意义的词, 其实它出于过去的罗马,因为该词源自dictus “已说过的”, 是动词dicere “说”的过去分词。 在意大利语中,dicere 变成了 dire , 而dictus 变成了 detto 或托斯卡纳方言的 ditto。 意大利语中的detto 或 ditto 的意义相当于现在英语中的 said , 如惯用语"the said story"(该故事,上述故事)。因此在诸如这样的结构December 22 (12月22日)中, 当下面提及同一个月的某一天时,就可用detto 或 ditto 来代替月份, 例如,26 detto (12月26日)。 ditto 一词的最初有记录的用法(1625年)出现在英语的这种结构中。 “复制”这一词义是在英语中发展起来的,最早的记录在1818年, Ditto 甚至成了复印机的商标,而said 还没有 〔trite〕banal lyrics. 无意义的歌词 〔wander〕Gad suggests restless, pointless wandering: Gad 表示不停歇的、无意义的漫游: 〔inconsequent〕Having no importance or significance.无关紧要的或无意义的〔purposeless〕Lacking a purpose; meaningless or aimless.See Synonyms at meaningless 缺少目的的;无意义的或无目标的 参见 meaningless〔meaningless〕a verbose but meaningless explanation;冗长而无意义的解释;〔empty〕a blank expression.无意义的表达。〔foolish〕a silly argument;无意义的争论; |
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